10 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Vulkanisasi terhadap Karakteristik Kompon Sol Karet Cetak Berbahan Pengisi Arang Cangkang Sawit

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    The purpose of this research was to study the effect of temperature and time of vulcanization in rubber sole compound manufacturing by utilizing palm shell charcoal as filler. The research was carried out at Industrial Research and Standardization Laboratory Palembang on May to November 2012. Experimental design used in this study was factorial completely randomized design (CRD). Two factors were investigated, namely temperature (designed as T with the following three levels: 130, 140 and 150 °C) and vulcanization time (designed as W with the following levels, 10, 12 and 14 minutes). The observed physical parameters were according to SNI 0778: 2009, including tensile strength, elongation at break, hardness and tear strength. The results showed that temperature and time of vulcanization significantly affected all physical parameters. The best physical properties result was obtained in the treatment T1W1 (vulcanization temperature of 130 °C and vulcanization time of 10 minutes) with the following values: tensile strength of 17.567 N/mm2, elongation at break of 578.33%, hardness of 59 Shore A and tear strength of 5.167 N/mm2 with all physical parameters met SNI quality standard

    Porosity and Permeability Development of the Deep-Water Late-Oligocene Carbonate Debris Reservoir in the Surroundings of the Paternoster Platform, South Makassar Basin, Indonesia

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    The discovery of gas within the carbonate debris reservoir of the late Oligocene Berai formation near the Paternoster Platform, South Makassar Basin, is a new exploration play in Indonesia. The carbonate was deposited in a deep-water environment and is a good example of a less well known carbonate play type. The carbonate debris reservoir in this area consists of re-deposited carbonate, originally located on a large carbonate platform that has been eroded, abraded and transported to the deep-water sub-basin. The limestone clasts range from pebble-size to boulders within a matrix of micrite and fine abraded bioclasts. This carbonate debris can be divided into clast-supported facies and matrix-supported facies. The matrix-supported facies have much better porosity and permeability than the clast-supported facies. Porosity in both the transported clasts and the matrix is generally mouldic and vuggy, resulting mostly from dissolution of foraminifera and other bioclastics after transportation. In the matrix intercrystal porosity has developed. The porosity and permeability development of this deep-water carbonate debris was controlled by a deep-burial diagenetic process contributed by the bathyal shales de-watering from the Lower Berai shales beneath the carbonate reservoir and the Lower Warukin shales above the carbonate reservoir during the burial process

    Perancangan iklan layanan masyarakat untuk peningkatan kelestarian alam di Taman Hutan Raya R. Soerjo, Pasuruan

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    Perancangan Iklan Layanan Masyarakat untuk peningkatan kelestarian alam di Taman Hutan Raya R. Soerjo, Pasuruan. Perancangan ini digunakan sebagai salah satu media pengingat bagi para pengunjung yang berkunjung ke Taman Hutan Raya R. Soerjo agar lebih sadar, tahu dan mengerti tentang arti pentingnya kelestarian lingkungan


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    Sesulihing Tyas Pireno, Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina, S.H., M.H., Amelia Ayu Paramitha, S.H., M.H. Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya e-mail : [email protected]   ABSTRAK Pada skripsi ini, penulis membas tentang pengawasan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Jepara dalam melakukan pengawasan perizinan di sektor pariwisata berupa kepemilikan TDUP bagi usaha wisata selam di Karimunjawa. Hal tersebut dilatar belakangi oleh Pasal 76 Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Jepara Nomor 9 Tahun 2016 tentang Penyelenggaraan Usaha Pariwisata, yang menyatakan bahwa pengawasan terhadap penyelenggaraan usaha pariwisata dilakukan oleh Bupati dan Dinas terkait. Pengawasan tersebut terkait syarat pendirian usaha wisata yang mana di dalam Pasal 35 Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Jepara Nomor 9 Tahun 2016 menyatakan bahwa pengusaha wisata wajib memiliki dokumen TDUP ketika hendak melakukan kegiatan usahanya. Nyatanya masih dijumpai kegiatan wisata selam di Karimunjawa yang belum memiliki TDUP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kewenangan pengawasan perizinan sektor pariwisata oleh pemerintah daerah, serta mengetahui urgensi dimilikinya TDUP bagi usaha wisata selam. Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis empiris dengan metode pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dikemukakan bahwa pemerintah daerah masih belum melakukan pengawasan terhadap perizinan di sektor pariwisata sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada, kurangnya sinergi antar dinas yang menyebabkan adanya ketidaksinkronan kewenangan antar dinas. Sedangkan urgensi dimilikinya TDUP bagi usaha wisata selam terkait kepastian hukum, kepastian usaha, perlindungan konsumen, persyaratan dasar ketika melakukan sertifikasi usaha wisata selam, dan peningkatan citra produk usaha wisata selam. Kata Kunci : Pengawasan, Tanda Daftar Usaha Pariwisata Tirta, Pengendalian, Usaha Wisata Selam, Karimunjawa.   ABSTRACT This research is aimed to discuss supervision given by Local Government of the Regency of Jepara over license in tourism sector regarding business registration number for diving business in Karimunjawa. This study embarks on Article 76 of Local Regulation of the Regency of Jepara Number 9 of 2016 concerning Business in Tourism, stating that supervision over arrangement of tourism in business is performed by a regent and related departments, in which the supervision is concerning the requirement to have business registration number in starting a business as intended in Article 35 of Local Regulation of the Regency of Jepara Number 9 of 2016 that implies that registration number is required to run the business. However, several businesses in water tourism in Karimunjawa are found without any business registration number. This research is aimed to find out the authority to supervise license in tourism sector by local government and the urgency attached to the registration number for businesses in tourism industry. This research employed empirical juridical method with socio-juridical approach. Based on the research result, it is revealed that the government has not performed any supervision over the license in the business of tourism industry according to the existing regulation. Moreover, there is a lack of synergy among departments, leading to disharmony of the authority among the departments. The urgency in the registration number is also related to the legal certainty, business certainty, consumer protection, basic requirements of business certification in diving tourism industry, and improvement of diving business products.   Keywords: supervision, water tourism registration number, control, diving business, Karimunjaw


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    Gereja Kristen Jawa Genuk Sebagai Pusat Pengembangan Iman Umat Kristiani di Semarang adalah Suatu kompleks Gereja khususnya GKJ Genuk yang terletak di Kecamatan Genuk Semarang Timur sebagai tempat yang menjadi pusat kegiatan pelayanan tugas gerejawi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan, mengembangkan iman percaya kepada Allah bagi umat Kristiani, baik bagi jemaat GKJ Genuk maupun umat Kristiani pada umumnya di Semarang. Sejalan dengan perkembangan Arsitektur dewasa ini GKJ tampil dengan bentuk-bentuk yang lebih dinamis dan fungsional dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan dan teknologi modern meskipun unsur kultural Jawa tetap nampak. Perwujudan Arsitekturnya tidak hanya dikenali dari simbol-simbol, fungsi dan bentuk bangunan, tetapi juga suasana yang khas yaitu keheningan dan ketenangan dalam bentuk spirit, ritual dan Arsitekturnya sendiri. Dalam perancangan GKJ Genuk ini permasalahannya pada Perwujudan bentuk Arsitektur Modern dan Arsitektur Regional Jawa pada bangunan utama/Gereja serta pengolahan ruang-ruang yang fungsional pada kompleks GKJ Genuk yang dapat mewadahi seluruh kegiatan-kegiatan Koinonia, Marturia dan Diakonia. Penyelesaian permasalaha melalui pendekatan teori Regionalisme (Ir. RA Wondoamiseno), Arsitektur Kristen (Ir. Yori Antar) dan Arsitektur Modern (Reyner Banham) serta Plotting fungsi ruang. Dari analisa pemecahan permasalahan dapat disimpulkan: 1. Penggabungan elemen Arsitektur Regional Jawa dan Arsitektur Modern. 2. Ujud Arsitektur Regional Jawa mendominasi Arsitektur Modern. 3. Ekspresi ujud Arsitektur Regional Jawa menyatu dalam Arsitektur Modern

    Faktor-faktor Penentu Ketidakteraturan Berobat Penderita Kusta dl Yogyakarta Tahun 2002:: Determining Factors of Pursuing Treatment Irregularity among Leprosy Patients in Yogyakarta in 2002

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    The release from treatment of leprosy cases were very determined by their compliance to the treatment schedule, This study was aimed at finding determining factors of treatment irregularity among leprosy patients in Yogyakarta in 2002. The study was a case-control study. The locations were regencies of Bantul, Sleman, Gunung Kidul, and Yogyakarta as those areas had many leprosy patients. The subjects were 62 leprosy patients who still got treatment, finished getting treatment, or RFT in public health centers and Dr. Sardjito Hospital. The subjects consisted of 32 cases (un comply) and 30 cases (compliy) as control. The result showed that the bivariate analysis showed there were some statistically significant risk factors, i.e. male OR=0.79 (95% CI: 1.07-14.00)disability OR=23.33 (95% CI: 4.17-172)less support OR=9.67 (95% CI: 1.08-2200embarrassed to get treatment OR=0.06 (95% CI: 1.26-21.97)leprosy reaction OR=6.50 (95% CI: 1.26-28.23) tired of getting treatment OR=3.90 (95% CI: 1.96-17.09). However, based on logistic regression analysis, risk factors such as male patients (P=0.016), unmarried status (P=0.014), disability (P=0.015)less support (P=0.022)embarrassed to get treatment (P=0.038) and leprosy reaction (P=0.058), were Statistically significant. It was concluded that the risk factors influencing treatment irregularity among leprosy patients are male, unmarried, disabled, support, embarrassed to get leprosy treatment and leprosy reaction. Keywords: leprosy —risk factors — treatment irregularity — treatment (MDT

    Unravelling the depositional origins and diagenetic alteration of carbonate breccias

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    Abstract Carbonate breccias dissociated from their platform top counterparts are little studied despite their potential to reveal the nature of past shallow-water carbonate systems and the sequential alteration of such systems. A petrographic and stable isotopic study allowed evaluation of the sedimentological and diagenetic variability of the Cenozoic Batu Gading Limestone breccia of Borneo. Sixteen lithofacies representing six facies groups have been identified mainly from the breccia clasts on the basis of shared textural and compositional features. Clasts of the breccia are representative of shallow carbonate platform top and associated flank to basinal deposits. Dominant inputs are from rocky (karstic) shorelines or localised seagrass environments, coral patch reef and larger foraminiferal-rich deposits. Early, pre-brecciation alteration (including micritisation, rare dissolution of bioclasts, minor syntaxial overgrowth cementation, pervasive neomorphism and calcitisation of bioclasts and matrix) was mainly associated with marine fluids in a near surface to shallow burial environment. The final stages of pre-brecciation diagenesis include mechanical compaction and cementation of open porosity in a shallow to moderate depth burial environment. Post-brecciation diagenesis took place at increasingly moderate to deep burial depths under the influence of dominantly marine burial fluids. Extensive compaction, circum-clast dissolution seams and stylolites have resulted in a tightly fitted breccia fabric, with some development of fractures and calcite cements. A degree of facies-specific controls are evident for the pre-brecciation diagenesis. Pervasive mineralogical stabilisation and cementation have, however, led to a broad similarity of diagenetic features in the breccia clasts thereby effectively preserving depositional features of near-original platform top and margin environments. There is little intra-clast alteration overprint associated with subsequent clast reworking and post-brecciation diagenesis. The diagenetic-, and to an extent depositional- and clast-characteristics of the Batu Gading deposits are diagnostic of breccia origins. The predominance of: early and pervasive stabilisation of calcitic components, pervasive compaction resulting in a fitted texture, and paucity of meteoric dissolution or cementation effects are collectively all indicators of slope deposition and lithification. These features are comparable with other regional and global examples of submarine slope breccias, and in particular those also from syntectonic settings (Wannier, 2009). The results of this study, along with regional analogues, suggest the potential for reworked carbonate debris in slope settings to be a viable way of investigating carbonate platform variability and their subsequent alteration in the absence of preserved platform top or margin deposits

    On the settling of marine carbonate grains: Review and challenges

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