4,535 research outputs found

    Identity, Discourse, and Rehabilitation in Parole Hearings in the United States

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    Research on parole in the United States has primarily followed a deterministic approach, favoring an examination of variables contributing to release. However, a great deal of prior research neglects a central aspect of the parole process: mainly the hearing. Adopting an ethnographically informed conversation analytic approach, this article addresses one tactic offenders utilize to appeal to a state parole board for release– claiming rehabilitated status. Offenders appealing for parole attempt to establish, in a performative space, their identity as rehabilitated. More globally, this article addresses how individual manage, assert, and negotiate identity in the course of interaction. The achievement of “rehabilitation” is substantiated when it results in early release from prison

    Serious violent offenders : developing a risk assessment framework

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    In order to establish a complementary language of risk across all agencies, it is recommended that the Scottish Government and the Risk Management Authority actively disseminate MAPPA guidance through the RMA's specialist training programme and through the development of protocols and memoranda of agreement. Prior to a violent offender framework being implemented, an audit of existing numbers, staffing, budgetary and other resources should be undertaken across the Community Justice Authorities to ascertain projected needs

    Power system design for a Jupiter solar electric propulsion spacecraft

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    Power system design for Jupiter solar electric propulsion spacecraf

    Practitioner Interview

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    Phone interview with Eric Loucks from CDM Smith by Marcio Giacomoni and Meghna Babbar-Sebens. Interview questions asked inquired about (i) practitioner’s professional background, (ii) practitioner’s personal experience with systems analysis techniques and software in their job, (iii) role, benefits, and challenges in using systems analysis concepts in the water resources engineering profession, and (iv) recommendations for improving education of environmental and water resources systems analysis in universities

    Plant-Pathogen Interactions Associated with Wasting Disease in the Tropical Seagrass Thalassia testudinum.

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    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was shown to serve as a strong elicitor of the early defense response in the subtropical seagrass Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König and was capable of inducing an oxidative burst identified at the single cell level. The formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) included a diphenylene iodonium sensitive response, suggesting the involvement of an NADPH oxidase. A 900 bp fragment of this enzyme was sequenced and found to encode a NAD binding pocket domain with extensive homology to the Arabidopsis thaliana rbohF (respiratory burst oxidase homolog) gene. Pharmacological dissection of the early events preceding ROS emission revealed that seagrasses contain ROS-generating machinery and signal transduction components that appear to be evolutionarily conserved with the defense response systems of terrestrial plants. It is undetermined whether or not the increased ROS associated with the oxidative burst is simply an antimicrobial agent or a signaling molecule that will initiate programmed cell death (PCD) and lead to the hypersensitive response (HR), a process not yet characterized in seagrasses. ROS accumulation was found to increase around the lesion as the duration of infection increased. The only PCD characteristic observed following infection was a slight increase in caspase-like protease activity around the lesion. Immunohistochemistry revealed inconsistent activity of proteases. Detection of nuclear condensation by TUNEL and Hoechst staining were also inconclusive and showed diffuse genetic material throughout the cytoplasm. It appears as though lesions from Labyrinthula spp. infection are likely to be a direct result of pathogen-based damage as opposed to host PCD

    Was the Well-Tempered Clavier Performable on a Fretted Clavichord?

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    Analysis of the Wohltemperirtes Clavier shows that some of the fretting schemes for clavichords used in Bach\u27s time permit performance of the work with approximately 179 voice-leading conflicts, of which five are difficult to perform and two impossible


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    Flood peak attenuation is an important aspect of understanding flooding and its effects. Few studies exist that look at the effects of ground-surface water interactions in regards to peak attenuation, and fewer still focus on karst environments. In the karstic, variably confined Suwannee River Basin, discharge, river stage, and water table data that were collected over a ten-year period were analyzed to determine the relationship between antecedent groundwater head and flood peak attenuation. Flooding causes high hydraulic heads in the river, which rise faster than corresponding groundwater heads. Springs which normally feed groundwater into the river reverse flow, and conduits allow for large amounts of river water to be absorbed into the aquifer matrix. Peak discharge in floods that occurred when antecedent groundwater heads were low were attenuated downstream. In contrast, peak discharge in floods that occurred when antecedent groundwater heads were high lacked attenuation Because most flood discharge models do not consider how transient storage of floodwaters in aquifers can attenuate flood peaks, predictions and flood warnings may be inaccurate in basins that promote peak attenuation, such as unconfined karstic basins. In addition, understanding these interactions is paramount in determining pollution risks to karst aquifer systems

    Sr. Margaret: Christians and Political Participation

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    This is an excerpt of an interview with Sister Margaret, a sister in the Salesian order, in which she discusses the role of all Christians in regards to political participation