12 research outputs found

    Etat et ressenti des vaccinations professionnelles contre rougeole, coqueluche, varicelle et grippe saisonniĂšre, chez les professionnels au contact des nourrissons (enquĂȘte auprĂšs de 1400 professionnels libĂ©raux et hospitaliers de Maine-et-Loire)

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    Contexte: l'application des recommandations vaccinales professionnelles chez les professionnels de santĂ© (PDS) est peu Ă©valuĂ©e en France sauf pour la grippe. Objectif: Evaluer la connaissance des recommandations, les couvertures vaccinales, les raisons de vaccination et non vaccination, chez les PDS au contact des nourrissons dans le dĂ©partement du Maine et Loire, en milieu hospitalier et extra-hospitalier. MĂ©thode: EnquĂȘte descriptive, par questionnaire. 432 PDS hospitaliers en pĂ©diatrie (pĂ©diatrie mĂ©dicale, nĂ©onatalogie, rĂ©animation, chirurgie, urgences) et de maternitĂ©. 610 mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes, 20 pĂ©diatres libĂ©raux, 180 mĂ©decins remplaçants, 92 PDS de Protection Maternelle et Infantile, 39 sage-femmes libĂ©rales. RĂ©sultats: 574 rĂ©ponses. Recommandations annoncĂ©es connues: rougeole 64,6%, coqueluche 83,4%, varicelle 51,6%, grippe 89,7%. Evaluation de l'immunitĂ© naturelle et vaccinale rougeole 87,4%, varicelle 92,5%, vaccination adulte coqueluche 74,3%, couverture grippe 2008-2009 44,4% avec 60 Ă  89% pour les mĂ©decins libĂ©raux. Raisons de vaccination: la protection personnelle pour la grippe, suivre les recommandations gĂ©nĂ©rales ou professionnelles pour les autres. Obstacles Ă  la vaccination: manque d'informations sur les recommandations et nĂ©gligence pour la rougeole; confusions dans les recommandations, sur la gravitĂ© de la maladie, la nĂ©gligence pour coqueluche,varicelle,grippe. Conclusion: Les couvertures vaccinales restent insuffisantes. Les obstacles Ă  la vaccination des professionnels de santĂ© pourraient diminuer par un enseignement sur leur rĂŽle de vecteurs, la gravitĂ© potentielle de ces pathologies chez le nourrisson, l'efficacitĂ© et la sĂ»retĂ© vaccinale.ANGERS-BU MĂ©decine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Minéralisation osseuse de l'enfant diabétique (étude par absorptiométrie biphotonique à rayons X)

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    ANGERS-BU MĂ©decine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Pharmacie clinique et pharmacovigilance Ă  l’hĂŽpital : bilan et perspectives aprĂšs 9 ans d’expĂ©rience

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    Introduction. La sous-notification reste un obstacle important Ă  l’évaluation en pharmacovigilance et les pharmaciens dĂ©clarent peu d’effets indĂ©sirables en France. Objectifs. Rapporter comment l’intĂ©gration du pharmacien dans les unitĂ©s de soins peut contribuer Ă  la dĂ©tection et au signalement des effets indĂ©sirables mĂ©dicamenteux et Ă©tudier la validitĂ© des dĂ©clarations produites. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thode. De 2002 Ă  2010, nous avons recueilli et analysĂ© de maniĂšre prospective toutes les dĂ©clarations de pharmacovigilance faites par les pharmaciens dans un Ă©tablissement hospitalo-universitaire et transmises au centre rĂ©gional de pharmacovigilance (CRPV). La validitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e sur la base du nombre de cas retenus par le CRPV. RĂ©sultats. Deux mille dix-sept dĂ©clarations ont Ă©tĂ© envoyĂ©es. Au cours des quatre derniĂšres annĂ©es, le nombre annuel de dossiers envoyĂ©s a variĂ© entre 250 et 350. Il a Ă©tĂ© multipliĂ© par 10 par rapport Ă  l’annĂ©e 2001. Seulement 8,6 % des dossiers transmis n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© validĂ©s comme effet indĂ©sirable par le CRPV pour diffĂ©rents motifs : pas de lien de causalitĂ© entre l’effet indĂ©sirable et la prise de mĂ©dicament, problĂšme de chronologie, manque de donnĂ©es... Conclusion. L’intĂ©gration de la dĂ©claration des effets indĂ©sirables dans les activitĂ©s quotidiennes du pharmacien constitue un moyen d’augmenter de maniĂšre trĂšs significative (augmentation d’un facteur 9,6 Ă  13,4) le nombre de dossiers transmis au systĂšme de pharmacovigilance

    Relevance of CYP2B6 and CYP2D6 Genotypes to Methadone Pharmacokinetics and Response in the OPAL Study

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    International audienceAIMS: Our study aimed to evaluate the impacts of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2B6-G516T and CYP2D6 genetic polymorphisms on pharmacokinetic and clinical parameters in patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment. METHODS: Opioid PhArmacoLogy (OPAL) was a clinical survey of the sociodemographic characteristics, history and consequences of pathology associated with methadone maintenance treatment response and current addictive comorbidities. A subgroup of 72 methadone patients was genotyped. RESULTS: When comparing the three CYP2B6 genotype groups, the methadone (R)- and (S)-methadone enantiomer concentrations/doses (concentrations relative to doses) were different (P = .029, P = .0019). The CYP2D6 phenotypes did not seem to be relevant with regard to methadone levels. On multivariate analysis, neither the CYP2B6 genotype nor the CYP2D6 phenotype explained the (R)-methadone concentration/dose values (P~= .92; P = .86); the (S)-methadone concentration/dose values (P = .052; P = .95 [although there was a difference between the TT group and GT and GG groups \P = .019\]); or opiate cessation (P = .12; P = .90). CONCLUSION: The genotyping of CYP2B6 G516T could be an interesting tool to explore methadone intervariability

    Excessive self-grooming of Shank3 mutant mice is associated with gene dysregulation and imbalance between the striosome and matrix compartments in the striatum

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    Abstract Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterised by atypical social communication and stereotyped behaviours. Mutations in the gene encoding the synaptic scaffolding protein SHANK3 are detected in 1-2% of patients with ASD and intellectual disability (ID), but the mechanisms underpinning the symptoms remain largely unknown. Here, we characterized the behaviour of Shank3 mutant mice deleted for exon 11 ( Shank3 Δ11/Δ11 ) from three to twelve months of age. We observed decreased locomotor activity, increased stereotyped self-grooming and atypical socio-sexual interaction compared to wild-type littermates. We then used RNAseq on four brain regions of the same animals to identify differentially expressed genes (DEG). DEGs were identified mainly in the striatum and were associated with synaptic transmission (e.g. Grm2 , Dlgap1 ), G-protein-signalling pathways (e.g. Gnal , Prkcg1 , and Camk2g ), as well as excitation/inhibition balance (e.g. Gad2 ). Downregulated and upregulated genes were respectively enriched in the gene clusters of medium-sized spiny neurons expressing the dopamine 1 (D1-MSN) and the dopamine 2 receptor (D2-MSN). Moreover, expression of DEGs reported as striosome markers within the striatum ( Cnr1 , Gnal1 , Gad2 , and Drd4 ) were positively correlated with excessive self-grooming. Finally, we showed that the striosome compartment of Shank3 Δ11/Δ11 mice was enlarged and displayed higher expression of GAD65 compared to wild-type mice. Altogether, these results shed light on a possible role of the striosomes/matrix imbalance in excessive self-grooming in Shank3 Δ11/Δ11 mice. Such striatal alterations could be present in a subgroup of patients with ASD and ID and could open the way to new therapeutic approaches

    How do people who use drugs receiving Opioid Medication Therapy perceive their treatment ? A multicentre study

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    International audienceAbstract Background The resurgence of heroin use and the misuse of pharmaceutical opioids are some of the reasons for a worldwide increase in opioid dependence. Opioid Medication Therapies (OMT) have amply demonstrated their efficacy. From a medical point of view, the main objectives of OMT concern medical and social outcomes, centred on risk reduction and the cessation of opioid use. But patient points of view can differ and few studies have explored opioid-dependent patient viewpoints on their OMT. This variable seems important to consider in a patient-centred approach. The aim of our study was to explore points of view of people who use drugs (PWUD) treated with OMT, in a large multicentre sample. Method A cross-sectional multicentre study explored the points of view of PWUD with Opioid Use Disorder following OMT. Data regarding the patients’ points of view were collected using a self-administered questionnaire developed by the scientific committee of the study. A descriptive analysis and an exploratory factor analysis were performed to explore the structure of items exploring patient viewpoints. Results 263 opioid dependent PWUD were included, a majority were men consuming heroin prior to being prescribed OMT. 68% were on methadone, 32% were on buprenorphine. Most PWUD identified a positive impact on their lives, with 92.8% agreeing or strongly agreeing that OMT had changed a lot of things in their lives. The exploratory factor analysis identified three factors: (F1) items related to points of views concerning the objectives and efficacy of OMT; (F2) items related to the legitimacy of OMT as a treatment compared to a drug, (F3) items related to experiences and relationships with OMT. Conclusion Patient viewpoints on efficacy were correlated with the pharmacological benefits of OMT and with the associated psychosocial measures. The implications of OMT in relationships, such as the feeling of being judged, concerned a majority. Points of view were ambivalent concerning the role of OMT as a treatment or as a drug. Involving patient points of view in therapeutic strategies decisions could help enhance positive views among PWUD on OMT and help PWUD towards their recovery. Trial registration: OPAL study was registered: (NCT01847729)

    Excessive self-grooming, gene dysregulation and imbalance between the striosome and matrix compartments in the striatum of Shank3 mutant mice

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    International audienceAutism is characterized by atypical social communication and stereotyped behaviors. Mutations in the gene encoding the synaptic scaffolding protein SHANK3 are detected in 1–2% of patients with autism and intellectual disability, but the mechanisms underpinning the symptoms remain largely unknown. Here, we characterized the behavior of Shank3 Δ11/Δ11 mice from 3 to 12 months of age. We observed decreased locomotor activity, increased stereotyped self-grooming and modification of socio-sexual interaction compared to wild-type littermates. We then used RNAseq on four brain regions of the same animals to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs). DEGs were identified mainly in the striatum and were associated with synaptic transmission (e.g., Grm2, Dlgap1 ), G-protein-signaling pathways (e.g., Gnal , Prkcg1 , and Camk2g ), as well as excitation/inhibition balance (e.g., Gad2 ). Downregulated and upregulated genes were enriched in the gene clusters of medium-sized spiny neurons expressing the dopamine 1 (D1-MSN) and the dopamine 2 receptor (D2-MSN), respectively. Several DEGs ( Cnr1 , Gnal , Gad2 , and Drd4 ) were reported as striosome markers. By studying the distribution of the glutamate decarboxylase GAD65, encoded by Gad2 , we showed that the striosome compartment of Shank3 Δ11/Δ11 mice was enlarged and displayed much higher expression of GAD65 compared to wild-type mice. Altogether, these results indicate altered gene expression in the striatum of Shank3 -deficient mice and strongly suggest, for the first time, that the excessive self-grooming of these mice is related to an imbalance in the striatal striosome and matrix compartments

    Appendix: Digital topology — A brief introduction and bibliography

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