582 research outputs found

    Bootstrap percolation on a graph with random and local connections

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    Let Gn,p1G_{n,p}^1 be a superposition of the random graph Gn,pG_{n,p} and a one-dimensional lattice: the nn vertices are set to be on a ring with fixed edges between the consecutive vertices, and with random independent edges given with probability pp between any pair of vertices. Bootstrap percolation on a random graph is a process of spread of "activation" on a given realisation of the graph with a given number of initially active nodes. At each step those vertices which have not been active but have at least r2r \geq 2 active neighbours become active as well. We study the size of the final active set in the limit when nn\rightarrow \infty . The parameters of the model are nn, the size A0=A0(n)A_0=A_0(n) of the initially active set and the probability p=p(n)p=p(n) of the edges in the graph. Bootstrap percolation process on Gn,pG_{n,p} was studied earlier. Here we show that the addition of nn local connections to the graph Gn,pG_{n,p} leads to a more narrow critical window for the phase transition, preserving however, the critical scaling of parameters known for the model on Gn,pG_{n,p}. We discover a range of parameters which yields percolation on Gn,p1G_{n,p}^1 but not on Gn,pG_{n,p}.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figure

    The Ising model on the random planar causal triangulation: bounds on the critical line and magnetization properties

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    We investigate a Gibbs (annealed) probability measure defined on Ising spin configurations on causal triangulations of the plane. We study the region where such measure can be defined and provide bounds on the boundary of this region (critical line). We prove that for any finite random triangulation the magnetization of the central spin is sensitive of the boundary conditions. Furthermore, we show that in the infinite volume limit, the magnetization of the central spin vanishes for values of the temperature high enough.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, 1 section adde

    A dynamic network in a dynamic population: asymptotic properties

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    We derive asymptotic properties for a stochastic dynamic network model in a stochastic dynamic population. In the model, nodes give birth to new nodes until they die, each node being equipped with a social index given at birth. During the life of a node it creates edges to other nodes, nodes with high social index at higher rate, and edges disappear randomly in time. For this model we derive criterion for when a giant connected component exists after the process has evolved for a long period of time, assuming the node population grows to infinity. We also obtain an explicit expression for the degree correlation ρ\rho (of neighbouring nodes) which shows that ρ\rho is always positive irrespective of parameter values in one of the two treated submodels, and may be either positive or negative in the other model, depending on the parameters