36 research outputs found
Developmental trajectory of the healthy human gut microbiota during the first 5 years of life
The gut is inhabited by a densely populated ecosystem, the gut microbiota, that is established at birth. However, the succession by which different bacteria are incorporated into the gut microbiota is still relatively unknown. Here, we analyze the microbiota from 471 Swedish children followed from birth to 5 years of age, collecting samples after 4 and 12 months and at 3 and 5 years of age as well as from their mothers at birth using 16S rRNA gene profiling. We also compare their microbiota to an adult Swedish population. Genera follow 4 different colonization patterns during establishment where Methanobrevibacter and Christensenellaceae colonize late and do not reached adult levels at 5 years. These late colonizers correlate with increased alpha diversity in both children and adults. By following the children through age-specific community types, we observe that children have individual dynamics in the gut microbiota development trajectory
Adult lung function and long-term air pollution exposure. ESCAPE: a multicentre cohort study and meta-analysis.
The chronic impact of ambient air pollutants on lung function in adults is not fully understood. The objective of this study was to investigate the association of long-term exposure to ambient air pollution with lung function in adult participants from five cohorts in the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE). Residential exposure to nitrogen oxides (NO\u2082, NOx) and particulate matter (PM) was modelled and traffic indicators were assessed in a standardised manner. The spirometric parameters forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV\u2081) and forced vital capacity (FVC) from 7613 subjects were considered as outcomes. Cohort-specific results were combined using meta-analysis. We did not observe an association of air pollution with longitudinal change in lung function, but we observed that a 10 \u3bcg\ub7m(-3) increase in NO\u2082 exposure was associated with lower levels of FEV\u2081 (-14.0 mL, 95% CI -25.8 to -2.1) and FVC (-14.9 mL, 95% CI -28.7 to -1.1). An increase of 10 \u3bcg\ub7m(-3) in PM10, but not other PM metrics (PM2.5, coarse fraction of PM, PM absorbance), was associated with a lower level of FEV\u2081 (-44.6 mL, 95% CI -85.4 to -3.8) and FVC (-59.0 mL, 95% CI -112.3 to -5.6). The associations were particularly strong in obese persons. This study adds to the evidence for an adverse association of ambient air pollution with lung function in adults at very low levels in Europe
Multiplicities of charged pions and unidentified charged hadrons from deep-inelastic scattering of muons off an isoscalar target
Multiplicities of charged pions and unidentified hadrons produced in
deep-inelastic scattering were measured in bins of the Bjorken scaling variable
, the relative virtual-photon energy and the relative hadron energy .
Data were obtained by the COMPASS Collaboration using a 160 GeV muon beam and
an isoscalar target (LiD). They cover the kinematic domain in the photon
virtuality > 1(GeV/c, , and . In addition, a leading-order pQCD analysis was performed using the
pion multiplicity results to extract quark fragmentation functions
Multiplicities of charged kaons from deep-inelastic muon scattering off an isoscalar target
Precise measurements of charged-kaon multiplicities in deep inelastic scattering were performed. The results are presented in three-dimensional bins of the Bjorken scaling variable x, the relative virtual-photon energy y, and the fraction z of the virtual-photon energy carried by the produced hadron. The data were obtained by the COMPASS Collaboration by scattering 160 GeV muons off an isoscalar 6LiD target. They cover the kinematic domain View the MathML source in the photon virtuality, 0.0045 GeV/c2 in the invariant mass of the hadronic system. The results from the sum of the z -integrated K+ and K 12 multiplicities at high x point to a value of the non-strange quark fragmentation function larger than obtained by the earlier DSS fit
Search for three-jet resonances in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV
This is a Pre-Print version of the Article - Copyright @ 2011 APSA model-independent search for three-jet hadronic resonance production in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV has been conducted by the CMS Collaboration at the LHC, using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35 inverse picobarns. Events with high jet multiplicity and a large scalar sum of jet transverse momenta are analyzed. The number of expected standard model background events is found to be in good agreement with the observed events. Limits are set on a model describing the production of R-parity-violating supersymmetric gluino pairs, and gluino masses in the range of 200 to 280 GeV/c^2 are excluded at a 95% confidence level for the first time.This work is supported by the FMSR (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MoST, and NSFC (China); COLCIENCIAS (Colombia); MSES (Croatia); RPF (Cyprus); Academy of Sciences and NICPB (Estonia); Academy of Finland, ME, and HIP (Finland); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRT (Greece); OTKA and NKTH (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); NRF andWCU (Korea); LAS (Lithuania); CINVESTAV, CONACYT, SEP, and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); PAEC (Pakistan); SCSR (Poland); FCT (Portugal); JINR (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan);
MST and MAE (Russia); MSTD (Serbia); MICINN and CPAN (Spain); Swiss Funding Agencies
(Switzerland); NSC (Taipei); TUBITAK and TAEK (Turkey); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and
Constraints on the Higgs boson width from off-shell production and decay to Z-boson pairs
Constraints are presented on the total width of the recently discovered Higgs boson, GH, using its relative on-shell and off-shell production and decay rates to a pair of Z bosons, where one Z boson decays to an electron or muon pair, and the other to an electron, muon, or neutrino pair. The analysis is based on the data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2011 and 2012, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 5.1fb-1 at a center-of-mass energy vs=7 TeV and 19.7fb-1at vs=8 TeV. A simultaneous maximum likelihood fit to the measured kinematic distributions near the resonance peak and above the Z-boson pair production threshold leads to an upper limit on the Higgs boson width of GH<22 MeV at a 95% confidence level, which is 5.4 times the expected value in the standard model at the measured mass of mH=125.6 GeV
Performance of a fully-integrated falling film microreactor for biocatalytic gas-liquid-solid reaction catalyzed by surface immobilized oxidase
F\ufcr die sauerstoff-abh\ue4ngige intensifizierte Biokatalyse wurde ein neu-artiges voll-integriertes Rieselfilmmikroreaktorsystem erstellt und charakterisiert. Der Mikroreaktor zeigt durch eine schnelle Diffusion in einen h\uf6chtens 200 \ub5m dicken Fl\ufcssigfilm eine erh\uf6hte Eignung f\ufcr die Bereitstellung von Gasmolek\ufclen aus der Gasphase f\ufcr die w\ue4ssrige Phase. Daher wurde erfolgreich eine stabil kontinuierlich laufende Laborversuchsanlage erarbeitet, um ideale Reaktionsbedingungen (z.B. Sauerstoffversorgung, Temperaturkontrolle, fluidisches Regime) f\ufcr die gew\ue4hlte Enzym-katalysierte OxidationsreaktionAusreichende Zufuhr des gasf\uf6rmigen Reaktionspartners wurde in der Fl\ufcssig- wie in der Festphase der Mikrokan\ue4le durch Sauerstoffmessung globaler und lokaler O2-Konzentrationen sichergestellt, die auf optischer Phosphoreszenzdetektionstechnologie beruht. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse machte die Bestimmung des fl\ufcssigkeit-seitigen Massentransfers von Sauerstoff m\uf6glich. Die D-Aminos\ue4ureoxidase katalysierte Umsetzung von D-Alanin zur entsprechenden ?-Ketos\ue4ure wurde als enzymatisches Reaktionssystem etabliert, wodurch die Eigenschaften des Rieselfilmreaktors in einer mikrofluidischen Biokatalyseanwendung bewertet wurden. Die Fusion der Trigonopsis variabilis D-Aminos\ue4ureoxidase (TvDAO) mit dem Zbasic2-Tag erm\uf6glichte eine selektive Immobilisierung basierend auf ionischer Adsorption an Kanalw\ue4nden aus Aluminiumoxid. Die Oberfl\ue4chenimmobilisierung wurde durch konfokale Laserrastermikroskopie veranschaulicht.A novel fully-integrated falling film microreactor system was implemented and characterized for oxygen-dependent intensified biocatalysis. The microreactor exhibits advanced ability of gas molecule supply from the gas phase into the aqueous phase due to a fast diffusion in a maximally 200 \ub5m thin liquid film. Thus, a stable continuous running lab scale plant was set up successfully to create ideal reaction conditions (e.g. oxygen supply, temperature control, fluidic regime) for the enzyme catalyzed oxidation reaction of choice. Sufficient delivery of the gaseous reaction partner was ensured by optical phosphorescence sensing technology. Measurement of global and local O2 concentration were performed in the liquid as in the solid phase in the microchannels. The experimental results enabled determination of the liquid side mass transfer of oxygen.The D-amino acid oxidase catalyzed conversion of D-alanine to the corresponding ?-keto acid was employed as enzymatic reaction system to evaluate the falling film reactor performance for a micro fluidic application in biocatalysis. The fusion of Trigonopsis variabilis D-amino acid oxidase (TvDAO) to Zbasic2 tag facilitated a selective immobilization based on ionic adsorption on the aluminum oxide channel walls. Surface immobilization was visualized with confocal laser scanning microscopy.eingereicht von: Christina E. M. Kr\ue4merAbweichender Titel laut
cbersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersGraz, Univ., Masterarb., 2012Zsfassung in dt. und engl. Sprach
On the (in)fissibility of intervocalic consonants in Norwegian and German: Evidence from a word game
The syllabification of word- or morpheme-internal consonants, especially those preceded by short
vowels, in Germanic languages has been subject to various analyses and there is generally not much
consensus on the analysis of single string-internal consonants in these languages. This paper presents
the results of a study based on a word game, carried out with German and Norwegian subjects, that
provides evidence for a differential analysis of string-internal syllable junctures and consonants in
these two languages. We conclude that in German a consonant preceded by a short/lax stressed
vowel is best analysed as short and ambisyllabic while in Norwegian a consonant in the same
environment is a geminate that contributes weight to the preceding syllable via its mora even though
it is parsed in the following syllable. The analysis highlights the need for orthogonal syllable and
moraic representations
Experimental flow studies on separation and reattachment in the vicinity of sharp, wedge shaped leading edges at low Reynolds numbers
The flow field around sharp leading edges in subsonic, low Reynolds number flow is investigated experimentally. Separation occurs already at small angles of attack.
Under certain conditions reattachment takes place and a separation bubble develops.
As this influences the lift and drag of an airfoil decisively, the conditions leading to reattachment and the formation of a laminar boundary layer are of special interest.
The influences of the Reynolds number, angle of attack and leading edge apex angle on the boundary layer properties are studied by means of hot-wire anemometry, flow visualisation techniques and measurements of the pressure distribution over the leading edge. For a small parameter range, laminar separation followed by laminar
reattachment is observed