792 research outputs found

    Identification of anaerobic threshold using heart rate response during dynamic exercise

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    The objective of the present study was to characterize the heart rate (HR) patterns of healthy males using the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model over a power range assumed to correspond to the anaerobic threshold (AT) during discontinuous dynamic exercise tests (DDET). Nine young (22.3 ± 1.57 years) and 9 middle-aged (MA) volunteers (43.2 ± 3.53 years) performed three DDET on a cycle ergometer. Protocol I: DDET in steps with progressive power increases of 10 W; protocol II: DDET using the same power values as protocol 1, but applied randomly; protocol III: continuous dynamic exercise protocol with ventilatory and metabolic measurements (10 W/min ramp power), for the measurement of ventilatory AT. HR was recorded and stored beat-to-beat during DDET, and analyzed using the ARIMA (protocols I and II). The DDET experiments showed that the median physical exercise workloads at which AT occurred were similar for protocols I and II, i.e., AT occurred between 75 W (116 bpm) and 85 W (116 bpm) for the young group and between 60 W (96 bpm) and 75 W (107 bpm) for group MA in protocols I and II, respectively; in two MA volunteers the ventilatory AT occurred at 90 W (108 bpm) and 95 W (111 bpm). This corresponded to the same power values of the positive trend in HR responses. The change in HR response using ARIMA models at submaximal dynamic exercise powers proved to be a promising approach for detecting AT in normal volunteers

    Heart rate variability under resting conditions in postmenopausal and young women

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the modulation of heart rate in a group of postmenopausal women to that of a group of young women under resting conditions on the basis of R-R interval variability. Ten healthy postmenopausal women (mean ± SD, 58.3 ± 6.8 years) and 10 healthy young women (mean ± SD, 21.6 ± 0.82 years) were submitted to a control resting electrocardiogram (ECG) in the supine and sitting positions over a period of 6 min. The ECG was obtained from a one-channel heart monitor at the CM5 lead and processed and stored using an analog to digital converter connected to a microcomputer. R-R intervals were calculated on a beat-to-beat basis from the ECG recording in real time using a signal-processing software. Heart rate variability (HRV) was expressed as standard deviation (RMSM) and mean square root (RMSSD). In the supine position, the postmenopausal group showed significantly lower (P<0.05) median values of RMSM (34.9) and RMSSD (22.32) than the young group (RMSM: 62.11 and RMSSD: 49.1). The same occurred in the sitting position (RMSM: 33.0 and RMSSD: 18.9 compared to RMSM: 57.6 and RMSSD: 42.8 for the young group). These results indicate a decrease in parasympathetic modulation in postmenopausal women compared to young women which was possibly due both to the influence of age and hormonal factors. Thus, time domain HRV proved to be a noninvasive and sensitive method for the identification of changes in autonomic modulation of the sinus node in postmenopausal women

    Paraganglioma de corpo aórtico em cão

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    Background: Aortic body paragangliomas are uncommon neoplasms that develop mainly in aortic and carotid bodies. It has been supposed that genetic factors and chronic hypoxia may stimulate tumor development. The brachycephalic dog breeds, as Boxer, are most predisposed to present this neoplasm. The clinical symptomatology is related to tumor size and localization. Usually aortic body paraganglioma has benign biological behavior, when it is malignant, rarely promotes metastases. The aim of this study was to report a case of the aortic body paraganglioma as death cause in a dog.Case: A canine, 10-year-old, male, cross breed, presented clinical signs as anorexia, emesis, cough, dyspnea and exercise intolerance. After death the animal was examined at the Department of Veterinary Pathology at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia. On necropsy, no pericardial effusion was identified, however pleural and abdominal effusion was observed, volume like 1000 and 700 mL, respectively. The heart had a neoplasm near the left atrium, it measured 6.5 x 8.2 cm, had irregular surface, firm consistency, grayish color, and at the cut showed infiltration in the myocardium, as well as obstruction of the left atrial lumen and left ventricle concentric hypertrophy. No distant metastases were found. Microscopically, the tumor consisted of polyhedral morphology cells, eosinophilic cytoplasm, spherical and hyperchromatic nucleus. Cells were grouped into lobes separated by fibrovascular stroma, large cells (less uniform cells), low mitotic rate and myocardial infiltration. On immunohistochemical analysis anti-cytokeratin, anti-vimentin and anti-S-100 antibodies were used. Tumour cells stained was absent for anti-cytokeratin and anti-vimentin, but was anti-S-100 positive. A case of malignant aortic body paraganglioma grade II was diagnosed.Discussion: The reported case was diagnosed in cross breed dog. However, brachycephalic dog breeds, as Boxer, are more predisposed to develop this kind of tumor. The development of these tumors is related to the genetic factors and chronic hypoxia. It was suggested that the tumor origin on this case is related to genetic factors, because the animal had no respiratory diseases, he was not brachycephalic and lived in a low altitude city, what exclude the possibility to have been induced by chronic hypoxia imposed by low oxygen. The clinical symptomatology presented by the animal days before death was related to the localization and size of the tumor. The macroscopic findings were similar to those of other studies. And the histopathological findings of the report were indicative for the histological classification of malignant aortic body paraganglioma. On immunohistochemical analysis it was negative for anti-cytokeratin and anti-vimentin antibodies, however was positive for anti-S-100 antibody, thus differentiated from other tumors that may occur in this local and confirmed the diagnosis of malignant aortic body paraganglioma grade II. The dog died due to tumor-related causes, however some authors indicate de tumor as a necropsy finding. The findings made it possible to conclude that tumor was aortic body paraganglioma and that it promoted cardiorespiratory complications related to localization and infiltration, what was worsened by pleural effusion leading the animal to the cardiogenic shock that culminated with death. It shows the importance of including this tumor in the list of differential diagnoses of heart diseases in dogs

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Third Eyelid of Cat

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    Background: The third eyelid neoplasms are uncommon in cats. The squamous cell carcinoma are easily found in head and neck of same specie, although is unusual in eye region. The more commun localization is eyelid and eyeball, being 60 and 15%, respectively. It could bee diagnosed by citology, histopathology, imunohistochemistry and molecular biology. The surgery is more effective treatment, because the tumor can be totally removed and it must available surgical margin. The aim of this study was to report a case of squamous cell carcinoma in third eyelid of a cat and show how it was treated with radical surgery. Case: A 11-year-old spayed female domestic short-haired white and black colored cat was presented for evaluation at Maria Dias Teixeira Hospital of Amazonia Federal Rural University (UFRA), of an red ocular mass fast growth in the left eye for 2 months. Physical exam was within normal limits. The animal presented discomfort on the region, when it was manipulated. The mass was ulcerated and blood-tinged ocular discharge, had 3.3 x 2 cm, beginning on third eyelid and overlay all the eyeball. Blood was collated to make exams. Complete blood count and serum chemistry profiles were within normal ranges, but leukocytes were increased and it was treated with Amoxicillin (22 mg/kg). It was performed biopsy to histopathology and immunohistochemistry diagnose, and radiography and ultrasonography to found metastasis. Ocular tissues were fixed in 10% formalin and processed routinely for histological examination. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and diagnosed poorly differentiated Squamous cell carcinoma. Immunohistochemistry was performed using anti-cytokeratin 1:200, anti-vimentin 1:150 and anti-actin alpha smooth muscle 1:700 antibodies. The tumor cells were positive for cytokeratin and negative for vimentin. In tumor stroma was immunostaining of myofibroblasts by actina alpha smooth muscle. Because of malignment and infiltrative neoplasm, it was chosen to perform eye and eyelid enucleation. At post-operative evaluation no complication was found and in tem days, surgical wound was held. Seven months post-operative no neoplastic tissue had growth on local. Discussion: A retrospective study at Belem and some close cities, which took all neoplasms and classified, found only 1.5% of ocular neoplasms, and no one was in cats. Similarly occurred with another study, that 1.21% out of ocular masses, just 12.5% was diagnosed in cats, showing how uncommon is ocular neoplasm in cats. Including theses lesions, less of then are only in third eyelid. Ultraviolet radiation is the most related probably causes of squamous cell carcinoma. At Belem City ultravioleta radiation is very high, can bee 11 in some stations, in a scale of 0 to 14, the medial temperature is 27ºC. Another factor that could influence squamous cell carcionoma progress is skin color, animals’ wich skin is light have more probably to develop this neoplasm. On our case, close to eye, skin was dark, although the carcinoma was growth at third eyelid mucosa, a local that have no protection to ultraviolet radiation. Myofibroblasts observed in the tumor stroma are important in the invasion process of this tumor in humans. The treatment used in this case was radical surgery, with no other adjuvant, what is indicate for some authors. Another authors prefer exscind only third eyelid, but sometimes it is not possible, because this kind of neoplasm is very infiltrate. The localization and the nodular form of squamous cell carcinoma found in this study is uncommon, mainly in cats. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis were important for definitive diagnostic. The treatment by enucleation of eyeball and removing the eyelids was effective, without relapse in 7 months after surgery. Keywords: oncology, ophthalmology, ocular neoplasm, feline

    Matriz GUT na extensão rural: estudo de multicasos na agricultura familiar da região amazônica

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a aplicabilidade da matriz GUT como ferramenta auxiliar na extensão rural, com foco em propriedades leiteiras de agricultura familiar da região amazônica. Os estudos foram realizados no estado de Rondônia, com agricultores familiares produtores de leite que tinham a mesma como principal atividade da propriedade. Foi realizado uma pesquisa descritiva, exploratória e quantitativa, com a observação direta das propriedades in loco, na qual foram aplicados os formulários de diagnóstico como instrumentos de coleta de evidências,composto por questões divididas por tópicos, com intuito de descobrir falhas e problemas na produção de leite. Após o levantamento das falhas e problemas das propriedades assistidas, foi utilizada a ferramenta de gestão matriz GUT, avaliando cada item identificado como falha ou problema, em uma escala de zero a cinco, que considerou mais grave, mais urgente e com maior tendência a piorar, posteriormente, os itens foram listados em uma planilha com as suas respectivas notas e ranqueados em ordem decrescente para a busca de resolução dos cinco principais problemas visualizados nas propriedades. Concluiu-se, portanto, que há possibilidades de adaptar a ferramenta matriz GUT, tão utilizadas em outras atividades, na pecuária leiteira, e como ferramenta auxiliadora na extensão rural, com foco na resolução de problemas e, consequentemente, um possível aumento da rentabilidade econômica, além de ser capaz de realizar a priorização das ações dentro de uma propriedade leiteira

    revista de Ciências da Arte

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    (...) Sabendo que já superámos essa construção do «louco» da sociedade disciplinar, permitimo-nos nestes dois volumes de Convocarte a desafiar o estigma. Se pensámos inicialmente para tema, e por inibição que assumimos, a palavra Mania (do grego μανία, «estado de loucura», e de mainesthai, «estar em furor, estar com raiva»), aceitámos o desafio de Stefanie Gil Franco, investigadora especializada nas relações entre a arte e a loucura, a quem convidámos para coordenação científica desta abordagem, para esse confronto directo com a questão através do tema: Arte e Loucura. Apesar de já não se confinar o louco na cela da modernidade disciplinar, e os hospitais psiquiátricos terem evoluído bastante desde finais do século XX, o estigma ainda circula na linguagem, sendo visível na dificuldade em abordar o tema, em falar directa e abertamente, como se o estigma, como uma sombra, ainda abafasse o debate franco e crítico. O lançamento deste tema em Convocarte ambicionou focar alguma luz crítica nessa sombra com o propício apoio das relações com a arte. Trata-se de confrontar o estigma e de fornecer um lugar de escuta à voz da loucura para saúde da própria razão, o que nos fez lembrar a frase de Deleuze sobre a doença de Nietzsche: «[...] quando Nietzsche se tornou demente, foi precisamente quando perdeu esta mobilidade, esta arte de deslocamento, ao não poder mais, pela sua saúde, fazer da doença um ponto de vista sobre a saúde».info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi di Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This paper describe development and financial performance of cooperative in District Pelalawan among 2007 - 2008. Studies on primary and secondary cooperative in 12 sub-districts. Method in this stady use performance measuring of productivity, efficiency, growth, liquidity, and solvability of cooperative. Productivity of cooperative in Pelalawan was highly but efficiency still low. Profit and income were highly, even liquidity of cooperative very high, and solvability was good

    Juxtaposing BTE and ATE – on the role of the European insurance industry in funding civil litigation

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    One of the ways in which legal services are financed, and indeed shaped, is through private insurance arrangement. Two contrasting types of legal expenses insurance contracts (LEI) seem to dominate in Europe: before the event (BTE) and after the event (ATE) legal expenses insurance. Notwithstanding institutional differences between different legal systems, BTE and ATE insurance arrangements may be instrumental if government policy is geared towards strengthening a market-oriented system of financing access to justice for individuals and business. At the same time, emphasizing the role of a private industry as a keeper of the gates to justice raises issues of accountability and transparency, not readily reconcilable with demands of competition. Moreover, multiple actors (clients, lawyers, courts, insurers) are involved, causing behavioural dynamics which are not easily predicted or influenced. Against this background, this paper looks into BTE and ATE arrangements by analysing the particularities of BTE and ATE arrangements currently available in some European jurisdictions and by painting a picture of their respective markets and legal contexts. This allows for some reflection on the performance of BTE and ATE providers as both financiers and keepers. Two issues emerge from the analysis that are worthy of some further reflection. Firstly, there is the problematic long-term sustainability of some ATE products. Secondly, the challenges faced by policymakers that would like to nudge consumers into voluntarily taking out BTE LEI