7 research outputs found
Equal Value: An Alternative Approach
- Author
- Acker J.
- Cadieux R.
- Canadian Human Rights Commission
- Colling T.
- Coutts J.
- Dickens L.
- Ellis-Grunfeld R.
- Equal Opportunities Commission
- Gibb-Clark M.
- Government
- Gregory J.
- Kelly J.G.
- Leonard A.
- Lewick R.J.
- Lodge D.
- Lord Denning
- Manitoba Civil Service Commission
- Susan M.
- Susan M. Skipton
- The
- The Pay Equity Bureau
- The Pay Equity Commission
- The Pay Equity Commission
- Turner D.
- Woodwark J.
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Orientations to Paid Maternity Leave: Understanding the Australian Debate
- Author
- Apps P
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Baird M
- Baird M
- Baird M
- Bramble T
- Charlesworth S
- Costello P
- Equal Opportunity in the Workplace Agency
- Eveline J
- Goward P
- Hewlett SA
- Kirk A
- Lake M
- MacDermott T
- Marian Baird
- Nolan T
- NPEC National Pay Equity Coalition
- Oliver D
- Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia
- Pocock B
- Wisensale SK
- Women’s Electoral Lobby
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Braverman H.
- Cannon L. Weber.
- Cannon L. Weber.
- Chodorow N.
- Coleman R. P.
- Dill B. Thorton
- Ehrenreich B.
- Harkess S.
- Herman J.
- Hertz R.
- Higginbotham E.
- Miller D.
- National Committee on Pay Equity.
- Poulantzas N.
- Reskin B. F.
- Roberts H.
- Ryan J.
- U.S. Bureau of the Census.
- Vanneman R.
- Wilson W. J.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Social Movement Insiders: The Impact of Institutional Activists on Affirmative Action and Comparable Worth Policies
- Author
- Acker
- Blum
- Browning
- Bureau of National Affairs
- Burstein
- Button
- Carmines
- Center for the American Woman and Politics
- Center for the American Woman and Politics
- Costain
- Council of State Governments
- Darcy
- Darcy
- Eisenstein
- Evans
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Gail M. McGuire
- Gamson
- Gelb
- Grimshaw
- Hanushek
- Hartmann
- Hill
- Jenkins
- Joint Center for Political Studies
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Judge
- Kranjc
- McAdam
- McCann
- National Committee on Pay Equity
- Nay
- Nice
- Piven
- Rich
- Rupp
- Saint-Germain
- Sandoval
- Santoro
- Smith
- Sonenshein
- Sorensen
- Tate
- Tilly
- Wayne A. Santoro
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Women's Work In Regional Labour Markets: Spatial Versus Industry Differences
- Author
- Bacchi C.
- Beilin R.
- Bellamy P.
- Borland J.
- Burton C.
- Career Path Project
- Cox E.
- Crozier-Durham M.
- Davies A.
- Dawson W.
- Dear M.
- Department of Employment Education and Training
- Department of Employment Workplace Relations and Small Business
- Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
- Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
- Department of Transport and Regional Services
- Eisenstein H.
- Franzway S.
- Fujii R.
- Game A.
- Gatfield R.
- Giles P.
- Goadby S.
- House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
- Hunter R.
- Junor A.
- Lee J.
- Lewis A.
- Markey R.
- Massey D.
- Massey D.
- Mumford K.
- National Labour Consultative Council
- NSW Pay Equity Taskforce
- O'Connor K.
- O'Donnell C.
- O'Riordan B.
- Peck J.
- People Together Project
- Poiner G.
- Powell R.
- Poynton K.
- Probert B.
- Probert B.
- Riley M.
- Rimmer R.
- Roffey B.
- Romeyn J.
- Ronalds C.
- Ryan E.
- Sawer M.
- Scutt J.
- Sharp R.
- Stimson R.
- Strachan G.
- Strachan G.
- Thornton M.
- Walsh B.
- Watson S.
- Watts M.
- Women and Geography Study Group
- Women's Bureau
- Women's Bureau
- Women's Bureau
- Ziller A.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Abraham
- Adams
- Adams
- Adams
- Adams
- Agbayani-Siewart
- Alba
- Aldrich
- Aldrich
- Aldrich
- Aldrich
- Aldrich
- Aldrich
- Aldrich
- Aldrich
- Alvarez
- Ammerman
- Andezian
- Anthony
- Ardebili
- Ardner
- Ardner
- Ardner
- Averitt
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bakal
- Baker
- Balkin
- Balkin
- Balkin
- Baltzell
- Balvanz
- Barkan
- Barkan
- Barkan
- Barnard
- Barth
- Basch
- Basch
- Basu
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bates
- Bauman
- Bechofer
- Becker
- Becker
- Becker
- Becker
- Becker
- Becker
- Becker
- Becker
- Bell
- Bell
- Bellah
- Benedict
- Berger
- Berger
- Besson
- Beverly
- Beverly
- Bian
- Biggart
- Blackshire-Belay
- Blaschke
- Blau
- Blauner
- Blumberg
- Blumberg
- Blumberg
- Blumberg
- Bodnar
- Bodnar
- Bodnar
- Bodnar
- Bodnar
- Bodnar
- Bodnar
- Bodnar
- Bodnar
- Bodnar
- Boissevain
- Bokemeier
- Bokemeier
- Bokemeier
- Bolkosky
- Bonacich
- Bonacich
- Bonacich
- Bonacich
- Bonacich
- Bonacich
- Bonacich
- Bonacich
- Bonacich
- Bond
- Bond
- Bonnet
- Borjas
- Borjas
- Borjas
- Borocz
- Bororgmehr
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Bozorgmehr
- Bozorgmehr
- Bozorgmehr
- Bozorgmehr
- Bradbury
- Bradbury
- Bradford
- Bregger
- Breton
- Breton
- Brettell
- Brown
- Brown Lipitz
- Browne
- Bruederl
- Buist
- Bukowczyk
- Burghardt DuBois
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Calavita
- Calomiris
- Campbell
- Campen
- Campen
- Caplan
- Caplow
- Cardenas
- Carson
- Carson
- Caskey
- Castles
- Castles
- Celas
- Chai
- Chan
- Chen
- Cheng
- Cheng
- Chiswick
- Chiswick
- Chiswick
- Chiswick
- Chow
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Cobas
- Cobas
- Cobas
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Collins
- Collins
- Collins
- Collins
- Collins
- Collins
- Collins
- Cornell
- Cornell
- Counts
- Cruse
- Cummings
- Dallalfar
- Dallalfar
- Dallalfar
- De Lourdes Villar
- Delgado
- Delgado
- Delgado
- Delgado
- Deng
- Der-Martirosian
- Desbarats
- Di Leonardo
- DiMaggio
- Donald Cohon
- Donato
- Douglas
- Drake
- Drake
- Drake
- Drake
- Drake
- Drake
- Draw
- Dumenil
- Dumenil
- Edgcomb
- Engstrom
- Espiritu
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Fabowle
- Fairlie
- Farber
- Farkas
- Farkas
- Fauset
- Fawcett
- Fawcett
- Feige
- Fenn
- Fernandez
- Fernandez
- Fernandez-Kelly
- Fernádez-Kelly
- Fernández-Kelly
- Fernández-Kelly
- Finnan
- Fishman
- Fix
- Foner
- Foner
- Foner
- Foner
- Fong
- Fong
- Fong
- Fordham
- Fratoe
- Fratoe
- Fratoe
- Fratoe
- Freeman
- Friedman
- Gabaccia
- Gabaccia
- Gabaccia
- Gabaccia
- Gabaccia
- Gabaccia
- Gabaccia
- Gans
- Gans
- Garcia
- Geertz
- Geertz
- Geertz
- George
- George
- George
- Gerth
- Gerth
- Gibson
- Gilbert
- Gilbertson
- Gilbertson
- Gilbertson
- Gjerde
- Glazer
- Glazer
- Glazer
- Glazer
- Glazer
- Glick-Schiller
- Glick-Schiller
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Goldberg
- Goldscheider
- Goldscheider
- Goldscheider
- Goldscheider
- Goldstein
- Golway
- Gordon
- Gorelick
- Gorelick
- Goren
- Goren
- Granovetter
- Granovetter
- Granovetter
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grasmuck
- Grasmuck
- Greeley
- Green
- Green
- Greene
- Grenier
- Grenier
- Grieco
- Gross
- Gross
- Grown
- Guarnizo
- Guarnizo
- Guarnizo
- Guerguil
- Guthrie
- Haber
- Hacker
- Hacker
- Hacker
- Hagedorn
- Hagedorn
- Hagendoorn
- Halle
- Haller
- Haller
- Handlin
- Hansen
- Hardwick
- Harrell
- Harris
- Hartmann
- Hassoun
- Haveman
- Haveman
- Hechter
- Hechter
- Hein
- Hepner
- Hepner
- Hess
- Hirschman
- Hirschman
- Hoffman
- Holzer
- Holzer
- Holzer
- Hondagneu-Sotelo
- Hondagneu-Sotelo
- Hondagneu-Sotelo
- Hondagneu-Sotelo
- Hondagneu-Sotelo
- Hondagneu-Sotelo
- Hondagneu-Sotelo
- Hondagneu-Sotelo
- Hondagneu-Sotelo
- Hong-Kingston
- Horowitz
- Horton
- Howe
- Howe
- Howe
- Howe
- Hudson
- Huuskonen
- Hwang
- Hye-Kyung
- Ianni
- Immergluck
- Immergluck
- Immergluck
- Irving
- Jacobs
- Janet Chan
- Janet L.
- Jawanza
- Jensen
- Jensen
- Jiobu
- Jiobu
- Jiobu
- Jiobu
- Johanna
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Joselit
- Joselit
- Kang
- Kang
- Kanter
- Kantowicz
- Kantowicz
- Karni
- Kasinitz
- Kasinitz
- Kasinitz
- Kasinitz
- Kasinitz
- Kasinitz
- Kasinitz
- Kasinitz
- Katz
- Katz
- Katz
- Keeble
- Kempson
- Kempson
- Kessler
- Kessner
- Kibria
- Kibria
- Kibria
- Kibria
- Kibria
- Kibria
- Kieval
- Kim
- Kim
- Kim
- Kim
- Kim
- Kim
- Kim
- Kim
- Kim
- Kirschenman
- Kloosterman
- Knack
- Komter
- Kornblum
- Kornblum
- Kornblum
- Kornblum
- Kornblum
- Kosmin
- Kosmin
- Kraybill
- Kraybill
- Kraybill
- Kraybill
- Kraybill
- Kraybill
- Ladbury
- Laguerre
- Laguerre
- Lamont
- Lamont
- Lamont
- Lane
- Le Espiritu
- Leba
- Lee
- Leonard
- Lessinger
- Levenson
- Lever-Tracy
- Levitt
- Levitt
- Levitt
- Levitt
- Lewin-Epstein
- LeĂłn
- LeĂłn
- Leön
- Li
- Li
- Lichter
- Lieberson
- Lieberson
- Lieberson
- Lieberson
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Lipset
- Liu
- Logan
- Logan
- Logan
- Logan
- Lubin
- Luciuk
- Luo
- Luo
- Lyman
- Lyman
- Lyman
- Lyman
- Lyman
- Lyman
- Lyman
- Lyman
- Lyman
- Lynch
- Maas
- Magocsi
- Mahler
- Malmquist
- Mangelsdorf
- Mangiafico
- Manning
- Mar
- Mare
- Marger
- Marger
- Marger
- Marger
- Marger
- Markowitz
- Markowitz
- Markowitz
- Martinelli
- Marx
- Marx
- Massey
- Massey
- Mavratsas
- Mavratsas
- Maxim
- Mayer
- Mayhew
- McCrohan
- McKeever
- McMillan
- McWilliams
- Mennis
- Merton
- Merton
- Metcalf
- Milkman
- Milkman
- Milkman
- Milkman
- Milkman
- Milkman
- Miller
- Miller
- Millman
- Millman
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Min
- Mitchell
- Model
- Model
- Model
- Model
- Model
- Model
- Model
- Moen
- Moffitt
- Moody
- Moore
- Moore
- Morawska
- Morawska
- Morawska
- Morawska
- Moser
- Moss
- Moss
- Munnell
- Murray
- Myers
- Naficy
- Nafziger
- Nagel
- National Committee on Pay Equity
- National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO)
- National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO)
- National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO)
- National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO)
- National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO)
- National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO)
- National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO)
- National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO)
- Nee
- Nee
- Nielsen
- Nonini
- O'Kane
- Okada
- Oliver
- Oliver
- Oliver
- Oliver
- Ong
- Ong
- Ong
- Ong
- Ong
- Orlando
- Osofsky
- Ostrander
- Ostrom
- Ostrower
- Ostrower
- Oxfeld
- Oxfeld
- Oxfeld
- Oxfeld
- Padilla
- Pamuk
- Panayiotopoulos
- Panayiotopoulos
- Param
- Park
- Park
- Park
- Parker
- Parkin
- Parlin
- Parsons
- Parzen
- Patricia Fernandez Kelly
- Patricia Fernández-Kelly
- Patterson
- Pedraza
- Pedraza
- Peltz
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Phillips
- Phizacklea
- Phizacklea
- Phizacklea
- Phizacklea
- Pierce
- Piore
- Podgursky
- Pohlmann
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
- Posner
- Powell
- Powers
- Puglielli
- Puley
- Pulley
- Putnam
- Pyong Gap Min
- Pyong Gap Min
- Pyong Gap Min
- Pyong-Gap
- Pyong-Gap
- PĂ©rez
- Raheim
- Raval
- Razin
- Razin
- Razin
- Razin
- Razin
- Razin
- Redding
- Reherg
- Reimers
- Reitz
- Reitz
- Reitz
- Reitz
- Reitz
- Reitz
- Reitz
- Renkiewicz
- Reuter
- Richard Hung
- Richburg
- Richtel
- Riemers
- Ritterband
- Ritterband
- Ritterband
- Ritterband
- Romney
- Roosens
- Rosenblatt
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubinson
- Rumbaut
- Rumbaut
- Rumbaut
- Rumbaut
- Rzepinski
- Sakamoto
- Salamon
- Salamon
- Salamon
- Sanchez-Jankowski
- Sanchez-Jankowski
- Sanders
- Sanders
- Sanders
- Sanders
- Sanders
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Schatzberg
- Schneider
- Schneiderman
- Schneiderman
- Scott
- Scott
- Scully
- Sengstock
- Sengstock
- Sengstock
- Sengstock
- Servon
- Servon
- Severens
- Sherraden
- Sheth
- Shlay
- Shuster
- Shuster
- Sibley
- Sidel
- Simmons
- Simon
- Simon
- Smelser
- Smith
- Smith
- Solomon
- Sombart
- Sombart
- Sombart
- Song
- Song
- Song
- Song
- Song
- Song
- Southern California Writers' Program
- Sowell
- Sowell
- Sowell
- Soysal
- Squires
- Squires
- Stacey
- Steinmetz
- Stepick
- Stepick
- Stepick
- Stepick
- Stepick
- Stepick
- Stepick
- Sterling
- Stipanovich
- Stites
- Stites
- Stolarik
- Sullivan
- Sullivan
- Suttles
- Suárez-Orozco
- Swatez
- Swidler
- Swidler
- Swidler
- Synghal
- Szelenyi
- Takaki
- Takaki
- Takaki
- Takaki
- Taub
- Tenenbaum
- Tenenbaum
- Tenenbaum
- Tenenbaum
- Tenenbaum
- Tenenbaum
- Tenenbaum
- Tenenbaum
- Theodore L.
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thuno
- Tilly
- Tilly
- Tobin
- Tolbert
- Tran
- Trump
- Tseng
- Tseng
- Tseng
- Tuchman
- Turner
- U. S. Bureau of the Census
- U. S. Bureau of the Census
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census
- U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
- U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy
- U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy
- U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy
- U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy
- Valentine
- Valentine
- Vargas
- Vigil
- Vélez-Ibañez
- Vélez-Ibañez
- Vélez-Ibañez
- Vélez-Ibañez
- Vélez-Ibañez
- Wacquant
- Walbridge
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Waldinger
- Walton
- Wanyama
- Ward
- Ward
- Warner
- Washington
- Waters
- Waters
- Waters
- Waters
- Weber
- Weber
- Weber
- Weber
- Weber
- Weems
- Wei
- Weisser
- Weisser
- Weisser
- Wellman
- Wells
- Werbner
- Werbner
- Werbner
- Werbner
- Werthheimer
- Westermeyer
- Wheeler
- Whyte
- Wilensky
- Wilensky
- Wiley
- Wilke
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winter
- Wirth
- Wirth
- Witte
- Wolf
- Wolf
- Wolf
- Wolfe
- Wong
- Wong
- Wong
- Wong
- Wong
- Wong
- Wong
- Wong
- Woodard
- Woodard
- Woodard
- Woodson
- Woolcock
- Woolcock
- Wright
- Wrigley
- Yang
- Yang
- Yoo
- Yoo
- Yoon
- Yoon
- Yoon
- Yoon
- Yoon
- Young
- Young
- Yunus
- Yunus
- Yunus
- Yunus
- Yunus
- Zeitlin
- Zelizer
- Zenner
- Zenner
- Zenner
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zimmer
- Zunz
- Zunz
- Zunz
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
Annual Selected Bibliography
- Author
- Action
- Adarns Bert N
- Alba Richard D
- Albany
- Alegre Edilberto N
- Alvarez C.M.
- Ananth Jambur
- Anderson J .
- Anderson J.M.
- Aoki Elizabeth
- Applebee Arthur
- Arakaki Kobert Ken
- Aranas Q.
- Arax Mark
- Arax Mark
- Ascher Carol
- Asian American Advisory Committee
- Asian American Task Force on University Admissions.
- Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California. Ariti-Asiuii Violence Cause.sand Solutions. Los Angeles
- AsianlPacijk American Librarians
- Atkinson Donald R
- August Lynn Kao
- Azores Tania
- Bach Robert L
- Baker Keginald P
- Balaban John
- Banerian James
- Barry M. M.
- Bautista
- Belkin L.
- Bello Madge
- Bennett Beth
- Bentley J. Rdiqy.
- Biemiller L.
- Bigman Paul
- Blodgett Nancy
- Bodnar John
- Bolick O'Keefe
- Boswell
- Bouvier Leon F
- Bouvier Leon F
- Bowler Rosemarie
- Braun Kathryn L
- Brecher Jeremy
- Briggs Vernon M. Jr.
- Brown M.
- Buchignani
- Bureau of the Census.
- Burtenwood Neil
- Butler Anne M
- Cabezas Amado
- Caces Fe.
- Cain B.E.
- Calhoun Mary Atchity
- California Bureau of
- California Economic Development Corporation
- CaliJornici Los Angeles
- Cashmore E. Ellis.
- Cha
- Chaiprakorb Viparwan
- Chan Sucheng
- Chandrasekhar S.
- Chang
- Chang Iioy Len
- Chang Weining C
- Chen Mei-Mei
- Chesney-Lind Meda
- Cheung King-Kok
- Chi Iris
- Chin Daryl
- Chin Frank
- Chin Marilyn
- Chin R.
- Chinen Joyce N
- Chinen Karleen
- Chinese Historical Society of Southei-n Califoi-nia. Los Angr 1o.s 'Iinulown
- Chinese Historical Society of`America
- Chock Eric
- Choi E.C.
- Chosh Katna
- Chow M.
- Choy Maria
- Chu Judy
- Chu Louis
- Chuang Hua
- Chung Hyo Jin
- Cohen K.D.
- Cohn Werner
- Collins Sheila D
- Community Mental Health Services
- Cook Chris Chi
- Cordasco Francesco
- Crusz Rienzi
- Cuddy Dennis Laurence
- Culley John H
- Daly Sharon
- Daniels Roger
- Danky P.
- Darden
- De Jong Gordon E
- Derek
- Desbarats Jacqueline
- DeSoto Hisaye Yamamoto
- Detlefsen Robert R
- Dewey Kathryn G
- Donato Katherine M
- Dorais Louis-Jacque
- Dower John W
- Dunbar Leslie W
- Duong Trung
- Edmondson
- Egan M.G.
- Eisenbruch Maurice
- Endo Russell
- Espiritu August
- Evans Brian L
- Evelyn Nakano
- Experience
- Fair Housing
- Fass Simon
- Fawcett J.T. B.V.
- Fawcett James T
- Feigelman Willilam
- Felton David L
- Fenton Thomas P
- Fisher Edith Maureen
- Fisher Edith Maureen
- Fishman Claudia Seave
- Folkenberg Judy
- Foo Lora
- Forbes Susan
- Franco Kobert William
- Freeman James M
- Friedlander E.M.
- Friesen Evelyn
- Fu San Francisco
- Fujita Gayle Kimi
- George Hermon Jr
- Gersten Kussell
- Gibson Margard
- Goa David
- Goa David J
- Goley Elaine P
- Goodis Tracy Ann
- Gottlieb Erika
- Graham Morris A
- Graves G.
- Gray Ellen
- Green Gerald
- Gregorovich Andrew
- Grossman Steve
- Gupta Omprakash K
- Guzman Richard P
- Gwaltney John Langston
- Haines David
- Hakata Kenji
- Hall Dana Naone
- Hansen Arthur A
- Hartman Chester
- Hayakawa S.I.
- Hazama
- Henry
- Heritage Foundation
- Herr R.A.
- Hi
- Hickey
- Hickey Shannon
- Hilingunl Erlucntion
- Hill Herbert
- Hirabayashi
- Hirayama Kasumi K
- Hirschman Charles
- Hiura Arnold T
- Hiura Jerrold
- Ho Phu Xuan
- Hoglund William A
- Holmes Lowell D
- Horn Marlon K
- Houston Velina Hasu
- Hsu J .
- Httig Nguyen Manh
- Humphrey Mark
- Hwang David Henry
- Iajima Uenee
- Iakaki Joan M
- Iko Momoko
- Indochina Resource Action Center and Los Angeles Economic and Employment Development Center.
- Indochinese Refugee Panel
- Isai Henry
- Ito Karen
- Iwata
- Jackson Carl E
- James Thomas
- Jan Harold
- Japanese American Library Prinl
- Jarrell Randall
- Jasso Guillermina
- Jiobu Robert M
- Joesting Edward
- Johnson Ronald C
- Jules
- Jun
- Kageyama Yuri
- Kaji
- Kamirez A.
- Kamist
- Kanard D.A.
- Kathwell
- Kaufman Stuart B
- Kawakami Hiroshi
- Kazin Michael
- Keimers David M
- Kenipers Margot Beth
- Kerperi Karen
- Khue Vi.
- Kiggs Fred W
- Kiithanne Lum Pic-Hilr
- Kim
- Kim Dae Gee
- Kim Hak-Hoon
- Kim Illsoo
- Kiste Robert C
- Kitano H.L.
- Kittrie Nicholas N
- Klein Iris
- Knee Stanley L. A
- Kobashigawa Ben
- Kobayashi Audrey
- Kobertson Georgia Day
- Kojas Henry S
- Konvoung Kim
- Kosenzweig
- Kramer M.
- Krause Loretta
- Kum Pai Mrnioirs
- Kumbaut R.G. L.
- Kuo Alex
- Kuo W.H.
- Kutler
- LaCroix Sumner J
- Lai Him Mark
- Lai Him Mark
- Lamm R.D.
- Landis Jeanne Thiel
- Lau Terry
- Lawson Edwin D
- Layton Edwin
- Lebel Janet Smith
- Lee Christina
- Lee Douglas W
- Lee Edmund W
- Lee Lanning
- Lee Sang Hwan
- Lee Sun-Hee
- Lee Sung Eun
- Leepson Marc
- Leonard K.
- Leong F.T.L.
- Leung Jupian J
- Leung Kose
- Levin Michael J
- Levine Daniel B
- Li Peter S
- Liem Nguyen Dang
- Ligh R.Q.
- Lii
- Lim Genny
- Lin Jenn-Shann
- Lin Keh-Ming
- Linnekin Jocelyn
- Lipton Dean
- Litii Gently
- Liu Grace F
- Liu John M
- Liu John Mei
- Loescher Gil
- Long Beach Califbrnia
- Look Jeannie
- Los Angeles County Commission on H u m a n Relations.
- Louie K.B.
- Lutz C.
- Maldonado
- Manzon C.M. V.F.
- Marcucci
- Marshall
- Mass Amv Iwasaki
- Masunioto David Mas
- Matsumoto Valerie Jean
- McKee Delber L
- McLeod Beverly
- Meinhardt Kenneth
- Meredith William H
- Miller Char
- Miller Maurice Lini
- Min Pyong Gap
- Mink Gwendolyn
- Mirikitani Janice
- Mitsui James Masao
- Mohan B.A.
- Momeni Jamshid
- Montepio Susan
- Moon Chang-Jin
- Moore Dianne S
- Moraga
- Morales Royal F
- Morgan G.
- Mori
- Mori Kyoko
- Morris
- Moses Lillian H
- Mueke M.A.
- Muller Marcia
- Munger
- Nagdsawd Kichard
- Nagoshi Craig T
- Nakane Kazuko
- Nakayania Iakeshi
- Nann Richard
- Nash Gerald D
- National Committeeon Pay Equity.
- National Council o f the Churches of Christ.
- National Minority Campus Chronicle
- New York City D.S.W.
- Ng John Lai
- Nguyen Son Xuan
- Nicolescu
- Nishi S.M
- Nitnmo H. Arlo.
- Nomura Gail M
- Nunirich Charles
- Okamura Raymond
- Omi
- Oniatsu
- Orange County Virtrtcrttie
- Orque Modesta Soberano
- Ortiz Karol K
- Ouchi Ed
- Our Futhers' Land
- Oxam R.B.
- Pak Nomyon
- Pask E. Diane
- Paulino Ir.
- Peterson M.K
- Philadelphia Commission on H unian Relations. A. irru.
- Philippine Resource Center
- Poma Edgar
- Pontell Henry N
- Portes
- Posadas Barbara M
- Powell Allan Kent
- Powell Kobert G
- Prieto Jaime Guerrero
- Pu
- Randolph Frances L
- Rao G.L. A.H.
- Rawls James J
- Refugee Kesettlement
- Reimers David
- Rhee Y.B.
- Rooney Glenda D
- Rothermund Dietmar
- Rumbaut Ruben G
- Rutledge Paul
- Ryan Angela Shen
- Saeki Kaeko
- Sakamoto Michael K
- San Juan E.
- Sasaki Yasuo
- Schirnier Robin
- Schreiner T.
- Schwendinger Robert J
- Science Index
- Sharp Kachel
- Shea S.
- Sheehy Gail
- Shieh Wenfu
- Shircore K.
- Shirley
- Shumsky Neil Larry
- Sinco Luis
- Smith Geoffrey S
- Snyder P.
- Sollors Werner
- Song Kay
- Soong Irma Tam
- Speidel Gisela E
- Speiser Lawrence
- Spence Cathie Slater
- Spero A.
- Spickard Paul R
- Spitzer Jill Borg
- Sramek J..
- Starr Kevin
- Staski Edward
- Stehr
- Stein K.
- Stephan John
- Stiansen S.
- Strona
- Strona
- Strouse Joan
- Sue
- Sue S. H.
- Sung Betty
- Susan Montepio
- Suzuki Peter T
- Suzuki Peter T
- T
- Takagi Dana Yasu
- Takagi Dana Yasu
- Takahata Sandra
- Takaki Konald
- Tan Jin
- Thompson Mary Ellen H
- Thornton Shirley Ann
- Torres-Gil F.
- Tseng Daisy
- Tsukano John
- U.S. Commission on Civil Kights.
- United Way. Kowrctouiti Pvo$lr Studs Report. 1 os Angeles
- University of Hawaii Oral History Project.
- University of Hawaii Oral History Project.
- Vassan M.G.
- Vecoli K.J.
- Vergara Alex Kavelo
- Vertiz Virginia C
- Viviano
- Vuong Vu-Doc
- Walker Constance L
- Wan William W
- Wang
- Ward
- Washington State Commission on Asian American Affairs. 7?ii &
- Welkowitz Joan
- Wells Merle
- Westcott Nina A
- Westermeyer J.
- White
- Whitmore John K
- Whittaker Elvi
- Wilke Arthur S
- Williams
- Willson Margaret
- Wilson C.C.
- Wilson W.L.
- Woiiwit
- Wong Bernard
- Wong Doris Y
- Wong Nellie
- Wong Paul
- Woo Merle
- Woon Yuen-Foon
- Xollefson James W
- Yamada Joanne Y
- Yamada Yutaka
- Yamamoto Eric
- Yamamoto J .
- Yamamoto J .
- Yamamoto J.
- Yamanaka Cedric
- Yamashita Kobert C
- Yee Paul
- Yom Kwang Yol
- You Mean Husiwss
- Yraola-Westall Elizabeth
- Yu Connie Yung
- Yun Grace
- Yung
- Yup Paula
- Zielyk I.V.
- Zolberg Aristide K
- Publication venue
- 'UCLA American Indian Studies Center'
- Publication date
- Field of study