33 research outputs found

    Relat autobiogràfic: la pedagogia de les emocions a l’educació infantil

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    Setzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació (Any 2011)Dels 0 als 6 anys els infants ja consoliden els primers aprenentatges, sent l’educació emocional d’aquesta etapa la base per al seu desenvolupament futur. Per tant, l’educació emocional del mestre té una influència directa en el seu propi benestar i en el benestar del seu alumnat. Aquest article exposa la investigació que ha dut a terme l’autora per indagar en com cultivar la seua pròpia competència emocional i, d’aquesta manera, poder conèixer la seua identitat i la del seu alumnat. Així doncs, la investigadora inicia un treball d’autoconeixement personal per indagar sobre com l’autoformació en educació emocional influeix en la pròpia construcció d’identitats i en la seua actuació docent i com d’ací es deriven actuacions pedagògiques i noves propostes formatives. Per tal fi empra la metodologia autobiogràfica narrativa junt a una sèrie de tècniques com la respiració, la meditació i el Reiki que li permeten l’autoconeixement i d’una sèrie d’estratègies com el diari d’aula, els biogrames i les fotos que li permeten recollir el treball d’introspecció realitzat i valorar finalment com influeix en la seua identitat i actuació docent

    Educació emocional a l'escola inclusiva

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    Màster Universitari en Psicopedagogia. Codi d’assignatura: SAW01

    Elaboració, aplicació i avaluació d'un mètode d'autoformació en educació emocional: anàlisi del procés de creixement emocional de famílies i mestres

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    Aquesta tesi presenta l'elaboració, aplicació i avaluació d'un mètode d'autoformació en educació emocional (MAEM) i analitza el procés de creixement emocional dels agents implicats: famílies i mestres. El treball es vertebra al llarg de tres parts que sustenten la investigació. En la primera part que conforma el marc teòric s’aborden, en primer lloc, els conceptes d'emoció i intel·ligència emocional com a punt de partida en l'educació emocional; en segon lloc, les dues figures de més rellevància en l'educació emocional dels infants: les famílies i els docents. La família constitueix el primer referent emocional per a l'infant i ha d'oferir-li un model afectiu segur, responsabilitat compartida amb l'escola, amb la qual col·labora per afavorir el creixement i benestar del nen o nena constituint una relació indissociable. Esta part incorpora una revisió de programes d'educació emocional implementats tant a l'àmbit nacional com internacional, a partir de la qual es constata com la majoria d'aquestos programes són destinats a l'alumnat i no a docents i famílies. Per això, una vegada justificada teòricament la rellevància de la recerca, en la segona part del treball es formula el disseny de la investigació, el qual utilitza de forma complementària diversos tipus d'estudis: estudi de validació i estudi descriptiu; i combina metodologia qualitativa i quantitativa. A continuació es presenta el MAEM, com una ferramenta per a que mestres i famílies, abans d’abordar una educació emocional de qualitat, siguen primer conscients de la seua pròpia educació emocional, reflexionen i duguen a terme una transformació sanadora de les pròpies emocions. Per tant, el MAEM és un mètode per a que l’adult puga entrar en el seu interior emocional, conèixer més a fons les seues emocions i puga anar entrenant les seues competències emocionals i així esdevindré un model de referència per a l’infant que educa. Aquest mètode resulta innovador perquè a més de treballar tècniques d’autoconsciència i gestió emocional combina estratègies emmarcades dins de la metodologia autobiogràfica-narrativa per a l’autoconeixement. Finalment, la tercera part està destinada a presentar els resultats més rellevants i la seua discussió on es confirma la hipòtesi de treball afirmant que les persones que reben educació emocional a través del MAEM experimenten canvis positius en la pròpia capacitat per generar benestar emocional tant en l’àmbit intrapersonal com en l’àmbit interpersonal dins dels contextos professional, familiar i social. Els resultats apunten que el MAEM produeix una millora de les competències emocionals dels agents implicats i genera beneficis al creixement emocional d'aquests aportant a la comunitat científica un model del procés, la incidència del qual cal difondre i seguir investigant.</p

    Actitudes del profesorado hacia la diversidad cultural

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    Onzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2005-2006)Las actitudes que el profesorado transmite son de suma importancia a la hora de formar a una ciudadanía democrática, tolerante y solidaria. El problema surge como un tema novedoso para la sociedad, que ha visto como en los últimos años se ha ido incrementando el número de alumnado inmigrante escolarizado en los centros educativos. Con esta investigación se pretende conocer si el sexo, formación en educación intercultural, titulación y etapa donde imparte la docencia influye en las actitudes del profesorado hacia la diversidad cultural. Para ello se recoge información de 262 docentes de colegios e institutos de la provincia de Castellón. Los resultados parecen demostrar que estas variables no tienen una clara influencia en las actitudes que presentan los docentes de Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria de la provincia de Castellón.When teaching tolerant, democratic and solidarity citizens teacher´s attitudes are most important. The problem arises as a current topic for society since in the last few years the population has seen an increasing number of immigrant students becoming part of the educational centers. This research aims to study whether sex, training in intercultural education, educational Degree Course Certificates and the teaching stage has an influence over teacher´s attitudes towards cultural minorities. To achieve this aim, 262 teachers from schools and high schools have been used as a sample to get the needed information. Results seem to show no clear influence between the different variables and the teacher´s attitudes from Kindergarden, Primary and Secondary schools in Castellón

    Obesity, knee osteoarthritis, and polypathology: factors favoring weight loss in older people

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    We aimed to explore the meaning of obesity in elderly persons with knee osteoarthritis (KO) and to determine the factors that encourage or discourage weight loss. Background: Various studies have demonstrated that body mass index is related to KO and that weight loss improves symptoms and functional capacity. However, dietary habits are difficult to modify and most education programs are ineffective. Design: A phenomenological qualitative study was conducted. Intentional sampling was performed in ten older persons with KO who had lost weight and improved their health-related quality of life after participating in a health education program. A thematic content analysis was conducted following the stages proposed by Miles and Huberman. Findings: Participants understood obesity as a risk factor for health problems and stigma. They believed that the cause of obesity was multifactorial and criticized health professionals for labeling them as 'obese' and for assigning a moral value to slimness and diet. The factors identified as contributing to the effectiveness of the program were a tolerant attitude among health professionals, group education that encouraged motivation, quantitative dietary recommendations, and a meaningful learning model based on social learning theories. Conclusion: Dietary self-management without prohibitions helped participants to make changes in the quantity and timing of some food intake and to lose weight without sacrificing some foods that were deeply rooted in their culture and preferences. Dietary education programs should focus on health-related quality of life and include scientific knowledge but should also consider affective factors and the problems perceived as priorities by patients. Keywords: obesity, elderly, polypathology, therapeutic education, diet, nursing, knee osteoarthriti

    Proposal of 0.5 mg of protein/100 g of processed food as threshold for voluntary declaration of food allergen traces in processed food-A first step in an initiative to better inform patients and avoid fatal allergic reactions : A GA(2)LEN position paper

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    Background Food anaphylaxis is commonly elicited by unintentional ingestion of foods containing the allergen above the tolerance threshold level of the individual. While labeling the 14 main allergens used as ingredients in food products is mandatory in the EU, there is no legal definition of declaring potential contaminants. Precautionary allergen labeling such as "may contain traces of" is often used. However, this is unsatisfactory for consumers as they get no information if the contamination is below their personal threshold. In discussions with the food industry and technologists, it was suggested to use a voluntary declaration indicating that all declared contaminants are below a threshold of 0.5 mg protein per 100 g of food. This concentration is known to be below the threshold of most patients, and it can be technically guaranteed in most food production. However, it was also important to assess that in case of accidental ingestion of contaminants below this threshold by highly allergic patients, no fatal anaphylactic reaction could occur. Therefore, we performed a systematic review to assess whether a fatal reaction to 5mg of protein or less has been reported, assuming that a maximum portion size of 1kg of a processed food exceeds any meal and thus gives a sufficient safety margin. Methods MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched until 24 January 2021 for provocation studies and case reports in which one of the 14 major food allergens was reported to elicit fatal or life-threatening anaphylactic reactions and assessed if these occurred below the ingestion of 5mg of protein. A Delphi process was performed to obtain an expert consensus on the results. Results In the 210 studies included, in our search, no reports of fatal anaphylactic reactions reported below 5 mg protein ingested were identified. However, in provocation studies and case reports, severe reactions below 5 mg were reported for the following allergens: eggs, fish, lupin, milk, nuts, peanuts, soy, and sesame seeds. Conclusion Based on the literature studied for this review, it can be stated that cross-contamination of the 14 major food allergens below 0.5 mg/100 g is likely not to endanger most food allergic patients when a standard portion of food is consumed. We propose to use the statement "this product contains the named allergens in the list of ingredients, it may contain traces of other contaminations (to be named, e.g. nut) at concentrations less than 0.5 mg per 100 g of this product" for a voluntary declaration on processed food packages. This level of avoidance of cross-contaminations can be achieved technically for most processed foods, and the statement would be a clear and helpful message to the consumers. However, it is clearly acknowledged that a voluntary declaration is only a first step to a legally binding solution. For this, further research on threshold levels is encouraged.Peer reviewe

    Proposal of 0.5 mg of protein/100 g of processed food as threshold for voluntary declaration of food allergen traces in processed food—A first step in an initiative to better inform patients and avoid fatal allergic reactions: A GA²LEN position paper

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    Background: Food anaphylaxis is commonly elicited by unintentional ingestion of foods containing the allergen above the tolerance threshold level of the individual. While labeling the 14 main allergens used as ingredients in food products is mandatory in the EU, there is no legal definition of declaring potential contaminants. Precautionary allergen labeling such as "may contain traces of" is often used. However, this is unsatisfactory for consumers as they get no information if the contamination is below their personal threshold. In discussions with the food industry and technologists, it was suggested to use a voluntary declaration indicating that all declared contaminants are below a threshold of 0.5 mg protein per 100 g of food. This concentration is known to be below the threshold of most patients, and it can be technically guaranteed in most food production. However, it was also important to assess that in case of accidental ingestion of contaminants below this threshold by highly allergic patients, no fatal anaphylactic reaction could occur. Therefore, we performed a systematic review to assess whether a fatal reaction to 5mg of protein or less has been reported, assuming that a maximum portion size of 1kg of a processed food exceeds any meal and thus gives a sufficient safety margin. Methods: MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched until 24 January 2021 for provocation studies and case reports in which one of the 14 major food allergens was reported to elicit fatal or life-threatening anaphylactic reactions and assessed if these occurred below the ingestion of 5mg of protein. A Delphi process was performed to obtain an expert consensus on the results. Results: In the 210 studies included, in our search, no reports of fatal anaphylactic reactions reported below 5 mg protein ingested were identified. However, in provocation studies and case reports, severe reactions below 5 mg were reported for the following allergens: eggs, fish, lupin, milk, nuts, peanuts, soy, and sesame seeds. Conclusion: Based on the literature studied for this review, it can be stated that cross-contamination of the 14 major food allergens below 0.5 mg/100 g is likely not to endanger most food allergic patients when a standard portion of food is consumed. We propose to use the statement "this product contains the named allergens in the list of ingredients, it may contain traces of other contaminations (to be named, e.g. nut) at concentrations less than 0.5 mg per 100 g of this product" for a voluntary declaration on processed food packages. This level of avoidance of cross-contaminations can be achieved technically for most processed foods, and the statement would be a clear and helpful message to the consumers. However, it is clearly acknowledged that a voluntary declaration is only a first step to a legally binding solution. For this, further research on threshold levels is encouraged

    Exploring the link between MORF4L1 and risk of breast cancer.

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    INTRODUCTION: Proteins encoded by Fanconi anemia (FA) and/or breast cancer (BrCa) susceptibility genes cooperate in a common DNA damage repair signaling pathway. To gain deeper insight into this pathway and its influence on cancer risk, we searched for novel components through protein physical interaction screens. METHODS: Protein physical interactions were screened using the yeast two-hybrid system. Co-affinity purifications and endogenous co-immunoprecipitation assays were performed to corroborate interactions. Biochemical and functional assays in human, mouse and Caenorhabditis elegans models were carried out to characterize pathway components. Thirteen FANCD2-monoubiquitinylation-positive FA cell lines excluded for genetic defects in the downstream pathway components and 300 familial BrCa patients negative for BRCA1/2 mutations were analyzed for genetic mutations. Common genetic variants were genotyped in 9,573 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers for associations with BrCa risk. RESULTS: A previously identified co-purifying protein with PALB2 was identified, MRG15 (MORF4L1 gene). Results in human, mouse and C. elegans models delineate molecular and functional relationships with BRCA2, PALB2, RAD51 and RPA1 that suggest a role for MRG15 in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Mrg15-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts showed moderate sensitivity to γ-irradiation relative to controls and reduced formation of Rad51 nuclear foci. Examination of mutants of MRG15 and BRCA2 C. elegans orthologs revealed phenocopy by accumulation of RPA-1 (human RPA1) nuclear foci and aberrant chromosomal compactions in meiotic cells. However, no alterations or mutations were identified for MRG15/MORF4L1 in unclassified FA patients and BrCa familial cases. Finally, no significant associations between common MORF4L1 variants and BrCa risk for BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers were identified: rs7164529, Ptrend = 0.45 and 0.05, P2df = 0.51 and 0.14, respectively; and rs10519219, Ptrend = 0.92 and 0.72, P2df = 0.76 and 0.07, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: While the present study expands on the role of MRG15 in the control of genomic stability, weak associations cannot be ruled out for potential low-penetrance variants at MORF4L1 and BrCa risk among BRCA2 mutation carriers.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    Identification of a BRCA2-Specific modifier locus at 6p24 related to breast cancer risk

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    Common genetic variants contribute to the observed variation in breast cancer risk for BRCA2 mutation carriers; those known to date have all been found through population-based genome-wide association studies (GWAS). To comprehensively identify breast cancer risk modifying loci for BRCA2 mutation carriers, we conducted a deep replication of an ongoing GWAS discovery study. Using the ranked P-values of the breast cancer associations with the imputed genotype of 1.4 M SNPs, 19,029 SNPs were selected and designed for inclusion on a custom Illumina array that included a total of 211,155 SNPs as part of a multi-consortial project. DNA samples from 3,881 breast cancer affected and 4,330 unaffected BRCA2 mutation carriers from 47 studies belonging to the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 were genotyped and available for analysis. We replicated previously reported breast cancer susceptibility alleles in these BRCA2 mutation carriers and for several regions (including FGFR2, MAP3K1, CDKN2A/B, and PTHLH) identified SNPs that have stronger evidence of association than those previously published. We also identified a novel susceptibility allele at 6p24 that was inversely associated with risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers (rs9348512; per allele HR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.80-0.90, P = 3.9×10−8). This SNP was not associated with breast cancer risk either in the general population or in BRCA1 mutation carriers. The locus lies within a region containing TFAP2A, which encodes a transcriptional activation protein that interacts with several tumor suppressor genes. This report identifies the first breast cancer risk locus specific to a BRCA2 mutation background. This comprehensive update of novel and previously reported breast cancer susceptibility loci contributes to the establishment of a panel of SNPs that modify breast cancer risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers. This panel may have clinical utility for women with BRCA2 mutations weighing options for medical prevention of breast cancer