937 research outputs found

    Structural insights into Legionella RidL-Vps29 retromer subunit interaction reveal displacement of the regulator TBC1D5

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    Legionella pneumophila can cause Legionnaires’ disease and replicates intracellularly in a distinct Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV). LCV formation is a complex process that involves a plethora of type IV-secreted effector proteins. The effector RidL binds the Vps29 retromer subunit, blocks retrograde vesicle trafficking, and promotes intracellular bacterial replication. Here, we reveal that the 29-kDa N-terminal domain of RidL (RidL2–281) adopts a “foot-like” fold comprising a protruding β-hairpin at its “heel”. The deletion of the β-hairpin, the exchange to Glu of Ile170 in the β-hairpin, or Leu152 in Vps29 abolishes the interaction in eukaryotic cells and in vitro. RidL2–281 or RidL displace the Rab7 GTPase-activating protein (GAP) TBC1D5 from the retromer and LCVs, respectively, and TBC1D5 promotes the intracellular growth of L. pneumophila. Thus, the hydrophobic β-hairpin of RidL is critical for binding of the L. pneumophila effector to the Vps29 retromer subunit and displacement of the regulator TBC1D5

    Functional Rotation of the Transporter AcrB: Insights into Drug Extrusion from Simulations

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    The tripartite complex AcrAB-TolC is the major efflux system in Escherichia coli. It extrudes a wide spectrum of noxious compounds out of the bacterium, including many antibiotics. Its active part, the homotrimeric transporter AcrB, is responsible for the selective binding of substrates and energy transduction. Based on available crystal structures and biochemical data, the transport of substrates by AcrB has been proposed to take place via a functional rotation, in which each monomer assumes a particular conformation. However, there is no molecular-level description of the conformational changes associated with the rotation and their connection to drug extrusion. To obtain insights thereon, we have performed extensive targeted molecular dynamics simulations mimicking the functional rotation of AcrB containing doxorubicin, one of the two substrates that were co-crystallized so far. The simulations, including almost half a million atoms, have been used to test several hypotheses concerning the structure-dynamics-function relationship of this transporter. Our results indicate that, upon induction of conformational changes, the substrate detaches from the binding pocket and approaches the gate to the central funnel. Furthermore, we provide strong evidence for the proposed peristaltic transport involving a zipper-like closure of the binding pocket, responsible for the displacement of the drug. A concerted opening of the channel between the binding pocket and the gate further favors the displacement of the drug. This microscopically well-funded information allows one to identify the role of specific amino acids during the transitions and to shed light on the functioning of AcrB

    AcrB Trimer Stability and Efflux Activity, Insight from Mutagenesis Studies

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    The multidrug transporter AcrB in Escherichia coli exists and functions as a homo-trimer. The assembly process of obligate membrane protein oligomers, including AcrB, remains poorly understood. In a previous study, we have shown that individual AcrB subunit is capable of folding independently, suggesting that trimerization of AcrB follows a three-stage pathway in which monomers first fold, and then assemble. Here we destabilized the AcrB trimer through mutating a single Pro (P223) in the protruding loop of AcrB, which drastically reduced the protein activity. We replaced P223 separately with five residues, including Ala, Val, Tyr, Asn, and Gly, and found that AcrBP223G was the least active. Detailed characterization of AcrBP223G revealed that the protein existed as a well-folded monomer after purification, but formed a trimer in vivo. The function of the mutant could be partly restored through strengthening the stability of the trimer using an inter-subunit disulfide bond. Our results also suggested that the protruding loop is well structured during AcrB assembly with P223 served as a “wedge” close to the tip to stabilize the AcrB trimer structure. When this wedge is disrupted, the stability of the trimer is reduced, accompanied by a decrease of drug efflux activity

    Soil erosion processes in european vineyards: a qualitative comparison of rainfall simulation measurements in Germany, Spain and France

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    Small portable rainfall simulators are considered a useful tool to analyze soil erosion processes in cultivated lands. European research groups in Spain (Valencia, Málaga, Lleida, Madrid and La Rioja), France (Reims) and Germany (Trier) have used different rainfall simulators (varying in drop size distribution and fall velocities, kinetic energy, plot forms and sizes, and field of application) to study soil loss, surface flow, runoff and infiltration coefficients in different experimental plots (Valencia, Montes de Málaga, Penedès, Campo Real and La Rioja in Spain, Champagne in France and Mosel-Ruwer valley in Germany). The measurements and experiments developed by these research teams give an overview of the variety of methodologies used in rainfall simulations to study the problem of soil erosion and describe the erosion features in different climatic environments, management practices and soil types. The aims of this study are: (i) to investigate where, how and why researchers from different wine-growing regions applied rainfall simulations with successful results as a tool to measure soil erosion processes; (ii) to make a qualitative comparison about the general soil erosion processes in European terroirs; (iii) to demonstrate the importance of the development of standard method for measurement of soil erosion processes in vineyards, using rainfall simulators; and (iv) and to analyze the key factors that should be taken into account to carry out rainfall simulations. The rainfall simulations in all cases allowed infiltration capacity, susceptibility of the soil to detachment and generation of sediment loads to runoff to be determined. Despite using small plots, the experiments were useful to analyze the influence of soil cover to reduce soil erosion, to make comparisons between different locations, and to evaluate the influence of different soil characteristics. The comparative analysis of the studies performed in different study areas points out the need to define an operational methodology to carry out rainfall simulations, which allows us to obtain representative and comparable results and to avoid errors in the interpretation in order to achieve comparable information about runoff and soil los

    Unraveling the temperature dependence of the yield strength in single-crystal tungsten using atomistically-informed crystal plasticity calculations

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    We use a physically-based crystal plasticity model to predict the yield strength of body-centered cubic (bcc) tungsten single crystals subjected to uniaxial loading. Our model captures the thermally-activated character of screw dislocation motion and full non-Schmid effects, both of which are known to play a critical role in bcc plasticity. The model uses atomistic calculations as the sole source of constitutive information, with no parameter fitting of any kind to experimental data. Our results are in excellent agreement with experimental measurements of the yield stress as a function of temperature for a number of loading orientations. The validated methodology is then employed to calculate the temperature and strain-rate dependence of the yield strength for 231 crystallographic orientations within the standard stereographic triangle. We extract the strain-rate sensitivity of W crystals at different temperatures, and finish with the calculation of yield surfaces under biaxial loading conditions that can be used to define effective yield criteria for engineering design models

    Drug export and allosteric coupling in a multidrug transporter revealed by molecular simulations

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    Multidrug resistance is a serious problem in current chemotherapy. The efflux system largely responsible for resistance in Escherichia coli contains the drug transporter, AcrB. The structures of AcrB were solved in 2002 as the symmetric homo-trimer, and then in 2006 as the asymmetric homo-trimer. The latter suggested a functionally rotating mechanism. Here, by molecular simulations of the AcrB porter domain, we uncovered allosteric coupling and the drug export mechanism in the AcrB trimer. Allosteric coupling stabilized the asymmetric structure with one drug molecule bound, which validated the modelling. Drug dissociation caused a conformational change and stabilized the symmetric structure, providing a unified view of the structures reported in 2002 and 2006. A dynamic study suggested that, among the three potential driving processes, only protonation of the drug-bound protomer can drive the functional rotation and simultaneously export the drug

    A comprehensive TALEN-based knockout library for generating human induced pluripotent stem cell-based models for cardiovascular diseases

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    Rationale: Targeted genetic engineering using programmable nucleases such as transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) is a valuable tool for precise, site-specific genetic modification in the human genome. Objective: The emergence of novel technologies such as human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and nuclease-mediated genome editing represent a unique opportunity for studying cardiovascular diseases in vitro. Methods and Results: By incorporating extensive literature and database searches, we designed a collection of TALEN constructs to knockout (KO) eighty-eight human genes that are associated with cardiomyopathies and congenital heart diseases. The TALEN pairs were designed to induce double-strand DNA break near the starting codon of each gene that either disrupted the start codon or introduced a frameshift mutation in the early coding region, ensuring faithful gene KO. We observed that all the constructs were active and disrupted the target locus at high frequencies. To illustrate the general utility of the TALEN-mediated KO technique, six individual genes (TNNT2, LMNA/C, TBX5, MYH7, ANKRD1, and NKX2.5) were knocked out with high efficiency and specificity in human iPSCs. By selectively targeting a dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)-causing mutation (TNNT2 p.R173W) in patient-specific iPSC-derived cardiac myocytes (iPSC-CMs), we demonstrated that the KO strategy ameliorates the DCM phenotype in vitro. In addition, we modeled the Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS) in iPSC-CMs in vitro and uncovered novel pathways regulated by TBX5 in human cardiac myocyte development. Conclusions: Collectively, our study illustrates the powerful combination of iPSCs and genome editing technology for understanding the biological function of genes and the pathological significance of genetic variants in human cardiovascular diseases. The methods, strategies, constructs and iPSC lines developed in this study provide a validated, readily available resource for cardiovascular research

    Photo-induced proton gradients for the in vitro investigation of bacterial efflux pumps

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    We describe an original activity assay for membrane transport that uses the proton motive force-dependent efflux pump MexAB from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This pump is co-reconstituted into proteoliposomes together with bacteriorhodopsin (BR), a light-activated proton pump. In this system, upon illumination with visible light, the photo-induced proton gradient created by the BR is shown to be coupled to the active transport of substrates through the pump

    Determination of Real-Time Efflux Phenotypes in Escherichia coli AcrB Binding Pocket Phenylalanine Mutants Using a 1,2′-Dinaphthylamine Efflux Assay

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    To evaluate the importance of phenylalanine residues for substrate transport in the Escherichia coli efflux pump protein AcrB, we subjected Phe-to-Ala binding pocket mutants to a real-time efflux assay with the novel near-infrared lipophilic membrane probe 1,2′-dinaphthylamine (1,2′-DNA). All mutations, with the exception of F617A, led to considerable retardation of efflux. F610A was the point mutation with the most pronounced impact, followed by F628A, F615A, F136A, and F178A. This is the first study to demonstrate the importance of single phenylalanine residues within the AcrB binding pocket for real-time substrate transport