73 research outputs found
Dynamische modellering van streeflasten voor bossen in Vlaanderen
For forest and nature policy it is important to know the highest level of atmospheric nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) deposition below which harmful acidifying effects on forest soils do not occur. Therefore, target loads for acidification were determined for Flemish forests according to the harmonized methodology of the Coordination Center of Effects. Target loads are calculated in a similar way as critical loads, but account for soil buffer mechanims. Critical loads are based on a steady-state mass balance and equal the highest long-term deposition that still respects a pre-defined soil-chemical status. A target load is the deposition for which the chosen status is respected from the target year on. This requires taking into account the buffering capacity of soil processes such as cation exchange and N immobilisation, as these create a time lag in soil recovery when the potentially acidifying deposition declines. Critical loads were calculated for 1438 Flemish forest locations; on the one hand for the protection of roots against acidification using a maximum ratio of aluminum vs. base cation concentration in soil water, on the other hand for eutrophication using a maximum nitrate leaching. For non-calcareous forest soils in Flanders, the median critical load of S (criterion Al:Bc = 1) amounted to 1754 eq ha-1 year-1. The median critical load of acidifying N was 3010 eq ha-1 year-1 including denitrification and 2227 eq ha-1 year-1 assuming no denitrifi-cation. The median critical load for nutrient N with respect to eutrophication (criterion NO3le,acc = 100 eq ha-1 year-1) was 935 eq ha-1 year-1. Target loads for acifidication were determined for 83 non-calcareous Flemish forest stands of the forest soil and forest vitality network (Level I and II plots). The Very Simple Dynamic (VSD) model was used for simulating the chemical composition of soil and soil water throughout time based on soil characteristics and rainfall, deposition and growth data. Target loads were calculated for the target years 2030, 2050 and 2100. To respect the Al:Bc criterion from 2050 on, for example, a N and S deposition reduction was needed in 84% of the plots according to the VSD model. In 12% of the plots no additional deposition reduction was needed compared to the Gothenburg agreements, while for 4% the Al:Bc criterion could not be reached in 2050 even when N and S deposition would be reduced to zero from 2010 on. The median target load of S for target year 2030 amounted to 58% of the median critical load of S; for the years 2050 and 2100 this ratio was 65% and 86%, respectively. For N the difference between target loads and critical loads was smaller than for S due to the time dependent N immobilisation. The critical and target loads of S were lower for deciduous stands than for coniferous stands because of the higher nutrient uptake by deciduous trees. The acceptable acidifying deposition was lower for forests on sandy sails than on loamy or clayey soils due to the lower mineral weathering rate in sandy soils.
According to the sensitivity analysis, the calculated target loads depended mostly on the base cation fluxes mineral weathering, deposition, and net growth uptake. Furthermore, the chosen cation exchange model and the assumed relationship between the soil solution pH and aluminium concentration clearly affected the results. Despite the inherent uncertainty in modelling soil acidification at a regional level, the present research implies that important N and S deposition reductions are needed to allow recovery of Flemish forest soils to a minimal chemical quality
Biomass and nutrient cycling of a highly productive Corsican pine stand on former heathland in northern Belgium
Biomass and nutrient cycling were examined in a 62-year-old highly productive Corsican pine stand (Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. laricio Poiret) growing on a coarse and dry sandy soil with low exchangeable nutrient pools. Total aboveground biomass was estimated at 240 tons dry weight per hectare of which 201 tons concerned boles. The belowground biomass amounted to 46 t ha -1 (16 % of total standing biomass). The current annual volume increment was estimated at 20.6 m 3 ha-1 year-1. Root study emphasized the role of the rooting depth as an important growth factor. Calculated uptake rates for N, P, K, Ca and Mg were respectively 50.5, 1.9, 38.2, 15.6 and 3.3 kg ha-1 year-1. Despite an abundant nitrogen deposition (46 kg inorg. N ha-1 year-1) between 23 and 35 % of the nitrogen demand was supplied by internal transfers. Retranslocation of phosphorus fulfilled 64 % of the annual requirement. The root uptake of potassium, calcium and magnesium were better coupled with the tree requirements. The uptake rates of Ca and Mg could be met by atmospheric deposition. The canopy leaching of potassium accounted for 70 % of the root uptake. The low uptake rates of P, Ca and Mg were inconsistent with the vigorous growth of the stand, which could only be maintained by a high nutrient use efficiency. The monitoring of the nutrient status between 1988 and 1995 revealed an obvious decline in the concentrations of Ca, Mg, K and P due to growth dilution. (© Inra/Elsevier, Paris.)La biomasse et le cycle des Ă©lĂ©ments minĂ©raux d'un peuplement de pin laricio de Corse de forte production sur un sol sableux. La biomasse et le cycle des Ă©lĂ©ments minĂ©raux ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s dans un peuplement de pin laricio de Corse (Pinus nigra Am. ssp. laricio Poiret) de 62 ans, de forte productivitĂ©, sur un sol sableux et sec, aux rĂ©serves d'Ă©lĂ©ments disponibles limitĂ©es. La biomasse Ă©pigĂ©e s'Ă©lĂ©vait Ă 240 tonnes de matiĂšre sĂšche par hectare dont 201 tonnes Ă©taient incluses dans les troncs. La biomasse des racines Ă©tait de 46 tonnes ha-1 (16 % de la biomasse totale). L'accroissement courant annuel atteignait 20,6 m3 ha-1 an-1. L'Ă©tude des racines a mis en Ă©vidence la profondeur de l'enracinement comme facteur de croissance important. Les prĂ©lĂšvements rĂ©els de N, P, K, Ca et Mg s'Ă©lĂ©vaient Ă respectivement 50,5, 1,9, 38,2, 15,6 et 3,3 kg ha-1 an-1. MalgrĂ© un apport abondant d'azote (46 kg N inorganique ha-1), entre 23 % et 35 % de la demande azotĂ©e Ă©tait soutenue par le transfert interne. Les transferts internes de phosphore contribuaient pour 64 % Ă la masse minĂ©rale nĂ©cessaire pour la formation des tissus nouveaux. Les prĂ©lĂšvements rĂ©els de potassium, calcium et magnĂ©sium correspondaient mieux Ă leurs prĂ©lĂšvements apparents. Les prĂ©lĂšvements de Ca et Mg pouvaient ĂȘtre supplĂ©Ă©s par des apports atmosphĂ©riques. Il ressort que le pluviolessivage de potassium constituait 70 % de l'absorption racinaire. Les prĂ©lĂšvements rĂ©els de Ca, Mg et P Ă©taient en opposition avec la forte productivitĂ© qui ne pouvait qu'ĂȘtre soutenue par un usage efficace des nutrients. L'Ă©volution de la nutrition foliaire dĂ©celait une baisse nette en teneurs de Ca, Mg, K et P engendrĂ©e par la discordance entre leurs rĂ©serves limitĂ©es et la forte croissance du peuplement. (© Inra/Elsevier, Paris.
No impact of tropospheric ozone on the gross primary productivity of a Belgian pine forest
Imbalance-P paper. Contact with Lore Verryckt: [email protected] stomatal ozone (O3) uptake has been shown to negatively affect crop yields and the growth of tree seedlings. However, little is known about the effect of O3 on the carbon uptake by mature forest trees. This study investigated the effect of high O3 events on gross primary productivity (GPP) for a Scots pine stand near Antwerp, Belgium over the period 1998-2013. Stomatal O3 fluxes were modelled using in situ O3 mixing ratio measurements and a multiplicative stomatal model, which was parameterised and validated for this Scots pine stand. Ozone-induced GPP reduction is most likely to occur during or shortly after days with high stomatal O3 uptake. Therefore, a GPP model within an artificial neural network was parameterised for days with low stomatal O3 uptake rates and used to simulate GPP during periods of high stomatal O3 uptake. Possible negative effects of high stomatal O3 uptake on GPP would then result in an overestimation of GPP by the model during or after high stomatal O3 uptake events. The O3 effects on GPP were linked to AOT40 and POD1. Although the critical levels for both indices were exceeded in every single year, no significant negative effects of O3 on GPP were found, and no correlations between GPP residuals and AOT40 and POD1 were found. Overall, we conclude that no O3 effects were detected on the carbon uptake by this Scots pine stand
The fingerprint of tropospheric ozone on broadleaved forest vegetation in Europe
Tropospheric ozone (O3) increased globally in the 20th century, contributes to climate change and can have adverse effects on terrestrial ecosystems. The response of forest vegetation to ozone is modulated by species- and site-specific factors and visible foliar symptoms (VFS) are the only direct evidence of ozone effects on vegetation. VFS have been observed and reproduced under (semi-) controlled conditions and their field assessment has been largely harmonized in Europe. We analyzed ozone concentration and VFS data as measured at (respectively) 118 and 91 intensive monitoring sites of the International Co-Operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests) spanning over five European biogeographic regions from 2005 to 2018. Average values for VFS were calculated accounting for the number of species present and their observed frequency. Spatial and temporal variation of ozone concentrations, VFS, and their relationships across Europe were then investigated by applying Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) and combined GLMMs. Ozone concentrations exceeded 40 ppb on 37.3 % of the sites and were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the Alpine and the Mediterranean regions. Over the 2005â2018 period there was a substantial stagnation of ozone concentrations with a tendency towards decreasing values in the Alpine-Boreal sites and increasing values in the Atlantic sites. Ozone left a âfingerprintâ in terms of VFS on 38 % of the observed broadleaved woody species across Europe, with no significant difference among biogeographic regions. Overall, and again with the exception of an increase at the Atlantic sites, the frequency of VFS remained unchanged or has been slightly declining over the investigated period. We found positive relationship between ozone concentrations and VFS across Europe (p < 0.05), while their temporal trends (both insignificant) were not related. The species with the highest frequency of VFS were those classified as sensitive species under controlled/semi-controlled experimental conditions. Frequency of VFS tends to be modulated by vegetation traits such as specific leaf area and leaf thickness (p < 0.10). Our results showed that, although ozone levels suggested a North-to-South gradient of increasing potential risk to vegetation with hot spots in the Alps and in the Mediterranean, VFS observed on the actual species assemblage at the sites modifies this picture. According to frequency of VFS, ozone risk for vegetation may be higher in parts of the Alpine and Continental Europe than in the Mediterranean regio
Modelling study of soil C, N and pH response to air pollution and climate change using European LTER site observations
Current climate warming is expected to continue in coming decades, whereas high N deposition may stabilize, in contrast to the clear decrease in S deposition. These pressures have distinctive regional patterns and their resulting impact on soil conditions is modified by local site characteristics. We have applied the VSD+ soil dynamic model to study impacts of deposition and climate change on soil properties, using MetHyd and GrowUp as pre-processors to provide input to VSD+. The single-layer soil model VSD+ accounts for processes of organic C and N turnover, as well as charge and mass balances of elements, cation exchange and base cation weathering. We calibrated VSD+ at 26 ecosystem study sites throughout Europe using observed conditions, and simulated key soil properties: soil solution pH (pH), soil base saturation (BS) and soil organic carbon and nitrogen ratio (C:N) under projected deposition of N and S, and climate warming until 2100. The sites are forested, located in the Mediterranean, forested alpine, Atlantic, continental and boreal regions. They represent the long-term ecological research (LTER) Europe network, including sites of the ICP Forests and ICP Integrated Monitoring (IM) programmes under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP), providing high quality long-term data on ecosystem response. Simulated future soil conditions improved under projected decrease in deposition and current climate conditions: higher pH, BS and C:N at 21, 16 and 12 of the sites, respectively. When climate change was included in the scenario analysis, the variability of the results increased. Climate warming resulted in higher simulated pH in most cases, and higher BS and C:N in roughly half of the cases. Especially the increase in C:N was more marked with climate warming. The study illustrates the value of LTER sites for applying models to predict soil responses to multiple environmental changes
Altered energy partitioning across terrestrial ecosystems in the European drought year 2018
Drought and heat events, such as the 2018 European drought, interact with the exchange of energy between the land surface and the atmosphere, potentially affecting albedo, sensible and latent heat fluxes, as well as CO(2)exchange. Each of these quantities may aggravate or mitigate the drought, heat, their side effects on productivity, water scarcity and global warming. We used measurements of 56 eddy covariance sites across Europe to examine the response of fluxes to extreme drought prevailing most of the year 2018 and how the response differed across various ecosystem types (forests, grasslands, croplands and peatlands). Each component of the surface radiation and energy balance observed in 2018 was compared to available data per site during a reference period 2004-2017. Based on anomalies in precipitation and reference evapotranspiration, we classified 46 sites as drought affected. These received on average 9% more solar radiation and released 32% more sensible heat to the atmosphere compared to the mean of the reference period. In general, drought decreased net CO(2)uptake by 17.8%, but did not significantly change net evapotranspiration. The response of these fluxes differed characteristically between ecosystems; in particular, the general increase in the evaporative index was strongest in peatlands and weakest in croplands. This article is part of the theme issue 'Impacts of the 2018 severe drought and heatwave in Europe: from site to continental scale'
Currently legislated decreases in nitrogen deposition will yield only limited plant species recovery in European forests
Atmospheric nitrogen (N) pollution is considered responsible for a substantial decline in plant species richness and for altered community structures in terrestrial habitats worldwide. Nitrogen affects habitats through direct toxicity, soil acidification, and in particular by favoring fast-growing species. Pressure from N pollution is decreasing in some areas. In Europe (EU28), overall emissions of NO x declined by more than 50% while NH3 declined by less than 30% between the years 1990 and 2015, and further decreases may be achieved. The timescale over which these improvements will affect ecosystems is uncertain. Here we use 23 European forest research sites with high quality long-term data on deposition, climate, soil recovery, and understory vegetation to assess benefits of currently legislated N deposition reductions in forest understory vegetation. A dynamic soil model coupled to a statistical plant species niche model was applied with site-based climate and deposition. We use indicators of N deposition and climate warming effects such as the change in the occurrence of oligophilic, acidophilic, and cold-tolerant plant species to compare the present with projections for 2030 and 2050. The decrease in N deposition under current legislation emission (CLE) reduction targets until 2030 is not expected to result in a release from eutrophication. Albeit the model predictions show considerable uncertainty when compared with observations, they indicate that oligophilic forest understory plant species will further decrease. This result is partially due to confounding processes related to climate effects and to major decreases in sulphur deposition and consequent recovery from soil acidification, but shows that decreases in N deposition under CLE will most likely be insufficient to allow recovery from eutrophication
Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties
Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Earthworms are an important soil taxon as ecosystem engineers, providing a variety of crucial ecosystem functions and services. Little is known about their diversity and distribution at large spatial scales, despite the availability of considerable amounts of local-scale data. Earthworm diversity data, obtained from the primary literature or provided directly by authors, were collated with information on site locations, including coordinates, habitat cover, and soil properties. Datasets were required, at a minimum, to include abundance or biomass of earthworms at a site. Where possible, site-level species lists were included, as well as the abundance and biomass of individual species and ecological groups. This global dataset contains 10,840 sites, with 184 species, from 60 countries and all continents except Antarctica. The data were obtained from 182 published articles, published between 1973 and 2017, and 17 unpublished datasets. Amalgamating data into a single global database will assist researchers in investigating and answering a wide variety of pressing questions, for example, jointly assessing aboveground and belowground biodiversity distributions and drivers of biodiversity change.Peer reviewe
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