39 research outputs found

    Smart Specialization of Workforce Structure in the European Union Countries – Dynamic Analysis Applying Shift-Share Analysis Method

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    The performed research also allowed for the identification different kinds of workforce structure characterized by smart specialization (significant share of workforce in high-tech manufacturing sector or high-tech services sector) and the assessment of generated structural and competitive effects.Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły na identyfikację różnych rodzajów struktur pracujących cechujących się inteligentną specjalizacją (znaczący udział pracujących w sektorze przemysłu wysokiej techniki lub usług opartych na wiedzy) oraz ocenić generowane przez nie efekty strukturalne i konkurencyjne

    The Prevalence of feeding disorders in healthy infants and children under 3 years of age based on a questionnaire study

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    Introduction and purpose Depending on the source, feeding disorders are common reasons to visit a pediatrician - reported in 2-60% of generally healthy children. This study was designed in order to assess the incidence of feeding difficulties in a group of healthy children aged 6-36 months from the Łódź region and to identify factors that may be related to feeding disorders. Material and method The research tool of this study was a questionnaire designed by the authors which consisted of 4 personal data questions, 9 questions about the perinatal and neonatal period, 36 feeding questions, 10 questions about child development and weight gain, 10 questions about previous medical history, 30 questions about symptoms, 8 questions about misbehavior during feeding and 14 sociodemographic questions. Results 215 parents completed questionnaires. However, 10 of them were rejected because those participants met the exclusion criteria. Finally, 205 children were enrolled in the study. The difficulties in feeding were confirmed by the parents of 66 participants. Children with feeding difficulties were more often attended to specialist ambulatories, had been diagnosed with food allergies, and underwent speech therapy and rehabilitation. Additionally, the analysis showed that feeding disorders in mothers and the occurrence of stressful situations in the family were more frequent in children whose parents reported feeding difficulties. Conclusions The incidence of feeding difficulties, in the group of healthy children aged 6-36 months from the Łódź region, was higher than reported in other studies. Therefore there is an urgent need to educate parents on feeding recommendations to modify eating behaviors and overcome feeding disorders, followed by some practical advice on appropriate diet adjustment

    Hairpin structure within the 3′UTR of DNA polymerase β mRNA acts as a post-transcriptional regulatory element and interacts with Hax-1

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    Aberrant expression of DNA polymerase β, a key enzyme involved in base excision repair, leads to genetic instability and carcinogenesis. Pol β expression has been previously shown to be regulated at the level of transcription, but there is also evidence of post-transcriptional regulation, since rat transcripts undergo alternative polyadenylation, and the resulting 3′UTR contain at least one regulatory element. Data presented here indicate that RNA of the short 3′UTR folds to form a strong secondary structure (hairpin). Its regulatory role was established utilizing a luciferase-based reporter system. Further studies led to the identification of a protein factor, which binds to this element—the anti-apoptotic, cytoskeleton-related protein Hax-1. The results of in vitro binding analysis indicate that the formation of the RNA–protein complex is significantly impaired by disruption of the hairpin motif. We demonstrate that Hax-1 binds to Pol β mRNA exclusively in the form of a dimer. Biochemical analysis revealed the presence of Hax-1 in mitochondria, but also in the nuclear matrix, which, along with its transcript-binding properties, suggests that Hax-1 plays a role in post-transcriptional regulation of expression of Pol β

    Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins

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    Insight into how environmental change determines the production and distribution of cyanobacterial toxins is necessary for risk assessment. Management guidelines currently focus on hepatotoxins (microcystins). Increasing attention is given to other classes, such as neurotoxins (e.g., anatoxin-a) and cytotoxins (e.g., cylindrospermopsin) due to their potency. Most studies examine the relationship between individual toxin variants and environmental factors, such as nutrients, temperature and light. In summer 2015, we collected samples across Europe to investigate the effect of nutrient and temperature gradients on the variability of toxin production at a continental scale. Direct and indirect effects of temperature were the main drivers of the spatial distribution in the toxins produced by the cyanobacterial community, the toxin concentrations and toxin quota. Generalized linear models showed that a Toxin Diversity Index (TDI) increased with latitude, while it decreased with water stability. Increases in TDI were explained through a significant increase in toxin variants such as MC-YR, anatoxin and cylindrospermopsin, accompanied by a decreasing presence of MC-LR. While global warming continues, the direct and indirect effects of increased lake temperatures will drive changes in the distribution of cyanobacterial toxins in Europe, potentially promoting selection of a few highly toxic species or strains.Peer reviewe

    XXV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 57 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism, or regional public administration

    Diversification of Eco-Innovation and Innovation Activity of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the European Union Countries

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    The development of eco-innovation activities performed by enterprises remains one of the key challenges of sustainable development. In modern economies, the implementation of innovative technological solutions should also take into account performing eco-innovation activities by enterprises. The aim of the research was to assess the involvement level of small and medium-sized enterprises in eco-innovation activities, regarding the implementation of actions for the effective management of resources and the implementation of sustainable products, against the background of their involvement in innovation activities related to the implementation of product innovations and business processes, as well as the assessment of spatial-temporal diversity and trends for changes in this regard. The spatial scope of the research addresses 27 European Union countries, and the time scope of the research covers the years 2013–2020. The methods of multivariate statistical analysis, with particular emphasis on classification methods, were used in the research. The main finding of the research is the division of the European Union countries into three types of classes, including the countries assessed as: (1) poor eco-innovators and moderate innovators; (2) moderate eco-innovators and poor innovators; and (3) leaders of eco-innovation and innovation. The conducted research shows that SMEs in the European Union countries are much less involved in eco-innovation activities than in innovation ones; the level of involvement in eco-innovation can be divergent from that of involvement in innovation. Moreover, the involvement in eco-innovation does not show an upward trend

    Diversification of Eco-Innovation and Innovation Activity of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the European Union Countries

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    The development of eco-innovation activities performed by enterprises remains one of the key challenges of sustainable development. In modern economies, the implementation of innovative technological solutions should also take into account performing eco-innovation activities by enterprises. The aim of the research was to assess the involvement level of small and medium-sized enterprises in eco-innovation activities, regarding the implementation of actions for the effective management of resources and the implementation of sustainable products, against the background of their involvement in innovation activities related to the implementation of product innovations and business processes, as well as the assessment of spatial-temporal diversity and trends for changes in this regard. The spatial scope of the research addresses 27 European Union countries, and the time scope of the research covers the years 2013–2020. The methods of multivariate statistical analysis, with particular emphasis on classification methods, were used in the research. The main finding of the research is the division of the European Union countries into three types of classes, including the countries assessed as: (1) poor eco-innovators and moderate innovators; (2) moderate eco-innovators and poor innovators; and (3) leaders of eco-innovation and innovation. The conducted research shows that SMEs in the European Union countries are much less involved in eco-innovation activities than in innovation ones; the level of involvement in eco-innovation can be divergent from that of involvement in innovation. Moreover, the involvement in eco-innovation does not show an upward trend

    A multivariate approach to the identification of initial smart specialisations of Polish voivodeships

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    Research background: The identification of smart specialisations should be based on information allowing the identification of resources and capital in the regions, which constitute the unique value of the area providing for the development of competitive advantages based on innovations and achievements in the research and development activities.  Purpose of the article: The key goal is to present the proposal to use an aggregate (synthetic) measure for the purpose of identifying regional development potentials and next the initial smart specialisations (RSS). This approach is particularly useful at the very initial stage of recognizing the potential in the region, and ? after some modifications ? may offer a useful tool for assembling the de-velopment of industries (services) in the region. The additional goals are: (1) to organize the knowledge regarding statistical approaches and selected methods to be used in the process of identifying initial smart specialisations in regions (RSS); (2) exemplification of the presented methodology for the initial regional smart specialisations (RSS) identification in voivodeships in Poland based on a multivariate approach. Methods: Multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) methods are used in the identification procedure of initial regional smart specialisations (RSS), which allowed for performing the assessment in 4 areas: resources and capital; specialisation; development potential (dynamics); the involvement in research and development and innovative activities. They can also be extended with additional dimensions related to the cooperation of enterprises with social or environmental priorities. Findings & Value added: The conducted procedure allowed identifying NACE rev. 2 divisions useful in determining development potentials in Polish regions and later the initial smart specialisations (RSS). The identified initial RSS for Polish voivodeships can be a starting point for building regional smart specialisations based on values supply chain or other premises. Due to the universal nature of the proposed methodology, it can be widely used at the level of subregions, regions and the EU countries