343 research outputs found

    Shank3 mutations and HCN channelopathy: one size does not fit all

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    Autism, from the Greek autos ("self") and ismos ("action") was initially described as a congenital lack of interest in other people. Approximately 1 in 88 children in the United States is currently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD symptoms begin early in childhood and include social-interaction deficits and stereotyped, repetitive behavioral interests that interfere with daily activities. Recent large-scale genomic studies suggest an association between ASD and mutations in the SHANK3 gene (SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 3) (Leblond et al., 2014), which encodes a scaffolding protein enriched at the postsynaptic density fraction (PSD) of glutamatergic synapses. The full length SHANK3 protein contains several domains for protein–protein interactions: ANK domain, SH3 domain, PDZ domain, proline-rich region domain and SAM domain. In mice, the Shank3 gene has 22 exons, 6 intragenic promoters and 5 alternative splicing exons, resulting in diverse protein isoforms, namely isoforms lacking some interaction domains (Monteiro and Feng, 2017). Likely due to these intragenic promoters, multiple research groups have failed to fully delete all SHANK3 isoforms in mutant mouse lines. Out of 13 mouse lines that have been generated with experimental Shank3 mutations, 9 mutant lines show aberrant social behaviors, and 9 display repetitive behavior. These mutant mice carrying experimental mutations are thus highly valuable for understanding Shank3 role, but also reveal that each mutation within the Shank3 gene has unique physiological impact and should perhaps be studied individually

    Development, validation, and application of a fast, simple, and robust SPE-based LC-MS/MS method for quantification of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibiting tripeptides Val-Pro-Pro, Ile-Pro-Pro, and Leu-Pro-Pro in yoghurt and other fermented dairy products

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    Dairy products are an important part of a nutritionally balanced diet as their constituents can affect the human state of health. By inhibiting the angiotensin I-converting enzyme, the tripeptides Val-Pro-Pro, Ile-Pro-Pro, and Leu-Pro-Pro can lower blood pressure. As these peptides are produced during fermentation, they are found in various dairy products like cheese, yoghurt, etc., but except for cheese only little is known about their content. To investigate how other dairy products contribute to a supply of these antihypertensive peptides, we developed and validated a fast and sensitive assay for quantification of the three tripeptides with LC-MS/MS combined with a simple protocol for extraction and SPE-purification from yoghurt, curd, or other products. Finally, the entire method was successfully applied to survey peptide concentrations in samples from local dairies and thus expands our awareness on the content of antihypertensive peptides in our food. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Characterization of the molecular and electrophysiological properties of the T-type calcium channel in human myometrium

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    Rises in intracellular calcium are essential for contraction of human myometrial smooth muscle (HMSM) and hence parturition. The T-type calcium channel may play a role in this process. The aim was to investigate the role of the T-Type calcium channel in HMSM by characterizing mRNA expression, protein localization, electrophysiological properties and function of the channel subunits Cav3.1(α1G), Cav3.2(α1H), and Cav3.3(α1I). QRT-PCR, immuno-histochemistry, electrophysiology and invitro contractility were performed on human myometrial samples from term, preterm, labour and not in labour. QRT-PCR analysis of Cav3.1, Cav3.2 and Cav3.3 demonstrated expression of Cav3.1 and Cav3.2 with no significant change (P>0.05) associated with gestation or labour status. Immuno-histochemistry localized Cav3.1 to myometrial and vascular smooth muscle cells whilst Cav3.2 localized to vascular endothelial cells and invading leukocytes. Voltage clamp studies demonstrated a T-type current in 55% of cells. Nickel block of T-type current was voltage sensitive (IC50 of 118.57±68.9 μM at - 30mV). Activation and inactivation curves of ICa currents in cells expressing T-type channels overlapped demonstrating steady state window currents at the resting membrane potential of myometrium at term. Current clamp analysis demonstrated that hyperpolarizing pulses to a membrane potential greater than -80mV elicited rebound calcium spikes that were blocked reversibly by 100μM nickel. Contractility studies demonstrated a reversible decrease in contraction frequency during application of 100μM nickel (P<0.05). We conclude that the primary T-type subunit expressed in some MSMCs is Cav3.1. We found that application of 100 μM nickel to spontaneously contracting human myometrium reversibly slows contraction frequency

    Phosphorylation and modulation of hyperpolarization-activated HCN4 channels by protein kinase A in the mouse sinoatrial node

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    The sympathetic nervous system increases heart rate by activating β adrenergic receptors and increasing cAMP levels in myocytes in the sinoatrial node. The molecular basis for this response is not well understood; however, the cardiac funny current (If) is thought to be among the end effectors for cAMP signaling in sinoatrial myocytes. If is produced by hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide–sensitive (HCN4) channels, which can be potentiated by direct binding of cAMP to a conserved cyclic nucleotide binding domain in the C terminus of the channels. β adrenergic regulation of If in the sinoatrial node is thought to occur via this direct binding mechanism, independent of phosphorylation. Here, we have investigated whether the cAMP-activated protein kinase (PKA) can also regulate sinoatrial HCN4 channels. We found that inhibition of PKA significantly reduced the ability of β adrenergic agonists to shift the voltage dependence of If in isolated sinoatrial myocytes from mice. PKA also shifted the voltage dependence of activation to more positive potentials for heterologously expressed HCN4 channels. In vitro phosphorylation assays and mass spectrometry revealed that PKA can directly phosphorylate at least 13 sites on HCN4, including at least three residues in the N terminus and at least 10 in the C terminus. Functional analysis of truncated and alanine-substituted HCN4 channels identified a PKA regulatory site in the distal C terminus of HCN4, which is required for PKA modulation of If. Collectively, these data show that native and expressed HCN4 channels can be regulated by PKA, and raise the possibility that this mechanism could contribute to sympathetic regulation of heart rate

    Remote and reversible inhibition of neurons and circuits by small molecule induced potassium channel stabilization

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    Manipulating the function of neurons and circuits that translate electrical and chemical signals into behavior represents a major challenges in neuroscience. In addition to optogenetic methods using light-activatable channels, pharmacogenetic methods with ligand induced modulation of cell signaling and excitability have been developed. However, they are largely based on ectopic expression of exogenous or chimera proteins. Now, we describe the remote and reversible expression of a Kir2.1 type potassium channel using the chemogenetic technique of small molecule induced protein stabilization. Based on shield1-mediated shedding of a destabilizing domain fused to a protein of interest and inhibition of protein degradation, this principle has been adopted for biomedicine, but not in neuroscience so far. Here, we apply this chemogenetic approach in brain research for the first time in order to control a potassium channel in a remote and reversible manner. We could show that shield1-mediated ectopic Kir2.1 stabilization induces neuronal silencing in vitro and in vivo in the mouse brain. We also validated this novel pharmacogenetic method in different neurobehavioral paradigms. The DD-Kir2.1 may complement the existing portfolio of pharmaco- and optogenetic techniques for specific neuron manipulation, but it may also provide an example for future applications of this principle in neuroscience research

    The cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase II Is an Inhibitory Modulator of the Hyperpolarization-Activated HCN2 Channel

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    Opening of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels is facilitated by direct binding of cyclic nucleotides to a cyclic nucleotide-binding domain (CNBD) in the C-terminus. Here, we show for the first time that in the HCN2 channel cGMP can also exert an inhibitory effect on gating via cGMP-dependent protein kinase II (cGKII)-mediated phosphorylation. Using coimmunoprecipitation and immunohistochemistry we demonstrate that cGKII and HCN2 interact and colocalize with each other upon heterologous expression as well as in native mouse brain. We identify the proximal C-terminus of HCN2 as binding region of cGKII and show that cGKII phosphorylates HCN2 at a specific serine residue (S641) in the C-terminal end of the CNBD. The cGKII shifts the voltage-dependence of HCN2 activation to 2–5 mV more negative voltages and, hence, counteracts the stimulatory effect of cGMP on gating. The inhibitory cGMP effect can be either abolished by mutation of the phosphorylation site in HCN2 or by impairing the catalytic domain of cGKII. By contrast, the inhibitory effect is preserved in a HCN2 mutant carrying a CNBD deficient for cGMP binding. Our data suggest that bidirectional regulation of HCN2 gating by cGMP contributes to cellular fine-tuning of HCN channel activity

    HCN4 subunit expression in fast-spiking interneurons of the rat spinal cord and hippocampus

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    Hyperpolarisation-activated (Ih) currents are considered important for dendritic integration, synaptic transmission, setting membrane potential and rhythmic action potential (AP) discharge in neurons of the central nervous system. Hyperpolarisation-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels underlie these currents and are composed of homo- and hetero-tetramers of HCN channel subunits (HCN1–4), which confer distinct biophysical properties on the channel. Despite understanding the structure–function relationships of HCN channels with different subunit stoichiometry, our knowledge of their expression in defined neuronal populations remains limited. Recently, we have shownthat HCN subunit expression is a feature of a specific population of dorsal horn interneurons that exhibit high-frequency AP discharge. Here we expand on this observation and use neuroanatomical markers to first identify well-characterised neuronal populations in the lumbar spinal cord and hippocampus and subsequently determine whether HCN4 expression correlates with high-frequency AP discharge in these populations. In the spinal cord, HCN4 is expressed in several putative inhibitory interneuron populations including parvalbumin (PV)-expressing islet cells (84.1%; SD: ±2.87), in addition to all putative Renshaw cells and Ia inhibitory interneurons. Similarly, virtually all PVexpressing cells in the hippocampal CA1 subfield (93.5%;±3.40) and the dentate gyrus (90.9%; ±6.38) also express HCN4. This HCN4 expression profile in inhibitory interneurons mirrors both the prevalence of Ih sub-threshold currents and high-frequency AP discharge. Our findings indicate that HCN4 subunits are expressed in several populations of spinal and hippocampal interneurons, which are known to express both Ih sub-threshold currents and exhibit high-frequency AP discharge. As HCN channel function plays a critical role in pain perception, learning and memory,and sleep as well as the pathogenesis of several neurologicaldiseases, these findings provide important insights into the identity and neurochemical status of cells that could underlie such conditions

    STIM2 regulates AMPA receptor trafficking and plasticity at hippocampal synapses

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    STIM2 is an integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that regulates the activity of plasma membrane (PM) channels at ER-PM contact sites. Recent studies show that STIM2 promotes spine maturation and surface expression of the AMPA receptor (AMPAR) subunit GluA1, hinting at a probable role in synaptic plasticity. Here, we used a Stim2 cKO mouse to explore the function of STIM2 in Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) and Depression (LTD), two widely-studied models of synaptic plasticity implicated in information storage. We found that STIM2 is required for the stable expression of both LTP and LTD at CA3-CA1 hippocampal synapses. Altered plasticity in Stim2 cKO mice is associated with subtle alterations in the shape and density of dendritic spines in CA1 neurons. Further, surface delivery of GluA1 in response to LTP-inducing chemical manipulations was markedly reduced in excitatory neurons derived from Stim2 cKO mice. GluA1 endocytosis following chemically-induced LTD was also impaired in Stim2 cKO neurons. We conclude that STIM2 facilitates synaptic delivery and removal of AMPARs and regulates activity-dependent changes in synaptic strength through a unique mode of communication between the ER and the synapse
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