155 research outputs found

    Adapting to Drought in the Colorado River Basin: A Case Study of Indigenous Voices in Water Management

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Social Studies of Bard Colleg

    Nearly Monodispersion CoSm Alloy Nanoparticles Formed by an In-situ Rapid Cooling and Passivating Microfluidic Process

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    An in siturapid cooling and passivating microfluidic processhas been developed for the synthesis of nearly monodispersed cobalt samarium nanoparticles (NPs) with tunable crystal structures and surface properties. This process involves promoting the nucleation and growth of NPs at an elevated temperature and rapidly quenching the NP colloids in a solution containing a passivating reagent at a reduced temperature. We have shown that Cobalt samarium NPs having amorphous crystal structures and a thin passivating layer can be synthesized with uniform nonspherical shapes and size of about 4.8 nm. The amorphous CoSm NPs in our study have blocking temperature near 40 K and average coercivity of 225 Oe at 10 K. The NPs also exhibit high anisotropic magnetic properties with a wasp-waist hysteresis loop and a bias shift of coercivity due to the shape anisotropy and the exchange coupling between the core and the thin oxidized surface layer

    Continuous microfluidic synthesis of zirconium-based UiO-67 using a coiled flow invertor reactor

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    Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), particularly Zirconium based, have a wide variety of potential applications, such as catalysis and separation. However, these are held back by traditionally only being synthesised in long batch reactions, which causes the process to be expensive and limit the amount of reaction control available, leading to potential batch to batch variation in the products, such as particle size distributions. Microfluidics allows for batch reactions to be performed with enhanced mass/heat transfer, with the coiled flow inverter reactor (CFIR) setup narrowing the residence time distribution, which is key in controlling the particle size and crystallinity. In this work, a Zirconium based MOF, UiO-67, has been synthesised continuously using a microfluidic CFIR, which has allowed for the product to be formed in 30 min, a fraction of the traditional batch heating time of 24 h. The microfluidicially synthesised UiO-67 is also smaller product with a narrower particle size distribution (≈200 nm to ≈400 nm) than its batch counterpart (~500 nm to over 3 µm)

    In Situ Growth and Characterization of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles within Polyelectrolyte Membranes

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    This study describes a novel approach for the inâ situ synthesis of metal oxideâ polyelectrolyte nanocomposites formed via impregnation of hydrated polyelectrolyte films with binary water/alcohol solutions of metal salts and consecutive reactions that convert metal cations into oxide nanoparticles embedded within the polymer matrix. The method is demonstrated drawing on the example of Nafion membranes and a variety of metal oxides with an emphasis placed on zinc oxide. The inâ situ formation of nanoparticles is controlled by changing the solvent composition and conditions of synthesis that for the first time allows one to tailor not only the size, but also the nanoparticle shape, giving a preference to growth of a particular crystal facet. The highâ resolution TEM, SEM/EDX, UVâ vis and XRD studies confirmed the homogeneous distribution of crystalline nanoparticles of circa 4â nm and their aggregates of 10â 20â nm. The produced nanocomposite films are flexible, mechanically robust and have a potential to be employed in sensing, optoelectronics and catalysis.The factors governing the inâ situ growth of metal oxide nanoparticles within a selfâ segregated polyelectrolyte membrane, Nafion, are investigated. By varying the binary water/alcohol solvent mixture the size, shape, and exposed crystal facets can be tailored.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137385/1/anie201606178.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137385/2/anie201606178_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137385/3/anie201606178-sup-0001-misc_information.pd

    Nucleic Acid-based Detection of Bacterial Pathogens Using Integrated Microfluidic Platform Systems

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    The advent of nucleic acid-based pathogen detection methods offers increased sensitivity and specificity over traditional microbiological techniques, driving the development of portable, integrated biosensors. The miniaturization and automation of integrated detection systems presents a significant advantage for rapid, portable field-based testing. In this review, we highlight current developments and directions in nucleic acid-based micro total analysis systems for the detection of bacterial pathogens. Recent progress in the miniaturization of microfluidic processing steps for cell capture, DNA extraction and purification, polymerase chain reaction, and product detection are detailed. Discussions include strategies and challenges for implementation of an integrated portable platform

    Polarity in ZnO nanowires: A critical issue for piezotronic and piezoelectric devices

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    The polar and piezoelectric nature of the wurtzite structure of ZnO nanowires with a high aspect ratio at nanoscale dimensions is of high interest for piezotronic and piezoelectric devices, but a number of issues related to polarity are still open and deserve a particular attention. In this context, chemical bath deposition offers a unique opportunity to select the O- or Zn-polarity of the resultant nanowires and is further compatible with the fabrication processes of flexible devices. The control and use of the polarity in ZnO nanowires grown by chemical bath deposition opens a new way to greatly enhance the performance of the related piezotronic and piezoelectric devices. However, polarity as an additional tunable parameter should be considered with care because it has a strong influence on many processes and properties. The present review is intended to report the most important consequences related to the polarity in ZnO nanowires for piezotronic and piezoelectric devices. After introducing the basic principles involving crystal polarity in ZnO, a special emphasis is placed on the effects of polarity on the nucleation and growth mechanisms of ZnO nanowires using chemical bath deposition, defect incorporation and doping, electrical contacts and device properties