276 research outputs found

    Bird Use of Bobwhite Brush Shelters on a Conservation Reserve Program Field

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    Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) are known to use constructed brush shelters. The establishment of artificial shelters is a common practice in grasslands where woody cover is lacking. We evaluated the use of brush shelters by bobwhite and other bird species in a Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) field. Twenty-seven species of birds were observed at brush shelters versus 10 species at control sites. No species occurred exclusively at control sites. Brush shelters in CRP had positive effects on avian communities by providing sites for vocalizing, prey search, loafing, and nesting

    Towards an improved procedure for estimating industrial-pollutant emissions

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    Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 1992.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 154-162).by Georgioas Ioannis Kassinis.M.C.P

    Population genetics and forensic DNA for conservation management of the Cypriot mouflon (Ovis orientalis ophion)

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    The mouflon (Ovis orientalis ophion) is the largest wild terrestrial mammal of Cyprus. Considered as the flagship species of the island, its population (c. 3000 head) has a distribution range limited to the mountainous Paphos Forest and adjacent areas including parts of Troodos National Forest (> 700 Km2). The species is protected by a rigorous national legislation supported since 1996 by management plans carried out by the Game and Fauna Service, and, together with its habitat, by the National Law 152 (I)/2003 for the Protection & Management of Wild Birds and Game Species. The species is listed in the Annexes II and IV of 92/43 Habitats Directive, in the Appendix I of CITES, and classified as “vulnerable” by the IUCN. Poaching, habitat loss, road network building and livestock intrusion (i.e., increased risk of pathogen infection) represent the main threatening factors. We aimed at elucidating the systematic placement of the Cypriot mouflon to enforce its protection within an adaptive conservation framework. Therefore, we attempted to determine its genetic structure and relationships with either historically preserved (Corsica, Sardinia) or recently introduced (central Italy) populations including also GenBank entries from the historical range of the species (Near East). The Game and Fauna Service in collaboration with the Cyprus Veterinary Service collected 63 blood samples: 53 were from mouflons captured in the Paphos forest, eight from captive individuals and two of unknown origin. We also sampled 20 mouflons in Sardinia either in the wild (16) or in captivity (4), and collected scats of both Corsican (19) and central Italy (23: Tuscan Archipelago National Park, 13; Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park, 6; Apuan Alps Regional Park, 4) mouflon populations in order to increase geographical scope. We genotyped each sample at the entire mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome-b codifying gene (Cyt-b, 1140 bp) and up to 12 microsatellite DNA markers (Short Tandem Repeats, STR) isolated from goat, sheep and cattle genomes. We found that the Cypriot mouflon strongly diverged from western Mediterranean conspecifics, while North West Iran appeared as the most credited geographic region as the source for its ancient introduction to Cyprus. Although we disclosed much lower mitochondrial and nuclear DNA diversity in the Cypriot than in other island populations, neither evidence of genetic bottleneck nor significant low level of both average pairwise relatedness and inbreeding coefficient was detected. Overall, present mitochondrial and STR dataset worked reliably as crime-fighting tool to tackle illegal mouflon killing in Cyprus. Between 2008 and 2013, the Police and the Game and Fauna Service, in collaboration with the Cyprus Veterinary Services, confiscated 29 samples (meat, hairs, bloodstains) dealing with nine episodes of supposed poaching against the Cypriot mouflon. In all cases, we identified the species in point by sequencing the mtDNA Cyt-b gene. In one case, we were specifically requested to establish if there was a link between three dead mouflons recovered at a roadside and 12 bloodstains collected in the car of suspected poachers at the crime scene. With reference to this case, we were able to match nine bloodstains to two out of the three carcasses (seven with very strong support: Likelihood Ratio >3000 and Random Match Probability <10-3), overall assigning 22 out of 29 samples to the Cypriot mouflon and the remaining ones to wild boar, cow, domestic goat, horse and hare. These results included the first genetic reference for the Cypriot mouflon and the first published material of forensic wildlife investigations in Cyprus

    A Comparative Review on Company Specific Determinants for Sustainability Reporting in United Kingdom (UK) and Malaysia

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    This study aims to comparatively assess the effects of company-specific variables on the level of corporate social responsibility (CSR) information disclosed in publicly-traded companies from United Kingdom (UK) and Malaysia. Content analysis was applied to sampled reports from the FTSE 100 Index and FTSE Bursa KLCI against inferred meanings from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)-derived coding base to identify similarities and/or differences in CSR disclosure practices. The Spearman’s correlation coefficients and multiple linear regressions (MLR) analyses further gauged the associations between the variables and total quantity of CSR disclosure (TQCSR); and, determined the predictive determinants on sustainability reporting. The Spearman’s correlation has identified a negative association on leverage with TQCSR for UK companies. In contrast, the TQCSR in the Malaysian sample was positively associated with directors’ CSR-related experiences and profitability but negatively associated with company size. Results from MLR analyses presented company size as a significant determinant on sustainability reporting in the UK model, while directors’ experiences were indicated as the crucial determinant in the Malaysian model. This first, direct cross-market sustainability reporting study highlights the importance of board of directors’ CSR-relevant experience in influencing the level of CSR disclosures in publicly-traded companies

    The Relationship between femininity and sustainability reporting

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    Most research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure and stakeholder engagement with sustainable development has focused on the internal factors of corporations, leaving aside the characteristics of the institutional, cultural, and economic context of the country where corporations operate. The purpose of this study is to investigate the inïŹ‚uence of femininity in the disclosure of sustainability information based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines at a developed country context. We use three measures of the CSR information disclosure by country: the GRI reports per million of inhabitants, the GRI reports application level, and the percentage of GRI reports with external assurance. The results of this study show that countries with higher femininity orientation provide a higher quantity of sustainability reports, but do not provide higher quality sustainability reports. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environmen

    Investigation and determination of the geothermal parameters of the ground in Cyprus for the exploitation of geothermal energy and the impact of the results in the design of the geothermal systems

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    The Energy Service of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism has the overall responsibility for Energy matters in Cyprus and specifically for preparing and implementing programmes for energy conservation, the promotion of renewable energy sources (RES) and the development of technologies for the utilization of RES. The Government of Cyprus being aware of the benefits of geothermal energy and in order to increase the share of energy from renewable sources consumed in heating and cooling in 2020, promotes the geothermal energy systems through a Scheme that provides financial incentives for the utilization of RES for heating and cooling. However, the lack of valid data for the ground thermal properties in Cyprus was one of the main obstacles for the design of efficient geothermal systems, the implementation of the Schemes in the field of geothermal energy and the calculation of the share of energy from renewable sources for heating and cooling according to the methodology defined by the E.U in the directive 2009/28/EC. In an effort to identify suitable energy efficient systems for heating and cooling of buildings and the correct calculations of their contribution to the national targets, the Energy Service participated in a project founded by the Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus to investigate and determine the geothermal parameters of the ground of Cyprus at six representative sites in Cyprus, for use in the design of ground heat exchanger applications and ground thermal storage. The paper presents the importance of the Isothermal map that helps consultants to design efficiently geothermal energy systems, calculate effectively heat losses of buildings to the ground and design the thermal energy storage equipment. The importance’s of the results are analyzed by national authorities’ experts’ point of view for evaluating geothermal applications bridging in this way the gap between technical output and commercial reality

    The role of conservative versus innovative nesting behavior on 25-year population expansion of an avian predator

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    Species ranges often change in relation to multiple environmental and demographic factors. Innovative behaviors may affect these changes by facilitating the use of novel habitats, although this idea has been little explored. Here, we investigate the importance of behavior during range change, using a 25-year population expansion of Bonelli’s eagle in southern Portugal. This unique population is almost exclusively tree nesting, while all other populations in western Europe are predominantly cliff nesting. During 1991–2014, we surveyed nest sites and estimated the year when each breeding territory was established. We approximated the boundaries of 84 territories using Dirichlet tessellation and mapped topography, land cover, and the density of human infrastructures in buffers (250, 500, and 1,000 m) around nest and random sites. We then compared environmental conditions at matching nest and random sites within territories using conditional logistic regression, and used quantile regression to estimate trends in nesting habitats in relation to the year of territory establishment. Most nests (>85%, n = 197) were in eucalypts, maritime pines, and cork oaks. Nest sites were farther from the nests of neighboring territories than random points, and they were in areas with higher terrain roughness, lower cover by agricultural and built-up areas, and lower road and powerline densities. Nesting habitat selection varied little with year of territory establishment, although nesting in eucalypts increased, while cliff nesting and cork oak nesting, and terrain roughness declined. Our results suggest that the observed expansion of Bonelli’s eagles was facilitated by the tree nesting behavior, which allowed the colonization of areas without cliffs. However, all but a very few breeding pairs settled in habitats comparable to those of the initial population nucleus, suggesting that after an initial trigger possibly facilitated by tree nesting, the habitat selection remained largely conservative. Overall, our study supports recent calls to incorporate information on behavior for understanding and predicting species range shiftsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Understanding Project Champions’ Ability to Gain Intra-Organizational Commitment for Environmental Projects

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    A key enabler of environmental projects is the ability of the project champion to gain commitment to the project from other stakeholders in his or her organization. This paper develops a model of commitment-gaining success that is based on intra-organizational influence theory. The model also includes the project payback, customer pressure, government regulation, top management support and the project champion’s position in the organizational hierarchy. The model was tested using survey data from 241 environmental professionals describing their attempts to gain the buy-in of purchasing managers, operations managers, industrial engineers and others for environmental projects. The results (obtained from hierarchical regression analysis) show that intra-organizational commitment is positively associated with the project champion’s influence behavior—in particular, the champion’s use of three influence tactics (inspirational appeals, consultation and rational persuasion) and avoidance of a fourth tactic (ingratiation). Commitment is also positively associated with project payback and with top management support for the environment and negatively associated with environmental regulation. The paper contributes to the OM knowledge base of environmental project implementation by bringing new theory to bear on the topic, by focusing on individual-level, rather than organization-level, variables and by taking a confirmatory, large sample approach which complements extant exploratory research. In addition, the paper contributes to the OM field by evaluating various antecedents to cross-functional integration. The results also provide specific guidance to those who champion environmental projects within their companies

    Performance-based rewards and innovative behaviors

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    This study investigates the effects of two internal factors, performance-based rewards and employee perceptions of HR strength, and one external factor, country-level uncertainty avoidance, on employee innovative behaviors. Drawing on situational strength theory, we first hypothesize that performance-based rewards will positively relate to innovative behaviors, and secondly, that this relationship is stronger when employees understand the wider Human Resource Management (HRM) system as intended by management, referred to as HR strength. Finally, we assess the effect of uncertainty avoidance on the relationship between performance-based rewards and innovative behaviors. Three-level data from 1598 employees and 186 managers in 29 organizations across ten countries showed that both employee perceptions of HR strength and uncertainty avoidance of a country differentially influence the relationship between performance-based rewards and innovative behaviors. However, a significant relationship between performance-based rewards and innovative behaviors was not found. The study offers novel insights into how organizations can use internal factors in a systematic manner to promote innovative behaviors in their workplace and highlights the limitations of sustaining innovative behaviors in countries characterized by high levels of uncertainty avoidance
