35 research outputs found

    Rola biegłego psychologa sądowego w ochronie praw osób poszkodowanych w przestępstwach na tle seksualnym

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    Polish Baby Boom in United Kingdom – Emotional Determinants of Medical Care Perception by Pregnant Poles in UK

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    In the year of 2004 United Kingdom experienced the wave of immigration from Poland which was recently admitted to the European Union. In 2010 Poland was one of three countries of origin of non-UK born mothers, and the increase in birth rates among Poles in United Kingdom has started in 2005 (Office for National Statistics, 2010; Hayes et al., 2011). The aim of this paper is to examine the perception of various components of medical care received during the course of pregnancy by Polish women residing in the United Kingdom (N = 106). We took under consideration two aspects of female emotional and cognitive functioning: inclination to depression, and empathy. Depression was measured by the Edinburgh Depression Scale (Cox et al., 1987), and empathy was measured by the Empathic Sensitivity Questionnaire (ESQ) (Kazmierczak et al., 2007). As hypothesized pregnant women who scored higher in depression and emotional contagion were also less satisfied with the information they received from the medical staff. Personal distress was the sole empathic dimension, which was associated with dissatisfaction with: a general gynecological care during pregnancy, emotional support from a gynecologist / a midwife, and the quality of medical care provided by a gynecologist / a midwife. Other-oriented empathic tendencies (empathic concern and perspective taking) facilitated cultural adaptation in our sample in respect of dealing with foreign health system in a highly vulnerable time of pregnancy

    Omdlenie i elektrokardiograficzne podejrzenie zawału serca z uniesieniem odcinka ST nad ścianą przednią – pomyśl o zespole Brugadów!

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    This is a case of 52-year-old male after episode of syncope and with atypical chest pain referred to hospital with acute anterior ST elevation myocardial infarction. Urgent coronary angiography showed normal coronary arteries and only ECG made the next day made us to suspect Brugada syndrome. The patient had ICD implanted and because of high defibrillation threshold, subcutaneous electrode implantation was decided. Our case highlights, that ECG changes in Brugada syndrome can mimic ST elevation in the course of acute coronary syndrome and that subcutaneous electrode implantation may be useful method of lowering defibrillation treshold.Prezentujemy przypadek 52-letniego mężczyzny, który po epizodzie omdlenia i bólu w klatce piersiowej trafił do szpitala z podejrzeniem ostrego zawału mięśnia sercowego z uniesieniem odcinka ST nad ścianą przednią. Pilna koronarografia wykazała prawidłowy obraz tętnic wieńcowych i dopiero elektrokardiogramy wykonane w kolejnych dobach doprowadziły nas do rozpoznania zespołu Brugadów. Pacjentowi implantowano kardiowerter-defibrylator a ze względu na wysoki próg defibrylacji konieczne było wszczepienie elektrody podskórnej. Przypadek naszego pacjenta przypomina, że zmiany w elektrokardiogramie w przebiegu zespołu Brugadów mogą naśladować uniesienie odcinka ST w przebiegu ostrego zespołu wieńcowego, a podskórna implantacja elektrody może być skuteczną metodą obniżania progu defibrylacji

    Psychosocial Risk Factors in Disordered Gambling: A Descriptive Systematic Overview of Vulnerable Populations

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    Background: Gambling is a behaviour engaged in by millions of people worldwide; for some, gambling can become a severely maladaptive behaviour, and previous research has identified a wide range of psychosocial risk factors that can be considered important for the development and maintenance of disordered gambling. Although risk factors have been identified, the homogeneity of risk factors across specific groups thought to be vulnerable to disordered gambling is to date, unexplored. Methods: To address this, the current review sought to conduct a systematic overview of literature relating to seven vulnerable groups: young people and adolescents, older adults, women, veterans, indigenous peoples, prisoners, and low socio-economic/income groups. Results: Multiple risk factors associated with disordered gambling were identified; some appeared consistently across most groups, including being male, co-morbid mental and physical health conditions, substance use disorders, accessibility and availability of gambling, form and mode of gambling, and experience of trauma. Further risk factors were identified that were specific to each vulnerable group. Conclusion: Within the general population, certain groups are more vulnerable to disordered gambling. Although some risk factors are consistent across groups, some risk factors appear to be group specific. It is clear that there is no homogenous pathway in to disordered gambling, and that social, developmental, environmental and demographic characteristics can all interact to influence an individual’s relationship with gambling

    Risk behaviours of people with psychopatic personality structure

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    Czynniki związane z etiologią i rozwojem osobowości psychopatycznej wciąż stanowią obszar intensywnych badań przedstawicieli różnych dyscyplin naukowych. Szczególne miejsce w tych rozważaniach zajmuje poznanie skutków dla zdrowia fizycznego i psychicznego osób pozostających w relacji z psychopatami natomiast zdecydowanie mniej badań dotyczy zdolności osób psychopatycznych do osiągania i wykorzystania własnych możliwości psychicznych, fizycznych i społecznych do adekwatnego reagowania na wyzwania środowiska w kontekście szeroko pojętego zdrowia. W badaniach zdrowia psychicznego można spotkać próby uporządkowania szerokiego wachlarza stosowanych miar zaburzeń zdrowia poprzez wprowadzenie podziału na dwie zasadnicze kategorie, określane jako wskaźniki eksternalizacyjne (externalizing) i internalizacyjne (internalizing). Pierwsza z tych grup obejmuje zachowania związane z agresją, przemocą, łamaniem norm życia społecznego, zachowania przestępcze, używanie substancji psychoaktywnych. Druga grupa wskaźników opisuje problemy wewnętrzne, emocjonalne, głównie zaburzenia depresyjne i lękowe, nadmierny stres i inne problemy. Dlatego też niniejszy artykuł ma na celu z jednej strony wskazanie czynników, które powszechnie uznaje się za czynniki ryzyka rozwoju i kształtowania się osobowości psychopatycznej, z drugiej zaś przedstawienie analizy relacji pomiędzy wskaźnikami internalizacyjnymi i eksternalizacyjnymi.The factors associated with etiology and development of psychopathic personality still form the area of intensive research performed by the representatives of various scientific disciplines. A very particular place in these deliberations is taken by the cognition of effects on physical and mental health concerning the people remaining in the relationship with psychopaths; while on the contrary, significantly less research concerns the abilities of psychopaths to achieve and use their own mental, physical and social possibilities to respond adequately to environmental challenges in the context of widely understood health. In the research on mental health one can notice the attempts to organize a wide range of used measurements of health disorders via the introduction of a division into two main categories, referred to as externalizing and internalizing indicators. The first group includes the behaviours connected with aggression, violence, violation of social norms, criminal behaviours or the use of psychoactive substances. Another group of indicators describes internal and emotional problems, mainly depression and anxiety disorders, excessive stress and other problems. Therefore, this paper aims at identifying factors which are commonly recognized as risk factors of formation and development of a psychopathic personality. It also intends to introduce the analysis of relation between externalizing and internalizing indicators

    Personality disorders and the risk of violating legal norms – what we know about the complex nature of humans

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    The article explores the relationship between theoretical knowledge of the psychology of personality disorders and its practical application in the area of justice. There is agreement in the literature on the relationship between a diagnosis of personality disorder and the increased risk of aggressive or violent behaviour, as pointed out by both the research of clinicians and judiciary workers. Nevertheless, the issue of explaining and understanding the relationship between personality disorders and violence has not yet been resolved, due to conceptualisation, diagnostic, methodological, psychotherapeutic and resocialisation difficulties. These controversies stimulate reflection and an attempt to determine whether the relationship between personality disorders and aggression is the same in all types of personality disorders

    Diagnoza zaburzeń osobowości a perspektywa opiniowania sądowo-psychologicznego

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    The article provides an overview of the current discussions on personality disorders and their role in the psychological assessment for court. The discussion focused on the following aspects: 1) the difficulties and challenges of diagnosis of personality disorders; 2) the status of personality disorders in psychological assessment for court; 3) the presentation of modern methodology for the diagnosis of personality disorder and 4) interaction of multiple disorders and accuracy of the diagnosis. Despite the fact that personality disorders still constitute the largest group among the disorders diagnosed in offenders they still pose a diagnostic challenge for clinicians. The problem concerns both the diagnostic criteria of the medical models, as well as methods for their evaluation and description. Therefore, the search for methods of more precise and objective assessment of offenders is still needed by the administration of Justice

    The Role of Religious Values and Beliefs in Shaping Mental Health and Disorders

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    Mental health is an area of continuous analysis, both in the context of understanding increasingly precise diagnostic criteria and the impact of therapeutic methods. In addition to these well-established directions of analysis and search, psychology tries to explore the factors that bring us closer to understanding the mechanisms of the genesis and development of disorders, as well as their importance in psychoeducation or therapy. The increased interest in issues of spirituality/religion observed in recent years translates into the pursuit to explore the relationship between religion/spirituality and health. This article reviews research into the ability of religion and spirituality to benefit or harm the mental health of believers. We also examine the mechanism of developing religious delusions in schizophrenia. Religion and spirituality can promote or damage mental health. This potential demands an increased awareness of religious matters by mental health practitioners, as well as ongoing attention in clinical psychology research