591 research outputs found


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    La necesidad de recursos privados entre las ENL, tanto para su sostenimiento como para la realización de su labor requiere de estrategias organizativas cada vez más eficaces, por lo que el estudio del fundraising y su eficacia suscita un gran interés. En este trabajo, y basándonos en las conclusiones de estudios previos, pretendemos analizar la relación e influencia de una serie de características estratégicas y organizacionales sobre la captación de recursos privados en un actor particular del terreno no lucrativo: Las ONGD españolas. A partir de un modelo de regresión logística se ha cuantificado la probabilidad de captar un mayor importe de recursos privados, identificando como variables explicativas más relevantes: la labor de Emergencia y Ayuda humanitaria, la gestión de la captación de recursos procedentes de empresas, el desarrollo de la labor en el Norte y el tamaño organizativo, y se ha medido simultáneamente el impacto que cada una de esas variables presentes en la ecuación logística tiene sobre dicha probabilidad

    The quantum vacuum at the foundations of classical electrodynamics

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    In the classical theory of electromagnetism, the permittivity and the permeability of free space are constants whose magnitudes do not seem to possess any deeper physical meaning. By replacing the free space of classical physics with the quantum notion of the vacuum, we speculate that the values of the aforementioned constants could arise from the polarization and magnetization of virtual pairs in vacuum. A classical dispersion model with parameters determined by quantum and particle physics is employed to estimate their values. We find the correct orders of magnitude. Additionally, our simple assumptions yield an independent estimate for the number of charged elementary particles based on the known values of the permittivity and the permeability, and for the volume of a virtual pair. Such interpretation would provide an intriguing connection between the celebrated theory of classical electromagnetism and the quantum theory in the weak field limit.Comment: Accepted in Applied Physics B: Special Issue for the 50 years of the laser. Comments are welcome

    CO72 357. Reconstrucción del cuerpo fibroso mitroaórtico: Resultados perioperatorios y supervivencia a largo plazo

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    ObjetivosDescribir las características clínicas, resultados perioperatorios y supervivencia a largo plazo de pacientes sometidos a sustitución valvular mitral y aórtica con reconstrucción de la fbrosa mitroaórtica según técnica de David.MétodosRevisión retrospectiva de pacientes sometidos a sustitución valvular y reconstrucción de la fibrosa mitroaórtica intervenidos en los últimos 14 años. Se incluyen 27 pacientes, 63% varones, edad 55,3±16,1 años, EuroSCORE 34,4±25,9. El 70,4% de los pacientes presentaban al menos una cirugía previa. La indicación para el procedimiento fue endocarditis infecciosa complicada con absceso de la unión mitroaórtica en el 74,1%; en el restante 25,9% la principal indicación fue la necesidad de ampliación del anillo aórtico en el seno de una valvulopatía mitroaórtica.ResultadosLa supervivencia perioperatoria (30 días) fue del 85,2%. No se observó mortalidad entre los pacientes sin endocarditis. Estancia media: 42,8±42,8 días. Complicaciones perioperatorias: accidente cerebrovascular agudo (ACVA) 3,1% (1), balón de contrapulsación intraaórtica (BCIA) 11,1% (3), insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA) 7,4% (2), infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM) 3,7% (1), reintervención por sangrado 14,8% (4), ventilación mecánica prolongada 11,1% (3), necesidad de marcapasos (MP) definitivo 22,2%. La supervivencia acumulada para los supervivientes a 1, 3 y 5 años fue de 85,9±7,6%, 75,8 ± 9,5% y 45,5 ± 11,1%, respectivamente. No se observó diferencia significativa al comparar la super-vivencia a 1, 3 y 5 años entre los grupos intervenidos por endocarditis y los no endocarditis (log rank 0,146).ConclusionesLa reconstrucción de la fibrosa mitroaórtica mediante técnica de David representa una alternativa terapéutica para el manejo de patología compleja que involucra esta estructura. Hemos observado buenos resultados perioperatorios y a largo plazo teniendo en cuenta el perfil de alto riesgo de los pacientes que requieren este tipo de intervención

    Disminución de la reserva de flujo coronario en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca no isquémica

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    Introduction and objectives. Coronary flow reserve (CFR) is impaired not only in ischemic heart disease, but also in cardiac diseases that may or may not course with heart failure. The aim of the present study was to determine if the severity of heart failure can influence CFR impairment. Methods. Forty patients with non-ischemic heart disease and heart failure were studied 41 times. Four groups were established: 1. 10 patients in functional class III-IV; 2. 10 patients in functional class II not taking beta-blockers; 3. 11 patients in class II treated with carvedilol, and 4. 10 patients in class I. These patients had a history of heart failure and systolic dysfunction. Myocardial blood flow (MBF) was measured with positron emission tomography (PET) and N-13 ammonia at rest (r) and during adenosine triphosphate (ATP) infusion. Results. MBF and CFR were significantly higher in group 4 (1.95 ± 0.58 and 2.40 ± 0.95 ml/min/g) than in group 1 (1.02 ± 0.52 and 1.46 ± 0.48 ml/min/g). CFR tended to be higher in groups 2 (1.73 ± 0.72), and 3 (1.89 ± 0.75) vs group 1. No significant correlation was found between CFR and the following variables: age, systolic blood pressure, ventricular mass index, ventricular volume indexes, and ejection fraction. Conclusions. Coronary microvascular function is impaired in non-ischemic heart failure, and the impairment is related to functional class, regardless of the underlying responsible heart disease

    La expansión del podcast en la radio pública: estudio comparado de Radio Nacional Argentina y Radio Nacional de España (2019)

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    La radio pública se enfrenta al desafío de seguir cumpliendo su misión de servicio con las reglas y oportunidades que ofrece el entorno digital para innovar en el contenido y en el modo de alcanzar a las nuevas audiencias. El podcast resulta un formato sonoro que se adapta muy bien a estos tiempos de audiencias diversificadas y con intereses específicos. Esta investigación estudia la oferta de podcast de la radio pública de cobertura nacional en Argentina y España, y con ello persigue delimitar su papel en la ampliación del repertorio de contenidos de la radio tradicional en un entorno de crecimiento de la producción y consumo de audio. Se utiliza la metodología del análisis de contenido para describir y comparar la oferta de podcast de LRA1 y Radio 1, las emisoras generalistas de Radio Nacional Argentina y Radio Nacional de España, respectivamente; y así evaluar en qué grado su implantación fortalece su misión de servicio público.Public radio faces the challenge of continuing to fulfill its service mission with the rules and opportunities offered by the digital environment to innovate in contents and audiences. The podcast is a sound format that adapts very well to these times of diversified audiences and with specific interests. This research studies the podcast offer of the national public coverage radio in Argentina and Spain, and with it seeks to define its role in order to expanding the repertoire of traditional radio content in an environment of production and consumption growth of audio. The content analysis methodology is used to describe and compare the podcast offer of LRA1 and Radio 1, the full service stations of Radio Nacional Argentina and Radio Nacional de España, respectively; and thus evaluate to what extent its implementation strengthens its public service mission

    Measuring nutritional knowledge using Item Response Theory and its validity in European adolescents

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    Objective: To analyse the Nutritional Knowledge Test (NKT) using Item Response Theory (ITR) analysis and to assess the construct validity of the Nutritional Knowledge Scale (NKTS) and its associations with adolescent food group consumption and nutritional biomarkers. DesignCross-sectional study: SettingMulticentre investigation conducted in ten European cities.ParticipantsAdolescents aged 12·5-17·5 years (n 3215) who completed over 75 % of the NKT. Results: Factor analysis indicated that the NKT can be analysed with a one-dimensional model. Eleven out of twenty-three items from the NKT presented adequate parameters and were selected to be included in the NKTS. Nutrition knowledge was positively associated with consumption of fruits, cereals, dairy products, pulses, meat and eggs, and fish, as well as with blood concentrations of vitamin C, ß-carotene, n-3 fatty acids, holo-transcobalamin, cobalamin and folate; nutrition knowledge was negatively associated with intake of olives and avocado, alcohol and savoury snacks. Conclusions: The NKTS assessed nutritional knowledge adequately and it is proposed as a new tool to investigate this subject in future studies

    Análisis de los trabajos académicos del área de geriatría y gerontología en la escuela de enfermería de Zamora, Universidad de Salamanca

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    In Nursing Degree studies, the student must know the most frequent health problems in the elderly and know how to select the most appropriate interventions. In a transversal way, the student must acquire the competence to investigate in the different nursing subjects studied. To contribute to achieve these competencies, in the EUE of Zamora, a group work of bibliographic review in the subject of Geriatrics and Gerontology Nursing is programmed, with 15 works carried out since the 2019/20 academic year. In addition, one of the research lines of the Final Degree Project (TFG) corresponds to this subject. There are 442 students who have presented their TFG since the 2013/14 academic year; 24 of them are related to the theme of Geriatrics. Most of the works (60%) are bibliographic reviews, followed by clinical cases, descriptive works and research projects. With this observational study, it is perceived that the typology of the bibliographic review predominates and that the works have been published in journals: INFAD, in the Gredos USAL repository, in the TFG Grupo Paradigma repository, in addition to being presented at conferences and congresses, highlighting the Congress Silver Economy, where all the works of the Geriatric and Gerontological Nursing subject have been presented. We mustencourageresearch in thefield ofageing, taking into account demographics and the very reasons on which the specialty is based.En los estudios de Grado en Enfermería, el alumno debe conocer los problemas de salud más frecuentes en las personas mayores y saber seleccionar las intervenciones más adecuadas. De forma transversal, el estudiante debe adquirir la competencia de investigar en las diferentes materias de enfermería estudiadas. Para contribuir a alcanzar dichas competencias, en la EUE de Zamora, se programa, desde el curso 2019/20, un trabajo grupal de revisión bibliográfica en la asignatura de Enfermería Geriatría y Gerontología, siendo 15 los trabajos realizados. Además, una de las líneas de investigación del Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) corresponde a esta materia. Son 442 los alumnos que han presentado sus TFG desde el curso 2013/14; 24 de ellos están relacionados con la temática de Geriatría. La mayoría de los trabajos (60 %) son revisiones bibliográficas, seguido de los casos clínicos, trabajos descriptivos y proyectos de investigación. Con este estudio observacional se percibe que predomina la tipología de la revisión bibliográfica y que los trabajos han sido publicados en revistas: INFAD, en el repositorio Gredos USAL, en el repositorio TFG Grupo Paradigma, además de presentarse en jornadas y congresos, destacando el Congreso Silver Economy, donde se han presentado todos los trabajos de la asignatura de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontológica. Debemos fomentar la investigación en el campo del envejecimiento, teniendo en cuenta la demografía y las propias razones en las que se sustenta la especialidad.

    Predictive factors and early biomarkers of response in multiple sclerosis patients treated with natalizumab

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    There are an increasing number of treatments available for multiple sclerosis (MS). The early identification of optimal responders to individual treatments is important to achieve individualized therapy. With this aim, we performed a multicenter retrospective longitudinal study including 186 MS patients treated with natalizumab who were followed for 2 years. We analyzed the following variables at recruitment: sex, current age, age at disease onset, disease duration, EDSS, number of T2 and Gd + lesions, IgG and IgM oligoclonal bands, HLA class II (DR, DRB, DQA, DQB, and DRB1*15:01), IgG and IgM antibody titers against human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and the antibody response to Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) through the measurement of the anti-EBNA-1 and anti-VCA IgG titers, in relation to clinical response (no relapses or disability progression), and to NEDA-3 (no evidence of disease activity in terms of clinical response and no changes in MRI scans either) after 2-years follow-up. Baseline EDSS score, baseline EBNA-1 IgG titers and percentage change of HHV6 IgG titers between baseline and 6 month visits were significantly different in clinical responders and in NEDA-3 status (all of them remained significant in the multivariate analysis). We identified three variables for the early identification of natalizumab optimal responders in a rapid and cost-effective approach

    Anisotropic flow of charged hadrons, pions and (anti-)protons measured at high transverse momentum in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=2.76 TeV

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    The elliptic, v2v_2, triangular, v3v_3, and quadrangular, v4v_4, azimuthal anisotropic flow coefficients are measured for unidentified charged particles, pions and (anti-)protons in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Results obtained with the event plane and four-particle cumulant methods are reported for the pseudo-rapidity range η<0.8|\eta|<0.8 at different collision centralities and as a function of transverse momentum, pTp_{\rm T}, out to pT=20p_{\rm T}=20 GeV/cc. The observed non-zero elliptic and triangular flow depends only weakly on transverse momentum for pT>8p_{\rm T}>8 GeV/cc. The small pTp_{\rm T} dependence of the difference between elliptic flow results obtained from the event plane and four-particle cumulant methods suggests a common origin of flow fluctuations up to pT=8p_{\rm T}=8 GeV/cc. The magnitude of the (anti-)proton elliptic and triangular flow is larger than that of pions out to at least pT=8p_{\rm T}=8 GeV/cc indicating that the particle type dependence persists out to high pTp_{\rm T}.Comment: 16 pages, 5 captioned figures, authors from page 11, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/186