116 research outputs found

    Dyrektor szkoły jako przywódca edukacyjny

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    The article focuses on the educational leadership of the school principal. This issue is particularly important in an era of intense changes in the world that create new challenges that modern schools must face. The currently observed social, economic and cultural phenomena and processes affect new expectations towards the teacher, related to their openness to these changes and the readiness to face them. This will only be possible under appropriate conditions created by the school principal, whose roles and tasks have also evolved. The main direction of these changes is the transition from the administrative management of the school-institution to the model of the principal as an educational leader. The process of educational leadership is particularly important in school practice, where the main task is to create conditions for the development and operation of teachers and build the culture of a learning organization.Podjęte w artykule rozważania koncentrują się na przywództwie edukacyjnym dyrektora szkoły. Jest to problematyka szczególnie istotna w dobie intensywnych przemian świata stwarzających coraz to nowe wyzwania, z którymi musi się mierzyć współczesna szkoła. Obserwowane obecnie zjawiska i procesy społeczne, gospodarcze oraz kulturowe rzutują na nowe oczekiwania kierowane wobec nauczyciela, związane z otwartością na te zmiany oraz gotowością do ich kreowania. Będzie to możliwe jedynie w odpowiednich warunkach stwarzanych przez dyrektora szkoły, którego role i zadania również uległy ewolucji. Głównym kierunkiem tych zmian jest przejście od administracyjnego kierowania szkołą-instytucją do modelu dyrektora jako przywódcy edukacyjnego – lidera. Proces przywództwa edukacyjnego jest szczególnie ważny w praktyce szkolnej, gdzie podstawowym zadaniem staje się stwarzanie warunków do rozwoju i działania nauczycieli oraz budowanie kultury organizacji uczącej się

    Using Digital Scholarship Tools to Spark Entrepreneurial Spirit in Incarcerated Individuals

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    Prisons and jails often lack the technology found in our current digital world. Society continues to prioritize technological innovations, yet those in confinement are exposed to few of these. Meanwhile, studies show that digital literacy improves one\u27s chances of finding employment post-incarceration and reduces the likelihood of returning to confinement. Since 2016, we have taught a nearly technology-free Entrepreneurship program at a maximum-security Florida prison. The course is expanding to a local jail with a more progressive stance towards technology. We propose to enhance the course by integrating digital scholarship tools, allowing us to improve the efficiency of course delivery while preparing our students to be successful as they navigate employment opportunities post-release


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    The aim of the work – to highlight the development of the concept-categorical apparatus in the field of education. The main body. The article deals with theoretical concepts of dynamics and development of concepts in the educational process. In the context of Ukraine’s integration aspirations, it is important to comprehend the prospects for the development of domestic science, including education, the conceptual-categorical apparatus of pedagogy in order to harmonize with world and European vectors. It is proved that the system level of scientific concepts, reflecting the degree of development of its theory and reveals the relationship of objects and diversity of cognitive situations that arise during the study, education of the individual and allows the participant to clearly outline the subject of the study and build its consistent concept. Taking into account the technical innovations of modern pedagogical science, it has been assumed that a clear system of concepts is an integral part of the educational process. The relevance of the study by the authors is due to the subjective determination of the conceptual-categorical apathy, which manifests itself in general tendencies in various scientific fields. Because of the essential analysis of the concepts of “man”, “individual”, “personality” and their explication, the versatility of the interpretation of the conceptual-categorical apparatus in the domestic and foreign scientific spaces has been proved. The necessity of studying the basic tendencies of the conceptual-categorical apparatus of pedagogical science has been substantiated. The triad of pedagogical concepts “man”, “individual”, “personality” has been singled out. Conclusions. We conclude that the educational conceptual-categorical apparatus is one of the conditions for the development of a world pedagogical culture as integral quality that ensures the development of an individual pedagogical culture, the acquisition of scientific theories, and educational technologies in a single, multicultural informational and educational space. As the pedagogical system of concepts becomes an instrument for finding new landmarks that develop the educational industry and contribute to the comprehensive development of the individual.Мета роботи – висвітлення розвитку понятійно-категорійного апарату в освітній галузі. Основна частина. У статті розглядаються теоретичні концепції динаміки та розвитку понять в освітньому процесі. В умовах інтеграційних устремлінь України важливим є осмислення перспектив розвитку вітчизняної науки, включно з освітою, понятійно-категорійного апарату педагогіки з метою гармонізації зі світовими та європейськими векторами. Доведено, що системний рівень наукових понять, що відображає ступінь розвитку його теорії і розкриває взаємозв’язок об’єктів і різноманіття пізнавальних ситуацій, що виникають під час навчання, виховання особистості, і дозволяє учаснику чітко окреслити предмет дослідження та побудувати його послідовну концепцію. Враховуючи технічні нововведення сучасної педагогічної науки, було припущено, що чітка система понять є невід’ємною складовою освітнього процесу. Актуальність дослідження авторами обумовлена суб’єктивною детермінацією понятійно-категорійного апарату, що проявляється у загальних  тенденціях у різних наукових галузях. На основі сутнісного аналізу понять “людина”, “індивід”, “особистість” та їх експлікації доведено різноплановість тракту­вання понятійно-категорійного апарату у вітчизняному та зарубіжному наукових просторах. Обґрунтовано необхідність вивчення основних тенденцій розвитку понятійно-категорійного апарату педагогічної науки.  Було виокремлено тріаду педагогічних понять “людина”, “індивід”, “особистість”. Висновки. Підсумуємо, що освітній понятійно-категоріальний апарат є однією з умов розвитку світової педагогічної культури як цілісної якості, що забезпечує розвиток індивідуальної педагогічної культури, оволодіння науковими теоріями, освітніми технологіями в єдиному, багатокультурному інформаційному та освітньому просторі. Оскільки педагогічна система понять стає інструментом пошуку нових орієнтирів, які розвивають освітню галузь та сприяють всебічному розвиткові особистості

    In vivo analysis of trypanosome mitochondrial RNA function by artificial site-specific RNA endonuclease-mediated knockdown

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    Trypanosomes possess a unique mitochondrial genome called the kinetoplast DNA (kDNA). Many kDNA genes encode pre-mRNAs that must undergo guide RNA-directed editing. In addition, alternative mRNA editing gives rise to diverse mRNAs and several kDNA genes encode open reading frames of unknown function. To better understand the mechanism of RNA editing and the function of mitochondrial RNAs in trypanosomes, we have developed a reverse genetic approach using artificial site-specific RNA endonucleases (ASREs) to directly silence kDNA-encoded genes. The RNA-binding domain of an ASRE can be programmed to recognize unique 8-nucleotide sequences, allowing the design of ASREs to cleave any target RNA. Utilizing an ASRE containing a mitochondrial localization signal, we targeted the extensively edited mitochondrial mRNA for the subunit A6 of the F0F1 ATP synthase (A6) in the procyclic stage of Trypanosoma brucei. This developmental stage, found in the midgut of the insect vector, relies on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation for ATP production with A6 forming the critical proton half channel across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Expression of an A6-targeted ASRE in procyclic trypanosomes resulted in a 50% reduction in A6 mRNA levels after 24 h, a time-dependent decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), and growth arrest. Expression of the A6-ASRE, lacking the mitochondrial localization signal, showed no significant growth defect. The development of the A6-ASRE allowed the first in vivo functional analysis of an edited mitochondrial mRNA in T. brucei and provides a critical new tool to study mitochondrial RNA biology in trypanosomes

    The bipartite TAD organization of the X-inactivation center ensures opposing developmental regulation of Tsix and Xist

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    The mouse X-inactivation center (Xic) locus represents a powerful model for understanding the links between genome architecture and gene regulation, with the non-coding genes Xist and Tsix showing opposite developmental expression patterns while being organized as an overlapping sense/antisense unit. The Xic is organized into two topologically associating domains (TADs) but the role of this architecture in orchestrating cis-regulatory information remains elusive. To explore this, we generated genomic inversions that swap the Xist/Tsix transcriptional unit and place their promoters in each other’s TAD. We found that this led to a switch in their expression dynamics: Xist became precociously and ectopically upregulated, both in male and female pluripotent cells, while Tsix expression aberrantly persisted during differentiation. The topological partitioning of the Xic is thus critical to ensure proper developmental timing of X inactivation. Our study illustrates how the genomic architecture of cis-regulatory landscapes can affect the regulation of mammalian developmental processes

    Extracellular Vesicles in Chagas Disease: A New Passenger for an Old Disease

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small lipid vesicles released by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells containing nucleic acids, proteins, and small metabolites essential for cellular communication. Depending on the targeted cell, EVs can act either locally or in distant tissues in a paracrine or endocrine cell signaling manner. Released EVs from virusinfected cells, bacteria, fungi, or parasites have been demonstrated to perform a pivotal role in a myriad of biochemical changes occurring in the host and pathogen, including the modulation the immune system. In the past few years, the biology of Trypanosoma cruzi EVs, as well as their role in innate immunity evasion, has been started to be unveiled. This review article will present findings on and provide a coherent understanding of the currently known mechanisms of action of T. cruzi-EVs and hypothesize the implication of these parasite components during the acute and chronic phases of Chagas disease.LdPT would like to thank the University of Granada (UGR) for the funding support (Assistant Professor Appointment No. 16/10/PAD/1617)

    The bipartite TAD organization of the X-inactivation center ensures opposing developmental regulation of Tsix and Xist

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    The mouse X-inactivation center (Xic) locus represents a powerful model for understanding the links between genome architecture and gene regulation, with the non-coding genes Xist and Tsix showing opposite developmental expression patterns while being organized as an overlapping sense/antisense unit. The Xic is organized into two topologically associating domains (TADs) but the role of this architecture in orchestrating cis-regulatory information remains elusive. To explore this, we generated genomic inversions that swap the Xist/Tsix transcriptional unit and place their promoters in each other’s TAD. We found that this led to a switch in their expression dynamics: Xist became precociously and ectopically upregulated, both in male and female pluripotent cells, while Tsix expression aberrantly persisted during differentiation. The topological partitioning of the Xic is thus critical to ensure proper developmental timing of X inactivation. Our study illustrates how the genomic architecture of cis-regulatory landscapes can affect the regulation of mammalian developmental processes

    African Trypanosomiasis-associated anemia : the contribution of the interplay between parasites and the mononuclear phagocyte system

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    African trypanosomosis (AT) is a chronically debilitating parasitic disease of medical and economic importance for the development of sub-Saharan Africa. The trypanosomes that cause this disease are extracellular protozoan parasites that have developed efficient immune escape mechanisms to manipulate the entire host immune response to allow parasite survival and transmission. During the early stage of infection, a profound pro-inflammatory type 1 activation of the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS), involving classically activated macrophages (i.e., M1), is required for initial parasite control. Yet, the persistence of this M1-type MPS activation in trypanosusceptible animals causes immunopathology with anemia as the most prominent pathological feature. By contrast, in trypanotolerant animals, there is an induction of IL-10 that promotes the induction of alternatively activated macrophages (M2) and collectively dampens tissue damage. A comparative gene expression analysis between M1 and M2 cells identified galectin-3 (Gal-3) and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) as novel M1-promoting factors, possibly acting synergistically and in concert with TNF-alpha during anemia development. While Gal-3 enhances erythrophagocytosis, MIF promotes both myeloid cell recruitment and iron retention within the MPS, thereby depriving iron for erythropoiesis. Hence, the enhanced erythrophagocytosis and suppressed erythropoiesis lead to anemia. Moreover, a thorough investigation using MIF-deficient mice revealed that the underlying mechanisms in AT-associated anemia development in trypanosusceptible and tolerant animals are quite distinct. In trypanosusceptible animals, anemia resembles anemia of inflammation, while in trypanotolerant animals' hemodilution, mainly caused by hepatosplenomegaly, is an additional factor contributing to anemia. In this review, we give an overview of how trypanosome-and host-derived factors can contribute to trypanosomosis-associated anemia development with a focus on the MPS system. Finally, we will discuss potential intervention strategies to alleviate AT-associated anemia that might also have therapeutic potential