1,031 research outputs found

    Circular polarization measurement in millimeter-wavelength spectral-line VLBI observations

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    This paper considers the problem of accurate measurement of circular polarization in imaging spectral-line VLBI observations in the lambda=7 mm and lambda=3 mm wavelength bands. This capability is especially valuable for the full observational study of compact, polarized SiO maser components in the near-circumstellar environment of late-type, evolved stars. Circular VLBI polarimetry provides important constraints on SiO maser astrophysics, including the theory of polarized maser emission transport, and on the strength and distribution of the stellar magnetic field and its dynamical role in this critical circumstellar region. We perform an analysis here of the data model containing the instrumental factors that limit the accuracy of circular polarization measurements in such observations, and present a corresponding data reduction algorithm for their correction. The algorithm is an enhancement of existing spectral line VLBI polarimetry methods using autocorrelation data for calibration, but with innovations in bandpass determination, autocorrelation polarization self-calibration, and general optimizations for the case of low SNR, as applicable at these wavelengths. We present an example data reduction at λ=7\lambda=7 mm and derive an estimate of the predicted accuracy of the method of m_c < 0.5% or better at lambda=7 mm and m_c < 0.5-1% or better at lambda=3 mm. Both the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed algorithm are discussed, along with suggestions for future work.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    A VLBI polarization study of SiO masers towards VY CMa

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    Maser emission from the SiO molecule has been widely observed in the near-circumstellar envelopes of late-type, evolved stars. VLBI images can resolve individual SiO maser spots, providing information about the kinematics and magnetic field in the extended atmospheres of these stars. This poster presents full polarization images of several SiO maser lines towards the supergiant star VY CMa. VY CMa is a particularly strong SiO maser source and allows observations of a wide range of maser transitions. We discuss implications of these observations for VY CMa morphology, polarization, and pumping models.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure: based on a poster paper at IAU Symposium 242: Astrophysical masers and their environments, held at Alice Springs (Australia), from March 12-16, 200

    Constraining Theories of SiO Maser Polarization: Analysis of a pipi/2 EVPA Change

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    The full theory of polarized SiO maser emission from the near-circumstellar environment of Asymptotic Giant Branch stars has been the subject of debate, with theories ranging from classical Zeeman origins to predominantly non-Zeeman anisotropic excitation or propagation effects. Features with an internal electric vector position angle (EVPA) rotation of ∼π/2\sim \pi /2 offer unique constraints on theoretical models. In this work, results are presented for one such feature that persisted across five epochs of SiO ν=1,J=1−0\nu=1, J=1-0 VLBA observations of TX Cam. We examine the fit to the predicted dependence of linear polarization and EVPA on angle (θ\theta) between the line of sight and the magnetic field against theoretical models. We also present results on the dependence of mcm_c on θ\theta and their theoretical implications. Finally, we discuss potential causes of the observed differences, and continuing work

    Magnetic Fields in Evolved Stars: Imaging the Polarized Emission of High-Frequency SiO Masers

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    We present Submillimeter Array observations of high frequency SiO masers around the supergiant VX Sgr and the semi-regular variable star W Hya. The J=5-4, v=1 28SiO and v=0 29SiO masers of VX Sgr are shown to be highly linearly polarized with a polarization from ~5-60%. Assuming the continuum emission peaks at the stellar position, the masers are found within ~60 mas of the star, corresponding to ~100 AU at a distance of 1.57 kpc. The linear polarization vectors are consistent with a large scale magnetic field, with position and inclination angles similar to that of the dipole magnetic field inferred in the H2O and OH maser regions at much larger distances from the star. We thus show for the first time that the magnetic field structure in a circumstellar envelope can remain stable from a few stellar radii out to ~1400 AU. This provides further evidence supporting the existence of large scale and dynamically important magnetic fields around evolved stars. Due to a lack of parallactic angle coverage, the linear polarization of masers around W Hya could not be determined. For both stars we observed the 28SiO and 29SiO isotopologues and find that they have a markedly different distribution and that they appear to avoid each other. Additionally, emission from the SO 5_5-4_4 line was imaged for both sources. Around W Hya we find a clear offset between the red- and blue-shifted SO emission. This indicates that W Hya is likely host to a slow bipolar outflow or a rotating disk-like structure.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Online table will be available with published versio

    Radio Supernovae in the Great Survey Era

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    Radio properties of supernova outbursts remain poorly understood despite longstanding campaigns following events discovered at other wavelengths. After ~ 30 years of observations, only ~ 50 supernovae have been detected at radio wavelengths, none of which are Type Ia. Even the most radio-loud events are ~ 10^4 fainter in the radio than in the optical; to date, such intrinsically dim objects have only been visible in the very local universe. The detection and study of radio supernovae (RSNe) will be fundamentally altered and dramatically improved as the next generation of radio telescopes comes online, including EVLA, ASKAP, and MeerKAT, and culminating in the Square Kilometer Array (SKA); the latter should be > 50 times more sensitive than present facilities. SKA can repeatedly scan large (> 1 deg^2) areas of the sky, and thus will discover RSNe and other transient sources in a new, automatic, untargeted, and unbiased way. We estimate SKA will be able to detect core-collapse RSNe out to redshift z ~ 5, with an all-redshift rate ~ 620 events yr^-1 deg^-2, assuming a survey sensitivity of 50 nJy and radio lightcurves like those of SN 1993J. Hence SKA should provide a complete core-collapse RSN sample that is sufficient for statistical studies of radio properties of core-collapse supernovae. EVLA should find ~ 160 events yr^-1 deg^-2 out to redshift z ~ 3, and other SKA precursors should have similar detection rates. We also provided recommendations of the survey strategy to maximize the RSN detections of SKA. This new radio core-collapse supernovae sample will complement the detections from the optical searches, such as the LSST, and together provide crucial information on massive star evolution, supernova physics, and the circumstellar medium, out to high redshift. Additionally, SKA may yield the first radio Type Ia detection via follow-up of nearby events discovered at other wavelengths.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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