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    Sistem Arsitektur Manajemen Bangunan untuk Memaksimalkan Swakonsumsi pada Bangunan Universitas: Studi Kasus

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    Due to its intermittent nature, significant adoption of solar PV into the grid can decrease grid reliability. One solution to increase it is to increase PV self-consumption with two methods: adding Energy Storage System (ESS) and conducting Demand Side Management (DSM). University building has a distinct characteristic in its complex dynamics. Therefore, there is a lack of research to control both methods of increasing self-consumption. This paper aimed to do an integrated literature review on increasing self-consumption and then propose a system architecture recommendation for university building management based on the review. The Smart Grid Architectural Model (SGAM) evaluated the case study object. The result showed that a data-driven controller has been chosen as the most suitable controller for the university building management system. The data needed to build a data-driven controller could be obtained through readily available sensors in the case study object, making it feasible for implementation.Dikarenakan sifatnya yang intermitten, adopsi energi dari PV surya ke dalam jaringan dapat mengurangi keandalan jaringan. Salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkannya adalah dengan meningkatkan swakonsumsi PV dengan dua metode: menambahkan Sistem Penyimpanan Energi (SPBE) dan melakukan manajemen sisi permintaan. Gedung universitas memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dalam dinamika kompleksnya. Kurangnya penelitian untuk mengendalikan kedua metode ini di gedung-gedung universitas disebabkan oleh karakteristik ini. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk melakukan tinjauan literatur terintegrasi tentang upaya meningkatkan konsumsi sendiri kemudian mengusulkan rekomendasi arsitektur sistem untuk manajemen gedung universitas berdasarkan tinjauan tersebut. Kami kemudian mengevaluasi objek studi kasus menggunakan Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pengendali berbasis data telah dipilih sebagai pengendali yang paling cocok untuk sistem manajemen gedung universitas

    Kajian Aktivitas Neurofarmakologi Tinospora cordifolia

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    The traditional medication system Ayurveda prescribes herbal remedies, called Medhya Rasayana, to promote brain rejuvenation. Tinospora cordifolia is one of the popular Medhya Rasayana herbs. This review encompasses its potential alongside the underlying mechanisms in the treatment of numerous ailments that affect the nervous system, namely neurodegenerative diseases, brain cancer, depression, substance abuse, as well as touching upon its role in boosting cognitive function.Sistem pengobatan tradisional Ayurveda meresepkan pengobatan herbal, yang disebut Medhya Rasayana, untuk mendorong peremajaan otak. Tinospora cordifolia adalah salah satu herbal Medhya Rasayana yang paling banyak dimanfaatkan. Kajian pustaka ini mencakup potensi T. cordifolia beserta mekanisme yang mendasari dalam pengobatan berbagai penyakit yang berdampak pada sistem saraf, seperti penyakit neurodegeneratif, kanker otak, depresi, penyalahgunaan obat, serta menyinggung perannya dalam meningkatkan fungsi kognitif

    Sedimentary Facies, Palynology, and Organic Geochemistry of Eocene Kalumpang Formation in Lariang and Karama Areas, West Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    The Kalumpang Formation was deposited in a delta plain setting. A Middle to Late Eocene age (Proxapertites operculatus zone) was inferred from palynological analysis, with a paleoenvironment in a coastal plain setting with a strong terrestrial influence. Samples from the Kalumpang Formation indicate a marginal to early mature stage for hydrocarbon generation. It is mostly composed of gas-prone to oil and gas-prone Type III kerogen facies. The biomarker character of both the rock and oil samples suggests a terrestrial origin, with a significant contribution of estuarine or bay organic material. The oil derives from a non-carbonate lithology, while the rock samples are from carbonate/calcareous shale origin. The abundance of oleanane compound and C30 resins suggests higher plant angiosperm input of Late Cretaceous or younger age for both the rock and the oil samples. The oil seep contains more abundant oleananes compared to the carbonaceous mudstone of the Kalumpang Formation. This suggests that the oil originated from more marine facies than the rock samples, which were deposited in a delta plain setting. This study demonstrated the agreement of depositional environment interpretation and age assessment between lithofacies, palynological, and organic geochemistry analysis

    Kajian Aktivitas Neurofarmakologi Acorus calamus Linn

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    ABSTRACT Jeringau (Acorus calamus Linn) is one of the plants often used in traditional Indian medicine, practiced to treat various disorders, including nervous, digestive, respiratory, metabolic, renal and hepatic. This study provides an overview of Acorus calamus Linn in terms of morphology, active constituents and neuropharmacological activity. A review of related literature from the Google Scholar, Pubmed, Reserch Gate, and Science Direct. databases showed the of neuroprotective, antiamnestic, anticholinesterase, antidepressant and anticonvulsant activities. Key words: Acorus calamus Linn, jeringau, chemical contents, neuropharmacological activites  ABSTRAKJeringau (Acorus calamus Linn) adalah salah satu tanaman yang sering digunakan dalam ramuan obat tradisional India, yang dipraktekkan untuk mengobati berbagai gangguan kesehatan, termasuk gangguan saraf, pencernaan, pernafasan, metabolisme, ginjal, dan hati. Penelitian ini memberikan tinjauan tentang Acorus calamus Linn dari sisi morfologi dan konstituen aktif serta aktivitas neurofarmakologinya. Kajian terhadap literatur terkait dari database Google Scholar, Pubmed, Reserch Gate, dan Science Direct. menunjukkan adanya aktivitas neuroprotektif, antiamnesia, antikolinesterase, antidepresan, dan antikonvulsan. Kata kunci: Acorus calamus Linn, jeringau, kandungan kimia, aktivitas neurofarmakolog

    Optical Spectroscopy and Photoionization Model of Planetary Nebula NGC 6572

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    We investigated NGC 6572 through optical spectroscopy to determine its kinematical and chemical properties. Two intermediate dispersion spectra (R~5000) centered around Hα and Hβ were used to derive the nebular expansion velocity from emission lines associated with Hα, Hβ, [OIII], [NII], and [SII] ions. A low dispersion spectrum (R~1000) was used to determine the nebular electron temperature, density, and chemical composition. We performed photoionization modeling to construct a self-consistent nebular model, while intermediate-resolution spectral images showed the global elliptical structure of the nebula. The expansion velocity deduced from most of the emission lines is consistent with the typical expansion velocity of planetary nebulae, i.e., around 15-20 kms-1. The nebular physical properties align well with those determined by other studies. The nebular abundances were found to be lower than the solar abundances (except for oxygen) but still comparable with the abundances derived by other researchers. The photoionization model generated spectral lines that are consistent with the lines found in the observations. Further spectroscopic observations with higher resolution and wider range at various position angles will be very useful to reveal a more complete and detailed structure of the nebula and to improve the determination of the nebular physical properties

    Representation of Multicultural Identity Through Old Houses and Displays: Case Study of Lasem, Indonesia

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    Lasem, located in Central Java, Indonesia, is an area where diverse cultural and religious groups, such as Javanese, Chinese, and Muslim communities coexist. In recent years, old houses that are considered heritage in Lasem have been revitalized and opened as commercial spaces such as guest houses, restaurants, and/or museums, displaying their collections to the public. This paper discusses cultural representation through the display of heritage buildings or artifacts. Employing qualitative methods with purposive sampling, three specific old houses located in Lasem were chosen as case studies: Rumah Oei, Rumah Merah, and Nyah Lasem. Similarities can be drawn between the three houses, in that they displayed old and new objects, combined to construct and represent the values, ideas, and meanings that are wanted to be exhibited by the exhibitors. Further research is needed to analyze the actual selections and curatorial system for the displays in each house

    Front Matter Vol 48 No. 1

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    Kajian Efektivitas, Toksisitas, dan Cost-Effectiveness Obat-Obatan Penyakit Alzheimer

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    Alzheimer is a neurological disease characterized by loss of cognitive and non-cognitive functions. Drugs that can be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease include donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine, and memantine. This literature review covers the effectiveness, toxicity, and cost-effectiveness of these four drugs as Alzheimer's therapy options. Review of the pertinent literatures from the databases Google Scholar, Pubmed, and Science Direct showed that galantamine has the best effectiveness compared to other drugs because it can improve all aspects of Alzheimer’s disease. The four drugs do not have a fixed toxic dose, but the effects they cause are not much different from one drug to another. Donepezil, galantamine, and memantine were cost-effective, whereas rivastigmine was not. Key words: Alzheimer’s disease, Alzheimer's drugsAlzheimer merupakan salah satu penyakit saraf yang ditandai dengan hilangnya fungsi kognitif dan non kognitif. Obat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi penyakit Alzheimer di antaranya adalah donepezil, galantamin, rivastigmin, dan memantin. Kajian Pustaka ini mencakup efektivitas, toksisitas, dan cost-effectiveness dari keempat obat tersebut sebagai pilihan terapi Alzheimer. Kajian terhadap literatur terkait dari database Google Scholar, Pubmed, dan Science Direct menunjukkan bahwa galantamin memiliki efektivitas paling baik dibandingkan dengan obat lain karena dapat memperbaiki semua aspek penyakit Alzheimer. Keempat obat belum memiliki dosis toksik tetap, tetapi efek yang ditimbulkannya tidak jauh berbeda antar satu obat dengan obat yang lainnya. Donepezil, galantamin, dan memantin cost-effective, sedangkan rivastigmin tidak. Kata kunci: Penyakit Alzheimer, obat-obatan Alzheime

    From Thousand Canals to Roads: The Transformation of Transportation Mode in Pontianak

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    Pontianak City was established in 1771 on the the Kapuas River and Landak River riverbanks, the latter being the longest river in Indonesia. The city was once known as the City of a Thousand Canals. However, in its development, people shifted to land transportation modes, leaving the canals in an extinction process. This study aimed to uncover the factors and impacts of the inland water transportation network fading from the Pontianak urban structure. The research used a sequential explanatory design, combining qualitative methods in the form of literature review and quantitative methods using space syntax analysis. By comparing the spatial configuration of the canals and roads in a diachronic approach, the study found proof of the importance of the canals’ existence in the Pontianak urban structure. Water transportation can be the answer to fixing environmental issues, flood hazards, and traffic congestion. Revitalizing the canals can help bring a healthy water environment because the people will change their perception of the canals from sewage routes to transportation routes. Revitalizing the canals can also bring back waterside activity, generate a sense of belonging, and bring back part of the former identity of Pontianak City

    The Identifikasi Karakteristik Teknik Subgrade Jalan (Studi Kasus Jalan Raya Tanak Awu-Pengembur, Lombok Tengah) : (Studi Kasus Jalan Raya Tanak Awu-Pengembur, Lombok Tengah)

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    Abstract   The purpose of this research is to describe the results of the identification of the technical characteristics of the Tanak Awu-Pengembur Road subgrade, including physical characteristics, mineralogy, hydromechanical characteristics, and mechanical characteristics, based on the results of experimental tests in the laboratory so that they can be input for related institutions. The results of mineralogy and physical characteristics identifications concluded that the subgrade of Jalan Tanak Awu-Pengembur is an expansive soil. The results of mechanical identification stated that the design value of the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) soaked soil sample was 2%.  The design value of CBR soaked has met the minimum requirements as a road subgrade. However, for expansive soil subgrades, the CBR value needs to be increased to greater than 6% with subgrade improvement in the form of cement stabilization or embankment material of choice with a minimum thickness of 600 mm (MDP 2017). The results of the CBR test with variations in water content in saturated and unsaturated conditions, at the beginning of the curve  the increase in the CBR value of the soil to matric suction is linear. The results of the CBR test with variations in water content in saturated and unsaturated conditions, at the beginning of the curve the increase in the CBR value for matric suction is linear, furthermore, at an increase in matric suction between 600 kPa-2400 kPa, the CBR value begins to increase significantly, the increase in matric suction is higher (between 2400 kPa-20000 kPa), the increase in the CBR value to the matric suction is more ramps. Keywords : Expansive clay, CBR, swelling-shrinkage, matric suction, AEV  Abstrak   Jalan yang menghubungkan Desa Tanak Awu menuju Desa Pengembur yang berada di Kecamatan Pujut, Lombok Tengah, sering rusak, retak-retak dan bergelombang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memaparkan hasil identifikasi karakteristik teknik subgrade Jalan Tanak Awu-Pengembur, meliputi karakteristik fisik, mineralogi, karakteristik hidromekanik dan karakteristik mekanik, berdasarkan hasil uji eksperimen di laboratorium agar dapat menjadi masukan bagi institusi terkait. Hasil identifikasi mineralogi dan karakteristik fisik menyimpulkan bahwa subgrade Jalan Tanak Awu-Pengembur merupakan tanah ekspansif. Hasil identifikasi mekanik menyatakan Nilai California Bearing Ratio (CBR) rendaman desain tanah sampel sebesar 2 % telah memenuhi persyaratan minimum sebagai subgrade jalan, namun untuk subgrade tanah ekspansif, nilai CBR perlu ditingkatkan menjadi lebih besar dari 6 % dengan perbaikan tanah dasar dapat berupa stabilisasi semen atau material timbunan pilihan dengan tebal minimum 600 mm (MDP 2017). Hasil uji CBR dengan variasi kadar air kondisi jenuh dan jenuh sebagian,  pada bagian awal kurva sampai pada nilai Air Entry Value (AEV)  peningkatan nilai CBR tanah terhadap matric suction berbentuk linier, selanjutnya pada kenaikan  matric suction antara 600 kPa-2400 kPa, terlihat nilai CBR tanah mulai meningkat signifikan, peningkatan matric suction yang lebih tinggi (antara 2400 kPa-20000 kPa), peningkatan nilai CBR terhadap matric suction lebih landai.   Kata-kata Kunci : Lempung ekspansif, CBR, kembang susut, matric suction, AE


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