590 research outputs found

    Modeling anisotropic diffusion using a departure from isotropy approach

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    There are a large number of finite volume solvers available for solution of isotropic diffusion equation. This article presents an approach of adapting these solvers to solve anisotropic diffusion equations. The formulation works by decomposing the diffusive flux into a component associated with isotropic diffusion and another component associated with departure from isotropic diffusion. This results in an isotropic diffusion equation with additional terms to account for the anisotropic effect. These additional terms are treated using a deferred correction approach and coupled via an iterative procedure. The presented approach is validated against various diffusion problems in anisotropic media with known analytical or numerical solutions. Although demonstrated for two-dimensional problems, extension of the present approach to three-dimensional problems is straight forward. Other than the finite volume method, this approach can be applied to any discretization method

    Faster Geometric Algorithms via Dynamic Determinant Computation

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    The computation of determinants or their signs is the core procedure in many important geometric algorithms, such as convex hull, volume and point location. As the dimension of the computation space grows, a higher percentage of the total computation time is consumed by these computations. In this paper we study the sequences of determinants that appear in geometric algorithms. The computation of a single determinant is accelerated by using the information from the previous computations in that sequence. We propose two dynamic determinant algorithms with quadratic arithmetic complexity when employed in convex hull and volume computations, and with linear arithmetic complexity when used in point location problems. We implement the proposed algorithms and perform an extensive experimental analysis. On one hand, our analysis serves as a performance study of state-of-the-art determinant algorithms and implementations. On the other hand, we demonstrate the supremacy of our methods over state-of-the-art implementations of determinant and geometric algorithms. Our experimental results include a 20 and 78 times speed-up in volume and point location computations in dimension 6 and 11 respectively.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Dissociation of the benzene molecule by UV and soft X-rays in circumstellar environment

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    Benzene molecules, present in the proto-planetary nebula CRL 618, are ionized and dissociated by UV and X-ray photons originated from the hot central star and by its fast wind. Ionic species and free radicals produced by these processes can lead to the formation of new organic molecules. The aim of this work is to study the photoionization and photodissociation processes of the benzene molecule, using synchrotron radiation and time of flight mass spectrometry. Mass spectra were recorded at different energies corresponding to the vacuum ultraviolet (21.21 eV) and soft X-ray (282-310 eV) spectral regions. The production of ions from the benzene dissociative photoionization is here quantified, indicating that C6H6 is more efficiently fragmented by soft X-ray than UV radiation, where 50% of the ionized benzene molecules survive to UV dissociation while only about 4% resist to X-rays. Partial ion yields of H+ and small hydrocarbons such as C2H2+, C3H3+ and C4H2+ are determined as a function of photon energy. Absolute photoionization and dissociative photoionization cross sections have also been determined. From these values, half-life of benzene molecule due to UV and X-ray photon fluxes in CRL 618 were obtained.Comment: The paper contains 8 pages, 9 figures and 4 tables. Accepted to be published on MNRAS on 2008 November 2

    Anomalous transport in disordered fracture networks: Spatial Markov model for dispersion with variable injection modes

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    We investigate tracer transport on random discrete fracture networks that are characterized by the statistics of the fracture geometry and hydraulic conductivity. While it is well known that tracer transport through fractured media can be anomalous and particle injection modes can have major impact on dispersion, the incorporation of injection modes into effective transport modeling has remained an open issue. The fundamental reason behind this challenge is that-even if the Eulerian fluid velocity is steady-the Lagrangian velocity distribution experienced by tracer particles evolves with time from its initial distribution, which is dictated by the injection mode, to a stationary velocity distribution. We quantify this evolution by a Markov model for particle velocities that are equidistantly sampled along trajectories. This stochastic approach allows for the systematic incorporation of the initial velocity distribution and quantifies the interplay between velocity distribution and spatial and temporal correlation. The proposed spatial Markov model is characterized by the initial velocity distribution, which is determined by the particle injection mode, the stationary Lagrangian velocity distribution, which is derived from the Eulerian velocity distribution, and the spatial velocity correlation length, which is related to the characteristic fracture length. This effective model leads to a time-domain random walk for the evolution of particle positions and velocities, whose joint distribution follows a Boltzmann equation. Finally, we demonstrate that the proposed model can successfully predict anomalous transport through discrete fracture networks with different levels of heterogeneity and arbitrary tracer injection modes. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd.PKK and SL acknowledge a grant (16AWMP- B066761-04) from the AWMP Program funded by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Korean government and the support from Future Research Program (2E27030) funded by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST). PKK and RJ acknowledge a MISTI Global Seed Funds award. MD acknowledges the support of the European Research Council (ERC) through the project MHetScale (617511). TLB acknowledges the support of European Research Council (ERC) through the project Re- activeFronts (648377). RJ acknowledges the support of the US Department of Energy through a DOE Early Career Award (grant DE-SC0009286). The data to reproduce the work can be obtained from the corresponding author.N

    Non-Gaussian gravitational clustering field statistics

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    In this work we investigate the multivariate statistical description of the matter distribution in the nonlinear regime. We introduce the multivariate Edgeworth expansion of the lognormal distribution to model the cosmological matter field. Such a technique could be useful to generate and reconstruct three-dimensional nonlinear cosmological density fields with the information of higher order correlation functions. We explicitly calculate the expansion up to third order in perturbation theory making use of the multivariate Hermite polynomials up to sixth order. The probability distribution function for the matter field includes at this level the two-point, the three-point and the four-point correlation functions. We use the hierarchical model to formulate the higher order correlation functions based on combinations of the two-point correlation function. This permits us to find compact expressions for the skewness and kurtosis terms of the expanded lognormal field which can be efficiently computed. The method is, however, flexible to incorporate arbitrary higher order correlation functions which have analytical expressions. The applications of such a technique can be especially useful to perform weak-lensing or neutral hydrogen 21 cm line tomography, as well as to directly use the galaxy distribution or the Lyman-alpha forest to study structure formation.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures; accepted in MNRAS 2011 August 22, in original form 2010 December 14 published, Publication Date: 03/201

    Magnetic enhancement of Co0.2_{0.2}Zn0.8_{0.8}Fe2_2O4_4 spinel oxide by mechanical milling

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    We report the magnetic properties of mechanically milled Co0.2_{0.2}Zn0.8_{0.8}Fe2_2O4_4 spinel oxide. After 24 hours milling of the bulk sample, the XRD spectra show nanostructure with average particle size \approx 20 nm. The as milled sample shows an enhancement in magnetization and ordering temperature compared to the bulk sample. If the as milled sample is annealed at different temperatures for the same duration, recrystallization process occurs and approaches to the bulk structure on increasing the annealing temperatures. The magnetization of the annealed samples first increases and then decreases. At higher annealing temperature (\sim 10000^{0}C) the system shows two coexisting magnetic phases {\it i.e.}, spin glass state and ferrimagnetic state, similar to the as prepared bulk sample. The room temperature M\"{o}ssbauer spectra of the as milled sample, annealed at 3000^{0}C for different durations (upto 575 hours), suggest that the observed change in magnetic behaviour is strongly related with cations redistribution between tetrahedral (A) and octahedral (O) sites in the spinel structure. Apart from the cation redistribution, we suggest that the enhancement of magnetization and ordering temperature is related with the reduction of B site spin canting and increase of strain induced anisotropic energy during mechanical milling.Comment: 14 pages LaTeX, 10 ps figure

    Male reproductive health and environmental xenoestrogens

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    EHP is a publication of the U.S. government. Publication of EHP lies in the public domain and is therefore without copyright. Research articles from EHP may be used freely; however, articles from the News section of EHP may contain photographs or figures copyrighted by other commercial organizations and individuals that may not be used without obtaining prior approval from both the EHP editors and the holder of the copyright. Use of any materials published in EHP should be acknowledged (for example, "Reproduced with permission from Environmental Health Perspectives") and a reference provided for the article from which the material was reproduced.Male reproductive health has deteriorated in many countries during the last few decades. In the 1990s, declining semen quality has been reported from Belgium, Denmark, France, and Great Britain. The incidence of testicular cancer has increased during the same time incidences of hypospadias and cryptorchidism also appear to be increasing. Similar reproductive problems occur in many wildlife species. There are marked geographic differences in the prevalence of male reproductive disorders. While the reasons for these differences are currently unknown, both clinical and laboratory research suggest that the adverse changes may be inter-related and have a common origin in fetal life or childhood. Exposure of the male fetus to supranormal levels of estrogens, such as diethlylstilbestrol, can result in the above-mentioned reproductive defects. The growing number of reports demonstrating that common environmental contaminants and natural factors possess estrogenic activity presents the working hypothesis that the adverse trends in male reproductive health may be, at least in part, associated with exposure to estrogenic or other hormonally active (e.g., antiandrogenic) environmental chemicals during fetal and childhood development. An extensive research program is needed to understand the extent of the problem, its underlying etiology, and the development of a strategy for prevention and intervention.Supported by EU Contract BMH4-CT96-0314

    Principles and Practices of Neurodevelopmental Assessment in Children: Lessons Learned from the Centers for Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research

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    Principles and practices of pediatric neurotoxicology are reviewed here with the purpose of guiding the design and execution of the planned National Children’s Study. The developing human central nervous system is the target organ most vulnerable to environmental chemicals. An investigation of the effects of environmental exposures on child development is a complex endeavor that requires consideration of numerous critical factors pertinent to a study’s concept, design, and execution. These include the timing of neurodevelopmental assessment, matters of biologic plausibility, site, child and population factors, data quality assurance and control, the selection of appropriate domains and measures of neurobehavior, and data safety and monitoring. Here we summarize instruments for the assessment of the neonate, infant, and child that are being employed in the Centers for Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research, sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, discuss neural and neurobiologic measures of development, and consider the promises of gene–environment studies. The vulnerability of the human central nervous system to environmental chemicals has been well established, but the contribution these exposures may make to problems such as attention deficit disorder, conduct problems, pervasive developmental disorder, or autism spectrum disorder remain uncertain. Large-scale studies such as the National Children’s Study may provide some important clues. The human neurodevelopmental phenotype will be most clearly represented in models that include environmental chemical exposures, the social milieu, and complex human genetic characteristics that we are just beginning to understand

    The place and role of (moral) anger in organizational behavior studies

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    The aim of this article is to conceptually delineate moral anger from other related constructs. Drawing upon social functional accounts of anger, we contend that distilling the finer nuances of morally motivated anger and its expression can increase the precision with which we examine prosocial forms of anger (e.g., redressing injustice), in general, and moral anger, in particular. Without this differentiation, we assert that (i) moral anger remains theoretically elusive, (ii) that this thwarts our ability to methodologically capture the unique variance moral anger can explain in important work outcomes, and that (iii) this can promote ill-informed organizational policies and practice. We offer a four-factor definition of moral anger and demonstrate the utility of this characterization as a distinct construct with application for workplace phenomena such as, but not limited to, whistle-blowing. Next, we outline a future research agenda, including how to operationalize the construct and address issues of construct, discriminant, and convergent validity. Finally, we argue for greater appreciation of anger's prosocial functions and concomitant understanding that many anger displays can be justified and lack harmful intent. If allowed and addressed with interest and concern, these emotional displays can lead to improved organizational practic