199 research outputs found

    Unconventional magnetism in the 4d4^{4} based (S=1S=1) honeycomb system Ag3_{3}LiRu2_{2}O6_{6}

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    We have investigated the thermodynamic and local magnetic properties of the Mott insulating system Ag3_{3}LiRu2_{2}O6_{6} containing Ru4+^{4+} (4dd4^{4}) for novel magnetism. The material crystallizes in a monoclinic C2/mC2/m structure with RuO6_{6} octahedra forming an edge-shared two-dimensional honeycomb lattice with limited stacking order along the cc-direction. The large negative Curie-Weiss temperature (θCW\theta_{CW} = -57 K) suggests antiferromagnetic interactions among Ru4+^{4+} ions though magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity show no indication of magnetic long-range order down to 1.8 K and 0.4 K, respectively. 7^{7}Li nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) shift follows the bulk susceptibility between 120-300 K and levels off below 120 K. Together with a power-law behavior in the temperature dependent spin-lattice relaxation rate between 0.2 and 2 K, it suggest dynamic spin correlations with gapless excitations. Electronic structure calculations suggest an S=1S = 1 description of the Ru-moments and the possible importance of further neighbour interactions as also bi-quadratic and ring-exchange terms in determining the magnetic properties. Analysis of our μ\muSR data indicates spin freezing below 5 K but the spins remain on the borderline between static and dynamic magnetism even at 20 mK.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures. accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Structural, thermodynamic, and local probe investigations of a honeycomb material Ag3_{3}LiMn2_{2}O6_{6}

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    The system Ag[Li1/3_{1/3}Mn2/3_{2/3}]O2_{2} belongs to a quaternary 3R-delafossite family and crystallizes in a monoclinic symmetry with space group C2/mC\,2/m and the magnetic Mn4+^{4+}(S=3/2S=3/2) ions form a honeycomb network in the abab-plane. An anomaly around 50 K and the presence of antiferromagnetic (AFM) coupling (Curie-Weiss temperature θCW51\theta_{CW}\sim-51 K) were inferred from our magnetic susceptibility data. The magnetic specific heat clearly manifests the onset of magnetic ordering in the vicinity of 48\,K and the recovered magnetic entropy, above the ordering temperature, falls short of the expected value, implying the presence of short-range magnetic correlations. The (ESR) line broadening on approaching the ordering temperature TNT_{{\rm N}} could be described in terms of a Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) scenario with TKT=40(1)T_{{\rm KT}}=40(1) K. 7^{7}Li NMR line-shift probed as a function of temperature tracks the static susceptibility (Kiso_{iso}) of magnetically coupled Mn4+^{4+} ions. The 7^{7}Li spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/TT1_{1}) exhibits a sharp decrease below about 50 K. Combining our bulk and local probe measurements, we establish the presence of an ordered ground state for the honeycomb system Ag3_{3}LiMn2_{2}O6_{6}.Our ab-initio electronic structure calculations suggest that in the abab-plane, the nearest neighbor (NN) exchange interaction is strong and AFM, while the next NN and the third NN exchange interactions are FM and AFM respectively. In the absence of any frustration the system is expected to exhibit long-range, AFM order, in agreement with experiment.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted in Phys Rev

    Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling approaches in paediatric infectious diseases and immunology.

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    Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PKPD) modelling is used to describe and quantify dose-concentration-effect relationships. Within paediatric studies in infectious diseases and immunology these methods are often applied to developing guidance on appropriate dosing. In this paper, an introduction to the field of PKPD modelling is given, followed by a review of the PKPD studies that have been undertaken in paediatric infectious diseases and immunology. The main focus is on identifying the methodological approaches used to define the PKPD relationship in these studies. The major findings were that most studies of infectious diseases have developed a PK model and then used simulations to define a dose recommendation based on a pre-defined PD target, which may have been defined in adults or in vitro. For immunological studies much of the modelling has focused on either PK or PD, and since multiple drugs are usually used, delineating the relative contributions of each is challenging. The use of dynamical modelling of in vitro antibacterial studies, and paediatric HIV mechanistic PD models linked with the PK of all drugs, are emerging methods that should enhance PKPD-based recommendations in the future

    Ukrainian refugees in Germany : Escape, arrival and everyday life

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    Das Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), das Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB), das Forschungszentrum des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF-FZ) und das Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP) am Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin) haben 11.225 geflüchtete Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer zwischen August und Oktober 2022 befragt. Die Befragung kann auf die Grundgesamtheit der ukrainischen Geflüchteten, die seit Kriegsausbruch am 24.2.2022 bis zum 8. Juni 2022 nach Deutschland zugezogen sind, hochgerechnet werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die meisten Geflüchteten wegen der Kriegshandlungen aus der Ukraine geflohen und aufgrund bestehender persönlicher Netzwerke und der Achtung der Menschenrechte nach Deutschland gezogen sind. Rund 80 Prozent der erwachsenen Geflüchteten sind weiblich. Knapp die Hälfte lebt mit minderjährigen Kindern und vier Fünftel ohne Partner oder Partnerin in Deutschland. Gut 70 Prozent verfügen über Hochschul- oder vergleichbare Bildungsabschlüsse. Nur 4 Prozent verfügen über gute oder sehr gute, weitere 14 Prozent über mittlere deutsche Sprachkenntnisse. Allerdings hatte zum Befragungszeitpunkt bereits die Hälfte einen Sprachkurs begonnen oder abgeschlossen. 17 Prozent waren zum Befragungszeitpunkt erwerbstätig. Unter den Erwerbstätigen übten rund 70 Prozent eine qualifizierte Tätigkeit aus. Der Gesundheitszustand der Geflüchteten ist im Durchschnitt gut, die Lebenszufriedenheit aber viel geringer als im deutschen Bevölkerungsdurchschnitt. Gut ein Drittel der Geflüchteten wollen dauerhaft oder für mehrere Jahre in Deutschland bleiben, ebenfalls ein Drittel Deutschland nach Kriegsende wieder verlassen, 27 Prozent können noch keine Aussagen über ihre Bleibeabsichten treffen

    Ukrainian refugees in Germany: Escape, arrival and everyday life

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    Die gemeinsame Kurzstudie des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), des Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB), des Forschungszentrums des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF-FZ) und des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) am DIW Berlin stellt die ersten zentralen Befunde aus der gemeinsamen Studie "Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine in Deutschland" vor. Im Fokus der bundesweiten Studie stehen die Lebensumstände und die damit verbundenen zentralen Unterstützungsbedarfe der ukrainischen Geflüchteten in Deutschland.The short study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ) and the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) presents the first key findings from the joint study "Refugees from Ukraine in Germany". The focus of the nationwide study is on the living conditions and the associated central support needs of Ukrainian refugees in Germany

    Condensational symbols in British press coverage of Boko Haram

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    This study of British press coverage of Boko Haram, a militant group in Nigeria, concentrates on condensational symbols in news reports of one of its major acts of terrorism, the bombing of the United Nations House in Abuja, the country’s capital city, in August 2011. The study examines the visibility of Boko Haram in British newspapers before and after the attack. It identifies the condensational symbols that dominated the coverage and how these provided a particular trajectory that could have shaped newspaper readers’ understanding of the event. The study argues that the symbolic terms that journalists used in their reports were not only easily identifiable but were specifically chosen to simplify a complex story for audiences that were perhaps uninformed about the group and its activities. The terms also reflect the repertoire of news frames that journalists mine to reconstruct reality for their audiences