3,657 research outputs found

    From Tin Pan Alley to the Royal Schools of Music : the institutionalisation of classical and jazz music : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Sociology at Massey University [at Albany]

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    This thesis argues that the development of both classical and jazz music has been influenced by motivating conditions which have existed within differing and changing religious, social and political regimes. It argues also that the motivating conditions have been generated and regenerated by social forces and factors in society. Presently, a breakdown of these former modes of regulation, which created a gulf between classical and jazz music, is taking place as both genres come under one institutional administrative locus, the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. A focus has been made on new opportunities for the teaching and the learning of jazz piano music generally as presented by this institution. An implication is made that a break-down of attitudes, identified within social class, which previously kept classical and jazz music apart is taking place. This theoretically driven narrative locates both classical and jazz music against their respective historical backdrops. From this perspective, the ideas of various theorists have been drawn upon in order to make an understanding of how the motivating conditions are perpetuated. Attitudes, opinions and experiences from local classical and jazz music teachers and pupils, past and present, among others, are drawn on to solidify the theoretical arguments made in this thesis. Whilst an institutional wedding of classical and jazz music has taken place, philosophical artistic difference and intellectual development of each genre based on socialisation, it is argued, will remain

    The Consistency of Fairness Rules: An Experimental Study

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    In the last two decades, experimental papers on distributive justice have abounded. Two main results have been replicated Firstly, there is a multiplicity of fairness rules. Secondly, fairness decisions differ depending on the context. This paper studies individual consistency in the use of fairness rules, as well as the structural factors that lead people to be inconsistent. We use a within-subject design, which allows us to compare individual behavior when the context changes. In line with the literature, we find a multiplicity of fairness rules. However, when we control for consistency, the set of fairness rules is considerably smaller. Only selfishness and strict egalitarianism seem to survive the stricter requirement of consistency. We observe that this result is mainly explained by a self-serving bias. Participants select the rule that is individually optimal in each situation.Justice, Fairness, Laboratory Experiments, Self-serving bias, Consistency

    Capacity precommitment and price competition yield cournot outcomes

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    We study an industry of a homogeneous good where n firms with identical technology compete by first building capacity, and then, after observing the capacity decisions, choosing a "reservation price" at which they are willing to sell their entire capacities. We show that every pure strategy equilibrium yields the Cournot outcome, and that the Cournot outcome can be sustained by a pure strategy subgame perfect equilibrium

    Capacity precommitment and price competition yield the Cournot outcome

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    We introduce a simple model of oligopolistic competition where firms first build capacity, and then, after observing the capacity decisions, choose a reservation price at which they are willing to supply their capacities. This model describes many markets more realistically than the model of Kreps and Scheinkman [Kreps, D., Scheinkman, J., 1983. Quantity precommitment and Bertrand competition yield Cournot outcomes. Bell J. Econ. 14, 326–337]. We show that in this new model every pure strategy equilibrium yields the Cournot outcome, and that the Cournot outcome can be sustained by a pure strategy subgame perfect equilibrium.Publicad

    Are Women More Sensitive to the Decision-Making Context?

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    We conduct an experiment to assess gender differences across different economic contexts. Specifically, we test whether women are more sensitive to the decision-making context in situations in which different fairness principles can be used. We find that women adopt more often than men conditional fairness principles that require information about the context. Furthermore, while most men adopt only one decision principle, most women switch between multiple decision principles. These results complement and reinforce Croson and Gneezy's organizing explanation of greater context sensitivity of women.Context-sensitivity, Distributive Justice, Gender differences

    Comprehensive Security Framework for Global Threats Analysis

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    Cyber criminality activities are changing and becoming more and more professional. With the growth of financial flows through the Internet and the Information System (IS), new kinds of thread arise involving complex scenarios spread within multiple IS components. The IS information modeling and Behavioral Analysis are becoming new solutions to normalize the IS information and counter these new threads. This paper presents a framework which details the principal and necessary steps for monitoring an IS. We present the architecture of the framework, i.e. an ontology of activities carried out within an IS to model security information and User Behavioral analysis. The results of the performed experiments on real data show that the modeling is effective to reduce the amount of events by 91%. The User Behavioral Analysis on uniform modeled data is also effective, detecting more than 80% of legitimate actions of attack scenarios

    “Grammatical factors that influence in communication at Elieta Rizo schools specially fourth and fifth year of high school”

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    This work suggests a better method to teach grammar, this work is towards to teachers and students of the University and to the general society. The objective of this work consist in give general information of the University and to provide to the students a way of consult in general, about grammatical structure and the common problems in this topic. The raising of information for the conclusion of this work was realized using interviews, bibliography in existence this we permitted to obtain information about the general aspects of the grammar, it getting of satisfactory way the objectives for this wor

    Fotografia al segle XXI

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    Auditoría Administrativa en la Dirección de Servicios Municipales de la alcaldía municipal de Jinotega

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    Auditoria Administrativa en la Dirección de Servicios Municipales de la Alcaldía Municipal de Jinotega. El propósito de este trabajo fue analizar las ventajas, desventajas e importancia de la Auditoría Administrativa en la Dirección de Servicios Municipales de la Alcaldía Municipal de Jinotega durante el primer semestre del año 2006. Se identificaron las ventajas y desventajas de la Auditotoría Administrativa y se trató de conocer la importancia de esta práctica para ésta dirección. Entre los temas abordados están diferentes conceptos y definiciones de auditoría administrativa, también aspectos referentes a la Alcaldía Municipal de Jinotega y la manera en que está estructurada la Dirección de Servicios Municipales, su objetivo, principales funciones, así como algunos antecedentes que pueden tomarse en cuenta para llevar a cabo una auditoría administrativa en dicha dirección. Posteriormente se mencionan las ventajas de la Auditoría Administrativa para la Dirección de Servicios Municipales, considerando que esta permite a la gerencia municipal evaluar la gestión del responsable de esta dirección , la efectividad de su planeación, la manera en que organiza al personal y la forma en que dirige las actividades con mira en la consecución de los objetivos tanto de su dirección como de la municipalidad; además se identifican las desventajas que se pueden presentar en la practica por no aprovechar los recursos, las oportunidades que brinda el control interno o por no contar con el equipo auditor adecuado. Por último se presenta la importancia de la auditoría administrativa como herramienta fundamental para impulsar su crecimiento y superar obstáculos: su naturaleza como parte integrante del área de control que permite superar una administración con deficiencias, y su finalidad que es sacar a la luz irregularidades o deficiencias y ayudar a la dirección a lograr una administración eficaz y eficiente para lo que se debe considerar todos los factores y elementos a evalua