1,175 research outputs found

    Sea of change : race, abolitionism, and reform in the New England whale fishery

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    Bound together across lines of color and lass, Nantucket and New Bedford residents pursued the unique economic opportunities presented by whaling during the nineteenth century. Whaling was becoming a major industrial enterprise with few available options to fulfill the labor needs required for the whaling crews, ropewalks, blacksmith shops, and sail lofts that made it possible for Nantucket and New Bedford whaleships to transit the globe. Whaling thus generated the jobs that made it possible for free black communities to thrive. People of color consequently turned the need for labor to their advantage. Drawn by the financial opportunities that the whaling industry offered, people of color were able to do much more than break the bonds of impoverishment. Side by side with white activists, many people of color channeled their energy toward advancing the cause of freedom and equality.;Black abolitionism included much more of the community than the few black leaders who have long received credit as the driving forces of abolitionism in antebellum America. Free people of color in Nantucket and New Bedford lived out on a daily basis the truth that freedom did not necessarily imply equality in nineteenth-century America. Living in separate worlds carved out of shared communities, people of color in Nantucket and New Bedford joined with white activists during the 1800s to seek a new birth of freedom. How race relations, class divisions, religion, and economic conditions unique to the maritime economy of Nantucket and New Bedford drove the struggle for change lies at the center of this story

    The History of the Society of Mary in Texas

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    Assumptions and Facts About College Self-Reported Sexual Behavior

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    Many young people of today view sexual intercourse with a very casual attitude. The terms “hooking up” and “friends-with-benefits” have been introduced to our vocabularies. While young people are, on average, losing their virginity at the age of 17, they are holding off on marriage until their mid-to-late 20’s (Bogle, 2008; Bianchi & Casper, 2000), and that combination leaves many years for sexual experimentation. The present study was conducted to investigate some of the factors that may influence the decisions that young people are making when it comes to their sexual lives. An online survey developed for this study was administered by email to a random sample of 800 Trinity College undergraduate students and 288 responded. Some Ss were asked to report their own behavior, some were asked to give their assessment of the norm at the College, and others were asked to do both. It was hypothesized that factors, such as gender, religion, alcohol/drug use, and parents’ marital status would impact how students were behaving sexually. It was also predicted that students would perceive the sexual norm to be more promiscuous than it actually was. Results indicate that alcohol/drug use have an impact on more aspects of students’ sexual lives than gender, religion, or parents’ marital status. Students who frequently drank alcohol or used recreational drugs were more likely than expected to partake in various promiscuous sexual behaviors. Results also indicate that students perceive that their peers are more sexually promiscuous than they actually are. When this finding is thought of in the context of social norms (and that individuals often feel the desire/need to conform to the norm), it is suggested that college students feel pressure to conform to a false idea of normality

    La discrimination fondée sur le handicap en matière d'emploi et l'accommodement : un droit à l'égalité ou un privilège

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    Résumé: Cette recherche examine, avec le lecteur, comment le concept d'accommodement est intégré aux dispositions de la Charte québécoise des droits et libertés de la personne. Elle démontre que l'accommodement se rattache essentiellement à la pleine égalité qui en fait une norme concrète et effective. Les facteurs reliés à l'épanouissement de la personne et ceux reliés à sa protection permettent d'établir les limites à l'accommodement. Ainsi, dans les cas de discrimination fondée sur le handicap en matière d'emploi, l'accommodement, au même titre que la norme de pleine égalité, doit recevoir une interprétation large et libérale. Notre analyse montre un droit fragmentaire à l'accommodement. Enfin, nous concluons que la discrimination fondée sur le handicap nécessite un accommodement constant pour y pallier. Il doit s'agir d'un véritable droit à l'égalité, et non d'un simple privilège.||Abstract: accommodation is integrated to the dispositions of the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. It demonstrates that the accommodation relates essentially to the full equality which makes a concrete and effective norm. The facts related to the development of the person and those related to its protection, allow to establish the limits to the accommodation. Then, in this case of discrimination based on the handicap for employment purposes, the accommodation as well as the norm of full recognition, must receive a large interpretation. Our analysis shows an incomplete right to the accommodation. Finally, we conclude that the discrimination based on the handicap requires a constant accommodation to palliate. It must be a true right of recognition and not a privilege

    Vin nature et traditions : une contre-culture créatrice de normes transnationales

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    Cet essai propose d'examiner, comme objet de droit transnational, le vin « nature ». Bien que le vin naturel ne fasse l'objet d'aucune règlementation officielle à l'international, ce type de vin va au-delà de toutes les normes « bio » en matière d’exigences environnementales. De façon générale, le vin est pourtant submergé de différentes normes, de droit public et de droit privé, qui tentent d'encadrer sa production et de livrer un certain contenu informationnel au consommateur sur la qualité du produit. Les normes de droit privé viennent souvent combler le vide laissé par les normes de droit public, qui elles, sont insuffisantes pour rendre compte du phénomène lié au vin naturel et au retour à certaines méthodes traditionnelles. Les normes de droit public en viennent même à s'inspirer des normes de droit privé afin de réformer et ainsi durcir leurs exigences environnementales. Cet essai suggère une réflexion sur les différents enjeux entourant le vin naturel et examine l’interaction entre les différentes normes de droit public et de droit privé qui entourent le vin, le vin « bio », naturel et « biodynamique »

    L'eucharistie et les groupes restreints : rapports interfécondants et rôles typiques

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    De la Germanie à la Mauricie : étude de la légende de la chasse-galerie

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Differences in Reading by the Economic Status of Texas Grade 4 Boys and Girls in Special Education: A Multiyear Statewide Investigation

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    In this investigation, the degree to which the economic status (i.e., Not Economically Disadvantaged, Economically Disadvantaged) of Texas Grade 4 boys and girls in special education was related to their reading performance was addressed.  Archival data from the Texas Education Agency Public Education Information Management System were analyzed for 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, and 2017-2018 school years on the Texas state-mandated reading assessment for Grade 4 students.  Inferential statistical analyses, conducted separately for boys and girls in special education, revealed that boys and girls in poverty had statistically significantly lower reading test scores than boys and girls who were not in poverty.  Results in all four school years were consistent with the existing research literature in that poverty negatively affects reading performance. Implications for policy and practice were provided, as well as recommendations for future research
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