Preliminary results of capture, transport and adaptation to captivity of young of the year bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)


It was possible to capture and transport BFT YOTYs around 1.5kg from the Murcia shore to land based facilities of IEO in Mazarrón. Nevertheless the survival of individuals did not go beyond 72 hours. The accidental friction with the tank walls and the handling with the rubber net when fish were transfer from the boat to the van (Figure 1) and from the van to the land-based tank could be the reason of the final mortality. Thus, it would be necessary to design a system that minimizes this friction. On the other hand, it seems very important the fish size in terms of survival. For that it would be recommendable to capture smaller animals, so one or two months before this period (in September).Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO), Grupo Empresarial Ricardo Fuentes e Hijos, Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murci

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