192 research outputs found

    Effects of Grassland Management on Herbage Lipid Composition and Consequences for Fatty Acids in Milk

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    Herbage provides bulk feed and is the basis for ruminant nutrition. Herbage lipids, especially C18:3, are a major source of beneficial fatty acids (FA) in milk. These desired FA are unsaturated FA such as CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), especially the isomer rumenic acid, and also vaccenic acid, both trans omega-7 FA (Ellen & Elgersma, 2004). As information on lipids in forages is scarce, effects were studied of N application level and regrowth period on the lipid concentration and FA composition of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), the most important forage in temperate climate zones. A linear relation had previously been found between C18:3 intake of cows stall-fed with fresh grass and the amount of omega-7 FA in milk (Elgersma et al., 2003)

    Nation and/or Homeland: Identity in 19th-Century Music and Literature between Central and Mediterranean Europe

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    The aim of this book is to focus on the development of national awareness elaborated around a series of different case studies, in which the terms nation, homeland and people have been applied. This Romantic lexicon identifies similar but various conceptions of the national idea in some countries dominated by Italian, German and Slavic cultures, and in some groups or minorities such as the Jews and the Vlachs in Central and Mediterranean Europe. In order to clarify the cultural framework, the authors explore the construction of identity through folk tunes, poetry inspired by popular culture, and opera in which the national myths or heroes appear. In the self-making tradition, the national traits are sustained by the process of embodiment of any regional utterance, and also by disregarding the \u201cother\u201d, in particular the minorities. The symbols of the nation, as an achievement of the power that flourishes from the sense of belonging, are defined \u201cper differentiam\u201d. Theoretical perspectives are shaped by the new approaches to this topic, taking into consideration the artistic issues as socio-historical events and subsequently evaluating them in their aesthetic quality

    Antimony substituted lanthanum orthoniobate proton conductor - Structure and electronic properties

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    X‐ray and neutron diffraction have been utilized to analyze the crystalline and electronic structure of lanthanum orthoniobate substituted by antimony. Using X‐ray absorption spectroscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy, changes in the electronic structure of the material upon substitution have been analyzed. The structural transition temperature between fergusonite and scheelite phases for 30 mol% antimony substitution was found to be 15°C. Based on the neutron data, the oxygen nonstoichiometry was found to be relatively low. Moreover no influence on the position of the valence band maximum was observed. The influence of the protonation on the electronic structure of constituent oxides has been studied. Absorption data show that the incorporation of protonic defects into the lanthanum orthoniobate structure leads to changes in lanthanum electronic structure and a decrease in the density of unoccupied electronic states

    Zaburzenia napełniania lewej i prawej komory po zawale serca i ich relacja do tolerancji wysiłku fizycznego oraz stężenia peptydów natriuretycznych - obserwacja roczna

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    Wstęp: Ukazało się wiele prac dokumentujących przebudowę i dysfunkcję skurczową lewej komory serca (LV) u chorych po zawale serca (MI), znacznie mniej badań dotyczy funkcji rozkurczowej LV i prawej komory (RV) u tych osób. Celem pracy była ocena napełniania LV i RV oraz ich relacja do tolerancji wysiłku fizycznego i stężenia peptydów natriuretycznych u pacjentów po MI. Materiał i metody: Badanie echokardiograficzne wykonane metodą Dopplera oceniające wskaźniki napełniania obu komór wykonywano w spoczynku i po wysiłku fizycznym na bieżni ruchomej u 13 chorych po zawale ściany przedniej i u 21 osób po zawale ściany dolnej serca (5 razy w ciągu roku po MI). Stężenie ANP i BNP oznaczano metodą radioimmunologiczną w warunkach podstawowych i po wysiłku fizycznym. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 31 zdrowych ochotników. Wyniki: Wskaźniki napełniania LV i RV wskazują na istotnie większe upośledzenie napełniania komór u chorych po zawale ściany przedniej serca w porównaniu z pacjentami z zawałem ściany dolnej, jak i grupą kontrolną. Zmianą o największym znaczeniu jest skrócenie czasu deceleracji wczesnego napływu mitralnego LV i RV (szczególnie u chorych po zawale ściany przedniej). Wykazano obecność ujemnej korelacji między stopniem uszkodzenia funkcji rozkurczowej obu komór a tolerancją wysiłku fizycznego. Stężenia ANP i BNP były istotnie wyższe u chorych z zawałem ściany przedniej serca w porównaniu z pacjentami z zawałem ściany dolnej i korelowały ze wskaźnikami funkcji rozkurczowej LV i RV. Wnioski: U osób po MI zaburzenia funkcji rozkurczowej komór serca występują niezależnie od ich prawidłowej funkcji skurczowej. Zaburzenia napływu krwi do obu komór serca są bardziej nasilone u chorych z zawałem ściany przedniej serca w porównaniu z pacjentami z zawałem ściany dolnej. Upośledzenie tolerancji wysiłku fizycznego jest proporcjonalne do zaburzeń funkcji rozkurczowej komór serca. Silna korelacja między wskaźnikami napełniania komór serca a stężeniem peptydów natriuretycznych w surowicy krwi wskazuje na istnienie związku między dysfunkcją rozkurczową komór serca a aktywnością neurohormonalną po MI. (Folia Cardiol. 2003; 10: 143–152

    En route to dynamic life processes by SNARE-mediated fusion of polymer and hybrid membranes

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    A variety of artificial cells springs from the functionalization of liposomes with proteins. However, these models suffer from low durability without repair and replenishment mechanisms, which can be partly addressed by replacing the lipids with polymers. Yet natural membranes are also dynamically remodeled in multiple cellular processes. Here, we show that synthetic amphiphile membranes also undergo fusion, mediated by the protein machinery for synaptic secretion. We integrated fusogenic SNAREs in polymer and hybrid vesicles and observed efficient membrane and content mixing. We determined bending rigidity and pore edge tension as key parameters for fusion and described its plausible progression through cryo-EM snapshots. These findings demonstrate that dynamic membrane phenomena can be reconstituted in synthetic materials, thereby providing new tools for the assembly of synthetic protocells

    Spontaneous creation of Kibble-Zurek solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    When a system crosses a second-order phase transition on a finite timescale, spontaneous symmetry breaking can cause the development of domains with independent order parameters, which then grow and approach each other creating boundary defects. This is known as Kibble-Zurek mechanism. Originally introduced in cosmology, it applies both to classical and quantum phase transitions, in a wide variety of physical systems. Here we report on the spontaneous creation of solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates via the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. We measure the power-law dependence of defects number with the quench time, and provide a check of the Kibble-Zurek scaling with the sonic horizon. These results provide a promising test bed for the determination of critical exponents in Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    From a nonlinear string to a weakly interacting Bose gas

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    We investigate a real scalar field whose dynamics is governed by a nonlinear wave equation. We show that classical description can be applied to a quantum system of many interacting bosons provided that some quantum ingredients are included. An universal action has to be introduced in order to define particle number. The value of this action should be equal to the Planck constant. This constrain can be imposed by removing high frequency modes from the dynamics by introducing a cut-off. We show that the position of the cut-off has to be carefully adjusted. Finally, we show the proper choice of the cut-off ensures that all low frequency eigenenmodes which are taken into account are macroscopically occupied.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Broad targeting of resistance to apoptosis in cancer

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    Apoptosis or programmed cell death is natural way of removing aged cells from the body. Most of the anti-cancer therapies trigger apoptosis induction and related cell death networks to eliminate malignant cells. However, in cancer, de-regulated apoptotic signaling, particularly the activation of an anti-apoptotic systems, allows cancer cells to escape this program leading to uncontrolled proliferation resulting in tumor survival, therapeutic resistance and recurrence of cancer. This resistance is a complicated phenomenon that emanates from the interactions of various molecules and signaling pathways. In this comprehensive review we discuss the various factors contributing to apoptosis resistance in cancers. The key resistance targets that are discussed include (1) Bcl-2 and Mcl-1 proteins; (2) autophagy processes; (3) necrosis and necroptosis; (4) heat shock protein signaling; (5) the proteasome pathway; (6) epigenetic mechanisms; and (7) aberrant nuclear export signaling. The shortcomings of current therapeutic modalities are highlighted and a broad spectrum strategy using approaches including (a) gossypol; (b) epigallocatechin-3-gallate; (c) UMI-77 (d) triptolide and (e) selinexor that can be used to overcome cell death resistance is presented. This review provides a roadmap for the design of successful anti-cancer strategies that overcome resistance to apoptosis for better therapeutic outcome in patients with cancer

    The Lantern, 2019-2020

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    Cochlea, Greek for Snail • That Light in the Sky • Overview Effect • The Running Man • Sunset • Rabbits • What Happened While You Were Drunk Last Saturday Night • 21st Century Frankenstein • Passing • I Saw the Veil • Star Crossed • Subtle Hints • Hungry • Basement High • The Night Who Lost Its Stars • Remnants • Nostalgia • I Want to Go to Bed • Wooden Car Blues • Silver Honey • The Breakup • Here\u27s to Losing You • Marfa • Cold Wind Blows • Last Week • 6/12/2019 • These Feather Earrings • Every Piece of White Trash Comes from Somewhere • Color Motion Blur • Song of the Kauai O\u27o • You/Me/Him • Girl in Three Parts • With Anxiety • Foreigner • Eating Your Own Field • Mary Cassatt Sits for a Self Portrait • Thanatourism • Lost in Transportation • Chicken Pot Pie Picture Show • Curses, Foiled Again • From Amelia Goldstein\u27s Movement in Your Words 2019 • At the Altar • More Than Words • Show Me Your Eyes • Ears • The Deflowering • Space • The Tea Bags • Make No Mistake • What Does He Do With the Body?: Four Possibilities • The Story of How I Died, or What the Witches Gave Me • Fortune-Teller • No Thanks • Winter Words • Fluorescent Adolescent • Etiquettical Triptych • Curls and Flower Petals • Being or Falling • Fond Memories • You • All to My City • The Shoreline • Tranquility • Eggs • Burnt • Anthony • Targets • Looking Up • Nebula • Eastern State • Beachhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1188/thumbnail.jp

    Imaging fascicular organization of rat sciatic nerves with fast neural electrical impedance tomography

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    Imaging compound action potentials (CAPs) in peripheral nerves could help avoid side effects in neuromodulation by selective stimulation of identified fascicles. Existing methods have low resolution, limited imaging depth, or are invasive. Fast neural electrical impedance tomography (EIT) allows fascicular CAP imaging with a resolution of <200 µm, <1 ms using a non-penetrating flexible nerve cuff electrode array. Here, we validate EIT imaging in rat sciatic nerve by comparison to micro-computed tomography (microCT) and histology with fluorescent dextran tracers. With EIT, there are reproducible localized changes in tissue impedance in response to stimulation of individual fascicles (tibial, peroneal and sural). The reconstructed EIT images correspond to microCT scans and histology, with significant separation between the fascicles (p < 0.01). The mean fascicle position is identified with an accuracy of 6% of nerve diameter. This suggests fast neural EIT can reliably image the functional fascicular anatomy of the nerves and so aid selective neuromodulation