2,640 research outputs found

    Giving voters what they want? Party orientation perceptions and preferences in the British electorate

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    Some of the most important propositions in the political marketing literature hinge on assumptions about the electorate. In particular, voters are presumed to react in different ways to different orientations or postures. Yet there are theoretical reasons for questioning some of these assumptions, and certainly they have seldom been empirically tested. Here, we focus on one prominent example of political marketing research: Lees-Marshment’s orientations’ model. We investigate how the public reacts to product and market orientation, whether they see a trade-off between the two (a point in dispute among political marketing scholars), and whether partisans differ from non-partisan voters by being more inclined to value product over market orientation. Evidence from two mass sample surveys of the British public (both conducted online by YouGov) demonstrates important heterogeneity within the electorate, casts doubt on the core assumptions underlying some political marketing arguments and raises broader questions about what voters are looking for in a party

    Design for On-Site Hydrogen Production for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Refueling Station at University of Birmingham, U.K.

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    In April 2008, the University of Birmingham launched the first permanent Hydrogen Refuelling Station in the UK. This enabled the refuelling of the only at the time fleet of Hydrogen Hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicles (HHFCV) in the UK. To maintain the low emissions ethos, the ultra-high purity “Green” hydrogen for the refuelling station was supplied off site, from a third party contractor. The University aims to be the first campus in the UK that is carbon neutral and this project scopes to produce “Green” hydrogen on-site to power the fleet of HHFCVs. Electrolysis is currently the only commercial method for producing ultra-high purity hydrogen without the need for, what could prove to be very costly, additional purification steps. Working in collaboration with ITM Power, a HPac Model electrolyser has been installed to produce electrolytic hydrogen on-site (up to 1.25 kgH2/day). The HPac uses PEM technology, which eliminates the need for hazardous alkaline substances, to produce hydrogen. The input requirements are ASTM Type 2 de-ionised (DI), water and 240 V power supply. Hydrogen is produced at pressures up to 15 bar [1]. However, there is a need to incorporate this unit within the existing hydrogen infrastructure incorporating 350 bar Air Product refuelling station. An integrated delivery system has been designed and initial results are presented herein

    Characterisation of Peptide5 systemic administration for treating traumatic spinal cord injured rats

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    © 2017, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany. Systemic administration of a Connexin43 mimetic peptide, Peptide5, has been shown to reduce secondary tissue damage and improve functional recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI). This study investigated safety measures and potential off-target effects of Peptide5 systemic administration. Rats were subjected to a mild contusion SCI using the New York University impactor. One cohort was injected intraperitoneally with a single dose of fluorescently labelled Peptide5 and euthanised at 2 or 4 h post-injury for peptide distribution analysis. A second cohort received intraperitoneal injections of Peptide5 or a scrambled peptide and was culled at 8 or 24 h post-injury for the analysis of connexin proteins and systemic cytokine profile. We found that Peptide5 did not cross the blood-spinal cord barrier in control animals, but reached the lesion area in the spinal cord-injured animals without entering non-injured tissue. There was no evidence that the systemic administration of Peptide5 modulates Connexin43 protein expression or hemichannel closure in the heart and lung tissue of SCI animals. The expression levels of other major connexin proteins including Connexin30 in astrocytes, Connexin36 in neurons and Connexin47 in oligodendrocytes were also unaltered by systemic delivery of Peptide5 in either the injured or non-injured spinal cords. In addition, systemic delivery of Peptide5 had no significant effect on the plasma levels of cytokines, chemokines or growth factors. These data indicate that the systemic delivery of Peptide5 is unlikely to cause any off-target or adverse effects and may thus be a safe treatment option for traumatic SCI

    On the internal structure of starless cores. II. A molecular survey of L1498 and L1517B

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    [Abridged] We present a molecular survey of the starless cores L1498 and L1517B. These cores have been selected for their relative isolation and close-to-round shape, and they have been observed in a number of lines of 13 molecular species (4 already presented in the first part of this series): CO, CS, N2H+, NH3, CH3OH, SO, C3H2, HC3N, C2S, HCN, H2CO, HCO+, and DCO+. Using a physical model of core structure and a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code, we determine for each core a self-consistent set abundances that fits simultaneously the observed radial profile of integrated intensity and the emergent spectrum towards the core center (for abundant species, optically thin isopologues are used). From this work, we find that L1498 and L1517B have similar abundance patterns, with most species suffering a significant drop toward the core center. This occurs for CO, CS, CH3OH, SO, C3H2, HC3N, C2S, HCN, H2CO, HCO+, and DCO+, which we fit with profiles having a sharp central hole. The size of this hole varies with molecule: DCO+, HCN, and HC3N have the smallest holes while SO, C2S and CO have the largest holes. Only N2H+ and NH3 are present in the gas phase at the core centers. From the different behavior of molecules, we select SO, C2S, and CH3OH as the most sensitive tracers of molecular depletion. Comparing our abundance determinations with the predictions from current chemical models we find order of magnitude discrepancies. Finally, we show how the ``contribution function'' can be used to study the formation of line profiles from the different regions of a core.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, A&A accepte

    Astrochemistry of Sub-Millimeter Sources in Orion: Studying the Variations of Molecular Tracers with Changing Physical Conditions

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    Cornerstone molecules (CO, H_2CO, CH_3OH, HCN, HNC, CN, CS, SO) were observed toward seven sub-millimeter bright sources in the Orion molecular cloud in order to quantify the range of conditions for which individual molecular line tracers provide physical and chemical information. Five of the sources observed were protostellar, ranging in energetics from 1 - 500L_sun, while the other two sources were located at a shock front and within a photodissociation region (PDR). Statistical equilibrium calculations were used to deduce from the measured line strengths the physical conditions within each source and the abundance of each molecule. In all cases except the shock and the PDR, the abundance of CO with respect to H_2 appears significantly below (factor of ten) the general molecular cloud value of 10^-4. {Formaldehyde measurements were used to estimate a mean temperature and density for the gas in each source. Evidence was found for trends between the derived abundance of CO, H_2CO, CH_3OH, and CS and the energetics of the source, with hotter sources having higher abundances.} Determining whether this is due to a linear progression of abundance with temperature or sharp jumps at particular temperatures will require more detailed modeling. The observed methanol transitions require high temperatures (T>50 K), and thus energetic sources, within all but one of the observed protostellar sources. The same conclusion is obtained from observations of the CS 7-6 transition. Analysis of the HCN and HNC 4-3 transitions provides further support for high densities n> 10^7 cm^-3 in all the protostellar sources.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics in pres

    The Relevance of Personal Characteristics in Allocating Health Care Resources—Controversial Preferences of Laypersons with Different Educational Backgrounds

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    In all industrial countries publicly funded health care systems are confronted with budget constraints. Therefore, priority setting in resource allocation seems inevitable. This paper examines whether personal characteristics could be taken into consideration when allocating health services in Germany, and whether attitudes towards prioritizing health care vary among individuals with different levels of education. Using a conjoint analysis approach, hypothetical patients described in terms of ‘lifestyle’, ‘age’, ‘severity of illness’, ‘type of illness’, ‘improvement in health’, and ‘treatment costs’ were constructed, and the importance weights for these personal characteristics were elicited from 120 members of the general public. Participants were selected according to a sampling guide including educational background, age, chronic illness and gender. Results are reported for groups with different levels of education (low, middle, high) only. The findings show that the patients’ age is the most important criterion for the allocation of health care resources, followed by ‘severity of illness’ and ‘improvement in health’. Preferences vary among participants with different educational backgrounds, which refer to different attitudes towards distributive justice and might represent different socialization experiences

    New 9.9-GHz methanol masers

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    The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) has been used to make the first extensive search for the class I methanol masers at 9.9 GHz. In total, 48 regions of high-mass star formation were observed. In addition to masers in W33-Met (G12.80-0.19) and G343.12-0.06 (IRAS 16547-4247) which have already been reported in the literature, two new 9.9-GHz masers have been found towards G331.13-0.24 and G19.61-0.23. We have determined absolute positions (accurate to roughly a second of arc) for all the detected masers and suggest that some class I masers may be associated with shocks driven into molecular clouds by expanding HII regions. Our observations also imply that the evolutionary stage of a high-mass star forming region when the class I masers are present can outlast the stage when the class II masers at 6.7 GHz are detectable, and overlaps significantly with the stage when OH masers are active.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 14 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    Explosive Dome Eruptions Modulated by Periodic Gas-Driven Inflation

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    Volcan Santiaguito (Guatemala) “breathes” with extraordinary regularity as the edifice\u27s conduit system accumulates free gas, which periodically vents to the atmosphere. Periodic pressurization controls explosion timing, which nearly always occurs at peak inflation, as detected with tiltmeters. Tilt cycles in January 2012 reveal regular 26 ± 6 min inflation/deflation cycles corresponding to at least ~101 kg/s of gas fluxing the system. Very long period (VLP) earthquakes presage explosions and occur during cycles when inflation rates are most rapid. VLPs locate ~300 m below the vent and indicate mobilization of volatiles, which ascend at ~50 m/s. Rapid gas ascent feeds pyroclast-laden eruptions lasting several minutes and rising to ~1 km. VLPs are not observed during less rapid inflation episodes; instead, gas vents passively through the conduit producing no infrasound and no explosion. These observations intimate that steady gas exsolution and accumulation in shallow reservoirs may drive inflation cycles at open-vent silicic volcanoes

    Two Epidemiologic Patterns of Norovirus Outbreaks: Surveillance in England and Wales, 1992–2000

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    In the period 1992–2000, the Public Health Laboratory Service Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre collected standardized epidemiologic data on 1,877 general outbreaks of Norovirus (formerly “Norwalk-like virus”) infection in England and Wales. Seventy-nine percent of general outbreaks occurred in health-care institutions, i.e., hospitals (40%) and residential-care facilities (39%). When compared with outbreaks in other settings, those in health-care institutions were unique in exhibiting a winter peak (p<0.0001); these outbreaks were also associated with significantly higher death rates and prolonged duration but were smaller in size and less likely to be foodborne. These data suggest that Norovirus infection has considerable impact on the health service and the vulnerable populations residing in institutions such as hospitals and residential homes. A distinct outbreak pattern in health-care institutions suggests a combination of host, virologic, and environmental factors that mediate these divergent epidemiologic patterns