291 research outputs found

    Fine-Scale Analysis Reveals Cryptic Landscape Genetic Structure in Desert Tortoises

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    Characterizing the effects of landscape features on genetic variation is essential for understanding how landscapes shape patterns of gene flow and spatial genetic structure of populations. Most landscape genetics studies have focused on patterns of gene flow at a regional scale. However, the genetic structure of populations at a local scale may be influenced by a unique suite of landscape variables that have little bearing on connectivity patterns observed at broader spatial scales. We investigated fine-scale spatial patterns of genetic variation and gene flow in relation to features of the landscape in desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), using 859 tortoises genotyped at 16 microsatellite loci with associated data on geographic location, sex, elevation, slope, and soil type, and spatial relationship to putative barriers (power lines, roads). We used spatially explicit and non-explicit Bayesian clustering algorithms to partition the sample into discrete clusters, and characterize the relationships between genetic distance and ecological variables to identify factors with the greatest influence on gene flow at a local scale. Desert tortoises exhibit weak genetic structure at a local scale, and we identified two subpopulations across the study area. Although genetic differentiation between the subpopulations was low, our landscape genetic analysis identified both natural (slope) and anthropogenic (roads) landscape variables that have significantly influenced gene flow within this local population. We show that desert tortoise movements at a local scale are influenced by features of the landscape, and that these features are different than those that influence gene flow at larger scales. Our findings are important for desert tortoise conservation and management, particularly in light of recent translocation efforts in the region. More generally, our results indicate that recent landscape changes can affect gene flow at a local scale and that their effects can be detected almost immediately

    Primera cita de Cloudina carinata Cortijo et al., 2010 en Sudamérica, Formación de Tamengo, Grupo de Corumbá, Brasil Brazil

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    It is herein presented the unprecedented occurrence of Cloudina carinata Cortijo et al., 2010 in the American continent. This new occurrence expanded the geographic distribution of this species, until now reported from sections in Spain and Siberia. The assembled biomineralizing metazoans Cloudina carinata, Cloudina lucianoi (Beurlen & Sommer, 1957) and Corumbella werneri Hahn et al., 1982 are presented for the first time from the Tamengo Formation, Corumbá Group, Porto Figueiras section, Corumbá Municipality, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. This new occurrence could be employed as an additional biostratigraphic tool for international correlation of the terminal Ediacaran, as well as for palaeobiogeographic and palaeoecologic reconstructions.Se documenta en este resumen la primera aparición de Cloudina carinata Cortijo et al., 2010 en el continente americano. Esta nueva aparición extiende la distribución geográfica de esta especie, hasta ahora restringida a España y Siberia. Se presenta por primera vez en la Formación de Tamengo (Corumbá, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil) la asociación de metazoos mineralizados compuesta por Cloudina carinata, Cloudina lucianoi (Beurlen & Sommer, 1957) y Corumbella werneri Hahn et al., 1982. Esta asociación podría ser útil como marcador bioestratigráfico en las correlaciones internacionales del Ediacárico terminal, así como para futuras reconstrucciones paleobiogeográficas y paleoecológicas

    Análisis paleontológicos a través límite Ediacárico-Cámbrico, Grupo Alto Corumbá, Brasil

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    This work presents the results of a palaeontological analysis focused on twenty-six species sampled in five sections of the Tamengo and Guaicurus formations, Corumbá and Ladário regions: Corcal and Laginha quarries, Porto Sobramil, Porto Figueiras and Ecoparque Cacimba. Besides, palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental inferences are presented based on the occurrence of this fossil assemblage. Cloudina carinata Cortijo et al., 2010, previously documented in Spain and Siberia, presents an unprecedented occurrence in the American continent, in siltstones of the Tamengo Formation at Porto Figueiras section, Municipality of Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The biota of the Tamengo Formation is updated and composed of three biomineralizing metazoans, including poriferan spicules, putative sponge gemmule, and a sessile epibiontic prokaryotic colony. The present work also deals with the taxonomy and stratigraphic distribution of four ichnospecies and three vendotaenid species that integrate the updated benthic fauna for the upper portion of Corumbá Group. The species diversity of the Tamengo Formation was complemented by the occurrence of sixteen microfossil species that possibly represent a marine planktic assemblage. A dramatic change was identified in the palaeoenvironmental conditions of the Tamengo to Guaicurus formations, followed by a mass extinction event, possibly linked to the global Ediacaran- Cambrian mass extinction. In addition, organic-walled microfossils were prepared and analyzed from sections of three countries: nine species from the Nomtsas Formation, Namibia; four species from the Tagatiya Guazu Formation, Paraguay; and six species from the Dengying Formation, China. An international biostratigraphic essay consisting of six biozones is proposed for the uppermost Ediacaran and one biozone for the earliest Cambrian.Se presenta en este trabajo el análisis paleontológico de 26 especies fósiles muestradas en cinco cortes de las Formaciones de Tamengo y Guaicurus en las regines de Corumbá y Ladário: canteras de Corcal y Laginha, Porto Sobramil, Porto Figueiras y Ecoparque Cacimba. Además, se añaden varias interpretaciones paleoecológicas y ambientales, basadas en el registro fósil. Cloudina carinata Cortijo et al., 2010, previamente citada en España y Siberia, aparece por primera vez en el continente Americano, concretamente en limolitas de la Formación Tamengo en el corte de Porto Figueiras, Corumbá, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. La biota de la Formación Tamengo incluye tres metazoos mineralizados, que incluyen espículas de poríferos, posibles gémulas de esponjas y una colonia sésil de procaiotas epibentónicos. Este trabajo se centra en la taxonomía y distribución estratigráfica de cuatro icnoespecies y tres especies de vendoténidos que forman la fauna bentónica de la parte superior del Grupo de Corumbá. La biodiversidad de la Formación Tamengo ha sido completada con el registro de 16 especies microfósiles que representan posiblemente una asociación plantónica marina. Se ha identificado un cambio drástico en las condiciones ambientales de las Formaciones Tamengo y Guaicurus, que culminan en un evento de extincinón masiva posiblemente relacionado con la extincición en masa que marca el tránsito global Ediácarico- Cámbrico. Por otro lado, se han extraído microfósiles de pared orgánica de varios afloramientos: nueve especies de la Formación de Nomtsas (Namibia), cuatro de la Formación Tagatiya Guazu (Paraguay) y seis de la Formación Dengying (China). Se propone un marco bioestratigráfico para el Ediacárico terminal que incluye seis biozonas y una biozona para el Cámbrico basal

    Coupled Growth and Division of Model Protocell Membranes

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    The generation of synthetic forms of cellular life requires solutions to the problem of how biological processes such as cyclic growth and division could emerge from purely physical and chemical systems. Small unilamellar fatty acid vesicles grow when fed with fatty acid micelles and can be forced to divide by extrusion, but this artificial division process results in significant loss of protocell contents during each division cycle. Here we describe a simple and efficient pathway for model protocell membrane growth and division. The growth of large multilamellar fatty acid vesicles fed with fatty acid micelles, in a solution where solute permeation across the membranes is slow, results in the transformation of initially spherical vesicles into long thread-like vesicles, a process driven by the transient imbalance between surface area and volume growth. Modest shear forces are then sufficient to cause the thread-like vesicles to divide into multiple daughter vesicles without loss of internal contents. In an environment of gentle shear, protocell growth and division are thus coupled processes. We show that model protocells can proceed through multiple cycles of reproduction. Encapsulated RNA molecules, representing a primitive genome, are distributed to the daughter vesicles. Our observations bring us closer to the laboratory synthesis of a complete protocell consisting of a self-replicating genome and a self-replicating membrane compartment. In addition, the robustness and simplicity of this pathway suggests that similar processes might have occurred under the prebiotic conditions of the early Earth.Exobiology Program (U.S.) (Grant EXB02- 0031-0018)United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Exobiology Program) (Grant EXB02-0031-0018)Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Investigator

    Does contrast echocardiography induce increases in markers of myocardial necrosis, inflammation and oxidative stress suggesting myocardial injury?

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    BACKGROUND: Contrast echocardiography is a precise tool for the non-invasive assessment of myocardial function and perfusion. Side effects of contrast echocardiography resulting from contrast-agent induced myocardial micro-lesions have been found in animals. The goal of this study is to measure markers of myocardial necrosis, inflammation and oxidative stress in humans to evaluate potential side-effects of contrast echocardiography. METHODS: 20 patients who underwent contrast echocardiography with Optison as the contrast medium were investigated. To evaluate myocardial micro-necrosis, inflammation and oxidative stress, cardiac troponin I (cTnI), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-6, -8 and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were measured at baseline and at 2, 4, 8 and 24 hours after contrast echocardiography. RESULTS: At baseline, 50% of the patients had cTnI and TBARS values outside the reference range. TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8 levels were within the reference range. Patients with cTnI above the RR clustered to significantly higher levels of TNF-α and IL-6. After contrast echocardiography, no statistically significant increase of cTnI, cytokines and TBARS was found. However, for nearly 50% of the patients, the intra-individual cTnI kinetics crossed the critical difference (threefold of methodical variation) which indicates a marker increase. This was neither predicted by the baseline levels of the cytokines nor the markers of oxidative stress. CONCLUSION: There are no clinically relevant increases in serum markers for micro-necrosis, inflammation and oxidative stress in humans after contrast echocardiography. Future studies have to address whether cTnI increase in some patients represent a subset with increased risk for side effects after contrast echocardiography

    Broad targeting of resistance to apoptosis in cancer

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    Apoptosis or programmed cell death is natural way of removing aged cells from the body. Most of the anti-cancer therapies trigger apoptosis induction and related cell death networks to eliminate malignant cells. However, in cancer, de-regulated apoptotic signaling, particularly the activation of an anti-apoptotic systems, allows cancer cells to escape this program leading to uncontrolled proliferation resulting in tumor survival, therapeutic resistance and recurrence of cancer. This resistance is a complicated phenomenon that emanates from the interactions of various molecules and signaling pathways. In this comprehensive review we discuss the various factors contributing to apoptosis resistance in cancers. The key resistance targets that are discussed include (1) Bcl-2 and Mcl-1 proteins; (2) autophagy processes; (3) necrosis and necroptosis; (4) heat shock protein signaling; (5) the proteasome pathway; (6) epigenetic mechanisms; and (7) aberrant nuclear export signaling. The shortcomings of current therapeutic modalities are highlighted and a broad spectrum strategy using approaches including (a) gossypol; (b) epigallocatechin-3-gallate; (c) UMI-77 (d) triptolide and (e) selinexor that can be used to overcome cell death resistance is presented. This review provides a roadmap for the design of successful anti-cancer strategies that overcome resistance to apoptosis for better therapeutic outcome in patients with cancer

    Effect of risk status for severe COVID-19 on individual contact behaviour during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 2020/2021-an analysis based on the German COVIMOD study.

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    BACKGROUND: One of the primary aims of contact restriction measures during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has been to protect people at increased risk of severe disease from the virus. Knowledge about the uptake of contact restriction measures in this group is critical for public health decision-making. We analysed data from the German contact survey COVIMOD to assess differences in contact patterns based on risk status, and compared this to pre-pandemic data to establish whether there was a differential response to contact reduction measures. METHODS: We quantified differences in contact patterns according to risk status by fitting a generalised linear model accounting for within-participant clustering to contact data from 31 COVIMOD survey waves (April 2020-December 2021), and estimated the population-averaged ratio of mean contacts of persons with high risk for a severe COVID-19 outcome due to age or underlying health conditions, to those without. We then compared the results to pre-pandemic data from the contact surveys HaBIDS and POLYMOD. RESULTS: Averaged across all analysed waves, COVIMOD participants reported a mean of 3.21 (95% confidence interval (95%CI) 3.14,3.28) daily contacts (truncated at 100), compared to 18.10 (95%CI 17.12,19.06) in POLYMOD and 28.27 (95%CI 26.49,30.15) in HaBIDS. After adjusting for confounders, COVIMOD participants aged 65 or above had 0.83 times (95%CI 0.79,0.87) the number of contacts as younger age groups. In POLYMOD, this ratio was 0.36 (95%CI 0.30,0.43). There was no clear difference in contact patterns due to increased risk from underlying health conditions in either HaBIDS or COVIMOD. We also found that persons in COVIMOD at high risk due to old age increased their non-household contacts less than those not at such risk after strict restriction measures were lifted. CONCLUSIONS: Over the course of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, there was a general reduction in contact numbers in the German population and also a differential response to contact restriction measures based on risk status for severe COVID-19. This differential response needs to be taken into account for parametrisations of mathematical models in a pandemic setting

    Impact of monopolar radiofrequency energy on subchondral bone viability

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of monopolar radiofrequency energy treatment on subchondral bone viability. The femoral grooves of six chinchilla bastard rabbits were exposed bilaterally to monopolar radiofrequency energy for 2, 4 and 8 s, creating a total of 36 defects. An intravital fluorescence bone-labeling technique characterized the process of subchondral bone mineralization within the 3 months following exposure to radiofrequency energy and was analyzed by widefield epifluorescence optical sectioning microscopy using an ApoTome. After 2 s of radiofrequency energy exposure, regular fluorescence staining of the subchondral bone was evident in all samples when compared to untreated areas. The depth of osteonecrosis after 4 and 8 s of radiofrequency energy treatment averaged 126 and 942 µm at 22 days (P < .05; P < .01). The 4 s treatment group showed no osteonecrosis after 44 days whereas the depth of osteonecrosis extended from 519 µm at 44 days (P < .01), to 281 µm at 66 days (P < .01) and to 133 µm at 88 days (P < .05) after 8 s of radiofrequency energy application. Though radiofrequency energy may induce transient osteonecrosis in the superficial zone of the subchondral bone, the results of this study suggest that post-arthroscopic osteonecrosis appears to be of only modest risk given the current clinical application in humans