47 research outputs found

    PyRaysum: Software for Modeling Ray-theoretical Plane Body-wave Propagation in Dipping Anisotropic Media

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    This article introduces PyRaysum, a Python software for modeling ray-theoretical body-wave propagation in dipping and/or anisotropic layered media based on the popular Fortran code Raysum. We improve and expand upon Raysum in several ways: 1) we significantly reduce the overhead by avoiding I/O operations; 2) we implement automatic phase labeling to facilitate the interpretation of complex seismograms; 3) we provide the means to correct inaccuracies in the calculated amplitude of free surface reverberations. We take advantage of the modern, object-oriented Python environment to offer various classes and methods to perform receiver function calculation, filtering and plotting. PyRaysum also integrates well with NumPy and ObsPy, two standard libraries for numerical computing and seismology. PyRaysum is built in Python version 3 and requires a Fortran compiler, but otherwise runs on all platforms. The software offers a high-level, ease-of-use user interface and is equipped with complete documentation and testing as well as tutorials to reproduce published examples from the literature. Time-optimized post-processing functions allow for the straightforward and efficient incorporation of PyRaysum synthetic data into optimization or probabilistic parametric search approaches

    The Portacaval‐shunted rat : a new model for the study of the mechanisms controlling voluntary ethanol consumption and ethanol preference?

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    Portacaval anastomosis (PCA) is a surgical procedure whereby blood from the portal vein is shunted into the inferior vena cava. PCA in the rat results in a significant increase (from 0.77 ± 0.26 to 3.51 ± 0.37 g of ethanol/kg/day) in voluntary ethanol consumption in a free‐choice paradigm between water and 5% ethanol solution. After PCA surgery, increased voluntary ethanol consumption starts abruptly at 6 to 7 days and is maintained for > 28 weeks. Voluntary ethanol consumption in rats after PCA results in blood ethanol levels up to 158 mg%. After PCA, the ethanol preference ratio (defined as the percentage of total fluid intake constituted by ethanol) increased from 19 ± 2% to 78 ± 2% (p < 0.001). Administration of the nonselective opioid receptor antagonist naloxone (5 mg/kg, sc) resulted in a significant 6‐fold attenuation of voluntary ethanol consumption by rats with PCA, an effect that was not mediated by an effect on locomotor activity. These findings, together with previous reports of widespread alterations of the μ‐ and δ‐opioid receptors in the brain after PCA, suggest that increased voluntary ethanol consumption and ethanol preference in PCA rats may result from activation of the endogenous opioid system. Preliminary studies suggest that rats with PCA manifest behavioral signs consistent with the development of dependence. The portacaval‐shunted rat may provide a useful preparation for the study of mechanisms, in particular those involving the liver, implicated in the development of increased voluntary ethanol consumption and ethanol preference

    Short-term unit commitment and loading problem

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    This paper presents a new method for solving the short-term unit commitment and loading problem of a hydropower system. Dynamic programming is used to compute maximum power output generated by a power plant. This information is then used as input of a two-phase optimization process. The first phase solves the relaxation of a nonlinear mixed-integer program in order to obtain the water discharge, reservoir volume and optimal number of units working at each period in the planning horizon. The second stage solves a linear integer problem to determine which combination of turbines to use at each period. The goal is to maximize total power produced over all periods of the planning horizon which consists of a week divided in hourly periods. Start-up of turbines are penalized. Numerical experiments are conducted on thirty different test cases for two Rio Tinto Alcan power plants with five turbines each

    Scenario tree modeling for stochastic short-term hydropower operations planning

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    The authors investigate the complexity needed in the structure of the scenario trees to maximize energy production in a rolling-horizon framework. Three comparisons, applied to the stochastic short-term unit commitment and loading problem are conducted. The first one involves generating a set of scenario trees built from inflow forecast data over a rolling-horizon. The second replaces the entire set of scenario trees by the median scenario. The third replaces the set of trees by scenario fans. The method used to build scenario trees, based on minimization of the nested distance, requires three parameters: number of stages, number of child nodes at each stage, and aggregation of the period covered by each stage. The authors formulate the question of finding the best values of these parameters as a blackbox optimization problem that maximizes the energy production over the rolling-horizon. Numerical experiments on three hydropower plants in series suggest that using a set of scenario trees is preferable to using the median scenario, but using a fan of scenarios yields a comparable solution with less computational effort

    Stochastic short-term hydropower planning with inflow scenario trees

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    This paper presents an optimization approach to solve the short-term hydropower unit commitment and loading problem with uncertain inflows. A scenario tree is built based on a forecasted fan of inflows, which is developed using the weather forecast and the historical weather realizations. The tree-building approach seeks to minimize the nested distance between the stochastic process of historical inflow data and the multistage stochastic process represented in the scenario tree. A two-phase multistage stochastic model is used to solve the problem. The proposed approach is tested on a 31 day rolling-horizon with daily forecasted inflows for three power plants situated in the province of Quebec, Canada, that belong to the company Rio Tinto

    EON-ROSE and the Canadian Cordillera Array – Building Bridges to Span Earth System Science in Canada

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    EON-ROSE (Earth-System Observing Network - Réseau d’Observation du Système terrestrE) is a new initiative for a pan-Canadian research collaboration to holistically examine Earth systems from the ionosphere into the core. The Canadian Cordillera Array (CC Array) is the pilot phase, and will extend across the Cordillera from the Beaufort Sea to the U.S. border. The vision for EON-ROSE is to install a network of telemetered observatories to monitor solid Earth, environmental and atmospheric processes. EON-ROSE is an inclusive, combined effort of Canadian universities, federal, provincial and territorial government agencies, industry, and international collaborators. Brainstorming sessions and several workshops have been held since May 2016. The first station will be installed at Kluane Lake Research Station in southwestern Yukon during the summer of 2018. The purpose of this report is to provide a framework for continued discussion and development.RÉSUMÉEON-ROSE (Earth-System Observing Network - Réseau d’Observation du Système terrestrE) est une nouvelle initiative de collaboration de recherche pancanadienne visant à étudier de manière holistique les systèmes terrestres, depuis l’ionosphère jusqu’au noyau. Le Réseau canadien de la cordillère (CC Array) en est la phase pilote, laquelle couvrira toute la Cordillère, de la mer de Beaufort jusqu’à la frontière étasunienne. L’objectif d’EON-ROSE est d’installer un réseau d’observatoires télémétriques pour suivre en continu les processusterrestres, environnementaux et atmosphériques. EON-ROSE est un effort combiné et inclusif des universités canadiennes, des organismes gouvernementaux fédéraux, provinciaux et territoriaux, de l’industrie et de collaborateurs internationaux. Des séances de remue-méninges et plusieurs ateliers ont été tenus depuis mai 2016. La première station sera installée à la station de recherche du lac Kluane, dans le sud-ouest du Yukon, au cours de l’été 2018. Le but du présent rapport est de fournir un cadre de discussion et de développement continu

    Сверхлегкие генераторные модули для КВЧ-терапии

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    Разработаны миниатюрные генераторные модули для КВЧ-терапии, лег-ко фиксируемые в любом месте тела пациента. Могут быть использованы не только в медицине

    Seismic and mechanical attributes of lithospheric deformation and subduction in western Canada

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    Convergent continental margins are regions of intense deformation caused by the interaction of oceanic plates with continents. The spatial extent of deformation is broadly commensurate with the specific time scale of the causative phenomenon. For example, subduction-related short-term deformation is limited to <200 km from the margin, whereas long-term plate convergence cause deformation over ∼1000 km landward. Deformation is thus manifested in multiple ways, with attributes depending on the scale of measurement. In this thesis we investigate the use of two geophysical approaches in the study of deformation: 1) The analysis of potential-field anomalies to derive estimates of the elastic thickness (Te) of the lithosphere, and 2) The structural study of past and present subduction systems using seismic observations and modelling. Both approaches involve the development of appropriate methodologies for data analysis and modelling, and their application to the western Canadian landmass. Our findings are summarized as follows: 1) We develop a wavelet-based technique to map variations in Te and its anisotropy; 2) We show how a step-wise transition in Te and its anisotropy from the Cordillera to the Craton is a major factor influencing lithospheric deformation; 3) We implement a waveform modelling tool that includes the effects of structural heterogeneity and anisotropy for teleseismic applications, and use it to model the signature of a fossil subduction zone in a Paleoproterozoic terrane; 4) We use teleseismic recordings to map slab edge morphology in northern Cascadia and show how slab window tectonism and slab stretching led to the creation of the oceanic Explorer plate; 5) We use seismic signals from the subducting oceanic crust to calculate elevated Poisson’s ratio and infer high pore-fluid pressures and a low-permeability plate boundary within the forearc region of northern Cascadia.Science, Faculty ofEarth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department ofGraduat

    Receiver functions using OBS data: Promises and limitations from numerical modelling and examples from the Cascadia Initiative

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    The expanding fleet of broad-band ocean-bottom seismograph (OBS) stations is facilitating the study of the structure and seismicity of oceanic plates at regional scales. For continental studies, an important tool to characterize continental crust and mantle structure is the analysis of teleseismic P receiver functions. In the oceans, however, receiver functions potentially suffer from several limiting factors that are unique to ocean sites and plate structures. In this study, we model receiver functions for a variety of oceanic lithospheric structures to investigate the possibilities and limitations of receiver functions using OBS data. Several potentially contaminating effects are examined, including pressure reverberations from the water column for various ocean-floor depths and the effects of a layer of low-velocity marine sediments. These modelling results indicate that receiver functions from OBS data are difficult to interpret in the presence of marine sediments, but shallow-water sites in subduction zone forearcs may be suitable for constraining various crustal elements around the locked megathrust fault. We propose using a complementary approach based on transfer function modelling combined with a grid search approach that bypasses receiver functions altogether and estimates model properties directly from minimally processed waveforms. Using real data examples from the Cascadia Initiative, we show how receiver and transfer functions can be used to infer seismic properties of the oceanic plate in both shallow (Cascadia forearc) and deep (Juan de Fuca Ridge) ocean settings

    Seismic velocity model of the crust in the northern Canadian Cordillera from Rayleigh wave dispersion data

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    Models of seismic velocity structure of the crust in the seismically active northern Canadian Cordillera remain poorly constrained, despite their importance in the accurate location and characterization of regional earthquakes. On 29 August 2014, a moderate earthquake with magnitude MB 5.0 occurred in the Northwest Territories, Canada, ~100 km to the east of the Cordilleran Deformation Front, which generated high-quality Rayleigh wave data. We carefully selected 23 seismic stations that recorded the Rayleigh waves and divided them into 13 groups according to the azimuth angle between the earthquake and the stations; these groups mostly sample the Cordillera. In each group, we measured Rayleigh wave group velocity dispersion, which we inverted for one-dimensional shear-wave velocity models of the crust. We thus obtained 13 models that consistently show low seismic velocities with respect to reference models, with a slow upper and lower crust surrounding a relatively fast mid crustal layer. The average of the 13 models is consistent with receiver function data in the central portion of the Cordillera. Finally, we compare earthquake locations determined by the Geological Survey of Canada using a simple homogenous crust over a mantle half space with those estimated using the new crustal velocity model, and show that estimates can differ by as much as 10 km.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author