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    Palu’s shallot is commercial crops. The productivity of Palu’s shallot is still a lower compared to that in regional crop which was achieved of 6,1 t/ha. In addition, this production is still lower compared to the national productivity (20 t/ha). This research was aimed to study the application of organic and inorganic fertilizers in the productivity of Palu’s shallot. The study was arranged in a randomized block design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. This study was performed on farm of fearmer’s land at Guntarano village of Tanatovea sub-district of Donggala district. The treatment consisted of ZA 100 kg/ha + NPK (P0), compost of cow excrement 10 t/ha (P1), compost of chickeent excrement 5 t/ha (P2), compost of goat manure 5 t/ha (P3), compost of cow excrement 5 t/ha + ZA 50 kg/ha. Result indicated that all treatments showed not signifi cant on vegetative growth of local Palu’s shallot. However, there was a signifi cant effect among the fertilizer treatments on increasing of Palu’s shallot productivity. It was found that the weight of wet tuber showed higher than in P4 (14.42 t/ha) and in P2 (10.90 t/ha)

    Analisis Finansial Budidaya Tomat Di Dataran Rendah Sulawesi Tengah

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    The main problem at tomato farm level is low yield compared to potential production. Objective of theresearch was to find out the appropriate packaged technology of tomatoes farming on low elevation. The research wasconducted at Labuan Toposo village, Sub district of Tawaeli, district of Donggala, from December 2003 to April2004. Randomized Complete Block Design was used with five replications. There are three packaged technology wereused : (A) introduce packaged-1 technology, (B) introduce packaged-2 technology, and (C) farmers packagedtechnology as usual. Results of the research showed that the introduce packaged-2 technology was highest in yield andthen followed by introduce packaged-1 technology, while the farmer packaged technology as the lowest. The cost ofthe production for introduce packaged-2 technology is Rp. 16.022.000,-/ha, with the highest of labour cost (Rp.8.000.000,- or 49,9% from total cost), followed by ather cost such as bambooes for stick, fertilizer, pestiside, landrent and the seed is the lowest cost. On the production level of 55,13 t/ha and range of yield price from Rp. 500 – Rp.1.250/kg will get the net income of tomato farm with packaged-2 technology as Rp. 37.069.250, with packaged-1technology were Rp. 20.292.150 and at farmers level is only Rp. 8.089.750. Furthermore, R/C ratio for packaged-2technology were 3,31; packaged-1 technology were 2,30, and farmers level of 1,54. Efficiency level of packkaged-2technology was high than others.Key words : Lycopersicon esculentum, financial analysis, cultivation systems, Central SulawesiPotensi lahan di Sulawesi Tengah masih cukup luas untuk pengembangan tanaman tomat. Permasalahanusahatani tomat di tingkat petani adalah produksi masih sangat rendah dibandingkan dengan potensi produksi yangada. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan paket teknologi budidaya yang sesuai dan secara ekonomis paling layakdigunakan pada USAhatani tomat di dataran rendah. Kajian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Labuan Toposo, KecamatanTawaeli, Kabupaten Donggala, pada bulan Desember 2003 sampai April 2004. Kajian ini menggunakan rancanganacak kelompok dengan lima ulangan. Ada tiga paket teknologi budidaya yang dikaji, yaitu : (A) paket introduksi-1,(B) paket introduksi-2, dan (C) paket teknologi menurut kebiasaan petani (sebagai pembanding). Hasil kajianmenunjukkan bahwa dari tiga paket teknologi budidaya yang dikaji, paket introduksi-2 menghasilkan produksi buahyang paling besar, kemudian diikuti oleh paket introduksi-1, dan yang paling rendah adalah paket petani. Biayaproduksi USAhatani tomat dengan menggunakan paket introduksi-2 adalah Rp. 16.022.000,- per hektare, dengan biayaterbesar pada tenaga kerja Rp.8.000.000,- (49,9 %), kemudian diikuti berturut-turut oleh biaya tiang penyangga,pupuk, pestisida, sewa lahan dan biaya paling sedikit adalah biaya bibit. Pada tingkat produksi 55,13 t/ha dan hargaantara Rp.500 – Rp. 1.250,-/kg, pendapatan bersih USAhatani tomat dengan menggunakan paket introduksi-2 adalahRp.37.069.250,-, paket introduksi-1 Rp. 20.292.150,- dan paket petani Rp. 8.089.750,-. Pada tingkat produksi danharga tomat tersebut di atas, hasil perhitungan R/C ratio untuk paket introduksi-2 adalah 3,31, paket introduksi-1adalah 2,30 dan paket petani 1,54. Meskipun ketiga paket teknologi budidaya tersebut masih memberikan keuntungan,namun tingkat efisiensi tertinggi dicapai pada paket introduksi-2


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    [PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES AND YIELDS OF FOUR LOCAL GOGO RICE CULTIVARS OF CENTRAL SULAWESI TO DROUGHT STRESS]. Rice is the most important staple food for Indonesians and can be grown in dry land agroecosystems as an upland rice. The research was conducted to study the physiological mechanisms related to drought resistant schemes on four local upland rice cultivars of Central Sulawesi. Field research was carried out using factorial Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with two factors and three blocks as replication. The first factor was four cultivars of upland rice, i.e., Habo, Hiwanggu, Sunggul, and Lambara; while watering intervals of once in one, two, four and eight days was considered as second factor. The observed variables of this experiment were soil moisture, relative water content of leaf, stomatal conductance, concentration of leaf carbon dioxide, transpiration rate, photosynthesis rate, and yield of grain per grove. The collected data were analyzed with regression using independent variables of soil moisture and dependent variables of relative water content on leaf, stomatal conductance, concentration of carbon dioxide on leaf, transpiration rate, photosynthesis rate and yield of grain per grove. The relationship among observed variables was determined using correlation analysis. The results showed that drought resistant upland rice cultivars (Habo and Sunggul) required less optimum soil moisture than those of non-drought resistant cultivars (Hiwanggu and Lambara) to maximize relative water content, stomatal conductance, carbon dioxide, transpiration rate and photosynthesis rate. Soil moisture contributions to maximum yield of grain per grove on Habo, Sunggul, Hiwanggu and Lambara cultivars were 23.41%, 23.00%, 27.14% and 26.67%, respectively.  Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari mekanisme fisiologis yang terkait dengan skema ketahanan kekeringan pada empat kultivar padi gogo lokal Sulawesi Tengah. Penelitian lapangan dilaksanakan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) faktorial dua faktor dengan tiga blok sebagai ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah empat kultivar padi gogo yaitu Habo, Hiwanggu, Sunggul, dan Lambara. Sedangkan faktor kedua adalah interval penyiraman yaitu satu hari, dua hari, empat hari, dan delapan hari sekali. Variabel yang menjadi fokus kajian adalah kadar lengas tanah, kadar air relatif daun, konduktansi stomata, konsentrasi karbon dioksida daun, laju transpirasi, laju fotosintesis, dan hasil gabah per rumpun. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis regresi dengan variabel bebas adalah kadar lengas tanah sedangkan variabel tidak bebas adalah kadar air relatif daun, konduktansi stomata, konsentrasi karbon dioksida daun, laju transpirasi, laju fotosintesis, dan hasil gabah per rumpun. Hubungan antar variabel pengamatan ditentukan dengan analisis korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok kulivar padi gogo tahan kering (Habo dan Sunggul) memerlukan kadar lengas tanah optimum yang lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok kultivar padi gogo tidak tahan kering (Hiwanggu dan Lambara) untuk memaksimalkan kadar air relatif, konduktansi stomata, karbon dioksida, laju transpirasi, dan laju fotosintesis.  Kadar lengas tanah yang menyebabkan hasil gabah per rumpun maksimum pada Habo, Sunggul, Hiwanggu, dan Lambara secara berurutan adalah 23.41%, 23.00%, 27.14%, dan 26.67%

    Short-Term Effect of In Situ Biochar Briquettes on Nitrogen Loss in Hybrid Rice Grown in an Agroforestry System for Three Years

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    Kayu putih (Melaleuca cajuputi) waste has the potential via in situ biochar briquettes to overcome the low availability of nitrogen in soil. This study evaluated the short-term effects of in situ biochar briquettes on nitrogen loss reduction and determined an optimum scenario for hybrid rice grown in an agroforestry system among kayu putih stands. This three-year experiment (2019–2021) was conducted using a randomised complete block design factorial with three blocks as replications. The treatments included biochar briquettes made from kayu putih waste (0-, 2-, 4-, and 6-grain plant−1 or 0, 5, 10, and 15 tonnes ha−1) and urea fertiliser (0, 100, 200, and 300 kg ha−1). The results demonstrated that the eco–environmental scenario was the most efficient strategy that improved the soil quality, the physiological characteristics, and the yield of the hybrid rice with the optimum application of the biochar briquettes at 5.54-grain plant−1 and the urea fertiliser at 230.08 kg ha−1. This alternative approach illustrated a reduction in both the usage of urea fertiliser and the loss of nitrogen by 23.31% and 26.28%, respectively, while increasing the yield of the hybrid rice by 24.73%, as compared to a single application of 300 kg urea ha−1 without biochar briquettes

    Short-Term Effect of In Situ Biochar Briquettes on Nitrogen Loss in Hybrid Rice Grown in an Agroforestry System for Three Years

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    Kayu putih (Melaleuca cajuputi) waste has the potential via in situ biochar briquettes to overcome the low availability of nitrogen in soil. This study evaluated the short-term effects of in situ biochar briquettes on nitrogen loss reduction and determined an optimum scenario for hybrid rice grown in an agroforestry system among kayu putih stands. This three-year experiment (2019–2021) was conducted using a randomised complete block design factorial with three blocks as replications. The treatments included biochar briquettes made from kayu putih waste (0-, 2-, 4-, and 6-grain plant−1 or 0, 5, 10, and 15 tonnes ha−1) and urea fertiliser (0, 100, 200, and 300 kg ha−1). The results demonstrated that the eco–environmental scenario was the most efficient strategy that improved the soil quality, the physiological characteristics, and the yield of the hybrid rice with the optimum application of the biochar briquettes at 5.54-grain plant−1 and the urea fertiliser at 230.08 kg ha−1. This alternative approach illustrated a reduction in both the usage of urea fertiliser and the loss of nitrogen by 23.31% and 26.28%, respectively, while increasing the yield of the hybrid rice by 24.73%, as compared to a single application of 300 kg urea ha−1 without biochar briquettes

    Smart precursors for smart nanoparticles

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