88 research outputs found

    Qualidade do sono e satisfação profissional em enfermeiros espanhóis: as consequências da COVID-19

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    Highlights This study reveals that Spanish nurses have significantly poor sleep quality post-COVID-19, with a mean Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score of 9.75. Factors such as not having dependents and having a master's degree were linked to poor sleep quality among the nurses surveyed. Job satisfaction was the highest among female nurses and those not working with COVID-19 patients, indicating that sex and work conditions influenced satisfaction levels. Improving nurse-to-patient ratios and shift distributions are crucial for enhancing sleep quality and reducing stress and burnout among nurses. Introduction: Sleep is fundamental to the quality of life and can affect individuals' well-being and mental health. Objective: This study analyzed sleep quality and job satisfaction among Spanish nurses following the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Font Roja Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, and sociodemographic and work-related variables. A “snowball” sampling method was employed through social media dissemination. Results: The mean PSQI score was 9.75 ± 4,36 points. The poorest sleep quality was identified in participants without dependents (p=0.031; β=3.329; 95% CI=0.035-6.354) and those with dependents other than children (p=0.022; β=4.121; 95% CI=0.575-7.667). However, having a Ph.D degree (p=0.001; β=-3.406; 95% CI=-5.503-1.309) or specialist degree (p=0.021; β=-1.639; 95% CI=-3.031- -0.247) was associated with better sleep quality. Higher job satisfaction was found among women (p=0.034; β=0.104; 95% CI=0.007-0.201) who did not work with COVID-19 patients (p=0.049; β=-0.085; 95% CI=-0.174- -0.003).   Discussion: Improving working conditions, such as the nurse-to-patient ratio and distribution of work shifts, is crucial to enhancing nurses' sleep quality. Conclusions:  Spanish nurses reported poor sleep quality. Not having dependents or having dependents other than children were risk factors for poor sleep quality. Job satisfaction was higher among women who did not work with COVID-19 patients. No relationship was found between job satisfaction and sleep quality. How to cite this article: Maestro-González Alba, Zuazua-Rico David, Juan-García Carmen, Villalgordo-García Salvador, Mosteiro-Díaz María Pilar, Plaza-Carmona María. Sleep quality and job satisfaction in Spanish nurses: the consequences of COVID-19. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(2):e3452.  https://doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.3452Introducción: El sueño es fundamental para la calidad de vida y puede afectar el bienestar y la salud mental de los individuos. Objetivo: Analizar la calidad del sueño y satisfacción laboral en enfermeras españolas tras la pandemia por COVID-19. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal utilizando el Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), el Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral Font Roja y variables sociodemográficas y laborales. Se empleó un muestreo en "bola de nieve" mediante divulgación en redes sociales. Resultados: La puntuación media del PSQI fue de 9,75 ± 4,36 puntos. La peor calidad del sueño se identificó en participantes sin personas a cargo (p=0,031;β=3,329;IC95%=0,035-6,354) y en aquellos con dependientes distintos de los hijos (p=0,022;β=4,121; IC95%= 0,575-7,667). Sin embargo, ser doctor (p=0,001; β=-3,406; IC95%=-5,503-1,309) o especialista (p=0,021; β=-1,639; IC95%=-3,031- -0,247) se asoció con una mayor calidad del sueño. La mejor satisfacción laboral se identificó en mujeres (p=0,034;β=0,104;IC95%=0,007-0,201), que no trabajaban con pacientes COVID (p=0,049;β=-0,085; IC95%=-0,174- -0,003). Discusión: Es crucial mejorar las condiciones laborales, como la ratio enfermera-paciente y la distribución de los turnos de trabajo, para mejorar la calidad del sueño de las enfermeras.    Conclusiones: Las enfermeras españolas presentan una mala calidad del sueño. No tener personas a cargo y tener dependientes distintos de los hijos fueron factores de riesgo de mala calidad del sueño. La satisfacción laboral fue mayor en mujeres que no trabajaban con pacientes COVID-19. No se encontró relación entre la satisfacción laboral y la calidad del sueño de los trabajadores. Como citar este artículo: Maestro-González Alba, Zuazua-Rico David, Juan-García Carmen, Villalgordo-García Salvador, Mosteiro-Díaz María Pilar, Plaza-Carmona María. Sleep quality and job satisfaction in Spanish nurses: the consequences of COVID-19. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(2):e3452.  https://doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.3452Introdução: O sono é fundamental para a qualidade de vida e pode afetar o bem-estar e a saúde mental dos indivíduos. Objetivo: Este estudo analisou a qualidade do sono e a satisfação no trabalho entre enfermeiros espanhóis após a pandemia de COVID-19. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal utilizando o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh (PSQI), o Questionário de Satisfação no Trabalho Font Roja e variáveis sociodemográficas e relacionadas ao trabalho. Um método de amostragem “bola de neve” foi empregado por meio de divulgação em redes sociais. Resultados: A pontuação média do PSQI foi de 9,75 ± 4,36 pontos. A pior qualidade do sono foi identificada nos participantes sem dependentes (p=0,031; β=3,329; IC 95%=0,035-6,354) e naqueles com outros dependentes que não sejam filhos (p=0,022; β=4,121; IC 95%=0,575-7,667). Entretanto, possuir doutoramento (p=0,001; β=-3,406; IC 95%=-5,503-1,309) ou especialista (p=0,021; β=-1,639; IC 95%=-3,031- -0,247) esteve associado a melhor qualidade do sono. Maior satisfação no trabalho foi encontrada entre mulheres (p=0,034; β=0,104; IC 95%=0,007-0,201) que não trabalhavam com pacientes com COVID-19 (p=0,049; β=-0,085; IC 95%=-0,174- -0,003).   Discussão: Melhorar as condições de trabalho, tais como o rácio enfermeiro/paciente e a distribuição dos turnos de trabalho, é crucial para melhorar a qualidade do sono dos enfermeiros. Conclusões: Os enfermeiros espanhóis relataram má qualidade do sono. Não ter dependentes ou ter outros dependentes além dos filhos foram fatores de risco para má qualidade do sono. A satisfação no trabalho foi maior entre as mulheres que não trabalharam com pacientes com COVID-19. Nenhuma relação foi encontrada entre satisfação no trabalho e qualidade do sono. Como citar este artigo: Maestro-González Alba, Zuazua-Rico David, Juan-García Carmen, Villalgordo-García Salvador, Mosteiro-Díaz María Pilar, Plaza-Carmona María. Sleep quality and job satisfaction in Spanish nurses: the consequences of COVID-19. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(2):e3452.  https://doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.345

    Audiovisual content platforms and product placement. The case of Netflix

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    Desde muy pronto, en la primera mitad del siglo pasado, con el desarrollo del cine como industria, el product placement o emplazamiento de producto ha estado presente en muchas de las obras, cobrando cada vez más importancia e insertándose - al mismo tiempo - en todo tipo de formas artísticas y culturales. En los últimos años, con la aparición y creciente desarrollo de las SVOD (Subscription Video On Demand), el product placement no ha tardado en incorporarse a este nuevo modelo de consumo de contenidos audiovisuales. Netflix, una de las SVOD pioneras, ha convertido esta plataforma en un medio ideal en el que las marcas se están insertando a pesar de su modelo aparentemente “sin publicidad”. Esta investigación analiza la presencia del product placement en las series de la plataforma Netflix, sirviendo como ejemplo referencial de otras plataformas con el mismo modelo. Mediante el uso de la metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa, como son la encuesta y el análisis de contenido respectivamente, se confirma la existencia de esta técnica publicitaria en la plataforma, analizando al mismo tiempo su tipología, así como el beneficio que se advierte del uso de la misma entre los usuarios de este tipo de plataforma.With the development of cinema as an industry, from early in the first half of the last century, the advertising technique of product placement has been incorporated in many movies, steadily gaining in importance, and insinuating itself into all kinds of artistic and cultural forms. In recent years, with the emergence and growth of SVODs (Subscription Video On Demand), product placement has been quick to appear in this new model of audiovisual content consumption. Netflix, one of today’s most successful and pioneering SVODs, has turned this platform into an ideal medium in which brands place themselves despite its seemingly “ad-free” model. This research analyses the presence of product placement in Netflix series, employing it as a referential example of other platforms with the same model. By the use of qualitative and quantitative methodology, such as survey and content analysis, the existence of this advertising technique on the platform is confirmed, along with an analysis of its typology as well as the benefit derived from its use among users of this type of platform


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    El estudio que se reporta en el presente documento se enfoca en el análisis de los conocimientos adquiridos en la disciplina de Cálculo por estudiantes que cursaban sus últimos semestres; para lo cual se tomó una muestra de 20 alumnos de la Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales de la Escuela Superior de Cómputo del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. La metodología empleada en este estudio consistió en el diseño y aplicación de un cuestionario, el cual se dividió en dos partes: En la primera se hizo una revisión del estado académico en el que se encontraban y el nivel de conocimientos que creían tener en la disciplina de Cálculo. La segunda parte evaluó los conocimientos que realmente tienen en dicha disciplina, para lo cual se emplearon preguntas tanto conceptuales como algorítmicas y de aplicación. Para el tratamiento de la información obtenida del cuestionario, se empleó como herramienta la estadística inferencial.Los resultados obtenidos permitieron desarrollar una propuesta para aminorar las deficiencias encontradas, la cual consistió en un sitio web, que contiene material de apoyo, como guías, apuntes, tutoriales, simulaciones de gráficas, para mejorar los conocimientos de los alumnos de niveles avanzados de la Escuela Superior de Cómputo

    Comorbidity patterns in patients with chronic diseases in general practice

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    INTRODUCTION: Healthcare management is oriented toward single diseases, yet multimorbidity is nevertheless the rule and there is a tendency for certain diseases to occur in clusters. This study sought to identify comorbidity patterns in patients with chronic diseases, by reference to number of comorbidities, age and sex, in a population receiving medical care from 129 general practitioners in Spain, in 2007. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a health-area setting of the Madrid Autonomous Region (Comunidad Autónoma), covering a population of 198,670 individuals aged over 14 years. Multiple correspondences were analyzed to identify the clustering patterns of the conditions targeted. RESULTS: Forty-two percent (95% confidence interval [CI]: 41.8-42.2) of the registered population had at least one chronic condition. In all, 24.5% (95% CI: 24.3-24.6) of the population presented with multimorbidity. In the correspondence analysis, 98.3% of the total information was accounted for by three dimensions. The following four, age- and sex-related comorbidity patterns were identified: pattern B, showing a high comorbidity rate; pattern C, showing a low comorbidity rate; and two patterns, A and D, showing intermediate comorbidity rates. CONCLUSIONS: Four comorbidity patterns could be identified which grouped diseases as follows: one showing diseases with a high comorbidity burden; one showing diseases with a low comorbidity burden; and two showing diseases with an intermediate comorbidity burden.This study was partially supported by the CENIT Program (MICINN-CDTI) [CEN-2007-1010 ‘‘Digital personal environment for health and wellbeing – AmiVital’’ project], a grant from the Ministry of Health & Consumer Affairs [FIS PI08-0435], and the MOBIS Program of the Spanish Vodafone Foundation . The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Optimization of human keratinocyte culture to develop an artificial human skin model: cell alternatives as feeder layer of Advanced Therapies

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    Agradecimientos: Servicio de Medicina Nuclear del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de GranadaObjetivos: En el presente estudio se persigue optimizar el cultivo de queratinocitos para desarrollar un modelo de piel artificial humana. Para ello, se utilizan como capa alimentadora células de origen humano: fibroblastos dérmicos humanos y células mesenquimales troncales derivadas de tejido adiposo. Los resultados obtenidos se comparan con los fibroblastos 3T3, capa alimentadora de origen murino utilizada desde hace décadas. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo un estudio experimental, utilizando células de origen humano y células de origen murino subletalmente irradiadas, como capa alimentadora para el establecimiento del cultivo de queratinocitos. Se evaluó la tasa de expansión celular y la tasa de duplicación en el pase celular de queratinocitos y en la recuperación celular final que se llevó a cabo a las 3 semanas de cultivo; así como el rendimiento celular y la viabilidad celular, que también se evaluaron en el procesamiento inicial. Resultados: Los resultados determinan que los fibroblastos dérmicos humanos irradiados y las células mesenquimales troncales derivadas de tejido adiposo pueden actuar como capa alimentadora promoviendo la adhesión y la expansión celular de los queratinocitos. Los fibroblastos dérmicos humanos proporcionan resultados equiparables a los obtenidos con los fibroblastos 3T3 murinos. Conclusiones: Los fibroblastos dérmicos humanos irradiados proporcionan una capa alimentadora funcional que permite la expansión in vitro de manera eficaz de los queratinocitos que se van a utilizar con fines clínicos para el desarrollo de un modelo de piel artificial humana.Purpose: This study aims to optimize keratinocyte culture to develop an artificial human skin model. For this purpose, human cells are used as feeder layer: human dermal fibroblasts and adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells. The results obtained are compared with 3T3 fibroblasts, murine feeder layer used for decades. Methods: We conducted an experimental study using human and murine sub-lethally irradiated cells as feeder layer for the establishment of keratinocyte culture. Cell expansion rate and doubling rate were evaluated in the keratinocyte cell passage and in the final cell recovery (was carried out at 3 weeks). The yield and viability of keratinocytes were also evaluated in the initial processing. Results: The results determine that irradiated human dermal fibroblasts and irradiated adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells can act as feeder layer promoting adhesion and expansion of keratinocytes. Human dermal fibroblasts provide comparable results to those obtained with murine 3T3 fibroblasts. Conclusions: Irradiated human dermal fibroblasts provide a functional feeder layer which allows effectively in vitro expansion of keratinocytes to be used for clinical purposes for the development of an artificial human skin model

    Effectiveness, safety/tolerability of OBV/PTV/r ± DSV in patients with HCV genotype 1 or 4 with/without HIV-1 co-infection, chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage IIIb-V and dialysis in Spanish clinical practice - Vie-KinD study

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    Limited data are available on the effectiveness and tolerability of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) therapies in the real world for HCV-infected patients with comorbidities. This study aimed to describe the effectiveness of OBV/PTV/r ± DSV (3D/2D regimen) with or without ribavirin (RBV) in HCV or HCV/HIV co-infected patients with GT1/GT4 and CKD (IIIb-V stages), including those under hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis in routine clinical practice in Spain in 2015.Non-interventional, retrospective, multicenter data collection study in 31 Spanish sites. Socio-demographic, clinical variables, study treatment characteristics, effectiveness and tolerability data were collected from medical records.Data from 135 patients with a mean age (SD) of 58.3 (11.4) years were analyzed: 92.6% GT1 (81.6% GT1b and 17.6% GT1a) and 7.4% GT4, 14 (10.4%) HIV/HCV co-infected, 19.0% with fibrosis F3 and 28.1% F4 by FibroScan®, 52.6% were previously treated with pegIFN and RBV. 11.1%, 14.8% and 74.1% of patients had CKD stage IIIb, IV and V respectively. 68.9% of patients were on hemodialysis; 8.9% on peritoneal dialysis and 38.5% had history of renal transplant. A total of 125 (96.2%) of 135 patients were treated with 3D, 10 (7.4%) with 2D and 30.4% received RBV. The overall intention-to-treat (ITT) sustained virologic response at week 12 (SVR12) was 92.6% (125/135) and the overall modified-ITT (mITT) SVR12 was 99.2% (125/126). The SVR12 rates (ITT) per sub-groups were: HCV mono-infected (91.7%), HCV/HIV co-infected (100%), GT1 (92.0%), GT4 (100%), CKD stage IIIb (86.7%), stage IV (95%) and stage V (93%). Among the 10 non-SVR there was only 1 virologic failure (0.7%); 4 patients had missing data due lost to follow up (3.0%) and 5 patients discontinued 3D/2D regimen (3.7%): 4 due to severe adverse events (including 3 deaths) and 1 patient´s decision.These results have shown that 3D/2D regimens are effective and tolerable in patients with advanced CKD including those in dialysis with GT 1 or 4 chronic HCV mono-infection and HIV/HCV coinfection in a real-life cohort. The overall SVR12 rates were 92.6% (ITT) and 99.2% (mITT) without clinically relevant changes in eGFR until 12 weeks post-treatment. These results are consistent with those reported in clinical trials

    Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018.

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    Over the past decade, the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death (NCCD) has formulated guidelines for the definition and interpretation of cell death from morphological, biochemical, and functional perspectives. Since the field continues to expand and novel mechanisms that orchestrate multiple cell death pathways are unveiled, we propose an updated classification of cell death subroutines focusing on mechanistic and essential (as opposed to correlative and dispensable) aspects of the process. As we provide molecularly oriented definitions of terms including intrinsic apoptosis, extrinsic apoptosis, mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT)-driven necrosis, necroptosis, ferroptosis, pyroptosis, parthanatos, entotic cell death, NETotic cell death, lysosome-dependent cell death, autophagy-dependent cell death, immunogenic cell death, cellular senescence, and mitotic catastrophe, we discuss the utility of neologisms that refer to highly specialized instances of these processes. The mission of the NCCD is to provide a widely accepted nomenclature on cell death in support of the continued development of the field

    Actualidad y prospectiva de la investigación científica en el Centro Universitario Amecameca de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

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    Con responsabilidad, se organizó un programa cuya finalidad fuera publicitar con transparencia dichos avances, a través de un esfuerzo de rendición de cuentas a la comunidad inmediata, la universitaria, y a la comunidad abierta, la sociedad que la principal referencia para tal efecto. El programa se concretiza a través del presente libro, conformado con una inspiración de investigación multidisciplinaria; sin embargo, para llegar a tal fin, el reto es realizar el proceso de búsqueda y generación de conocimiento transitando hacia la colaboración de los cuerpos académicos, que puedan construir nuevos conocimientos fortalecidos por la convergencia de diferentes campos del saber. En consecuencia, la primera etapa de esta estrategia es la publicidad de los trabajos investigativos ejercidos, para hacer un balance al día, pero también proyectar el futuro de cada campo y área del conocimiento. La organización explicativa está organizada por tres bloques representativos del quehacer en la generación de conocimiento del Centro Universitario, un primer bloque centra el interés en las humanidades, educación y sustentabilidad; el segundo bloque lo integra la reflexión científica sobre la construcción democrática, derechos humanos y equidad de género; en el tercer segmento se destina a la seguridad alimentaria, salud pública y sistemas agropecuarios. La actualidad de la investigación eleva la producción lograda y lo que en el momento se encuentra en construcción y los alcances que produce para la docencia, la investigación misma, y para la sociedad en general. La prospectiva es un área que todos los capítulos desarrollan con el propósito de delinear los alcances innovadores por andar en teoría, metodología e incluso en los saberes mismo

    Evaluation of appendicitis risk prediction models in adults with suspected appendicitis

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    Background Appendicitis is the most common general surgical emergency worldwide, but its diagnosis remains challenging. The aim of this study was to determine whether existing risk prediction models can reliably identify patients presenting to hospital in the UK with acute right iliac fossa (RIF) pain who are at low risk of appendicitis. Methods A systematic search was completed to identify all existing appendicitis risk prediction models. Models were validated using UK data from an international prospective cohort study that captured consecutive patients aged 16–45 years presenting to hospital with acute RIF in March to June 2017. The main outcome was best achievable model specificity (proportion of patients who did not have appendicitis correctly classified as low risk) whilst maintaining a failure rate below 5 per cent (proportion of patients identified as low risk who actually had appendicitis). Results Some 5345 patients across 154 UK hospitals were identified, of which two‐thirds (3613 of 5345, 67·6 per cent) were women. Women were more than twice as likely to undergo surgery with removal of a histologically normal appendix (272 of 964, 28·2 per cent) than men (120 of 993, 12·1 per cent) (relative risk 2·33, 95 per cent c.i. 1·92 to 2·84; P < 0·001). Of 15 validated risk prediction models, the Adult Appendicitis Score performed best (cut‐off score 8 or less, specificity 63·1 per cent, failure rate 3·7 per cent). The Appendicitis Inflammatory Response Score performed best for men (cut‐off score 2 or less, specificity 24·7 per cent, failure rate 2·4 per cent). Conclusion Women in the UK had a disproportionate risk of admission without surgical intervention and had high rates of normal appendicectomy. Risk prediction models to support shared decision‐making by identifying adults in the UK at low risk of appendicitis were identified