67 research outputs found

    Estudo de Prospecção Tecnológica sobre Embalagem Ativa de Alimentos com Adição de Eugenol Microencapsulado

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    Food waste is exacerbated by logistical issues that result in losses between harvest and retail, affecting the sustainability of food systems with socioeconomic and environmental impacts. Research and development of raw materials, inputs and technologies in food packaging and transportation can reduce losses. Active packaging can be strategic, as in addition to containing products, they incorporate agents that improve sensory characteristics, extending the shelf life of food. This study presents a view of active packaging for foods with eugenol, a natural compound with antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, in information from scientific articles (SciELO® platform) and patents (Espacenet® platform). American industries (biotechnology, aesthetics, pharmaceutical and analytical instrument sectors) are the main patent holders. Most of these focus on C11D3/505 (encapsulated aromatic substances). The development of active packaging with eugenol has innovative potential and is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations.O desperdício de alimentos é exacerbado por questões logísticas que resultam na perda entre colheita e varejo, afetando a sustentabilidade dos sistemas alimentares com impactos socioeconômicos e ambientais. A pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de matérias-primas, insumos e tecnologias na embalagem e transporte de alimentos podem reduzir perdas. Embalagens ativas podem ser estratégicas, pois além de conter os produtos, incorporam agentes que melhoram características sensoriais prolongando a vida útil dos alimentos. Este estudo apresenta uma visão das embalagens ativas para alimentos com eugenol, composto natural com atividade antioxidante e antimicrobiana, em informações de artigos científicos (plataforma SciELO®) e patentes (plataforma Espacenet®). Indústrias americanas (setores de biotecnologia, estética, farmacêutica e instrumentos analíticos) são as principais detentoras das patentes. A maioria delas concentra-se em C11D3/505 (substâncias aromáticas encapsuladas). O desenvolvimento de embalagens ativas com eugenol tem potencial inovador e está alinhado aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) propostos pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU)

    Segurança, saúde e higiene do trabalho em tempos de pandemia mundial: normas regulamentadoras modificadas e revogadas; covid incluída temporariamente rol de doenças ocupacionais / Occupational health, safety and hygiene in times of global pandemic: modified and revoked regulatory standards; covid temporarily included list of occupational diseases

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    O país vive um período de Pandemia mundial de covid- 19, vem se adaptando às restrições e protocolo como da Organização Mundial de Saúde de uso de máscara, álcool 70 % ou lavar as mãos com água e sabão, sanitização de ambientes dentre outros. Passados seis meses, a grande maioria da população se prepara para retornar trabalho, este que sofreu impacto com as reformas e mudanças em algumas das normas regulamentadoras em 2019 e 2020, mas que foram pertinentemente revogadas, uma vez que nesse período, quesitos de saúde e segurança no trabalho importantes, deixariam de serem otimizadas. Neste artigo, objetiva-se discutir aspectos relativos à saúde e segurança no trabalho  bem como evidenciar a importância da consciência da bioética e biossegurança como estabelecimento de parceria entre trabalhador e empregador, reiterar a imprescindível notificação de trabalhadores infectado por corona vírus e salientar o fundamental papel das agências de vigilância à saúde em espaço laboral na regulamentação e aprofundamento dos estudos para garantir junto aos empregadores os suportes necessários para estações de trabalhos mais seguras

    Segurança, saúde e higiene do trabalho em tempos de pandemia mundial: normas regulamentadoras modificadas e revogadas; covid incluída temporariamente rol de doenças ocupacionais / Occupational health, safety and hygiene in times of global pandemic: modified and revoked regulatory standards; covid temporarily included list of occupational diseases

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    O país vive um período de Pandemia mundial de covid- 19, vem se adaptando às restrições e protocolo como da Organização Mundial de Saúde de uso de máscara, álcool 70 % ou lavar as mãos com água e sabão, sanitização de ambientes dentre outros. Passados seis meses, a grande maioria da população se prepara para retornar trabalho, este que sofreu impacto com as reformas e mudanças em algumas das normas regulamentadoras em 2019 e 2020, mas que foram pertinentemente revogadas, uma vez que nesse período, quesitos de saúde e segurança no trabalho importantes, deixariam de serem otimizadas. Neste artigo, objetiva-se discutir aspectos relativos à saúde e segurança no trabalho  bem como evidenciar a importância da consciência da bioética e biossegurança como estabelecimento de parceria entre trabalhador e empregador, reiterar a imprescindível notificação de trabalhadores infectado por corona vírus e salientar o fundamental papel das agências de vigilância à saúde em espaço laboral na regulamentação e aprofundamento dos estudos para garantir junto aos empregadores os suportes necessários para estações de trabalhos mais seguras

    A Lei da Inovação e o Decreto do Marco Regulatório da Inovação: uma análise da jurisprudência do TCU com base em dados proprietária orientada a programação em linguagem natural

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    This article analyzes the jurisprudence of the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) on the Innovation Law (Law n. 10.973/2004) and the Regulatory Framework Decree of Innovation (Decree n. 9.283/2018), using a proprietary database of the author, which contains the judgments relevant to this theme, adapted for natural language programming (NLP). The author extracted data on the decision-making process of the TCU, the legal issues involved, the temporal distribution of the judgments and the most cited and problematized articles of the Innovation Law and the Regulatory Framework Decree. The author concluded that the proprietary database allowed to achieve a more accurate result than the original database of the TCU, and that the Regulatory Framework Decree has been meeting, through external control, its purpose of resolving the obscurities and flaws of the Innovation Law.Este artigo analisa a jurisprudência do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) sobre a Lei da Inovação (Lei n. 10.973/2004) e o Decreto do Marco Regulatório da Inovação (Decreto n. 9.283/2018), utilizando uma base de dados proprietária do autor, que contém os acórdãos pertinentes a essa temática, adaptados para Programação em Linguagem Natural (PLN). O autor extraiu dados sobre o processo decisório do TCU, as questões jurídicas envolvidas, a distribuição temporal dos acórdãos e os artigos mais citados e problematizados da Lei da Inovação e do Decreto do Marco Regulatório. O autor concluiu que a base de dados proprietária permitiu alcançar um resultado mais preciso do que a base de dados originária do TCU, e que o Decreto do Marco Regulatório vem atendendo, por meio do controle externo, à sua finalidade de resolver as obscuridades e os pontos falhos da Lei da Inovação

    A Seropositive Nodular Rheumatoid Polyarthritis without Arthritis: Does It Exist?

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    The rheumatoid polyarthritis is the most frequent chronic polyarthritis. It affects essentially the woman between 40 and 60 years. Rheumatic subcutaneous nodules and tenosynovitis are usually associated with seropositive symptomatic rheumatoid polyarthritis. It is, however, rare that they constitute the essential clinical expression of the disease. In this case, it makes dispute another exceptional form of rheumatoid arthritis such as rheumatoid nodulosis. A 60-year-old woman was hospitalized for tumefaction of the dorsal face of the right hand evolving two months before. The clinical examination found subcutaneous nodules from which the exploration ended in rheumatoid nodules with tenosynovitis. The evolution after four years was favourable under corticosteroid therapy, methotrexate, and colchicine

    Un taux de procalcitonine sérique déroutant!

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    La procalcitonine (PCT) est un marqueur de gravité du sepsis, dont la valeur absolue et la cinétique sont corrélées à la sévérité de l'infection. On rapporte le cas d'un patient qui présente une PCT très élevée sans relation avec un sepsis. Il s'agit d'un homme âgé de 55 ans, admis en rhumatologie pour des lombosciatalgies hyperalgiques fébriles. Le bilan biologique a montré une hyperleucocytose à 15000 élément/mm3 àprédominance neutrophile, associée à une CRP et une PCT sériques, respectivement à 305 mg/l et 2,5ng/ml. Devant ce tableau évocateur de sepsis, des hémocultures étaient réalisées et un traitement antibiotique probabiliste était instauré. L'absence d'évolution favorable du malade ainsi que la discordance entre les chiffres de la PCT demeurant très élevés et les hémocultures négatives, une IRM dorso-lombaire était réalisée. Elle a objectivé une arthrite de la hanche droite, associée à des lésions osseuses multiples secondaires du squelette axial évoquant une origine néoplasique. Une TDM thoraco-abdomino-pelvienne a montré la présence d'une masse pulmonaire gauche. La biopsie pulmonaire a révélé un adénocarcinome infiltrant

    Cyclin A and cyclin D1 as significant prognostic markers in colorectal cancer patients

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    BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer is a common cancer all over the world. Aberrations in the cell cycle checkpoints have been shown to be of prognostic significance in colorectal cancer. METHODS: The expression of cyclin D1, cyclin A, histone H3 and Ki-67 was examined in 60 colorectal cancer cases for co-regulation and impact on overall survival using immunohistochemistry, southern blot and in situ hybridization techniques. Immunoreactivity was evaluated semi quantitatively by determining the staining index of the studied proteins. RESULTS: There was a significant correlation between cyclin D1 gene amplification and protein overexpression (concordance = 63.6%) and between Ki-67 and the other studied proteins. The staining index for Ki-67, cyclin A and D1 was higher in large, poorly differentiated tumors. The staining index of cyclin D1 was significantly higher in cases with deeply invasive tumors and nodal metastasis. Overexpression of cyclin A and D1 and amplification of cyclin D1 were associated with reduced overall survival. Multivariate analysis shows that cyclin D1 and A are two independent prognostic factors in colorectal cancer patients. CONCLUSIONS: Loss of cell cycle checkpoints control is common in colorectal cancer. Cyclin A and D1 are superior independent indicators of poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients. Therefore, they may help in predicting the clinical outcome of those patients on an individual basis and could be considered important therapeutic targets

    Estimates, trends, and drivers of the global burden of type 2 diabetes attributable to PM2.5 air pollution, 1990-2019 : an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background Experimental and epidemiological studies indicate an association between exposure to particulate matter (PM) air pollution and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. In view of the high and increasing prevalence of diabetes, we aimed to quantify the burden of type 2 diabetes attributable to PM2.5 originating from ambient and household air pollution.Methods We systematically compiled all relevant cohort and case-control studies assessing the effect of exposure to household and ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution on type 2 diabetes incidence and mortality. We derived an exposure-response curve from the extracted relative risk estimates using the MR-BRT (meta-regression-Bayesian, regularised, trimmed) tool. The estimated curve was linked to ambient and household PM2.5 exposures from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2019, and estimates of the attributable burden (population attributable fractions and rates per 100 000 population of deaths and disability-adjusted life-years) for 204 countries from 1990 to 2019 were calculated. We also assessed the role of changes in exposure, population size, age, and type 2 diabetes incidence in the observed trend in PM2.5-attributable type 2 diabetes burden. All estimates are presented with 95% uncertainty intervals.Findings In 2019, approximately a fifth of the global burden of type 2 diabetes was attributable to PM2.5 exposure, with an estimated 3.78 (95% uncertainty interval 2.68-4.83) deaths per 100 000 population and 167 (117-223) disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) per 100 000 population. Approximately 13.4% (9.49-17.5) of deaths and 13.6% (9.73-17.9) of DALYs due to type 2 diabetes were contributed by ambient PM2.5, and 6.50% (4.22-9.53) of deaths and 5.92% (3.81-8.64) of DALYs by household air pollution. High burdens, in terms of numbers as well as rates, were estimated in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and South America. Since 1990, the attributable burden has increased by 50%, driven largely by population growth and ageing. Globally, the impact of reductions in household air pollution was largely offset by increased ambient PM2.5.Interpretation Air pollution is a major risk factor for diabetes. We estimated that about a fifth of the global burden of type 2 diabetes is attributable PM2.5 pollution. Air pollution mitigation therefore might have an essential role in reducing the global disease burden resulting from type 2 diabetes. Copyright (C) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Estimates, trends, and drivers of the global burden of type 2 diabetes attributable to PM2.5 air pollution, 1990-2019 : An analysis of data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background Experimental and epidemiological studies indicate an association between exposure to particulate matter (PM) air pollution and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. In view of the high and increasing prevalence of diabetes, we aimed to quantify the burden of type 2 diabetes attributable to PM2·5 originating from ambient and household air pollution. Methods We systematically compiled all relevant cohort and case-control studies assessing the effect of exposure to household and ambient fine particulate matter (PM2·5) air pollution on type 2 diabetes incidence and mortality. We derived an exposure–response curve from the extracted relative risk estimates using the MR-BRT (meta-regression—Bayesian, regularised, trimmed) tool. The estimated curve was linked to ambient and household PM2·5 exposures from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2019, and estimates of the attributable burden (population attributable fractions and rates per 100 000 population of deaths and disability-adjusted life-years) for 204 countries from 1990 to 2019 were calculated. We also assessed the role of changes in exposure, population size, age, and type 2 diabetes incidence in the observed trend in PM2·5-attributable type 2 diabetes burden. All estimates are presented with 95% uncertainty intervals. Findings In 2019, approximately a fifth of the global burden of type 2 diabetes was attributable to PM2·5 exposure, with an estimated 3·78 (95% uncertainty interval 2·68–4·83) deaths per 100 000 population and 167 (117–223) disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) per 100 000 population. Approximately 13·4% (9·49–17·5) of deaths and 13·6% (9·73–17·9) of DALYs due to type 2 diabetes were contributed by ambient PM2·5, and 6·50% (4·22–9·53) of deaths and 5·92% (3·81–8·64) of DALYs by household air pollution. High burdens, in terms of numbers as well as rates, were estimated in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and South America. Since 1990, the attributable burden has increased by 50%, driven largely by population growth and ageing. Globally, the impact of reductions in household air pollution was largely offset by increased ambient PM2·5. Interpretation Air pollution is a major risk factor for diabetes. We estimated that about a fifth of the global burden of type 2 diabetes is attributable PM2·5 pollution. Air pollution mitigation therefore might have an essential role in reducing the global disease burden resulting from type 2 diabetes

    Global, regional, and national cancer incidence, mortality, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-Adjusted life-years for 29 cancer groups, 1990 to 2017 : A systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study

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    Importance: Cancer and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are now widely recognized as a threat to global development. The latest United Nations high-level meeting on NCDs reaffirmed this observation and also highlighted the slow progress in meeting the 2011 Political Declaration on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases and the third Sustainable Development Goal. Lack of situational analyses, priority setting, and budgeting have been identified as major obstacles in achieving these goals. All of these have in common that they require information on the local cancer epidemiology. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study is uniquely poised to provide these crucial data. Objective: To describe cancer burden for 29 cancer groups in 195 countries from 1990 through 2017 to provide data needed for cancer control planning. Evidence Review: We used the GBD study estimation methods to describe cancer incidence, mortality, years lived with disability, years of life lost, and disability-Adjusted life-years (DALYs). Results are presented at the national level as well as by Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a composite indicator of income, educational attainment, and total fertility rate. We also analyzed the influence of the epidemiological vs the demographic transition on cancer incidence. Findings: In 2017, there were 24.5 million incident cancer cases worldwide (16.8 million without nonmelanoma skin cancer [NMSC]) and 9.6 million cancer deaths. The majority of cancer DALYs came from years of life lost (97%), and only 3% came from years lived with disability. The odds of developing cancer were the lowest in the low SDI quintile (1 in 7) and the highest in the high SDI quintile (1 in 2) for both sexes. In 2017, the most common incident cancers in men were NMSC (4.3 million incident cases); tracheal, bronchus, and lung (TBL) cancer (1.5 million incident cases); and prostate cancer (1.3 million incident cases). The most common causes of cancer deaths and DALYs for men were TBL cancer (1.3 million deaths and 28.4 million DALYs), liver cancer (572000 deaths and 15.2 million DALYs), and stomach cancer (542000 deaths and 12.2 million DALYs). For women in 2017, the most common incident cancers were NMSC (3.3 million incident cases), breast cancer (1.9 million incident cases), and colorectal cancer (819000 incident cases). The leading causes of cancer deaths and DALYs for women were breast cancer (601000 deaths and 17.4 million DALYs), TBL cancer (596000 deaths and 12.6 million DALYs), and colorectal cancer (414000 deaths and 8.3 million DALYs). Conclusions and Relevance: The national epidemiological profiles of cancer burden in the GBD study show large heterogeneities, which are a reflection of different exposures to risk factors, economic settings, lifestyles, and access to care and screening. The GBD study can be used by policy makers and other stakeholders to develop and improve national and local cancer control in order to achieve the global targets and improve equity in cancer care. © 2019 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe