256 research outputs found

    Four typological images of Mary in the hymnography for the Feast of the Entrance

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    Hymnographical texts often include references to biblical persons, places and events – references that are sometimes rather vague, at other times very clear. In the case of the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the temple, the ΕጰσόΎÎčα, these references are numerous since Mary is often seen as the fulfillment of the ancient prophesies presented in the Old Testament. This article consists of two parts: a more general overview of typology as an exegetical method applied in hymnography, and a more detailed description of some of the typological images of Mary in the hymns of the feast of the Entrance

    Iskustva prilagođavanja postvizantijskog pojanja stranim jezicima - istraĆŸivanje i praksa

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    This article presents the current state of the research and practical methodology of the adaptation of Byzantine melodies written in the 'New Method' into foreign languages, with Romanian, English and Finnish serving as examples. The adaptation of independent, 'fixed' melodies as well as metrical liturgical texts (prosomoia and canons) are examined. The challenges emerging in adapting Byzantine chant into Finnish are also discussed. The author also suggests some future subjects for research, which include the synthesis of examining arrangements in both 'Old' and 'New Method'.Pojačku praksu pravoslavne crkve u velikom stepenu karakteriĆĄe prevođenje - adaptacija crkvenih napeva prema liturgijskim tekstovima na 'novim' jezicima u sredinama u kojima ista počinje da se javlja. Melodije, uslovno rečeno, vizantijskog pojanja su se tokom vremena prilagođavale različitim jezicima, kao ĆĄto su rumunski, slovenski, arapski, engleski, francuski i finski. U fokusu ovog rada je ispitivanje rumunskih, engleskih i finskih aranĆŸmana, sa osvrtom na njihove istorijate. Na osnovama rumunskog jezika već je uobličena pojačka tradicija, dok se za engleski moĆŸe reći da je novi jezik jednoglasne crkvene muzike za koju koristimo naziv vizantijska. Finski, kao ne-indoevropski jezik, predstavlja novi izazov u primeni predanjskog pojanja primarno oblikovanog prema osobenostima grčkog jezika. IstraĆŸivanje iz ovog domena sprovedeno je u Rumuniji i rezultati su objavljeni uglavnom na rumunskom jeziku. Takođe, neki radovi su pisani na engleskom jeziku, a najznačajniji doprinos predstavlja dugačka lista melodijskih formula koje je objavio jeromonah Jefrem iz manastira Svetog Antonija u Arizoni. IstraĆŸivanja u Finskoj su za sada ograničena na radove autora ovog teksta. Nezavisne, 'ustaljene' melodije mogu se prilagoditi stranom jeziku upotrebom melodijskih formula koje su karakteristične za svaki glas osmoglasnog sistema. Ipak, struktura originalne grčke melodije trebalo bi da ostane nepromenjena. Ovakav stav zastupao je jeromonah Makarije, rumunski muzičar iz XIX veka, i jeromonah Jefrem, koji je danas aktivan. Metrički tekstovi koji podrazumevaju određene melodijske modele (podobni i tropari kanona) predstavljaju izvesnu teĆĄkoću u adaptaciji napeva ukoliko prevodilac ĆŸeli da sačuva fluentnost jezičkog izraza. U bogosluĆŸbenim knjigama na engleskom jeziku zastupljeni su metrički prevodi, dok u onim na rumunskom jeziku tekstovi ne prate grčku metriku. U ovom slučaju, svaka melodija treba da bude ne samo produkt komponovanja ili improvizacije pojca, već je poĆŸeljno da se sačuvaju neke od karakterističnih melodijskih linija datog melodijskog modela. PokuĆĄaji prilagođavanja vizantijskog pojanja finskom jeziku i dalje su malobrojni, ali se ipak moĆŸe primetiti da se u tom procesu uglavnom dosledno prati struktura utvrđenih melodijskih formula. Ipak, zbog dugih i kratkih samoglasnika i akcenata koji se uvek nalazi na prvom slogu reči, javljaju se brojne poteĆĄkoće. Predlog za buduće istraĆŸivanje u aranĆŸiranju vizantijskog pojanja jeste sinteza razmatranih adaptacija kako starog, tako i novog metoda. Osnova novih formula se nalazi u tzv. starom metodu, a strukture tih istih formula se mogu dosledno pratiti i porediti ako se mogu zapisati i starijim oblikom notacije. Ovakav način adaptacije bi trebalo da pomogne u usaglaĆĄavanju starijeg vizantijskog i postvizantijskog muzičkog repertoara

    Visible and Invisible, Audible and Inaudible Chant Performance in Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents

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    The present contribution discusses Byzantine monastic foundation documents, dating from the ninth to the fifteenth century, through the lens of performance theory. As the author argues, the way these documents arrange liturgical performance is not egalitarian, but instead introduces different categories of performers and audiences among the monastic community, justifying this arrangement theologically with the analogies of angelic hierarchies and the community as the body of Christ. The performance is intended to be heard not only by the community, but naturally the most important audience is God Himself; in the cases of an “elitistic” performance, in which the more educated monastics perform to God, the task of the rest of the community is to observe and overhear this dialogue. Most importantly, the success of liturgical performance is primarily dependent on the spiritual state of the performer, regardless of the fact how important their role in the performance is

    Performance Theory and the Study of Byzantine Hymnography: Andrew of Crete's Canon on Lazarus

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    The present paper examines a case study – Andrew of Crete's Canon in Lazarum, through the lens of performance theory, a methodological approach very little employed in Orthodox liturgics. The author shall argue that performance theory is an indispensable tool for analysing Byzantine hymnography. It helps the contemporary scholar to re-articulate liturgical actions and examine the interwoven roles and functions of the performances of liturgical texts.Performanssiteoria ja bysanttilaisen hymnografian tutkimus: Andreas Kreetalaisen Lasaruksen kanoni Artikkeli käsittelee performanssiteorian hyödyntämistä ortodoksisen liturgiikan tutkimuksessa. Tämä metodologinen lähestymistapa, jota on alettu käyttää humanistisilla aloilla puoli vuosisataa sitten, on ortodoksisen teologian alalla vielä lapsenkengissä. Artikkelissani esitän, että performanssiteoria on arvokas työkalu bysanttilaisen hymnografian tutkimuksessa, ja käyttäen Andreas Kreetalaisen Lasarus-kanonia esimerkkitapauksena. Performanssiteoria auttaa nykytutkijaa artikuloimaan uudelleen liturgisia toimintoja ja tarkastelemaan liturgisten tekstien esittäjien yhteen punottuja rooleja sekä esityksen eri funktioita

    Opettajainterventiot oppilaiden keskinÀiseen työskentelyyn uudessa digitaalisessa maker-oppimisympÀristössÀ

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    Koulujen oppimisympĂ€ristöt muuttuvat jatkuvasti oppijalĂ€htöisemmiksi, mikĂ€ vaikuttaa sekĂ€ oppilaiden ettĂ€ opettajien rooleihin. TĂ€llĂ€ hetkellĂ€ tiedetÀÀn vĂ€hĂ€n, kuinka opettajat tukevat oppilaita uusissa, oppilaslĂ€htöisissĂ€ oppimisympĂ€ristöissĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkielman tavoite on analysoida opettajien interventioita oppilaiden yhteiseen työskentelyyn uudessa, digitaalisessa maker-oppimisympĂ€ristössĂ€. Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin, missĂ€ tilanteissa opettajan tekivĂ€t intervention oppilaiden yhteiseen työskentelyyn. Sitten analysoitiin, mitĂ€ interventiostrategioita opettajat kĂ€yttivĂ€t tehdessÀÀn intervention. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, ettĂ€ opettajainterventiot voivat tukea yhteistoiminnallista ongelmanratkaisua ja kehittÀÀ oppilaiden ajattelutaitoja (Hofmann & Mercer, 2016; Ding, Li, Piccolo & Kulm, 2007). Maker-pedagogiikka taas edistÀÀ oppilaiden luovia ongelmanratkaisutaitoja (Bevan et al., 2016) ja mahdollistaa jaetun asiantuntijuuden kehittymisen. (Stevens et al., 2016). Aineisto kerĂ€ttiin videoimalla tutkittavan koulun oppitunteja syksyllĂ€ 2016. Koulu oli juuri ottanut kĂ€yttöön uuden digitaalisen maker-oppimisympĂ€ristön (FUSE-Studion). Oppitunneille osallistuivat 9–12-vuotiaat oppilaat. Aineisto koostui 85 tunnista videomateriaalia. Aineiston analysoinnissa kĂ€ytettiin Jordan ja Hendersonin (1995) interaktioanalyysia. Opettajien kĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€t interventiostrategiat analysoitiin mallintamalla ne Hofmannin ja Mercerin tutkimuksen (2016) mukaisesti. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ opettajainterventioita oppilaiden yhteiseen työskentelyyn esiintyi monissa eri tilanteissa. YhteensĂ€ 55 interventioepisodia luokiteltiin viiteen kategoriaan: (1) haastetehtĂ€viin liittyvĂ€t, (2) kurinpidolliset, (3) työskentelyvĂ€lineisiin liittyvĂ€t, (4) teknologiaan liittyvĂ€t ja (5) motivaatioon liittyvĂ€t interventiot. Interventioita aloittivat sekĂ€ opettajat ettĂ€ oppilaat. HaastetehtĂ€viin, työskentelyvĂ€lineisiin ja teknologiaan liittyvĂ€t interventiot olivat enimmĂ€kseen oppilaiden aloittamia, kurinpidolliset taas enimmĂ€kseen opettajien aloittamia. Kaikki motivaatioon liittyvĂ€t interventiot olivat opettajien aloittamia. Kahdeksaa interventioepisodia analysoitiin tarkemmin, jotta pystyttiin tarkastelemaan opettajien kĂ€yttĂ€miĂ€ interventiostrategioita. Strategiat muodostettiin Hofmann ja Mercerin (2016) tutkimuksen pohjalta seuraavasti: (1) auktoritatiiviset, (2) aloitteelliset ja (3) jatkuvaan vuorovaikutukseen pyrkivĂ€t strategiat. Kaikista kolmesta strategiasta löydettiin esimerkkejĂ€, mutta mikÀÀn interventioepisodeista ei tĂ€yttĂ€nyt tunnusmerkkejĂ€ yksinomaan jatkuvaan vuorovaikutukseen pyrkivĂ€stĂ€ strategiasta. Auktoritatiiviset strategiat olivat yleisiĂ€ kurinpidollisissa interventioissa sekĂ€ silloin, kun oppilaita ohjeistettiin uuden tehtĂ€vĂ€n tekemisessĂ€ alusta loppuun. Aloitteelliset strategiat, joita jatkuvaan vuorovaikutukseen pyrkivĂ€t strategiat tukivat, vaikuttivat edistĂ€vĂ€n oppilaiden vĂ€listĂ€ yhteistyötĂ€ ja yhteistoiminnallista ongelmanratkaisua. Opettajainterventiot vaikuttavat olevan tehokas tapa tukea oppilaiden keskinĂ€istĂ€ ja jaettua asiantuntijuutta uusissa, digitaalisissa oppilaslĂ€htöisissĂ€ oppimisympĂ€ristöissĂ€, kunhan opettaja kĂ€yttÀÀ sopivia interventiostrategioita oppimisympĂ€ristön tavoitteiden mukaisesti.Learning environments in schools are changing into a more learner-centered direction, which changes the roles of both students and teachers. Currently there is not much knowledge about how teachers support students in novel, student-driven learning environments. The aim of this study is to analyze teacher interventions in students’ joint work in a novel digital design and making environment. This study examined which kind of situations caused teachers to intervene in students’ joint work and which intervention strategies teachers use when intervening. Previous research suggests that teacher interventions can support joint problem solving and improve students’ thinking skills (Hofmann & Mercer, 2016; Ding, Li, Piccolo & Kulm, 2007). Maker education in turn promotes students’ creative problem-solving (Bevan et al., 2016) and enables the growth of relative expertise that refers to students developing expertise relative to each other through social participation (Stevens et al., 2016). The data were collected by videoing lessons in a primary school, which had introduced a new design and making environment (called the FUSE Studio) in the fall of 2016. The lessons were held for 9 to 12-year-old students. The data consisted of 85 hours of video material. The video data were analyzed by using the techniques of Jordan and Henderson’s (1995) interaction analysis. The intervention strategies of the analyzed teacher interventions were modelled after Hofmann and Mercer’s research (2016). The results indicated that teacher interventions in students’ joint work occurred in response to many different situations. A total of 55 intervention episodes were classified into five categories: (1) STEAM-challenge related, (2) disciplinary, (3) material related, (4) technology related, and (5) motivation related interventions. Interventions were initiated by both teachers and students. While STEAM-challenge, material, and technology related interventions were mostly student initiated, disciplinary related interventions were mostly teacher initiated. Motivation related interventions were entirely initiated by teachers. Eight of the intervention episodes were analyzed further to examine the intervention strategies that the teachers were using. The strategies were modelled after Hofmann and Mercer’s study (2016) and included: (1) authoritative, (2) initiating, and (3) continuing interactive strategies. Examples of all strategies were found however none of the teachers used purely features of continuing interactive strategies when intervening. Authoritative strategies were found in disciplinary interventions and when guiding students through a new task. Initiating strategies supported by continuing interactive strategies appeared to promote peer collaboration and joint problem solving between students. Teacher interventions seem to be an effective way of supporting relative expertise within novel, student-driven learning environments as long as the teacher is able to use the appropriate intervention strategies according to the objectives of the learning environments

    Aurasalaojituksen kÀyttömahdollisuudet

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    Singing of divine identities in a liturgical space? John Damascene's treatise on the Trisagion and his anti-heretical polemics

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    John Damascene, one of the most productive Greek theologians of the Middle Byzantine era, also composed a treatise on the Trisagion hymn, or how it should be sung correctly and why; a text that has been little discussed in contemporary scholarship. The present paper provides an overview of the work – with special reference to the notion of identity in John’s description of the Trinitarian doctrine. It also examines the treatise especially in the context of anti-heretical polemics. The author argues that John’s approach to the question of the correct way of singing the hymn is gentle: instead of using pejorative language, he even praises the object of his reproach

    Updates in the field of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer : Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology

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    ABSTRACT Introduction Up to one third of colorectal cancers show familial clustering and 5% are hereditary single-gene disorders. Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer comprises DNA mismatch repair-deficient and -proficient subsets, represented by Lynch syndrome (LS) and familial colorectal cancer type X (FCCTX), respectively. Accurate knowledge of molecular etiology and genotype-phenotype correlations are critical for tailored cancer prevention and treatment. Areas covered The authors highlight advances in the molecular dissection of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, based on recent literature retrieved from PubMed. Future possibilities for novel gene discoveries are discussed. Expert commentary LS is molecularly well established, but new information is accumulating of the associated clinical and tumor phenotypes. FCCTX remains poorly defined, but several promising candidate genes have been discovered and share some preferential biological pathways. Multi-level characterization of specimens from large patient cohorts representing multiple populations, combined with proper bioinformatic and functional analyses, will be necessary to resolve the outstanding questions.Peer reviewe
