1,262 research outputs found

    Estimación de la resistencia a compresión simple del jabre estabilizado “in situ” con cemento como material en la formación de explanadas de carreteras

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    Granite rock has powerful alterations at several meters of depth. The clayed sand resulting is commonly known as jabre. This “in situ” mixture of cement-stabilized soil requires a laboratory formula. Even when the test section is correctly verified, the mechanical properties of the homogeneous mixture of jabre exhibit high degrees of dispersion. The laboratory work undertaken included particle-size analysis and screening, defini­tion of liquid and plastic limits, compressive strength, dry density and moisture content over stabilized samples, modified Proctor, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and the determination of the workability of the hydrauli­cally bound mixtures. The stress resistance curve was analyzed by means of a multilinear model of unconfined compressive strength (UCS). Since practical engineering only requires UCS for 7 days, in order to gain greater knowledge of the material, other UCS transformations were used at other curing times such as 7, 14 and 28 days.La roca granítica presenta habitualmente un horizonte de alteración con varios metros de potencia. La arena arcillosa resultante como producto de alteración se deno­mina comúnmente jabre. Aunque la fórmula de trabajo de la estabilización de jabre con cemento se verifique correctamente en tramos de prueba, la estabilización “in situ” del jabre con cemento presenta habitualmente elevadas dispersiones. Entre los ensayos de laboratorio efectuados se encuentran los ensayos de análisis granulo­métrico, límites de Atterberg, resistencia a compresión simple (RCS), la densidad y humedad sobre probetas de suelo estabilizado, Proctor modificado, índice CBR (California Bearing Ratio) y el plazo de trabajabilidad de la mezcla con cemento. La curva de endurecimiento del suelo estabilizado fue ajustada mediante un modelo multi­lineal. Aunque tradicionalmente se especifique la RCS a 7 días, buscando definir un mejor comportamiento del material, los autores calcularon otros modelos de jabre estabilizado para roturas a 7, 14 y 28 días

    Preliminary results of capture, transport and adaptation to captivity of young of the year bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)

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    It was possible to capture and transport BFT YOTYs around 1.5kg from the Murcia shore to land based facilities of IEO in Mazarrón. Nevertheless the survival of individuals did not go beyond 72 hours. The accidental friction with the tank walls and the handling with the rubber net when fish were transfer from the boat to the van (Figure 1) and from the van to the land-based tank could be the reason of the final mortality. Thus, it would be necessary to design a system that minimizes this friction. On the other hand, it seems very important the fish size in terms of survival. For that it would be recommendable to capture smaller animals, so one or two months before this period (in September).Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO), Grupo Empresarial Ricardo Fuentes e Hijos, Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murci

    Survival of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) larvae hatched at different salinity and pH conditions

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    In this study, we assessed the effect of environmental salinity and pH as independent factors on larval survival of Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT –Thunnus thynnus) together with their whole-body Na+/K+-ATPase and v-type H+-ATPase activities. Fertilized eggs of ABFT were obtained from a spontaneous spawning of broodstock in the farming facilities at El Gorguel (Cartagena, SE Spain) and were transferred to facilities of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) in Mazarrón (SE Spain). In a first experiment, eggs (200 fertilized eggs L-1 per treatment, in 3 replicates) were exposed to different salinities treatments and constant pH 8.0 (control) until hatch was completed (50 h post- fertilization, hpf, at 23 ºC): 27, 30, 33, 36, 37, 38 (control), 39, 40, 43, 46 and 49 ppt. In a second experiment eggs (200 fertilized eggs L-1, in 3 replicates) were exposed to seawater salinity (SW: 38 ppt) and four reduced pH treatments until hatch was completed (50 hpf at 23 ºC): 8.0 (control), 7.7, 7.5 and 7.3. An inverse „„U-shaped‟‟ relationship was observed between environmental salinity and number of hatched larvae. An opposite pattern was observed for both Na+/K+-ATPase and H+-ATPase activities in hatched larvae, increasing both activities in groups exposed to extreme salinities. Thus, larval survival was higher at intermediate salinities and lower at the extreme salinities tested. These results suggest higher survival rates with lower active pumps activities. No significant differences in larval survival were observed with pH treatment, but lower H+-ATPase activity was detected at control environmental pH (pH 8.0). Survival results are discussed in terms of osmoregulatory cost adapting to a salinity and pH predicted for the near future scenarios.Versión del edito

    Cultural Adaptation of the Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration® (EASI) for Spanish-Speaking Populations

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    [Abstract] Importance: Spanish-speaking populations represent a significant percentage of occupational therapy clientele globally. Culturally appropriate Spanish translations of assessments are therefore imperative. This study describes the process of a culturally adapted translation of a set of tests for use with Spanish-speaking pediatric populations. Objective: To produce a culturally adapted Spanish translation of the Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration® (EASI) for international use. Method: We used cultural adaptation methodology that included direct and back translations of the EASI by bilingual translators and interviews with pediatric occupational therapists and children ages 3–6 yr from Spain. Linguistic experts helped revise the translations, and pediatric occupational therapy leaders in five Spanish-speaking North and South American countries reviewed the translations for comprehensibility and cultural appropriateness. Results: Back translations demonstrated equivalence with the original EASI tests except for a few test instructions and scoring criteria. Interviews with occupational therapists and children in Spain revealed some comprehension difficulties for several tests, which were revised in consultation with a linguistic expert. Additional adaptations were made on the basis of recommendations to address cultural differences by occupational therapy leaders from five North and South American countries. Most changes in wording were made in one EASI test (Praxis: Following Directions) that is heavily dependent on language comprehension. Conclusions and Relevance: We used currently recommended methodologies to develop and adapt a Spanish translation of the EASI for use across diverse cultures. What This Article Adds: A Spanish translation of the EASI has been developed for use in culturally diverse Spanish-speaking countries around the world

    Selective Fractionation And Isolation Of Allelopathic Compounds From Helianthus Annuus L. Leaves By Means Of High-Pressure Techniques

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    The allelopathic potential of Helianthus annuus L. leaves was study based on bio-directed chemical fractionation approach. Aerial parts of H. annuus were extracted by means of SFE using supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) and ESE using CO2+50% EtOH/H2O (varying ethanol in water from 0 to 100%). Extractions were carried out at 400 bar, 55 °C, 20 g/min and for 4 h. Then, extracts were fractionated in three separators at the following conditions: S1: 200 bar/45 °C; S2: 90 bar/40 °C; and S3: 1 atm/30 °C. ESE obtained higher overall yields than scCO2 and the use of water as cosolvent (CO2+50% H2O) resulted in a S3 fraction free from chlorophylls and rich in bioactive compounds. 14 compounds, including fatty acids, terpenes, flavonoids and heliannuols, were isolated from this fraction. After performing the bioassay on pure compounds, heliannuol D, tambulin, pinoresinol and sesquiterpene 10-oxo-isodauc-3-en-15-al showed the most effective inhibitor profiles

    Atlantic bluefin tuna spawn at suboptimal temperatures for their offspring

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    Life-history traits such as spawning migrations and timing of reproduction are adaptations to specific environmental constraints and seasonal cycles in many organisms’ annual routines. In this study we analyse how offspring fitness constrains spawning phenology in a large migratory apex predator, the Atlantic bluefin tuna. The reproductive schedule of Atlantic bluefin tuna varies between spawning sites, suggesting plasticity to local environ- mental conditions. Generally, temperature is considered to be the main constraint on tuna spawning phenology. We combine evidence from long- term field data, temperature-controlled rearing experiments on eggs and larvae, and a model of egg fitness, and show that Atlantic bluefin tuna do not spawn to optimize egg and larval temperature exposure. The timing of spawning leads to temperature exposure considerably lower than optimal at all spawning grounds across the Atlantic Ocean. The early spawning is constrained by thermal inhibition of egg hatching and larval growth rates, but some other factors must prevent later spawning. Matching offspring with ocean productivity and the prey peak might be an important driver for bluefin tuna spawning phenology. This finding is important for predictions of reproductive timing in future climate warming scenarios for bluefin tuna.Versión del edito

    Evaluation of different feeding protocols for larvae of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.)

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    Mass mortality is still one of the main constraints in larval rearing of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.; ABT). Early data related to the feeding sequence of ABT larvae suggested that mortality observed during the first stages of life could be partly due to nutritional deficiencies. Previous studies demonstrated that copepods ap- peared to be a superior live prey compared to rotifers during the first 2 weeks of life. Our overarching aim was to evaluate different feeding strategies during first feeding of ABT larvae from a performance, compositional and molecular perspective. In order to do so, two groups of ABT larvae were fed with either copepod (Acartia tonsa; C) nauplii or rotifers (Brachionus rotundiformis; R) enriched with Algamac 3050® from mouth opening to 13 days after hatching (dah). After this, the group C-larvae was fed either Artemia enriched with Algamac 3050® (CA), Acartia nauplii and copepodites (CC) or sea bream (Sparus aurata) yolk-sac larvae (CY), while the R group were fed on Artemia enriched with Algamac 3050® (RA) up to 18 dah. At 13 dah, larvae fed copepods (C) had grown better than those fed enriched rotifers (R) although there were no significant differences in survival. ABT larvae fed R accumulated highest eicosapentaenoate (EPA) but lowest docosahexaenoate (DHA) and total n-3 long- chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) than C-fed larvae, reflecting the dietary contents. There was no activation in the expression of the enzymes involved in EPA and DHA biosynthesis. However, the different live prey showed regulation of transcription factor, digestive enzyme, lipid metabolism and oxidative stress genes. At 18 dah, larvae fed CY and CA treatments were largest in size, with larvae fed RA displaying the lowest growth, with no significant differences in survival among the dietary treatments. The highest DHA contents were found in ABT larvae fed CC and CY, whereas the lowest contents were found in RA-fed larvae. Indeed, larvae fed RA showed the highest level of the intermediate product n-3 docosapentaenoate, which could reflect increased activity of the biosynthetic pathway although this was not supported by gene expression data.Versión del editor2,04

    Pelagic habitat and offspring survival in the eastern stock of Atlantic bluefin tuna

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    In this manuscript, we test how an understanding of geographical variation in larval fitness in relation to temperature and habitat use could be a useful method to improve our understanding of recruitment and develop better indices of annual recruitment. On the basis of the assumption that growth and survival of tuna larvae are influenced by temperature, we have developed a potential larval survival index for Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) by combining empirical data from egg and larval rearing experiments with temperature data from hydrodynamic models. The experiments were designed to test the full range of temperature variability that bluefin larvae would experience in the field and provide a mechanistic understanding of the processes driving egg and larval survival. We then developed a biological model using the temperature-related growth expressions and a size-dependent survival function for the larvae. The biological model was applied to a time-series of spatially explicit temperature data for the western Mediterranean from the Strait of Gibraltar to 6 E, which includes the major recognized bluefin tuna eastern stock spawning area, the Balearic Sea. Our results show that areas with high probabilities of larval survival coincide with those that would be considered as optimal based on other data sources (ichthyoplankton surveys, spawning female locations from commercial fisheries data, and adult tracking data). However, evidence of spawning has been found in areas with suboptimal thermal habitats, as predicted by the model, which we discuss regarding sampling effort and salinity fronts. There was a good match between the survival index and recruitment indices from standardized CPUE fisheries data. These results have implications for our understanding of the recruitment process of the eastern stock of Atlantic bluefin tuna, since they suggest that the combined effects of temporal and spatial variability of the environment drive recruitment success, which has important implications for the management of the species.Versión del editor2,27

    Evaluación del target strength de juveniles de atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus) en jaulas marinas

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    En los últimos años, el Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) ha maximizado sus esfuerzos en desarrollar mecanismos para la cría en cautividad del atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus), cuyo ciclo completo está a punto de cerrarse. Este trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos tras realizar mediciones acústicas con una ecosonda científica y un transductor split-beam en jaulas marinas donde los atunes, nacidos en cautividad, se separan en tres tamaños. La combinación de los datos acústicos y de los muestreos biométricos (obtenidos ópticamente) permite establecer una relación entre la longitud de los peces y el valor del target stregth (TS) devuelto por dichos peces.In recent years, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has maximized its efforts on developing mechanisms for the breeding of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), whose complete cycle is near to be closed. In this paper, acoustic measurements performed on young tuna cages (with scientific echosounder and split-beam transducer) are presented. Tuna housed in the cages were born in captivity and they are divided in three cages according to their size. The combination of the acoustic and biometric data (obtained with stereoscopic system) allow to establish a relationship between representative tuna length in each cage and the target strength (TS)

    Measurement of the mass and lifetime of the Ωb\Omega_b^- baryon

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    A proton-proton collision data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb1^{-1} collected by LHCb at s=7\sqrt{s}=7 and 8 TeV, is used to reconstruct 63±963\pm9 ΩbΩc0π\Omega_b^-\to\Omega_c^0\pi^-, Ωc0pKKπ+\Omega_c^0\to pK^-K^-\pi^+ decays. Using the ΞbΞc0π\Xi_b^-\to\Xi_c^0\pi^-, Ξc0pKKπ+\Xi_c^0\to pK^-K^-\pi^+ decay mode for calibration, the lifetime ratio and absolute lifetime of the Ωb\Omega_b^- baryon are measured to be \begin{align*} \frac{\tau_{\Omega_b^-}}{\tau_{\Xi_b^-}} &= 1.11\pm0.16\pm0.03, \\ \tau_{\Omega_b^-} &= 1.78\pm0.26\pm0.05\pm0.06~{\rm ps}, \end{align*} where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic and from the calibration mode (for τΩb\tau_{\Omega_b^-} only). A measurement is also made of the mass difference, mΩbmΞbm_{\Omega_b^-}-m_{\Xi_b^-}, and the corresponding Ωb\Omega_b^- mass, which yields \begin{align*} m_{\Omega_b^-}-m_{\Xi_b^-} &= 247.4\pm3.2\pm0.5~{\rm MeV}/c^2, \\ m_{\Omega_b^-} &= 6045.1\pm3.2\pm 0.5\pm0.6~{\rm MeV}/c^2. \end{align*} These results are consistent with previous measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2016-008.htm