115 research outputs found

    Esport, immigració i multiculturalitat : una anàlisi conceptual

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    Text de la ponència presentada pel doctor Chris Kennett al "Foro Europeo: Cultura, Deporte y Proximidad" organitzat per la Diputación Provincial de Almería i celebrat a Almeria el 5 de maig de 2005. El text examina els conceptes clau que comprèn el discurs polític social relacionat amb la immigració i com es relacionen aquests conceptes amb l'esport. Es té en compte el paper potencial que juga l'esport en la integració dels immigrants i els riscs dels esports com a força potencialment divisiva, sobretot pel que fa al racisme. Aquesta discussió porta a considerar la necessitat de diàleg intercultural a través de l'esport per tal de contribuir a aconseguir una integració sostenible dels grups immigrants. Per tal d'assolir aquest objectiu, cal fer una recerca sobre les necessitats dels grups immigrants, ja que és una fase clau en el desenvolupament de la política de l'esport.Paper given by Chris Kennett at the European Forum: Culture, Sport and Proximity held in Almería on the 5 May 2005 and promoted by the Diputación Provincial de Almería. The paper explores the key concepts that comprise the social policy discourse related to immigration and how these relate to sports provision. The potential role for sport in the integration of immigrants is considered, as well as the risks of sports as a potentially divisive force, particularly in terms of racism. This discussion leads to the consideration of the need for intercultural dialogue through sport in order to contribute to the achievement of the sustainable integration of immigrant groups. In order to achieve this goal, research is called for into the needs of immigrant groups as a key phase in the development of sports policy.Texto de la ponencia presentada por Chris Kennett en el Foro Europeo: Cultura, Deporte y Proximidad organizado por la Diputación Provincial de Almería y celebrado en Almería, el 5 de mayo de 2005. El texto examina los conceptos clave que comprende el discurso político social relacionado con la inmigración y como éstos se relacionan con el deporte. Se toma en consideración el papel potencial que juega el deporte en la integración de inmigrantes y los riesgos del deporte como a fuerza potencialmente divisoria, sobretodo por lo que respecta al racismo. Esta discusión lleva a considerar la necesidad de diálogo intercultural a través del deporte para alcanzar una integración sostenible de los grupos de inmigrantes. Para alcanzar este objetivo, es necesario llevar a cabo una investigación entorno a la necesidades de los grupos de inmigrantes, fase clave en el desarrollo de la política deportiva

    Sport, immigration and multiculturality : a conceptual analysis

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    Paper given by Chris Kennett at the European Forum: Culture, Sport and Proximity held in Almería on the 5 May 2005 and promoted by the Diputación Provincial de Almería.Texto de la ponencia presentada por Chris Kennett en el Foro Europeo: Cultura, Deporte y Proximidad organizado por la Diputación Provincial de Almería y celebrado en Almería, el 5 de mayo de 2005.Text de la ponència presentada pel doctor Chris Kennett al "Foro Europeo: Cultura, Deporte y Proximidad" organitzat per la Diputación Provincial de Almería i celebrat a Almeria el 5 de maig de 2005

    Olympic cities and communication

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    Article published in Greek in the special issue "The Olympic Games: the mega sports and media event" of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens journal Communication Issues (2004, no.1), discussing the need for establishing a communication model for city-games relations.Artículo publicado en el número especial "Los Juegos Olímpicos: mega deportes y evento mediático" de Communication Issues (2004, no.1) de la Universidad de Atenas. Discute la necesidad de establecer un model de comunicación para las relaciones entre la ciudad y los Juegos.Article publicat al número especial "Els Jocs Olímpics: mega esports i esdeveniment mediàtic" de Communication Issues (2004, no.1) de la Universitat d'Atenes. Discuteix la necessitat d'establir un model de comunicació per a les relacions entre la ciutat i els Jocs

    Linearly and Circularly Polarized Emission in Sagittarius A*

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    We perform general relativistic ray-tracing calculations of the transfer of polarized synchrotron radiation through the relativistic accretion flow in Sagittarius (Sgr) A*. Based on a two-temperature magneto-rotational-instability (MRI) induced accretion mode, the birefringence effects are treated self-consistently. By fitting the spectrum and polarization of Sgr A* from millimeter to near-infrared bands, we are able to not only constrain the basic parameters related to the MRI and the electron heating rate, but also limit the orientation of the accretion torus. These constraints lead to unique polarimetric images, which may be compared with future millimeter and sub-millimeter VLBI observations. In combination with general relativistic MHD simulations, the model has the potential to test the MRI with observations of Sgr A*.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, ApJL accepte

    El Impacto de Internet en los medios de comunicación y la industria del deporte

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    Resultados de la investigación financiada por el Consejo Superior de Deportes en 2002 cuyo objetivo fue profundizar en cómo el consumo deportivo a través de la televisión e Internet afecta a la economía deportiva. Dado que la presencia del deporte en Internet cada vez es más frecuente, el trabajo se centra en el impacto de Internet en las relaciones existentes entre algunos de los actores más importantes de la industria del deporte en Europa: organizaciones deportivas, que son productores del producto deportivo base; medios de comunicación, que comunican temas deportivos; organizaciones comerciales, que promocionan sus productos a través del deporte y los medios de comunicación (incluidos los patrocinadores deportivos); y fans como consumidores del producto base del deporte. Mediante el análisis de la estructura y contenidos de una muestra de 27 sitios web de estas organizaciones, y tras considerar conceptos y teorías sobre la comunicación en Internet, la emergencia del comercio electrónico y el marketing electrónico, y cómo pueden relacionarse con la industria deportiva y la transmisión de mensajes deportivos, se establecen las conclusiones sobre cuál es el impacto de Internet en la industria deportiva, en un momento en que está próxima la convergencia entre televisión digital e Internet.The results of the research project funded by the Spanish National Sports Council in 2002, the aim of which was to examine, in depth, how the consumption of sport via television and the Internet impacts on the sports economy. Given that there is an ever-increasing presence of sport on the Internet, this research project focused on the Internet's impact on existing relationships between some of the most significant stakeholders of the sports industry in Europe: sporting organisations, which produce the basic sports product; the media, which communicate sporting themes; commercial organisations, which promote their products through sport and the media (including sports sponsors), and; fans or consumers of the basic sports product. Through an analysis of the structure and content of a sample of 27 organisations' websites, and after considering the concepts and theories on Internet communication, the emergence of e-commerce and e-marketing and how they are related to the sports industry and the conveyance of sporting messages, conclusions were drawn about the extent of the Internet's impact on the sports industry at the dawn of convergence between digital television and the Internet.Resultats de la recerca finançada pel Consejo Superior de Deportes l'any 2002 que va tenir com a objectiu aprofundir en com el consum esportiu mitjançant la televisió i Internet afecta l'economia esportiva. Atès que la presència de l'esport a Internet cada cop és més recurrent, aquest treball es centra en l'impacte d'Internet en les relacions existents entre alguns dels actors més importants a la indústria de l'esport a Europa: - Organitzacions esportives, que són productors del producte esportiu base; - Mitjans de comunicació, que comuniquen temes esportius; - Organitzacions comercials, que promocionen els seus productes a través de l'esport i els mitjans de comunicació (tot incloent els patrocinadors esportius); - Fans / consumidors del producte base de l' esport. Amb l'anàlisi de l'estructura i continguts d'una mostra de 27 llocs web d'aquestes organitzacions, i després de considerar els conceptes i teories sobre la comunicació a Internet, l'emergència del comerç electrònic i l'e-marketing, i com poden relacionar-se amb la indústria esportiva i la transmissió de missatges esportius, s'estableixen les conclusions sobre quin és l'impacte d'Internet a la indústria esportiva, quan som propers a l'inici de la convergència entre la televisió digital i Internet

    Discovery of a nanodiamond-rich layer in the Greenland ice sheet

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    We report the discovery in the Greenland ice sheet of a discrete layer of free nanodiamonds (NDs) in very high abundances, implying most likely either an unprecedented influx of extraterrestrial (ET) material or a cosmic impact event that occurred after the last glacial episode. From that layer, we extracted n-diamonds and hexagonal diamonds (lonsdaleite), an accepted ET impact indicator, at abundances of up to about 5!106 times background levels in adjacent younger and older ice. The NDs in the concentrated layer are rounded, suggesting they most likely formed during a cosmic impact through some process similar to carbon-vapor deposition or high-explosive detonation. This morphology has not been reported previously in cosmic material, but has been observed in terrestrial impact material. This is the first highly enriched, discrete layer of NDs observed in glacial ice anywhere, and its presence indicates that ice caps are important archives of ET events of varying magnitudes. Using a preliminary ice chronology based on oxygen isotopes and dust stratigraphy, the ND-rich layer appears to be coeval with ND abundance peaks reported at numerous North American sites in a sedimentary layer, the Younger Dryas boundary layer (YDB), dating to 12.9 0.1 ka. However, more investigation is needed to confirm this association

    A resolution for the coiling direction paradox in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma.

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    We present new data on genotypic differences and biogeographic distribution of coiling types in the living planktonic foraminiferal morphospecies Neogloboquadrina pachyderma. The genetic evidence demonstrates that coiling direction in N. pachyderma is a genetic trait, heritable through time, and is not a morphological feature reflecting ecophenotypic variation. The two opposite coiling morphotypes appear to have diverged during the late Miocene, and they have distinctly different ecologies. In combination with fossil evidence, biogeography, and ecology the degree of genetic distinction between the two coiling types of N. pachyderma strongly implies that they should be considered different species. We propose the adoption of the widely recognized name N. incompta for the right coiling morphospecies. The genetic evidence also demonstrates a low level (<3%) of aberrant coiling associated with both morphotypes. The abundance of these aberrant specimens has no relationship with the environment. These findings have important consequences for the use of N. pachyderma and N. incompta as paleoceanographic signal carriers in polar and subpolar waters. Copyright 2006 by the American Geophysical Union

    The worldwide marine radiocarbon reservoir effect: definitions, mechanisms, and prospects

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    When a carbon reservoir has a lower radiocarbon content than the atmosphere, this is referred to as a reservoir effect. This is expressed as an offset between the radiocarbon ages of samples from the two reservoirs at a single point in time. The marine reservoir effect (MRE) has been a major concern in the radiocarbon community, as it introduces an additional source of error that is often difficult to accurately quantify. For this reason, researchers are often reluctant to date marine material where they have another option. The influence of this phenomenon makes the study of the MRE important for a broad range of applications. The advent of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) has reduced sample size requirements and increased measurement precision, in turn increasing the number of studies seeking to measure marine samples. These studies rely on overcoming the influence of the MRE on marine radiocarbon dates through the worldwide quantification of the local parameter ΔR, that is, the local variation from the global average MRE. Furthermore, the strong dependence on ocean dynamics makes the MRE a useful indicator for changes in oceanic circulation, carbon exchange between reservoirs, and the fate of atmospheric CO2, all of which impact Earth's climate. This article explores data from the Marine Reservoir Database and reviews the place of natural radiocarbon in oceanic records, focusing on key questions (e.g., changes in ocean dynamics) that have been answered by MRE studies and on their application to different subjects

    The Proprioceptive Map of the Arm Is Systematic and Stable, but Idiosyncratic

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    Visual and somatosensory signals participate together in providing an estimate of the hand's spatial location. While the ability of subjects to identify the spatial location of their hand based on visual and proprioceptive signals has previously been characterized, relatively few studies have examined in detail the spatial structure of the proprioceptive map of the arm. Here, we reconstructed and analyzed the spatial structure of the estimation errors that resulted when subjects reported the location of their unseen hand across a 2D horizontal workspace. Hand position estimation was mapped under four conditions: with and without tactile feedback, and with the right and left hands. In the task, we moved each subject's hand to one of 100 targets in the workspace while their eyes were closed. Then, we either a) applied tactile stimulation to the fingertip by allowing the index finger to touch the target or b) as a control, hovered the fingertip 2 cm above the target. After returning the hand to a neutral position, subjects opened their eyes to verbally report where their fingertip had been. We measured and analyzed both the direction and magnitude of the resulting estimation errors. Tactile feedback reduced the magnitude of these estimation errors, but did not change their overall structure. In addition, the spatial structure of these errors was idiosyncratic: each subject had a unique pattern of errors that was stable between hands and over time. Finally, we found that at the population level the magnitude of the estimation errors had a characteristic distribution over the workspace: errors were smallest closer to the body. The stability of estimation errors across conditions and time suggests the brain constructs a proprioceptive map that is reliable, even if it is not necessarily accurate. The idiosyncrasy across subjects emphasizes that each individual constructs a map that is unique to their own experiences

    Descent toward the icehouse: Eocene sea surface cooling inferred from GDGT distributions

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    The TEX86 proxy, based on the distribution of marine isoprenoidal glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids (GDGTs), is increasingly used to reconstruct sea surface temperature (SST) during the Eocene epoch (56.0–33.9 Ma). Here we compile published TEX86 records, critically reevaluate them in light of new understandings in TEX86 palaeothermometry, and supplement them with new data in order to evaluate long-term temperature trends in the Eocene. We investigate the effect of archaea other than marine Thaumarchaeota upon TEX86 values using the branched-to-isoprenoid tetraether index (BIT), the abundance of GDGT-0 relative to crenarchaeol (%GDGT-0), and the Methane Index (MI). We also introduce a new ratio, % GDGTRS, which may help identify Red Sea-type GDGT distributions in the geological record. Using the offset between TEX86H and TEX86L(ΔH-L) and the ratio between GDGT-2 and GDGT-3 ([2]/[3]), we evaluate different TEX86 calibrations and present the first integrated SST compilation for the Eocene (55 to 34 Ma). Although the available data are still sparse some geographic trends can now be resolved. In the high latitudes (>55°), there was substantial cooling during the Eocene (~6°C). Our compiled record also indicates tropical cooling of ~2.5°C during the same interval. Using an ensemble of climate model simulations that span the Eocene, our results indicate that only a small percentage (~10%) of the reconstructed temperature change can be ascribed to ocean gateway reorganization or paleogeographic change. Collectively, this indicates that atmospheric carbon dioxide (pCO2) was the likely driver of surface water cooling during the descent toward the icehouse
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