2 research outputs found

    Reactions of pulmonary emphysema patients before and after VRS - Forcusing on the rehabilitation, activity, surgery -

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    今まで内科的治療が主体であった肺気腫に対して,近年外科的治療(Volume Reduction Surgery 以後VRSと略す)が行われるようになった。VRSを受ける患者の看護では,手術前後において, リハビリテーション(以後リハビリと略す)や機能回復に向けてのケアが必要不可欠とされる。そこで,本研究は肺気腫患者の適切な看護援助を検討するために,手術前後に示す肺気腫患者のリハビリや活動に対する反応を明らかにすることを目的とした。対象者は当病棟に入院している肺気腫患者8名(VRS手術前8名,手術後はそのうちの6名である)で, リハビリ, 日常生活活動,呼吸,手術などについて,面接ならびに観察による調査を行った。分析の結果,手術前においてリハビリでは≪義務感≫,頑張って行えば呼吸が楽になるという≪期待感≫,≪サポート≫,≪不安≫が,活動では≪活動の制限≫,手術では呼吸が楽になるのではという≪期待感≫,≪おまかせ≫,≪いちかばちかの賭け≫,≪不安≫,≪回復に向けての欲求の高まり≫が明らかになった。手術後においてリハビリでは≪呼吸が楽になるための手段≫が, 日常生活活動では≪今の状態よりは良くなると いう期待感≫が,手術では≪達成感≫ と≪身体的苦痛≫が,将来については≪ささやかな欲求≫が明らかになった。Pulmonary emphysema has been mainly treated with medicine, but recently VRS(volume reduction surgery) has been receiving much attention. In nursing care for VRS patients, it is important to help the patient improve his/her daily activities and recover physical function smoothly after surgery. The purpose of this study is to clarify the reactions of pulmonary emphysema patients before and after VRS for appropriate nursing. The subjects were eight pulmonary emphysema patients at a ward in Okayama University Hospital, but six of them completed both before and after VRS data collection. The data were collected by interview and observation, and from medical and nursing records. Contents of the interview included rehabilitation, daily activities, respiratory symptoms, operative stress, and so on. The results were as follows : , , , and on rehabilitation, on activity, , , , , and on surgery were extracted as pre-operative patients's reactions. on rehabilitation, on activity, and on surgery, on future were extracted as post-operative patients's reactions

    RAF-MEK-ERK pathway in cancer evolution and treatment

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