231 research outputs found

    Sea Ice Versus Storms: What Controls Sea Salt in Arctic Ice Cores?

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    The sea ice surface is thought to be a major source of sea salt aerosol, suggesting that sodium records of polar ice cores may trace past sea ice extent. Here we test this possibility for the Arctic, using a chemical transport model to simulate aerosol emission, transport and deposition in the satellite era. Our simulations suggest that sodium records from inland Greenland ice cores are strongly influenced by the impact of meteorology on aerosol transport and deposition. In contrast, sodium in coastal Arctic cores is predominantly sourced from the sea ice surface and the strength of these aerosol emissions controls the ice core sodium variability. Such ice cores may therefore record decadal to centennial scale Holocene sea ice changes. However, any relationship between ice core sodium and sea ice change may depend on how sea ice seasonality impacts sea salt emissions. Field-based observations are urgently required to constrain this.European Union Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (658120, SEADOG) awarded to RHR. EWW acknowledges support from the Royal Society (RP 120096) XY acknowledges funding from NERC (NE/J023051/1)

    Synoptic-scale controls on the δ18O in precipitation across Beringia

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    Oxygen isotope records of precipitation (δ18Oprecip) from Beringia are thought to reflect synoptic-scale circulation changes associated with the Aleutian Low. To delineate the spatial pattern of δ18Oprecip associated with the two dominant modes of Aleutian Low circulation, we combine modern δ18Oprecip and deuterium excess data with climate reanalysis and back-trajectory modelling. Aleutian Low strength and position are revealed to systematically affect regional moisture source and δ18Oprecip; whereby a strengthened Aleutian Low causes lower (higher) δ18Oprecip in western (eastern) Beringia. We compare a new 100-year-long δ18O record from the Aleutian Islands with the North Pacific Index, the primary indicator of Aleutian Low strength, and find a significant positive relationship (r = 0.43, p < 0.02, n = 28) that tracks late 20th century change. This study demonstrates synoptic-scale circulation controls on our isotope record, and provides a coherent framework for interpreting existing and emerging paleo-isotope data from the region

    Mapping the aerosol over Eurasia from the Zotino Tall Tower

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    The present study covers more than 5 yr corresponding to more than 40 000 hours of particle and gas data measured at the Siberian tall tower Zotino Tall Tower (ZOTTO) (60.8%26deg%3BN; 89.35%26deg%3BE). Extrapolated along 10-d back trajectories, the ZOTTO measurements cover large parts of the Eurasian land mass. Mapping the extrapolated ZOTTO data points to major anthropogenic source regions and Siberian fire regions, consistent with emission data for CO and vegetation fires. Middle East mid-latitude sources stand out strongly and possibly emissions from Northern China may be seen at times from ZOTTO. The maps of measured light scattering and absorption characteristics support the interpretation of different source types. Three clusters of substantially different submicrometer particle size distributions were found, the maps of which also could be related to major aerosol source regions

    Western Pacific atmospheric nutrient deposition fluxes, their impact on surface ocean productivity

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    The atmospheric deposition of both macronutrients and micronutrients plays an important role in driving primary productivity, particularly in the low-latitude ocean. We report aerosol major ion measurements for five ship-based sampling campaigns in the western Pacific from similar to 25 degrees N to 20 degrees S and compare the results with those from Atlantic meridional transects (similar to 50 degrees N to 50 degrees S) with aerosols collected and analyzed in the same laboratory, allowing full incomparability. We discuss sources of the main nutrient species (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and iron (Fe)) in the aerosols and their stoichiometry. Striking north-south gradients are evident over both basins with the Northern Hemisphere more impacted by terrestrial dust sources and anthropogenic emissions and the North Atlantic apparently more impacted than the North Pacific. We estimate the atmospheric supply rates of these nutrients and the potential impact of the atmospheric deposition on the tropical western Pacific. Our results suggest that the atmospheric deposition is P deficient relative to the needs of the resident phytoplankton. These findings suggest that atmospheric supply of N, Fe, and P increases primary productivity utilizing some of the residual excess phosphorus (P*) in the surface waters to compensate for aerosol P deficiency. Regional primary productivity is further enhanced via the stimulation of nitrogen fixation fuelled by the residual atmospheric iron and P*. Our stoichiometric calculations reveal that a P* of 0.1 mu mol L-1 can offset the P deficiency in atmospheric supply for many months. This study suggests that atmospheric deposition may sustain similar to 10% of primary production in both the western tropical Pacific

    Airborne Microalgae: Insights, Opportunities and Challenges

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    Airborne dispersal of microalgae has largely been a blind spot in environmental biological studies because of their low concentration in the atmosphere and the technical limitations in investigating microalgae from air samples. Recent studies show that airborne microalgae can survive air transportation and interact with the environment and possibly influence their deposition rates. This minireview presents a summary of these studies and traces the possible route, step-by-step, from established ecosystems to new habitats through air transportation over a variety of geographic scales. Emission, transportation, deposition and adaptation to atmospheric stress are discussed, as well as the consequences of their dispersal on health and environment, and the state-of-the-art techniques to detect and model airborne microalgae dispersal. More detailed studies on microalgae atmospheric-cycle, including for instance ice nucleation activity and transport simulations, are crucial for improving our understanding of microalgae ecology, identifying their interactions with the environment and preventing unwanted sanitary events or invasions

    Insights Into the Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron, Nitrate, and Phosphate Across a 5,300 km South Pacific Zonal Section (153°E–150°W)

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    Iron, phosphate and nitrate are essential nutrients for phytoplankton growth and hence their supply into the surface ocean controls oceanic primary production. Here, we present a GEOTRACES zonal section (GP13; 30-33oS, 153oE-150oW) extending eastwards from Australia to the oligotrophic South Pacific Ocean gyre outlining the concentrations of these key nutrients. Surface dissolved iron concentrations are elevated at >0.4 nmol L-1 near continental Australia (west of 165°E) and decreased eastward to ≤0.2 nmol L-1 (170oW-150oW). The supply of dissolved iron into the upper ocean (<100m) from the atmosphere and vertical diffusivity averaged 11 ±10 nmol m-2 d-1. In the remote South Pacific Ocean (170oW-150oW) atmospherically sourced iron is a significant contributor to the surface dissolved iron pool with average supply contribution of 23 ± 17% (range 3% to 55%). Surface-water nitrate concentrations averaged 5 ±4 nmol L-1 between 170oW and 150oW whilst surface-water phosphate concentrations averaged 58 ±30 nmol L-1. The supply of nitrogen into the upper ocean is primarily from deeper waters (24-1647 μmol m-2 d-1) with atmospheric deposition and nitrogen fixation contributing <1% to the overall flux, in remote South Pacific waters. The deep water N:P ratio averaged 16 ±3 but declined to <1 above the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) indicating a high N:P assimilation ratio by phytoplankton leading to almost quantitative removal of nitrate. The supply stoichiometry for iron and nitrogen relative to phosphate at and above the DCM declines eastward leading to two biogeographical provinces: one with diazotroph production and the other without diazotroph production