133 research outputs found

    Constraining the fundamental parameters of the O-type binary CPD-41degr7733

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    Using a set of high-resolution spectra, we studied the physical and orbital properties of the O-type binary CPD-41 7733, located in the core of \ngc. We report the unambiguous detection of the secondary spectral signature and we derive the first SB2 orbital solution of the system. The period is 5.6815 +/- 0.0015 d and the orbit has no significant eccentricity. CPD-41 7733 probably consists of stars of spectral types O8.5 and B3. As for other objects in the cluster, we observe discrepant luminosity classifications while using spectroscopic or brightness criteria. Still, the present analysis suggests that both components display physical parameters close to those of typical O8.5 and B3 dwarfs. We also analyze the X-ray light curves and spectra obtained during six 30 ks XMM-Newton pointings spread over the 5.7 d period. We find no significant variability between the different pointings, nor within the individual observations. The CPD-41 7733 X-ray spectrum is well reproduced by a three-temperature thermal mekal model with temperatures of 0.3, 0.8 and 2.4 keV. No X-ray overluminosity, resulting e.g. from a possible wind interaction, is observed. The emission of CPD-41 7733 is thus very representative of typical O-type star X-ray emission.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 15 pages, 9 figure

    What determines the density structure of molecular clouds? A case study of Orion B with <i>Herschel</i>

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    A key parameter to the description of all star formation processes is the density structure of the gas. In this Letter, we make use of probability distribution functions (PDFs) of Herschel column density maps of Orion B, Aquila, and Polaris, obtained with the Herschel Gould Belt survey (HGBS). We aim to understand which physical processes influence the PDF shape, and with which signatures. The PDFs of Orion B (Aquila) show a lognormal distribution for low column densities until AV ~ 3 (6), and a power-law tail for high column densities, consistent with a ρα r-2 profile for the equivalent spherical density distribution. The PDF of Orion B is broadened by external compression due to the nearby OB stellar aggregates. The PDF of a quiescent subregion of the non-star-forming Polaris cloud is nearly lognormal, indicating that supersonic turbulence governs the density distribution. But we also observe a deviation from the lognormal shape at AV > 1 for a subregion in Polaris that includes a prominent filament. We conclude that (1) the point where the PDF deviates from the lognormal form does not trace a universal AV -threshold for star formation, (2) statistical density fluctuations, intermittency, and magnetic fields can cause excess from the lognormal PDF at an early cloud formation stage, (3) core formation and/or global collapse of filaments and a non-isothermal gas distribution lead to a power-law tail, and (4) external compression broadens the column density PDF, consistent with numerical simulations

    The Projected Rotational Velocity Distribution of a Sample of OB stars from a Calibration based on Synthetic He I lines

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    We derive projected rotational velocities (vsini) for a sample of 156 Galactic OB star members of 35 clusters, HII regions, and associations. The HeI lines at λλ\lambda\lambda4026, 4388, and 4471A were analyzed in order to define a calibration of the synthetic HeI full-widths at half maximum versus stellar vsini. A grid of synthetic spectra of HeI line profiles was calculated in non-LTE using an extensive helium model atom and updated atomic data. The vsini's for all stars were derived using the He I FWHM calibrations but also, for those target stars with relatively sharp lines, vsini values were obtained from best fit synthetic spectra of up to 40 lines of CII, NII, OII, AlIII, MgII, SiIII, and SIII. This calibration is a useful and efficient tool for estimating the projected rotational velocities of O9-B5 main-sequence stars. The distribution of vsini for an unbiased sample of early B stars in the unbound association Cep OB2 is consistent with the distribution reported elsewhere for other unbound associations.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    The Aquila prestellar core population revealed by Herschel

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    The origin and possible universality of the stellar initial mass function (IMF) is a major issue in astrophysics. One of the main objectives of the Herschel Gould Belt Survey is to clarify the link between the prestellar core mass function (CMF) and the IMF. We present and discuss the core mass function derived from Herschel data for the large population of prestellar cores discovered with SPIRE and PACS in the Aquila Rift cloud complex at d ~ 260 pc. We detect a total of 541 starless cores in the entire ~11 deg^2 area of the field imaged at 70-500 micron with SPIRE/PACS. Most of these cores appear to be gravitationally bound, and thus prestellar in nature. Our Herschel results confirm that the shape of the prestellar CMF resembles the stellar IMF, with much higher quality statistics than earlier submillimeter continuum ground-based surveys

    The Pipe Nebula as seen with Herschel: Formation of filamentary structures by large-scale compression ?

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    A growing body of evidence indicates that the formation of filaments in interstellar clouds is a key component of the star formation process. In this paper, we present new Herschel PACS and SPIRE observations of the B59 and Stem regions in the Pipe Nebula complex, revealing a rich, organized network of filaments. The asymmetric column density profiles observed for several filaments, along with the bow-like edge of B59, indicates that the Pipe Nebula is being compressed from its western side, most likely by the winds from the nearby Sco OB2 association. We suggest that this compressive flow has contributed to the formation of some of the observed filamentary structures. In B59, the only region of the entire Pipe complex showing star formation activity, the same compressive flow has likely enhanced the initial column density of the clump, allowing it to become globally gravitationally unstable. Although more speculative, we propose that gravity has also been responsible for shaping the converging filamentary pattern observed in B59. While the question of the relative impact of large-scale compression and gravity remains open in B59, large-scale compression appears to be a plausible mechanism for the initial formation of filamentary structures in the rest of the complexComment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Two New LBV Candidates in the M33 Galaxy

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    We present two new luminous blue variable (LBV) candidate stars discovered in the M33 galaxy. We identified these stars (Valeev et al. 2010) as massive star candidates at the final stages of evolution, presumably with a notable interstellar extinction. The candidates were selected from the Massey et al. (2006) catalog based on the following criteria: emission in Halpha, V<18.5 and 0.35<(B-V)<1.2. The spectra of both stars reveal a broad and strong Halpha emission with extended wings (770 and 1000 km/s). Based on the spectra we estimated the main parameters of the stars. Object N45901 has a bolometric luminosity log(L/Lsun)=6.0-6.2 with the value of interstellar extinction Av=2.3+-0.1. The temperature of the star's photosphere is estimated as Tstar~13000-15000K its probable mass on the Zero Age Main Sequence is M~60-80Msun. The infrared excess in N45901 corresponds to the emission of warm dust with the temperature Twarm~1000K, and amounts to 0.1% of the bolometric luminosity. A comparison of stellar magnitude estimates from different catalogs points to the probable variability of the object N45901. Bolometric luminosity of the second object, N125093, is log(L/Lsun)=6.3-6.6, the value of interstellar extinction is Av=2.75+-0.15. We estimate its photosphere's temperature as Tstar~13000-16000K, the initial mass as M~90-120Msun. The infrared excess in N125093 amounts to 5-6% of the bolometric luminosity. Its spectral energy distribution reveals two thermal components with the temperatures Twarm~1000K and Tcold~480K. The [CaII] lines (7291A and 7323A), observed in LBV-like stars VarA and N93351 in M33, are also present in the spectrum of N125093. These lines indicate relatively recent gas eruptions and dust activity linked with them. High bolometric luminosity of these stars and broad Halpha emissions allow classifying the studied objects as LBV candidates.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    A Herschel study of the properties of starless cores in the Polaris Flare dark cloud region using PACS and SPIRE

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    The Polaris Flare cloud region contains a great deal of extended emission. It is at high declination and high Galactic latitude. It was previously seen strongly in IRAS Cirrus emission at 100 microns. We have detected it with both PACS and SPIRE on Herschel. We see filamentary and low-level structure. We identify the five densest cores within this structure. We present the results of a temperature, mass and density analysis of these cores. We compare their observed masses to their virial masses, and see that in all cases the observed masses lie close to the lower end of the range of estimated virial masses. Therefore, we cannot say whether they are gravitationally bound prestellar cores. Nevertheless, these are the best candidates to be potentialprestellar cores in the Polaris cloud region.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by A&

    The M16 molecular complex under the influence of NGC6611. Herschel's perspective of the heating effect on the Eagle Nebula

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    We present Herschel images from the HOBYS key program of the Eagle Nebula (M16) in the far-infrared and sub-millimetre, using the PACS and SPIRE cameras at 70{\mu}m, 160{\mu}m, 250{\mu}m, 350{\mu}m, 500{\mu}m. M16, home to the Pillars of Creation, is largely under the influence of the nearby NGC6611 high-mass star cluster. The Herschel images reveal a clear dust temperature gradient running away from the centre of the cavity carved by the OB cluster. We investigate the heating effect of NGC6611 on the entire M16 star-forming complex seen by Herschel including the diffuse cloud environment and the dense filamentary structures identified in this region. In addition, we interpret the three-dimensional geometry of M16 with respect to the nebula, its surrounding environment, and the NGC6611 cavity. The dust temperature and column density maps reveal a prominent eastern filament running north-south and away from the high-mass star-forming central region and the NGC6611 cluster, as well as a northern filament which extends around and away from the cluster. The dust temperature in each of these filaments decreases with increasing distance from the NGC6611 cluster, indicating a heating penetration depth of \sim 10 pc in each direction in 3 - 6 \times 10^{22} cm-2 column density filaments. We show that in high-mass star-forming regions OB clusters impact the temperature of future star-forming sites, modifying the initial conditions for collapse and effecting the evolutionary criteria of protostars developed from spectral energy distributions. Possible scenarios for the origin of the morphology seen in this region are discussed, including a western equivalent to the eastern filament, which was destroyed by the creation of the OB cluster and its subsequent winds and radiation.Comment: 12 pages, including 3 appendix, 9 figures, accepted by A&

    Effects of gravitational darkening on the determination of fundamental parameters in fast rotating B-type stars

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    In this paper we develop a calculation code to account for the effects carried by fast rotation on the observed spectra of early-type stars. Stars are assumed to be in rigid rotation and the grid of plane-parallel model atmospheres used to represent the gravitational darkening are calculated by means of a non-LTE approach. Attention is paid on the relation between the apparent and parent non-rotating counterpart stellar fundamental parameters and apparent and true vsini parameters as a function of the rotation rate Omega/Omega_c, stellar mass and inclination angle. It is shown that omission of gravitational darkening in the analysis of chemical abundances of CNO elements can produce systematic overestimation or underestimation, depending on the lines used, rotational rate and inclination angle. The proximity of Be stars to the critical rotation is re-discussed by correcting not only the vsini of 130 Be stars, but also their effective temperature and gravity to account for stellar rotationally induced geometrical distortion and for the concomitant gravitational darkening effect. We concluded that the increase of the vsini estimate is accompanied by an even higher value of the stellar equatorial critical velocity, so that the most probable average rate of angular velocity of Be stars attains Omega/Omega_c ~ 0.88.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures. Submitted for publication in A&

    Far-infrared observations of a massive cluster forming in the Monoceros R2 filament hub

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    We present far-infrared observations of Monoceros R2 (a giant molecular cloud at approximately 830 pc distance, containing several sites of active star formation), as observed at 70 ÎŒm, 160 ÎŒm, 250 ÎŒm, 350 ÎŒm, and 500 ÎŒm by the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) and Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) instruments on the Herschel Space Observatory as part of the Herschel imaging survey of OB young stellar objects (HOBYS) Key programme. The Herschel data are complemented by SCUBA-2 data in the submillimetre range, and WISE and Spitzer data in the mid-infrared. In addition, C18O data from the IRAM 30-m Telescope are presented, and used for kinematic information. Sources were extracted from the maps with getsources, and from the fluxes measured, spectral energy distributions were constructed, allowing measurements of source mass and dust temperature. Of 177 Herschel sources robustly detected in the region (a detection with high signal-to-noise and low axis ratio at multiple wavelengths), including protostars and starless cores, 29 are found in a filamentary hub at the centre of the region (a little over 1% of the observed area). These objects are on average smaller, more massive, and more luminous than those in the surrounding regions (which together suggest that they are at a later stage of evolution), a result that cannot be explained entirely by selection effects. These results suggest a picture in which the hub may have begun star formation at a point significantly earlier than the outer regions, possibly forming as a result of feedback from earlier star formation. Furthermore, the hub may be sustaining its star formation by accreting material from the surrounding filaments
