125 research outputs found

    Evolution of adaptation mechanisms: adaptation energy, stress, and oscillating death

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    In 1938, H. Selye proposed the notion of adaptation energy and published "Experimental evidence supporting the conception of adaptation energy". Adaptation of an animal to different factors appears as the spending of one resource. Adaptation energy is a hypothetical extensive quantity spent for adaptation. This term causes much debate when one takes it literally, as a physical quantity, i.e. a sort of energy. The controversial points of view impede the systematic use of the notion of adaptation energy despite experimental evidence. Nevertheless, the response to many harmful factors often has general non-specific form and we suggest that the mechanisms of physiological adaptation admit a very general and nonspecific description. We aim to demonstrate that Selye's adaptation energy is the cornerstone of the top-down approach to modelling of non-specific adaptation processes. We analyse Selye's axioms of adaptation energy together with Goldstone's modifications and propose a series of models for interpretation of these axioms. {\em Adaptation energy is considered as an internal coordinate on the `dominant path' in the model of adaptation}. The phenomena of `oscillating death' and `oscillating remission' are predicted on the base of the dynamical models of adaptation. Natural selection plays a key role in the evolution of mechanisms of physiological adaptation. We use the fitness optimization approach to study of the distribution of resources for neutralization of harmful factors, during adaptation to a multifactor environment, and analyse the optimal strategies for different systems of factors

    Dynamic and Thermodynamic Models of Adaptation

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    The concept of biological adaptation was closely connected to some mathematical, engineering and physical ideas from the very beginning. Cannon in his "The wisdom of the body" (1932) used the engineering vision of regulation. In 1938, Selye enriched this approach by the notion of adaptation energy. This term causes much debate when one takes it literally, i.e. as a sort of energy. Selye did not use the language of mathematics, but the formalization of his phenomenological theory in the spirit of thermodynamics was simple and led to verifiable predictions. In 1980s, the dynamics of correlation and variance in systems under adaptation to a load of environmental factors were studied and the universal effect in ensembles of systems under a load of similar factors was discovered: in a crisis, as a rule, even before the onset of obvious symptoms of stress, the correlation increases together with variance (and volatility). During 30 years, this effect has been supported by many observations of groups of humans, mice, trees, grassy plants, and on financial time series. In the last ten years, these results were supplemented by many new experiments, from gene networks in cardiology and oncology to dynamics of depression and clinical psychotherapy. Several systems of models were developed: the thermodynamic-like theory of adaptation of ensembles and several families of models of individual adaptation. Historically, the first group of models was based on Selye's concept of adaptation energy and used fitness estimates. Two other groups of models are based on the idea of hidden attractor bifurcation and on the advection--diffusion model for distribution of population in the space of physiological attributes. We explore this world of models and experiments, starting with classic works, with particular attention to the results of the last ten years and open questions.Comment: Review paper, 48 pages, 29 figures, 183 bibliography, the final version accepted in Phys Life Re

    Complement-Mediated Neutralization of Dengue Virus Requires Mannose-Binding Lectin

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    Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is a key soluble pathogen recognition protein of the innate immune system that binds specific mannose-containing glycans on the surfaces of microbial agents and initiates complement activation via the lectin pathway. Prior studies showed that MBL-dependent activation of the complement cascade neutralized insect cell-derived West Nile virus (WNV) in cell culture and restricted pathogenesis in mice. Here, we investigated the antiviral activity of MBL in infection by dengue virus (DENV), a related flavivirus. Using a panel of naïve sera from mouse strains deficient in different complement components, we showed that inhibition of infection by insect cell- and mammalian cell-derived DENV was primarily dependent on the lectin pathway. Human MBL also bound to DENV and neutralized infection of all four DENV serotypes through complement activation-dependent and -independent pathways. Experiments with human serum from naïve individuals with inherent variation in the levels of MBL in blood showed a direct correlation between the concentration of MBL and neutralization of DENV; samples with high levels of MBL in blood neutralized DENV more efficiently than those with lower levels. Our studies suggest that allelic variation of MBL in humans may impact complement-dependent control of DENV pathogenesis

    Lectin Switching During Dengue Virus Infection

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    Dengue virus receptors are relatively poorly characterized, but there has been recent interest in 2 C-type lectin molecules, dendritic cell–specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3 (ICAM-3)–grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) and its close homologue liver/lymph node–specific ICAM-3–grabbing integrin (L-SIGN), which can both bind dengue and promote infection. In this report we have studied the interaction of dengue viruses produced in insect cells, tumor cell lines, and primary human dendritic cells (DCs) with DC-SIGN and L-SIGN. Virus produced in primary DCs is unable to interact with DC-SIGN but remains infectious for L-SIGN–expressing cells. Skin-resident DCs may thus be a site of initial infection by insect-produced virus, but DCs will likely not participate in large-scale virus replication during dengue infection. These results reveal that differential glycosylation of dengue virus envelope protein is highly dependent on cell state and suggest that studies of virus tropism using virus prepared in insect cells or tumor cell lines should be interpreted with caution

    Uukuniemi Phlebovirus Assembly and Secretion Leave a Functional Imprint on the Virion Glycome

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    Uukuniemi virus (UUKV) is a model system for investigating the genus Phlebovirus of the Bunyaviridae. We report the UUKV glycome, revealing differential processing of the Gn and Gc virion glycoproteins. Both glycoproteins display poly-N-acetyllactosamines, consistent with virion assembly in the medial Golgi apparatus, whereas oligomannose-type glycans required for DC-SIGN-dependent cellular attachment are predominant on Gc. Local virion structure and the route of viral egress from the cell leave a functional imprint on the phleboviral glycome

    The relationship of interacting immunological components in dengue pathogenesis

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are over 50 million cases of dengue fever reported annually and approximately 2.5 billion people are at risk. Mild dengue fever presents with headache, fever, rash, myalgia, osteogenic pain, and lethargy. Severe disease can manifest as dengue shock syndrome (DSS) or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Symptoms of DSS/DHF are leukopenia, low blood volume and pressure encephalitis, cold and sweaty skin, gastrointestinal bleeding, and spontaneous bleeding from gums and nose. Currently, there are no therapeutics available beyond supportive care and untreated complicated dengue fever can have a 50% mortality rate. According to WHO DSS/DHF is the leading cause of childhood mortality in some Asian countries. Dendritic cells are professional antigen presenting cells that are primary targets in a dengue infection. Dengue binds to Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-Grabbing Non-integrin (DC-SIGN). DC-SIGN has a high affinity for ICAM3 which is expressed in activating T-cells. Previous studies have demonstrated an altered T-cell phenotype expressed in dengue infected patients that could be potentially mediated by dengue-infected DCs

    Vascular proteomics in metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

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    The vasculature is essential for proper organ function. Many pathologies are directly and indirectly related to vascular dysfunction, which causes significant morbidity and mortality. A common pathophysiological feature of diseased vessels is extracellular matrix (ECM) remodelling. Analysing the protein composition of the ECM by conventional antibody-based techniques is challenging; alternative splicing or post-translational modifications, such as glycosylation, can mask epitopes required for antibody recognition. By contrast, proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry enables the study of proteins without the constraints of antibodies. Recent advances in proteomic techniques make it feasible to characterize the composition of the vascular ECM and its remodelling in disease. These developments may lead to the discovery of novel prognostic and diagnostic markers. Thus, proteomics holds potential for identifying ECM signatures to monitor vascular disease processes. Furthermore, a better understanding of the ECM remodelling processes in the vasculature might make ECM-associated proteins more attractive targets for drug discovery efforts. In this review, we will summarize the role of the ECM in the vasculature. Then, we will describe the challenges associated with studying the intricate network of ECM proteins and the current proteomic strategies to analyse the vascular ECM in metabolic and cardiovascular diseases

    Development of a Humanized Antibody with High Therapeutic Potential against Dengue Virus Type 2

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    Dengue virus (DENV) infection remains a serious health threat despite the availability of supportive care in modern medicine. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) of DENV would be powerful research tools for antiviral development, diagnosis and pathological investigations. Here we described generation and characterization of seventeen mAbs with high reactivity for E protein of DENV. Four of these mAbs showed high neutralizing activity against DENV-2 infection in mice. The monoclonal antibody mAb DB32-6 showed the strongest neutralizing activity against diverse DENV-2 and protected DENV-2-infected mice against mortality in therapeutic models. We identified neutralizing epitopes of DENV located at residues K310 and E311 of viral envelope protein domain III (E-DIII) through the combination of biological and molecular strategies. Comparing the strong neutralizing activity of mAbs targeting A-strand with mAbs targeting lateral ridge, we found that epitopes located in A-strand induced stronger neutralizing activity than those located on the lateral ridge. DB32-6 humanized version was successfully developed. Humanized DB32-6 variant retained neutralizing activity and prevented DENV infection. Understanding the epitope-based antibody-mediated neutralization is crucial to controlling dengue infection. Additionally, this study also introduces a novel humanized mAb as a candidate for therapy of dengue patients