120 research outputs found

    Valorization of artichoke wastewaters by integrated membrane process

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    In this work an integrated membrane system was developed on laboratory scale to fractionate artichoke wastewaters. In particular, a preliminary ultrafiltration (UF) step, based on the use of hollow fibre membranes, was investigated to remove suspended solids from an artichoke extract. The clarified solution was then submitted to a nanofiltration (NF) step. Two different 2.5 × 21 in. spiral-wound membranes (Desal DL and NP030) with different properties were investigated. Both membranes showed a high rejection towards the phenolic compounds analysed (chlorogenic acid, cynarin and apigenin-7-O-glucoside) and, consequently, towards the total antioxidant activity (TAA). On the other hand, the Desal DL membrane was characterized by a high rejection towards sugar compounds (glucose, fructose and sucrose) (100%) when compared with the NP030 membrane (4.02%). The performance of selected membranes in terms of permeate flux, fouling index and water permeability recovery was also evaluated. On the base of experimental results, an integrated membrane process for the fractionation of artichoke wastewaters was proposed. This conceptual process design permitted to obtain different valuable products: a retentate fraction (from the NP030 membrane) enriched in phenolic compounds suitable for nutraceutical, cosmeceutical or food application; a retentate fraction (from the Desal DL membrane), enriched in sugar compounds, of interest for food applications; a clear permeate (from the Desal DL membrane) which can be reused as process water or for membrane cleaning.Conidi, C.; Cassano, A.; García Castelló, EM. (2014). Valorization of artichoke wastewaters by integrated membrane process. Water Research. 48:363-374. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2013.09.047S3633744

    Prebiotics and Dietary Fibers from Food Processing By-Products

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    The abundance of agricultural wastes or by-products from industrial and domesti- Q1 cated food processing is the main cause of environment problems. These by-products are generally managed by disposal or even sold at a cheaper price. Disposal of these underutilized by-products are commonly done in inappropriate ways, i.e. discharge effluent into rivers or by burning in the open, which may cause air and water pollutions. Presently, scientific investigation on the benefits or functional properties of waste and by-products from industrial food processing, which produces a large amount of by-products, is necessary in the search for possible ways for their utilization (Vanesa et al., 2011). Three main groups of by-product from food processing, classified according to their main chemical compositions, are carbohydrate and dietary fibers, protein and lipids. The most common by-products are generated by the food industry, in particular the beverage, starch and flour industries. These items are classified under carbohydrate and dietary fiber groups. They are further divided into four sub-groups: monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Dietary fibers are a class of non-starch polysaccharides (i.e. cellulose, dextrins, chitins, pectins, β-glucans and waxes) and lignin, which are able to modulate the transit time through the gut. Thus, it provides similar beneficial effects to those of inulin-type fructans. These compounds are commonly found in many foods such as cereal, nuts etc. They are also partially susceptible to bacterial fermentation and may induce changes in bacterial populations, particularly in the numerous bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. These soluble dietary fibers have been shown to exert additional beneficial effects, for instance by improving gut barrier function in vitro and in vivo, which could be partially a consequence of their effect on the microflora composition (Laparra and Sanz, 2010)

    Protection of construction pit for car-park building in Ljubljana

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    V diplomski nalogi je obravnavano varovanje gradbene jame za objekt parkirno garažne hiše v Ljubljani. Varovalna konstrukcija je bila izvedena s sidranimi slopi po tehnologiji injektiranja pod visokimi pritiski (jet grouting). Sidranje smo izvedli z začasnimi geotehničnimi sidri v enem ali dveh nivojih. V nalogi je podan pregled postopkov za izvedbo jet grouting slopov in začasnih geotehničnih sider po veljavnih standardih. Pozornost je posvečena načinom izvedbe, ki so uveljavljeni pri nas, in problemom, ki se pojavljajo zaradi odstopanja od zhatev tehnične regulative ali nezmožnosti upoštevanja le-te. To je delno posledica zastarele opreme in utečenih postopkov izvajanja del. Dodatno pa na to vplivajo tudi zahteve po čim cenejši izvedbi gradbenih del. V nalogi so predstavljene izkušnje pridobljene med izvedbo varovalne konstrukcije gradbene jame, rezultati kontrolnih preiskav in problemi, ki so se pojavili med izvedbo del, ter rešitve teh problemov. V fazi izvedbe varovalne konstrukcije iz jet grouting slopov smo največ pozornosti posvetili tehnologiji enofaznega postopka injektiranja in njeni učinkovitosti v danih razmerah. Pri izvedbi geotehničnih sider pa smo največ pozornosti posvetili vgradnji in napenjanju preskusnih sider. Na gradbišču nastali problemi so lahko tudi posledica nepopolne gradbene dokumentacije, vključno s starimi in pomanjkljivimi načrti sosednjih objektov. V nalogi je prav tako obravnavano reševanje problemov, povezanih z nepričakovano sestavo temeljnih tal. Ta je pomembno vplivala na težave in zamude pri izvedbi in nemoteno napredovanje del.The subject of this thesis is the execution construction pit for multi-storey car-park building in Ljubljana. The supporting structure was made with high pressure grouting (e.q jet grouting), and anchored with temporary ground anchors in one or two levels. An overview of jet grouting and temporary ground anchors procedures accoding to current standards is shown. A special attention is put on the currently valid execution of works in our country. We primarily examined the problems occurring due to the deviation from technical regulations or inability to stick to them, which may be the consequence of either old equipment or sticking to generally accepted procedures of the execution, as well as requirements for a cheaper execution. The thesis presents the description of experiences gained during the execution works, the results of control examinations, the problems that occurred during the execution and appropriate solutions. In the phase of the jet-grouting-piles execution, which were used as a supporting structure, the attention was on the technology of the single fluid system and its effectiveness in the ground, while with ground anchors the most attention was paid to ground anchor installation and. The problems occurring on the construction site are often result of an incomplete project documentation, often involving the old and incomplete documentation of neighbouring buildings. The solution of issues in relation to the unexpected ground conditions, which significantly delayed the execution of works, is examined

    Ethics in Education

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    This paper focuses on identifying ethical teaching practices that can be implemented into classroom management, lessons, and activities within the general education realm. The need for ethical awareness, and further, the application of such knowledge, is evermore essential for the society and country in which we reside. Due to the vast diversification of students in our classrooms today, and the nature of teaching itself, it is important to ask and investigate: What are ethical teaching practices and how does my implementation of them affect my teaching and its consequential outcomes? Ethical teaching practices considered, include, but are not limited to: the use of sign language, Spanish, self-reflection, games, and bias awareness. It is hypothesized that this study will aid teachers in better understanding their roles and responsibilities as educators, as well as providing them the necessary tools and strategies to assist in enhancing their classroom management and overall personal performance