9 research outputs found
Blocked Learning in Greece: The Case of Soft-Governance
- Author
- A Afonso
- A Schout
- A Zito
- Anthony R. Zito
- Bernard H. Casey â
- C Boswell
- C Spanou
- C Spanou
- CA Dunlop
- CA Dunlop
- CA Dunlop
- CM Radaelli
- CM Radaelli
- D Braun
- D Sotiropoulos
- D Ziomas
- D Ziomas
- D Ziomas
- D Ziomas
- DA Sotiropoulos
- DA Sotiropoulos
- E Gazon
- G Busenberg
- G Falkner
- J Zeitlin
- JS Levy
- K Featherstone
- K Featherstone
- K Moumoutzis
- L Tholoniat
- M Guillén
- M Hartlapp
- M Heidenreich
- M Heidenreich
- M Howlett
- M Matsaganis
- M Petmesidou
- M Petmesidou
- Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoEF)
- Ministry of Employment and Social Protection (MoESP)
- Ministry of Employment and Social Protection (MoESP)
- Ministry of Finance (MoF)
- Ministry of Finance (MoF)
- Ministry of Finance (MoF)
- Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MoL)
- P Copeland
- PC Ioakimidis
- S BorrĂĄs
- S BorrĂĄs
- S Kalyvas
- S Ladi
- S Zartaloudis
- T Pappas
- T Pappas
- Theodoros Sakellaropoulos
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2018
- Field of study
Exposure limits and medical surveillance in occupational health
- Author
- American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygieenists
- Arbejdstilsynet.
- Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen.
- Calleman
- Campbell
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
- Dinman
- Direktoratet for arbeidstilsynet.
- Dunkelberg
- Ehrenberg
- Glaser
- Hane
- Henschler
- Hogstedt
- Hogstedt
- HĂ€nninen
- HĂ€nninen
- International Labor Office
- International Labor Office
- International Labor Office
- International Labor Office
- International Labor Office
- Lauwerys
- Miller
- Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection
- Saffiotti
- Saffiotti
- Schwartz
- Snellings
- Stockinger
- World Health Organization
- Zielhuis
- Zielhuis
- Zielhuis
- Zygowicz
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1982
- Field of study
The roles of exercise professionals in the health care system: AÂ comparison between Australia and China
- Author
- Allied Health Professions Australia
- American College of Sports Medicine
- Australia Strength and Conditioning Association
- Australian Government Department of Health
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
- Bik-Chu Chow
- Cai
- Cang
- Census and Statistics Department
- Centre of Health Protection
- Chen
- Department of Health
- Department of Health
- Exercise
- Fei Qin
- Ferry
- Fitness Australia
- Food
- Food and Health Bureau
- Food and Health Bureau
- Food and Health Bureau
- Garber
- General Administration of Sport of China
- Gillam
- Health and Welfare Bureau
- Hou
- Huang
- Jiang
- Jie-Xiu Zhao
- Kade Davison
- Kang
- Kuei-Fu Lin
- Lau
- Leung
- Lin
- Lin
- Lin
- Liu
- Liu
- Lu
- Maiorana
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Health and Welfare
- Ministry of Labour
- National Alliance of Self-Regulating Health Professions
- National Bureau of Statistics of China
- National Development Council
- Pedersen
- Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee
- Qi
- Schneider
- Schoeb
- Shi
- Shi Zhou
- Sports Administration Ministry of Education
- Sports Administration Ministry of Education
- Sports Administration Ministry of Education
- Sports Administration Ministry of Education
- Sports Medicine Australia
- State Council of China
- Stevens
- Sweet
- United Kingdom Department of Health and Social Care
- United States
- United States Department of Labor
- Wang
- Wang
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- Wu
- Xinhua News Agency
- Yu
- Zhou
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Abegglen
- Abouhard
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ACIRRT (Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training)
- Action Aid Viet Nam (AAV)
- Action Aid Viet Nam (AAV)
- ACTU (Australian Council of Trade Unions)
- ADB (Asian Development Bank)
- ADB (Asian Development Bank)
- AFPC (Australian Fair Pay Commission)
- Agell
- Agell
- Agell
- Ahn
- Aldaba
- Alonzo
- ALP (Australian Labor Party)
- Alston
- Aoki
- Aoki
- Asakura
- ASCC (Australian Safety and Compensation Council)
- ASCC (Australian Safety and Compensation Council)
- Ashiagbor
- Auer
- Australian Government
- Baird
- Bamber
- Bamber
- Bamber
- Bank Indonesia
- Bank Indonesia
- Bank Indonesia
- Bell
- Belser
- Bennett
- Berg
- Berg
- Berg
- Besley
- Bhandari
- Bhattacharjea
- Bird
- Bittman
- Blackett
- Blanchflower
- Blanchflower
- Blanchflower
- Board of Manpower Research Development and Information (BALITFO)
- Bosch
- Bourguignon
- Bredgaard
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Bronstein
- Brown
- Brown
- Buchanan
- Burgess
- Busse
- Cabinet Office. Government of Japan
- Cai
- Cai
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campos
- Carmelo
- Carmelo
- Carr
- Castles
- Central Board of Statistics (CBS)
- Central Board of Statistics (CBS)
- Chan
- Chandler
- Chandoevwit
- Chang
- Chapman
- Charoenloet
- Charoenloet
- Chen
- Cheon
- Cheon
- China Statistical Office
- China Statistical Office
- Cho
- Choi
- Choi
- Choi
- Chor
- Clark
- Clegg
- Coe
- Collins
- Collins
- Collins
- Communist Party of China
- Conaghan
- Cooke
- Cooke
- Cooney
- Cox Edwards
- Creighton
- Cunningham
- Da Nang Labour Confederation and AAV
- Dang
- Dao
- Dao
- Dao
- Deakin
- Deakin
- Deakin
- Deakin
- Deery
- Dejillas
- Denniss
- Denniss
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare Ministry of Labour Protection and Social Welfare, Thailand
- Do
- Dollar
- Dollar
- Economist The
- Edward
- Eyraud
- Felipe
- Felipe
- Feng
- Fenwick
- Fenwick
- Flanagan
- Flanagan
- Forster
- Freedom House
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Frenkel
- Freyens
- Friedricht-Ebert Stiftung and Woman Workersâ Unity Group
- Frijters
- Futagami
- Gallup
- General Office of State Council China
- General Office of State Council China
- Ghose
- Gill
- Goldberg
- Government of Viet Nam
- Government of Viet Nam
- Green
- Grimshaw
- GSO (General Statistics Office)
- GSO (General Statistics Office)
- GSO (General Statistics Office)
- GSO (General Statistics Office)
- GSO (General Statistics Office)
- GSO (General Statistics Office) Viet Nam
- Guo
- Guo
- Gust
- Ha
- Hall
- Hall
- Hanada
- Hanami
- Hancock
- Hanson
- Harrison
- Hart
- Hashimoto
- Hatem
- Heiler
- Hepple
- Hidayat
- Hoai
- Hong
- Houtart
- Howe
- HREOC (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission)
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hwang
- HÀmÀlÀinen
- Indonesia: Investment climate statement
- Institute for Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA)
- Institute for Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA)
- Institute for Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA)
- Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
- International Institute for Management Development
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Itoh
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
- Japan Productivity Centre for Socio-Economic Development (JPC-SED)
- Jeong
- Johnstone
- Junor
- Kambayashi
- Keum
- Khalik
- Kim
- Klare
- Knox
- Koike
- Koike
- Kong
- Korean Association of Labour Standards
- Kristensen
- Krungthep Turakit
- Kubo
- Kubo
- Kubo
- Kubo
- Kucera
- Kucera
- Kucera
- Kucera
- Kucera
- Kucera
- Kusakabe
- Kuwahara
- Labstat Updates
- LaMontagne
- Langille
- Lanzona
- Laplagne
- Le Serve
- Le Xuan
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lemos
- Li
- Li
- Lim
- Lim
- Lindsey
- Lloyd
- Louie
- Lubis
- Macaraya
- Macaraya
- Maloney
- Maloney
- Manning
- Manning
- Manning
- Manning
- Manning
- Maskay
- Maskus
- McCann
- McCann
- McNamara
- Mincer
- Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare, Japan
- Ministry of Labour and Social Security China
- Ministry of Labour and Social Security China
- Ministry of Labour and Social Security China
- Ministry of Labour and Social Security China and ILO
- Ministry of Labour and Social Security China and ILO/USA Declaration Project Indonesia
- Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Indonesia
- Mitchell
- Miyamoto
- Mizumachi
- Mizushima
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- Morito
- Motonishi
- MPDF (Mekong Project Development Facility)
- Murray
- Murray
- Nakakubo
- National Economic Development Authority (NEDA)
- National Human Rights Committee Thailand
- National Statistical Office (NSO)
- Ngai
- Nguyen
- Nguyen
- Nguyen
- Nguyen
- Nicholson
- NILS (National Institute of Labour Studies)
- NOHSC (National Occupational Health and Safety Commission)
- Odagiri
- Ofreneo
- Ogura
- Ohtake
- Ohtake
- Opiniano
- Owens
- OâDonnell
- OâDonnell
- Parham
- Parham
- Peetz
- Peetz
- Philippine Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics
- Philippine Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics
- Pipitsuksant
- Pissarides
- Pitayanon
- Pocock
- Pocock
- Portes
- Presidential Commission on Industrial Relations Reform
- Presidential Committee for Quality-of-Life
- Preston
- Productivity Commission
- Quiggin
- Quinlan
- Rama
- Richardson
- Rittich
- Rodrik
- Rodrik
- Rodrik
- Ross
- Rowley
- Rutkowski
- Saget
- Santoso
- Sasi
- Schmid
- Schmid
- Sen
- Sen
- Shimada
- Sibal
- Siengthai
- Siengthai
- Sijabat
- Sijabat
- SMERU (Social Monitoring and Early Response Unit)
- Social Science Research Institute
- Standing
- State Council
- Stern
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Stiglitz
- Storey
- Sugiyarto
- Supiot
- Susastro
- Sutherland
- Sweatshop Education and Research Office (SERO)
- Szal
- Sziraczki
- Tachibanaki
- Tachibanaki
- Tachibanaki
- Tenev
- Thailand Development and Research Institute (TDRI)
- Tian
- Tomita
- Tomiura
- Tonguthai
- Tran
- Traxler
- Tsuchida
- Tsuru
- Tuano
- UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
- UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)
- van Wanrooy
- Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour Unions (VGCL)
- Viet Nam Social Institute
- Viet Nam Social Insurance (VSI)
- Villamil
- Vo
- Wang
- Waring
- Watson
- Watson
- Watson
- WBSAR (World Bank South Asia Region)
- Webster
- Whitehouse
- Whitehouse
- Whitehouse
- Wooden
- Wooden
- Wooden
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Trade Organization
- World Trade Organization
- Yamakawa
- Yi
- Yoo
- Yoshida
- Zhou
- Zhu
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
Having âlearning difficultiesâ: the inclusive education of disabled girls and boys in Vietnam
- Author
- Achen T.
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Bond T.
- Bourdieu P.
- Cao Mang Tang
- Committee for Protection and Care for Children
- Do Muoi
- Duggan S.
- Duiker W.J.
- Helle Rydstrom
- Kane T.T.
- Marr D.
- Ministry of Education and Training. Early Childhood Education Department (MOET)
- Ministry of Labor Invalids, and Social Affairs (MOLISA)
- National Committee for EFA-2000 Assessment
- Nguyen Thi Van Anh
- Pham Kien Cuong
- Pham Minh Hac
- Rydstrom H.
- RĂ€dda Barnen
- Save the Children and Stockholm Environment Institute
- Scornet C.
- Statistical Publishing House
- Tran Dinh Huou
- Tran Kieu
- Wendell S.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Introducing relative potency quotient approach associated with probabilistic cumulative risk assessment to derive soil standards for pesticide mixtures
- Author
- Ahmad
- American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TLVs and BEIs
- Andorra Official Gazette
- Armenia Minister of Health
- Australia National Environmental Pretection Council
- Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
- Bahamas Ministry of Works and Transport
- Belarus Ministry of Health
- Brainard
- Burmaster
- Callahan
- Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
- Cederlund
- Coppage
- Costa
- Craven
- Czech Republic Ministry of Environment
- Damalas
- Damalas
- Dasgupta
- Delgado-Moreno
- East Africa Community
- Ecuador Ministry of Environment
- Eskenazi
- Fantke
- Fantke
- Fantke
- Fantke
- Fantke
- Fenske
- Ferrier
- Freeman
- Hawley
- Head of State health officer of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- HernĂĄndez
- HernĂĄndez-Soriano
- HSDB: Hazardous Substances Data Bank
- Irvine
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Jennings
- Khandelwal
- Kolbezen
- Latvia Cabinet of Ministers
- Lewis
- Li
- Li
- Lithuania Minister of Environment
- Lu
- Malaysia Department of Environment
- Marinovich
- Massoulie
- Minister of Health Labor and Social Affairs
- Ministry of Health of Ukraine
- Moldova Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
- National Center for Health Statistics
- National Center for Health Statistics
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and Environment
- Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
- Ogbeide
- Ohliger
- Poland Minister of the Environment
- Portier
- Putzrath
- Racke
- Rani
- Rauglas
- Reimer
- Republic of Vietnam
- Republic of Vietnam
- Rizzati
- Rosenberry
- Russian Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
- Ryberg
- Ryker
- Scholz
- Serbia Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning
- Shen
- Simcox
- Singapore National Environmental Agency
- Singh
- Slovakia Ministry of Agriculture
- Statista
- SteingrĂmsdĂłttir
- Tanzania Bureau of Standards
- Thompson
- Trimble
- Tulve
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. EPA
- U.S. EPA
- U.S. EPA
- U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs
- U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs
- U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs
- U.S. Government Publishing Office
- Ullah
- World Health Organization
- Zahm
- Zijian Li
- Ăzkaynak
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Implementation of deinstitutionalization of child care institutions in post-soviet countries: The case of Azerbaijan
- Author
- Alliance of Non Government Organizations Working in Child Care Reform in Bulgaria
- Andreeva
- Anghel
- Auty
- Aytakin Huseynli
- BBC Monitoring
- Beblawi
- Berrick
- Bilson
- Burchinal
- Butler
- Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic
- Cameron
- Cermak
- Chisholm
- Eapen
- Eurochild
- Eurochild
- Franke
- Glesne
- Green
- Greenberg
- Gunnar
- Hilfswerk Austria International
- Huseynli
- Iarskaia-Smirnova
- International Center for Social Research
- International Monetary Fund
- Ismayilova
- Larter
- Meese
- Melhum
- Mikayilova
- Ministry of Economic Development of Azerbaijan Republic
- Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic
- Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
- Mustafayev
- National Network for Children-Bulgaria
- OâConnor
- Roccella
- Rzayeva
- Saldaña
- Schmidt
- Sharifov
- Siegle
- State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan
- United Aid for Azerbaijan
- United Nations Development Programme
- United States Agency for International Development
- World Bank
- World Bank
- Zeanah
- Zeanah
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The effects of explosive blast on structures and personnel
- Author
- Assheton
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker
- Brown
- Center for Chemical Process Safety (AIChE)
- Center for Chemical Process Safety (AIChE)
- Center for Chemical Process Safety (American Institute of Chemical Engineers)
- Finney
- Giesbrecht
- Glasstone
- Glasstone
- Institution of Chemical Engineers
- Institution of Chemical Engineers (U. K.)
- Jarrett
- Jarrett
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Netherlands Ministry of Social Affairs and Public Health
- Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research [TNO]
- Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research [TNO]
- Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research [TNO]
- Pietersen
- Prugh
- Prugh
- Prugh
- Sadee
- Scilly
- Scilly
- Strehlow
- Strehlow
- Subpart
- The Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research (TNO)
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Department of Labor
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Whitney
- Wilton
- Wilton
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Childcare policies and services in Hong Kong after the handover: Beyond a feminist critique
- Author
- Choi H.âW.
- Craig J.
- Crompton R.
- CSD (Census and Statistics Department) HKSAR
- Education Bureau HKSAR
- Education Bureau HKSAR
- Equal Opportunities Commission
- European Commission
- European Union
- Financial Secretary HKSAR
- HKCSS (The Hong Kong Council of Social Service)
- HKIAS (Hong Kong Institute of Asianâpacific Studies)
- HKSPC (Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children)
- Labour Department HKSAR
- Legislative Council HKSAR
- Legislative Council HKSAR
- Legislative Council HKSAR
- Legislative Council HKSAR
- Legislative Council HKSAR
- Legislative Council HKSAR
- Legislative Council HKSAR
- Ma J. L.
- Mak K. Y.
- Ministry of Labor Taiwan
- Oxfam Hong Kong
- SikiriÄ A. M.
- Social Indicators of Hong Kong
- Social Welfare Department HKSAR
- SoCO (Society for Community Organization)
- Tranby E.
- World Bank
- Yip S. F.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study