174 research outputs found

    The properties and polarization of the H2O and CH3OH maser environment of NGC7538-IRS1

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    NGC7538 is a complex massive star-forming region. The region is composed of several radio continuum sources, one of which is IRS1, a high-mass protostar, from which a 0.3 pc molecular bipolar outflow was detected. Several maser species have been detected around IRS1. The CH3OH masers have been suggested to trace a Keplerian-disk, while the H2O masers are almost aligned to the outflow. More recent results suggested that the region hosts a torus and potentially a disk, but with a different inclination than the Keplerian-disk that is supposed to be traced by the CH3OH masers. Tracing the magnetic field close to protostars is fundamental for determining the orientation of the disk/torus. Recent studies showed that during the protostellar phase of high-mass star formation the magnetic field is oriented along the outflows and around or on the surfaces of the disk/torus. The observations of polarized maser emissions at milliarcsecond resolution can make a crucial contribution to understanding the orientation of the magnetic field and, consequently, the orientation of the disk/torus in NGC7538-IRS1. The NRAO Very Long Baseline Array was used to measure the linear polarization and the Zeeman-splitting of the 22GHz H2O masers toward NGC7538-IRS1. The European VLBI Network and the MERLIN telescopes were used to measure the linear polarization and the Zeeman-splitting of the 6.7GHz CH3OH masers toward the same region. We detected 17 H2O masers and 49 CH3OH masers at high angular resolution. We detected linear polarization emission toward two H2O masers and toward twenty CH3OH masers. The CH3OH masers, most of which only show a core structure, seem to trace rotating and potentially infalling gas in the inner part of a torus. Significant Zeeman-splitting was measured in three CH3OH masers. [...] We also propose a new description of the structure of the NGC7538-IRS1 maser region.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 4 Tables, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Physical Characteristics of a Dark Cloud in an Early Stage of Star Formation toward NGC 7538: an Outer Galaxy Infrared Dark Cloud?

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    In the inner parts of the Galaxy the Infrared Dark Clouds (IRDCs) are presently believed to be the progenitors of massive stars and star clusters. Many of them are predominantly devoid of active star formation and for now they represent the earliest observed stages of massive star formation. Their Outer Galaxy counterparts, if present, are not easily identified because of a low or absent mid-IR background. We characterize the ambient conditions in the Outer Galaxy IRDC candidate G111.80+0.58, a relatively quiescent molecular core complex in the vicinity of NGC7538. We conduct molecular line observations on a number of dense cores and analyze the data in terms of excitation temperature, column and volume density, mass and stability. The temperatures (15-20K) are higher than expected from only cosmic ray heating, but comparable to those found in massive cores. Star forming activity could be present in some cores, as indicated by the presence of warm gas and YSO candidates. The observed super-thermal line-widths are typical for star forming regions. The velocity dispersion is consistent with a turbulent energy cascade over the observed size scales. We do not find a correlation between the gas temperature and the line-width. The LTE masses we find are much larger than the thermal Jeans mass and fragmentation is expected. In that case the observed lines represent the combined emission of multiple unresolved components. We conclude that G111.80+0.58 is a molecular core complex with bulk properties very similar to IRDCs in an early, but not pristine, star forming state. The individual cores are close to virial equilibrium and some contain sufficient material to form massive stars and star clusters. The ambient conditions suggest that turbulence is involved in supporting the cores against gravitational collapse.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A -- 19 pages, 9 figures -- high resolution available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~frieswyk/Data/Research/OGIRDC/index.htm

    High Resolution CO Observations of Massive Star Forming Regions

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    Context. To further understand the processes involved in the formation of massive stars, we have undertaken a study of the gas dynamics surrounding three massive star forming regions. By observing the large scale structures at high resolution, we are able to determine properties such as driving source, and spatially resolve the bulk dynamical properties of the gas such as infall and outflow. Aims. With high resolution observations, we are able to determine which of the cores in a cluster forming massive stars is responsible for the large scale structures. Methods. We present CO observations of three massive star forming regions with known HII regions and show how the CO traces both infall and outflow. By combining data taken in two SMA configurations with JCMT observations, we are able to see large scale structures at high resolution. Results. We find large (0.26-0.40 pc), massive (2-3 M_sun) and energetic (13-17 \times 10^44 erg) outflows emanating from the edges of two HII regions suggesting they are being powered by the protostar(s) within. We find infall signatures in two of our sources with mass infall rates of order 10-4 M_sun/yr. Conclusions. We suggest that star formation is ongoing in these sources despite the presence of HII regions. We further conclude that the source(s) within a single HII region are responsible for the observed large scale structures; that these large structures are not the net effect of multiple outflows from multiple HII regions and hot cores.Comment: 8 pages,2 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Beta-synemin expression in cardiotoxin-injected rat skeletal muscle

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    Background: β-synemin was originally identified in humans as an α-dystrobrevin-binding protein through a yeast two-hybrid screen using an amino acid sequence derived from exons 1 through 16 of α-dystrobrevin, a region common to both α-dystrobrevin-1 and -2. α-Dystrobrevin-1 and -2 are both expressed in muscle and co-localization experiments have determined which isoform preferentially functions with β-synemin in vivo. The aim of our study is to show whether each α-dystrobrevin isoform has the same affinity for β-synemin or whether one of the isoforms preferentially functions with β-synemin in muscle. Methods: The two α-dystrobrevin isoforms (-1 and -2) and β-synemin were localized in regenerating rat tibialis anterior muscle using immunoprecipitation, immunohistochemical and immunoblot analyses. Immunoprecipitation and co-localization studies for α-dystrobrevin and β-synemin were performed in regenerating muscle following cardiotoxin injection. Protein expression was then compared to that of developing rat muscle using immunoblot analysis.Results: With an anti-α-dystrobrevin antibody, β-synemin co-immunoprecipitated with α-dystrobrevin whereas with an anti-β-synemin antibody, α-dystrobrevin-1 (rather than the -2 isoform) preferentially co-immunoprecipitated with β-synemin. Immunohistochemical experiments show that β-synemin and α-dystrobrevin co-localize in rat skeletal muscle. In regenerating muscle, β-synemin is first expressed at the sarcolemma and in the cytoplasm at day 5 following cardiotoxin injection. Similarly, β-synemin and α-dystrobrevin-1 are detected by immunoblot analysis as weak bands by day 7. In contrast, immunoblot analysis shows that α-dystrobrevin-2 is expressed as early as 1 day post-injection in regenerating muscle. These results are similar to that of developing muscle. For example, in embryonic rats, immunoblot analysis shows that β-synemin and α-dystrobevin-1 are weakly expressed in developing lower limb muscle at 5 days post-birth, while α-dystrobrevin-2 is detectable before birth in 20-day post-fertilization embryos. Conclusion: Our results clearly show that β-synemin expression correlates with that of α-dystrobrevin-1, suggesting that β-synemin preferentially functions with α-dystrobrevin-1 in vivo and that these proteins are likely to function coordinately to play a vital role in developing and regenerating muscle

    VERA Observation of the W49N H2O Maser Outburst in 2003 October

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    We report on a strong outburst of the W49N H2O maser observed with VERA. Single-dish monitoring with VERA 20 m telescopes detected a strong outburst of the maser feature at V_LSR = -30.7 km/s in 2003 October. The outburst had a duration of ~100 days and a peak intensity of 7.9 x 10^4 Jy, being one of the strongest outbursts in W49N observed so far. VLBI observations with the VERA array were also carried out near to the maximum phase of the outburst, and the outburst spot was identified in the VLBI map. While the map was in good agreement with previous studies, showing three major concentrations of maser spots, we found a newly formed arc-like structure in the central maser concentration, which may be a shock front powered by a forming star or a star cluster. The outburst spot was found to be located on the arc-like structure, indicating a possible connection of the present outburst to a shock phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures included, to appear in PASJ letter (Vol.56, #3, 2004 June

    Dense gas and the nature of the outflows

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    We present the results of the observations of the (J,K)=(1,1) and the (J,K)=(2,2) inversion transitions of the NH3 molecule toward a large sample of 40 regions with molecular or optical outflows, using the 37 m radio telescope of the Haystack Observatory. We detected NH3 emission in 27 of the observed regions, which we mapped in 25 of them. Additionally, we searched for the 6{16}-5{23} H2O maser line toward six regions, detecting H2O maser emission in two of them, HH265 and AFGL 5173. We estimate the physical parameters of the regions mapped in NH3 and analyze for each particular region the distribution of high density gas and its relationship with the presence of young stellar objects. From the global analysis of our data we find that in general the highest values of the line width are obtained for the regions with the highest values of mass and kinetic temperature. We also found a correlation between the nonthermal line width and the bolometric luminosity of the sources, and between the mass of the core and the bolometric luminosity. We confirm with a larger sample of regions the conclusion of Anglada et al. (1997) that the NH3 line emission is more intense toward molecular outflow sources than toward sources with optical outflow, suggesting a possible evolutionary scheme in which young stellar objects associated with molecular outflows progressively lose their neighboring high-density gas, weakening both the NH3 emission and the molecular outflow in the process, and making optical jets more easily detectable as the total amount of gas decreases.Comment: 27 pages, 37 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Abstract is abridge

    Paradoxical expression of cell cycle inhibitor p27 in endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the uterine corpus – correlation with proliferation and clinicopathological parameters

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    p27 is regarded as a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor of the G1-to-S cell cycle progression by suppressing the kinase activity of cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase complex. This study aimed to investigate p27 expression in the normal endometrium and endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the uterine corpus and the correlation of its expression with cell proliferation and clinicopathological parameters. Tissue samples of 127 endometrioid adenocarcinomas and 15 normal endometria were used in the study. Immunohistochemical staining for detecting p27 and Ki-67 was performed by the labelled streptavidin-biotin method on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue samples. The expression was given as the labelling index, which indicates the percentage of positive nuclei. p27 staining was observed in the nuclei of the glandular cells in the functional layer of the secretory phase endometrium, whereas it was negative in those of the proliferative phase. In endometrioid adenocarcinomas, the labelling index of p27 expression paradoxically increased more significantly in the higher histological grades and was correlated with that of Ki-67. The high level of p27 expression was associated with clinicopathological parameters such as FIGO stage, lymph node metastasis, lymphovascular space involvement and myometrial invasion. High p27 expression was linked to higher grades of endometrioid adenocarcinoma, cell proliferation and some clinical prognostic factors. These results indicate that p27 might be an indicator of poor prognosis

    A Novel Enzymatic System against Oxidative Stress in the Thermophilic Hydrogen-Oxidizing Bacterium Hydrogenobacter thermophilus

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    Rubrerythrin (Rbr) is a non-heme iron protein composed of two distinctive domains and functions as a peroxidase in anaerobic organisms. A novel Rbr-like protein, ferriperoxin (Fpx), was identified in Hydrogenobacter thermophilus and was found not to possess the rubredoxin-like domain that is present in typical Rbrs. Although this protein is widely distributed among aerobic organisms, its function remains unknown. In this study, Fpx exhibited ferredoxin:NADPH oxidoreductase (FNR)-dependent peroxidase activity and reduced both hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and organic hydroperoxide in the presence of NADPH and FNR as electron donors. The calculated Km and Vmax values of Fpx for organic hydroperoxides were comparable to that for H2O2, demonstrating a multiple reactivity of Fpx towards hydroperoxides. An fpx gene disruptant was unable to grow under aerobic conditions, whereas its growth profiles were comparable to those of the wild-type strain under anaerobic and microaerobic conditions, clearly indicating the indispensability of Fpx as an antioxidant of H. thermophilus in aerobic environments. Structural analysis suggested that domain-swapping occurs in Fpx, and this domain-swapped structure is well conserved among thermophiles, implying the importance of structural stability of domain-swapped conformation for thermal environments. In addition, Fpx was located on a deep branch of the phylogenetic tree of Rbr and Rbr-like proteins. This finding, taken together with the wide distribution of Fpx among Bacteria and Archaea, suggests that Fpx is an ancestral type of Rbr homolog that functions as an essential antioxidant and may be part of an ancestral peroxide-detoxification system
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