48 research outputs found

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    Studien undersöker om annonsering av nyemissioner genererar en onormal avkastning pÄ svenska aktiemarknaden. Studiens avsikt Àr Àven att ge bÀttre förstÄelse för i vilken grad faktorer som bolagsstorlek och emissionsbelopp pÄverkar den onormala avkastningen. Undersökningen Àr av kvantitativ art och genomförs med hjÀlp av en eventstudie. För att besvara undersökningen berÀknas den onormal avkastningen vid annonsering om nyemission. Resultatet visar att bolag som annonserar om nyemission genererar negativ onormal avkastning pÄ eventdagen. Det gÄr inte att sÀkerstÀlla om bolagsstorleken kan vara en förklarande faktor till den onormala avkastningen. DÀremot föreligger ett samband mellan emissionsbeloppet i förhÄllande till marknadsvÀrdet och dess pÄverkan pÄ den onormala avkastningen. Studiens slutsats Àr att annonsering av nyemissioner genererar en negativ onormal avkastning i samband med att nyheten blir publik

    Fruits of knowledge

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    This report is focused on marketing opportunities for small-scale mango farmers in the Nyanza Province in Kenya. Kenya is a large horticultural producer in the world. Horticulture is an important income for a large share of the rural population in Kenya but profitability is low due to inefficiencies in marketing systems and poor infrastructure. The conditions for growing mango in the Nyanza Province are very beneficial and there are two harvesting seasons. Mango offers good income opportunities for small-scale farmers in the Nyanza Province. The aim of this study is to identify marketing conditions that will enable prospering business for small-scale mango farmers in the Nyanza Province, Kenya. The method for answering the research questions was to conduct a case study in Kenya. The data collection consisted of interviews with small-scale mango farmers, Field Officers at the Vi Agroforestry, and experts at organizations involved in the topic. This case study is based on a literature review of marketing strategies for mango production in Kenya and it focuses on the farmers’ opportunities. The analysis in this report aims to make use of existing theories in structuring empirical facts to better understand a complex phenomenon and the chosen theories in this case are marketing strategy in an institutional context combined with theories about cooperatives. Key results from the interviews are that mango production is a profitable business and all respondents were positive towards growing mango, even though there are many challenges. The main conclusion of this study is that the most suitable marketing strategy for the small-scale farmers in Nyanza is to collaborate with each other and different organizations. Collaborations bring many advantages for the farmers such as gathering of financial resources, knowledge, and information, stronger bargain power, access to larger markets, and increased profits. Mango production in the Nyanza Province holds great potential both for the local and the global market. Although, the development is at an early stage and the focus today should be to increase the production and establish working partnerships to be competitive in the long run.Denna rapport inriktar sig pĂ„ marknadsmöjligheter för smĂ„skaliga mangobönder i Nyanza Provinsen i Kenya. Kenya Ă€r en viktig producent av hortikulturella produkter och hortikultur Ă€r en viktig inkomstkĂ€lla för en stor del av landsbygdsbefolkningen. Lönsamheten Ă€r dock lĂ„g till följd av ineffektiva marknadssystem och dĂ„ligt fungerande infrastruktur. FörutsĂ€ttningarna för att odla mango i Nyanza Ă€r mycket fördelaktiga och mangon kan skördas tvĂ„ gĂ„nger om Ă„ret. Vidare erbjuder mango goda möjligheter till ökad inkomst för smĂ„skaliga bönder i Nyanza. Denna studie syftar till att identifiera marknadsförhĂ„llanden som möjliggör framgĂ„ngsrik affĂ€rsverksamhet för smĂ„skaliga mangobönder i Nyanza Provinsen i Kenya. Metoden som anvĂ€nts för att besvara forskningsfrĂ„gorna Ă€r en fallstudie vilken har genomförts i Kenya. Datainsamlingen gjordes i Kenya och bestod av intervjuer med smĂ„skaliga mangobönder, Field Officers anstĂ€llda av Vi Skogen samt experter pĂ„ Ă€mnet och organisationer involverade i produktion och marknadsföring av mango. Böndernas möjligheter Ă€r fokus för denna fallstudie som baseras pĂ„ en litteraturstudie av marknadsstrategier för mangoproduktion i Kenya. Analysen syftar till att strukturera empiriska fakta med hjĂ€lp av existerande teoretiska modeller för att bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ ett komplext fenomen. Den valda teoretiska modellen sĂ€tter marknadsstrategier i ett institutionellt sammanhang. Även teorier om kooperativ anvĂ€nds i rapporten. Ett viktigt resultat frĂ„n intervjuerna Ă€r att mangoproduktion Ă€r lönsamt och samtliga respondenter var positiva till att odla mango Ă€ven om svĂ„righeterna Ă€r mĂ„nga. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen Ă€r att den mest lĂ€mpliga marknadsstrategin för smĂ„skaliga mangobönder i Nyanza Ă€r att samarbeta med varandra och med organisationer. SĂ„dana samarbeten för med sig mĂ„nga fördelar, det ger bönderna möjlighet att samla sina finansiella resurser och de kan dela med sig av kunskap och information. Samarbeten ger ocksĂ„ bönderna en starkare förhandlingsposition, tillgĂ„ng till större marknader samt ökad lönsamhet. Det finns stor potential för mangoproduktion i Nyanza, bĂ„de för lokala och globala marknader. Utvecklingen Ă€r dock pĂ„ ett tidigt stadium och idag bör fokus ligga pĂ„ att öka produktionen och etablera partnerskap. PĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt kan bönderna bli lĂ„ngsiktigt konkurrenskraftiga

    Occurrence of virulence genes associated with diarrheagenic pathotypes in Escherichia coli isolates from surface water

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    Escherichia coli isolates (n=300) collected from six sites in subtropical Brisbane, Australia, prior to and after storm events were tested for the presence of 11 virulence genes (VGs) specific to diarrheagenic pathotypes. The presence of eaeA, stx, stx, and ehxA genes specific for the enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) pathotype was detected in 56%, 6%, 10%, and 13% of isolates, respectively. The VGs astA (69%) and aggR (29%), carried by enteroaggregative (EAEC) pathotypes, were frequently detected in E. coli isolates. The enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) gene bfp was detected in 24% of isolates. In addition, enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) VG ipaH was also detected in 14% of isolates. During dry periods, isolates belonging to the EAEC pathotype were most commonly detected (23%), followed by EHEC (11%) and EPEC (11%). Conversely, a more uniform prevalence of pathotypes, EPEC (14%), EAEC (12%), EIEC (10%), EHEC (7%), and ETEC (7%), was observed after the storm events. The results of this study highlight the widespread occurrence of potentially diarrheagenic pathotypes in the urban aquatic ecosystems. While the presence of VGs in E. coli isolates alone is insufficient to determine pathogenicity, the presence of diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes in high frequency after the storm events could lead to increased health risks if untreated storm water were to be used for nonpotable purposes and recreational activities

    Abundance and Distribution of Enteric Bacteria and Viruses in Coastal and Estuarine Sediments—a Review

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    The long term survival of fecal indicator organisms (FIOs) and human pathogenic microorganisms in sediments is important from a water quality, human health and ecological perspective. Typically, both bacteria and viruses strongly associate with particulate matter present in freshwater, estuarine and marine environments. This association tends to be stronger in finer textured sediments and is strongly influenced by the type and quantity of clay minerals and organic matter present. Binding to particle surfaces promotes the persistence of bacteria in the environment by offering physical and chemical protection from biotic and abiotic stresses. How bacterial and viral viability and pathogenicity is influenced by surface attachment requires further study. Typically, long-term association with surfaces including sediments induces bacteria to enter a viable-but-non-culturable (VBNC) state. Inherent methodological challenges of quantifying VBNC bacteria may lead to the frequent under-reporting of their abundance in sediments. The implications of this in a quantitative risk assessment context remain unclear. Similarly, sediments can harbor significant amounts of enteric viruses, however, the factors regulating their persistence remains poorly understood. Quantification of viruses in sediment remains problematic due to our poor ability to recover intact viral particles from sediment surfaces (typically <10%), our inability to distinguish between infective and damaged (non-infective) viral particles, aggregation of viral particles, and inhibition during qPCR. This suggests that the true viral titre in sediments may be being vastly underestimated. In turn, this is limiting our ability to understand the fate and transport of viruses in sediments. Model systems (e.g., human cell culture) are also lacking for some key viruses, preventing our ability to evaluate the infectivity of viruses recovered from sediments (e.g., norovirus). The release of particle-bound bacteria and viruses into the water column during sediment resuspension also represents a risk to water quality. In conclusion, our poor process level understanding of viral/bacterial-sediment interactions combined with methodological challenges is limiting the accurate source apportionment and quantitative microbial risk assessment for pathogenic organisms associated with sediments in aquatic environments

    Expression of Colonization Factor CS5 of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) Is Enhanced In Vivo and by the Bile Component Na Glycocholate Hydrate

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    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is an important cause of acute watery diarrhoea in developing countries. Colonization factors (CFs) on the bacterial surface mediate adhesion to the small intestinal epithelium. Two of the most common CFs worldwide are coli surface antigens 5 and 6 (CS5, CS6). In this study we investigated the expression of CS5 and CS6 in vivo, and the effects of bile and sodium bicarbonate, present in the human gut, on the expression of CS5. Five CS5+CS6 ETEC isolates from adult Bangladeshi patients with acute diarrhoea were studied. The level of transcription from the CS5 operon was approximately 100-fold higher than from the CS6 operon in ETEC bacteria recovered directly from diarrhoeal stool without sub-culturing (in vivo). The glyco-conjugated primary bile salt sodium glycocholate hydrate (NaGCH) induced phenotypic expression of CS5 in a dose-dependent manner and caused a 100-fold up-regulation of CS5 mRNA levels; this is the first description of NaGCH as an enteropathogenic virulence inducer. The relative transcription levels from the CS5 and CS6 operons in the presence of bile or NaGCH in vitro were similar to those in vivo. Another bile salt, sodium deoxycholate (NaDC), previously reported to induce enteropathogenic virulence, also induced expression of CS5, whereas sodium bicarbonate did not

    Antimicrobial Resistance, Virulence Factors and Genetic Diversity of Escherichia coli Isolates from Household Water Supply in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Background: Unsafe water supplies continue to raise public health concerns, especially in urban areas in low resource countries. To understand the extent of public health risk attributed to supply water in Dhaka city, Bangladesh, Escherichia coli isolated from tap water samples collected from different locations of the city were characterized for their antibiotic resistance, pathogenic properties and genetic diversity. Methodology/Principal Findings: A total of 233 E. coli isolates obtained from 175 tap water samples were analysed for susceptibility to 16 different antibiotics and for the presence of genes associated with virulence and antibiotic resistance. Nearly 36% (n = 84) of the isolates were multi-drug(≄3 classes of antibiotics) resistant (MDR) and 26% (n = 22) of these were positive for extended spectrum ÎČ-lactamase (ESBL). Of the 22 ESBL-producers, 20 were positive for blaCTX-M-15, 7 for blaOXA-1-group(all had blaOXA-47) and 2 for blaCMY-2. Quinolone resistance genes, qnrS and qnrB were detected in 6 and 2 isolates, respectively. Around 7% (n = 16) of the isolates carried virulence gene(s) characteristic of pathogenic E. coli; 11 of these contained lt and/or st and thus belonged to enterotoxigenic E. coli and 5 contained bfp and eae and thus belonged to enteropathogenic E. coli. All MDR isolates carried multiple plasmids (2 to 8) of varying sizes ranging from 1.2 to >120 MDa. Ampicillin and ceftriaxone resistance were co-transferred in conjugative plasmids of 70 to 100 MDa in size, while ampicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and tetracycline resistance were co-transferred in conjugative plasmids of 50 to 90 MDa. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis revealed diverse genetic fingerprints of pathogenic isolates. Significance: Multi-drug resistant E. coli are wide spread in public water supply in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Transmission of resistant bacteria and plasmids through supply water pose serious threats to public health in urban areas

    Dansen med SjÀlvet : en jungiansk analys av Mevlevi-ordens dansritual

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    Min uppsats Àr en jungiansk analys av Mevlevi-orderns dansritual. Min C-uppsats, Den dansande imaginationen, behandlade dansterapi utifrÄn den jungianska psykologins teorier och analysen av dansritualen Àr en fortsÀttning pÄ temat om dans som ett redskap i den terapeutiska processen. Syftet med min uppsats Àr att utifrÄn den jungianska psykologins teorier fÄ en fördjupad förstÄelse för den psykiska process som ritualen Äterspeglar. Min frÄgestÀllning Àr följande: Vilken psykologisk innebörd fÄr Mevlevi-orderns dansritual om jag analyserar den utifrÄn den jungianska psykologins teorier? Jag har analyserat utifrÄn arketypteorin och teorin om individuationsprocessen som innebÀr en fortgÄende psykisk vÀxt som leder fram till mötet med en gudomlig inre sjÀlskÀrna, SjÀlvet. Forskningsmetoden jag har anvÀnt mig av Àr en hermeneutisk textanalys och texten jag har analyserat Àr Friedlanders redogörelse för dansritualen. Jag har anvÀnt mig av amplifikationsmetoden i min analys vilket innebÀr att jag dragit paralleller till symboliskt material för att tydliggöra och fördjupa förstÄelsen för dansritualen. Jag har analyserat ritualen i dess helhet eftersom varje del i ritualen har sin specifika betydelse och bidrar till dess psykologiska innebörd. Genom att analysera dansritualen utifrÄn Jungs teorier fÄr ritualen den psykologiska innebörden av en individuationsprocess som leder fram till upplevelsen av SjÀlvet som den centrala och organiserande arketypen i psyket. I dansritualen fÄr dansaren en konkret fysisk upplevelse av ett skeende som har en inre psykologisk motsvarighet och genom denna upplevelse finns en möjlighet att medvetandegöra omedvetet material

    Den dansande imaginationen : en litteraturstudie i dansterapi baserad pÄ den jungianska psykologins teorier

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    Syftet med min uppsats Ă€r att studera hur den jungianska psykologins teorier anvĂ€nds inom dansterapin och i synnerhet dansen som uttrycksform i aktiv imagination. De frĂ„gor jag har stĂ€llt mig Ă€r: Hur anvĂ€nder sig de dansterapeuter, vars texter ingĂ„r i min litteraturstudie, av den jungianska psykologins teorier i sitt arbete? Hur arbetar dessa dansterapeuter med rörelse och dans som aktiv imagination? Aktiv imagination Ă€r Jungs metod att öppna upp för det omedvetna genom att ge fritt utrymme för fantasin samtidigt som man behĂ„ller en medveten uppmĂ€rksamhet. Att gestalta fantasierna Ă€r ett sĂ€tt att konkretisera och bearbeta det uppkomna materialet. En viktig aspekt Ă€r att klienten i detta arbete blir aktiv och ger form Ă„t sig sjĂ€lv. Att följa en inre impuls/fantasi och tillĂ„ta den att ta fysisk form Ă€r aktiv imagination i rörelse/dans. För Chodorow Ă€r detta den fundamentala metoden i analytisk tillĂ€mpning och alla tre dansterapeuterna anvĂ€nder sig av den. Att följa den inre impulsen och tillĂ„ta den att ta en fysisk form Ă€r aktiv imagination i rörelse. Dansen ger form Ă„t de inre fantasierna som dĂ€rigenom kan medvetandegöras. Dansaren kan, genom en trygg relation till dansterapeuten, bĂ„de ge sig hĂ€n Ă„t rörelsen och gradvis lĂ€ra sig att samtidigt medvetet kunna uppmĂ€rksamma vad kroppen gör. En pĂ„taglig fysisk trĂ€ning i detta Ă€r att kunna vĂ€xla mellan att hĂ„lla ögonen stĂ€ngda och att hĂ„lla dem öppna. Återigen Ă€r kroppen ett fantastiskt redskap i arbetet med det medvetna och det omedvetna. Dansen blir verktyget för att gestalta inre skeenden och kroppen visar att detta Ă€r en process som gĂ„r via den egna erfarenheten. En genuin nĂ€rvaro i en rörelse kan Ă„terge mer Ă€n vad ord nĂ„gonsin kan uttrycka. Som jag uppfattar det sĂ„ Ă€r Jungs utforskande av det omedvetna, och det vĂ€rde han ger till spontana kreativa uttryck som ett sĂ€tt att kommunicera med det omedvetna, det allra viktigaste bidraget till de jungianskt influerade dansterapeuternas arbete

    The Three Models  Approach : A Pedagogical Proposal on How to Increase Critical Literacy in the Subject of English on Upper-Secondary Level

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    This degree project essay aims to create ways for promoting critical literacy by teaching persuasive, manipulative, authentic texts in the subject of English at upper-secondary level in Sweden. In the essay, the syllabus of the English subject is critiqued for not explicitly stating what it means to take a critical approach towards sources and media; it is claimed that the meaning of critical examination only is implied in the syllabus for English 7. Therefore, the psychological perspective on reading seems to be dominant in the syllabus. However, this essay proposes, from a sociological perspective on reading, that critical reading and analysis of persuasive, manipulative, authentic texts could function as an explicit content in all English courses at upper-secondary level in Swedish upper-secondary school. Moreover, the essay suggests that critical reading in a Swedish educational context is particularly important because of the population’s common trust in media. The essay builds on Norman Fairclough’s view that critical dimensions of education are necessary in a democratic society in order to promote active citizenship. As a means to increase critical aspects of language teaching into the subject of English as a second or foreign language, this essay presents the three models approach. The three models approach combines traditions of informal logic (the Toulmin model and fallacy analysis) with critical discourse analysis and is created specifically for analysis of persuasive and manipulative, authentic texts in the EFL and ESL classroom. Ultimately, the three models approach promotes critical literacy and critical language awareness (CLA) in the sense of understanding language as an instrument of power. However, building on Rod Ellis’ taskbased language teaching and concept of consciousness-raising, as well as Richard Schmidt’s noticing hypothesis, the three models approach, paying close attention to arguments and word choice, also forwards incidental language learning through tasks that demand conscious noticing of language features and structures. Additionally, the essay critiques Ellis’ principles of instructed language teaching for leaving out critical aspects of language learning and teaching. The essay upholds that both language awareness (in the grammatical sense) and critical language awareness (in the sense of understanding language as power) are important in second language courses, something that is also emphasized in the three models approach