8 research outputs found
Characterization of Emergency Department Rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Procedures with an Infectious Diseases Clinic Referral Process
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Safety and efficacy of rabies immunoglobulin in pediatric patients with suspected exposure
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Incidence and variables associated with inadequate antibody titers after pre-exposure rabies vaccination among veterinary medical students
- Author
- Amit Banga
- Averhoff
- Berlin
- Berndtsson
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Burridge
- Cabasso
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Human Rabies Prevention—United States
- Eliakim
- Fishbein
- Fooks
- Kenneth D. Rosenman
- Lim
- Margolis
- Mastroeni
- Moore
- Morris
- Namrata Banga
- National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI)
- Nicholson
- Paula Guss
- Sehgal
- Sheridan
- Spitzer
- Weber
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Neurological complications following vaccinations
- Author
- Andrew Bonwit
- Augusto Miravalle
- Brody M
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Guillain—Barré syndrome among recipients of Menactra meningococcal conjugate vaccine — United States June—July
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Human rabies — Québec Canada
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Imported vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis — United States
- Das RN
- Eugene Schnitzler
- Geier MR
- Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety
- International note. Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety
- José Biller
- Research Unit of the Royal College of General. Practitioners. Theincidence and complications of mumps
- Schlenska GK
- Shaw FE
- Shaw FE
- Srivastava AK
- Swamy HS
- White CJ
- Zhou W
- Publication venue
- 'Maney Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- A Bueno-Cavanillas
- A Canessa
- A Cingolani
- B Danneman
- B Sköldenberg
- B Wildemann
- BJ Luft
- BJ Luft
- C Kennedy
- C Lynas
- C Renold
- CH Calisher
- CH Hoke Jr
- D Podzamczer
- DD Ho
- DE Griffin
- DL Noah
- E Aurelius
- G Sze
- GA Elder
- GH Barnett
- H Kolski
- H Shoji
- HD Davidson
- HJ Anders
- Human-Rabies prevention — United States
- J Haas
- J Otero
- J Reina
- J Rello
- J Tomazic
- JA Hensley
- JF Modlin
- JO Lundström
- JT McDonald
- KJ Goitein
- KR Ratzan
- L Corey
- LE Davis
- LF Kox
- LU Meyding
- M Grandien
- M Kita
- M Koskiniem
- M Koskiniemi
- M Schmidbauer
- MG Goetting
- MH Kollef
- ML Tsai
- MZ Ansari
- N Aygun
- N McGrath
- N Stocchetti
- P Cinque
- P Cinque
- P Muir
- P Rebaud
- P Tebas
- PD Garen
- R JordĂ Marcos
- R Marton
- R Verdon
- RB Domingues
- RB Domingues
- RF Miller
- RJ Whitley
- RJ Whitley
- RJ Whitley
- RJ Whitley
- RJ Whitley
- RL Deresiewicz
- RP Paczynski
- S Kumarvelu
- S Rashiq
- S Schwab
- SM Wang
- SY Wong
- T Bergstrom
- T Guffond
- TA Payne
- TC Roberts
- TF Schwarz
- U Wintergerst
- UK Misra
- UK Misra
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study
Bat Rabies
- Author
- Acha
- Aguilar Setien
- Allen
- Allen
- Allworth
- Almeida
- Amengual
- Arguin
- Badrane
- Badrane
- Baer
- Baer
- Baer
- Baer
- Bahloul
- Bell
- Beran
- Botvinkin
- Botvinkin
- Botvinkin
- Botvinkin
- Boulger
- Bourhy
- Bourhy
- Brookes
- Bruijn
- BĂĽchen-Osmond
- Carini
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- de Mattos
- Dietzschold
- Dietzschold
- Dietzschold
- Dorward
- Echevarria
- Familusi
- Familusi
- Fekadu
- Fekadu
- Field
- Foggin
- Fooks
- Fooks
- Franka
- Fraser
- Gibbons
- Gould
- Gould
- Greenhall
- Guyatt
- Hanlon
- Hanna
- Holmes
- Hooper
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Human rabies prevention — United States
- Jallet
- Johnson
- Kemp
- Khozinski
- King
- King
- King
- King
- Kissi
- Krebs
- Krebs
- Krebs
- Kuzmin
- Kuzmin
- Kuzmin
- Kuzmin
- Kuzmin
- Kuzmin
- Kuzmin
- Kuzmin
- Lopez
- Lord
- Lumio
- Lumlertdacha
- Marissen
- Markotter
- McCall
- McColl
- Mebatsion
- Mebatsion
- Meredith
- Messenger
- Moreno
- Morimoto
- Nadin-Davis
- Nadin-Davis
- Nel
- Nel
- Niezgoda
- Nowak
- Pal
- Pawan
- Potzsch
- Pybus
- Reynes
- Ronsholt
- Rupprecht
- Rupprecht
- Sadler
- Scherbak
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Selimov
- Selimov
- Serra-Cobo
- Shankar
- Shankar
- Sheeler-Gordon
- Shoji
- Shope
- Shope
- Smith
- Smith
- Steece
- Sulkin
- Sulkin
- Sulkin
- Sulkin
- Swanepoel
- Tan
- Tang
- Tignor
- Tordo
- Trimarchi
- Tuncman
- Van der Poel
- Van der Poel
- Velasco-Villa
- Vos
- Warner
- Warrilow
- Warrilow
- Wellenberg
- Yanez Valesco
- Zaikovskaia
- Zaikovskaia
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Transmission of Infectious Diseases Through Breast Milk and Breastfeeding
- Author
- Adu
- Afridi
- Al-Eissa
- Albargish
- Alford
- Alford
- Alpert
- Alter
- Ando
- Ando
- Ando
- Ando
- Ando
- Andrews
- Anthony
- Armstrong
- Arnon
- Arnon
- Arnon
- Arpadi
- Arvin
- Arvin
- Atkins
- Baldan
- Bannister
- Barbe
- Barroso
- Barton
- Bates
- Bausch
- Beasley
- Beasley
- Becquet
- Behari
- Bergdoll
- Bernard
- Bertin
- Bertolli
- Bertotto
- Biggerstaff
- Bilenko
- Bitnun
- Blanche
- Bleck
- Bohlke
- Boo
- Bortolotti
- Botsford
- Boussemart
- Bratu
- Brent
- Brinton
- Brown
- Bulkow
- Buranasin
- Butter
- Buxmann
- Byrne
- Campbell
- Cantwell
- Carrera
- Carrol
- Caserta
- Cazzaniga
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: First human death associated with raccoon rabies—Virginia
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Intrauterine West Nile virus infection—New York
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Laboratory-acquired West Nile virus infections—United States
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Possible West Nile virus transmission to an infant through breastfeeding—Michigan
- Ceyhan
- Chapman
- Chen
- Cherry
- Chilongozi
- Chopra
- Cimolai
- Clemens
- Committee on Infectious Disease
- Committee on Infectious Diseases
- Committee on Infectious Diseases
- Coovadia
- Coovadia
- Coutsoudis
- Coutsoudis
- Coutsoudis
- Coutsoudis
- Croly-Labourdette
- Datta
- Davis
- De Martino
- Del Fante
- Delgado
- Derkay
- Deubel
- deVilliers
- Dillon
- Dinsmoor
- Dormer
- Downham
- Dunkle
- Dunn
- Dunne
- Dunne
- Dworsky
- Ekpini
- Enocksson
- Espinosa
- European Paediatric Hepatitis C Virus Network
- Fairchild
- Falkler
- Feucht
- Fieldsteel
- Fischler
- Fisher-Hoch
- Fortunov
- Francis-Morrill
- Franco
- Friis
- Fujino
- Fujisaki
- Fujiyama
- Furnia
- Garde
- Gardner
- Gardner
- Garner
- Gastelum
- Gendrel
- Gerardin
- Gerber
- Gershon
- Gervais
- Gibb
- Gillin
- Giuliano
- Glezen
- Goins
- Goldblum
- Gotuzzo
- Grimwood
- Guay
- Gubler
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gurakan
- Guzman
- Haas
- Hale
- Hall
- Halstead
- Hamprecht
- Hamprecht
- Harjulhto
- Harris
- Hayes
- Henderson
- Heneine
- Hernell
- Hill
- Hinckley
- Hino
- Hino
- Hino
- Hino
- Hira
- Hisada
- Hjelt
- Hokama
- Hollinger
- Hon
- Horn
- Horowitz
- Horsburgh
- Horvath
- Huang
- Hurst
- Ing
- Isaacs
- Ishak
- Iso
- Italian Register for HIV Infection in Children
- Iwamoto
- Jalali
- James
- Jeliffe
- Jimenez
- Junker
- Kafulafula
- Kalstone
- Kaplan
- Katzman
- Kaufman
- Kawada
- Kawanabe
- Keelyside
- Keller
- Kenny
- Khanna
- Khoury
- Kilewo
- Kilewo
- Kim
- Kinoshita
- Kinoshita
- Kittigul
- Koch
- Komrower
- Kotiw
- Kourtis
- Kuhn
- Kuhn
- Kuhn
- Kuhn
- Kuhn
- Kuhn
- Kuhn
- Kumar
- Kumwenda
- Kusuhara
- Lal
- Lal
- Lamprecht
- Lane-Claypon
- Langer
- Law
- Lawrence
- Lawrence
- Layde
- Le Thomas
- Leach
- Lederman
- Lee
- Lepage
- Lepelletier
- Leroy
- Leroy
- LeVasseur
- Lin
- Lin
- Liner
- Lowis
- Lubani
- Lubani
- Lubani
- MacMahon
- Manzini
- Marazzi
- Marra
- Martin
- Maschmann
- Maschmann
- Matsumura
- May
- Mbizvo
- Mbori-Ngacha
- McAdams
- McManus
- McMenamin
- McTiernan
- Mehall
- Menzies
- Miller
- Miller
- Minamishima
- Miotti
- Mofenson
- Molin
- Monath
- Morel
- Morgan
- Moriya
- Munz
- Nagelkerke
- Nakano
- Nambiar
- Nduati
- Nduati
- Nemenqani
- Neuberger
- Newburg
- Newcombe
- Nguyen
- Novak
- Numazaki
- Nwaorgu
- Nwosu
- Nyambi
- Ohashi
- Ohto
- Ohto
- Ohto
- Ohto
- Okamoto
- Olver
- Omarsdottir
- Onyango
- Orloff
- Osterman
- Oxtoby
- O’Brien
- O’Leary
- Pabst
- Palanduz
- Palanduz
- Palasanthiran
- Palombi
- Panlilio
- Papaioannou
- Parks
- Patel
- Peacock
- Peckham
- Peters
- Petersen
- Petra Study Team
- Phongsamart
- Pickering
- Pillay
- Pisacane
- Pittard
- Quinn
- Ramful
- Raucher
- Read
- Reddy
- Remington
- Reyes
- Richardson
- Rintala
- Roggiani
- Ronnestad
- Rosenblum
- Rota
- Rousseau
- Roy-Burman
- Rozolen
- Ruff
- Ruiz-Extremera
- Ruuska
- Saiman
- Saiman
- Sanner
- Sarkar
- Sarkola
- Sawada
- Sax
- Schachter
- Schaefer
- Scheiner
- Schlesinger
- Schlievert
- Schmidt
- Schrag
- Schröter
- Schwer
- Semba
- Sen-Hai
- Sepkowitz
- Setasuban
- Sethi
- Shapiro
- Sharland
- Shek
- Shinde
- Shoop
- Siegel
- Silver
- Sinkala
- Sirinavin
- Sit
- Six Week Extended-Dose Neviapine (SWEN) Study Team
- Skaug
- Smedile
- Snider
- Song
- Speer
- Spencer
- Stafford
- Stagno
- Stagno
- Starke
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Strobino
- Sugiyama
- Sullivan-Bolyai
- Suzano
- Taha
- Tajiri
- Takahashi
- Takezaki
- Tanaka-Taya
- Tess
- Thior
- Thiry
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Tikare
- Tomar
- Torok
- Tsai
- UNAIDS/WHO: Report on the global HIV/AIDS epidemic
- Ureta-Vidal
- Valamparampil
- Van de Perre
- Van de Perre
- Van Dyke
- Van Howe
- Varon
- Vergeront
- Vitek
- Vochem
- Vollmer
- Vorherr
- Walson
- Walter
- Walter
- Wambach
- Wang
- Wang
- Watanaveeradej
- Watson
- Wazer
- Wejstal
- Wharton
- Widdowson
- Wiktor
- Williams
- Wing
- Wong-Staal
- Working Group on Severe Streptococcal Infections
- Wu
- Yamanouchi
- Yasuda
- Yeager
- Yeung
- Yolken
- Yoo
- Yoshida
- Yoshinaga
- Zanetti
- Zeldis
- Zerr
- Zhang
- Ziegler
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions for Zoonotic Disease Prevention in Veterinary Personnel
- Author
- Anderson BC
- Baptiste KE
- Bender JB
- Boyce JM
- Brigid L. Elchos
- Brody MD
- Brody MD
- Bryan Cherry
- Carl J. Williams
- CDC. Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care facilities: recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)
- CDC. Guidelines for preventing opportunistic infections among HIV-infected persons--2002: recommendations of the U.S. Public Health Service and the Infectious Diseases Society of America
- CDC. Human rabies prevention--United States 2008: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
- CDC. Immunization of health-care workers: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)
- CDC. Update: multistate outbreak of monkeypox--Illinois Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin, 2003
- Cherry B
- Clinkenbeard KD
- Constable PJ
- Croft DR
- Doebbeling BN
- Dunstan RW
- Emilio E. DeBess
- Grant S
- Hafer AL
- Hannah HW
- Hanselman BA
- Hara H
- Herwaldt LA
- Holmstrom SE
- Jay F. Levine
- Joni M. Scheftel
- Juhasz-Kaszanyitzky E
- Kaiser RM
- Landercasper J
- Le Moal G
- Lenhart SW
- Leonard FC
- Levine JF
- Lin CM
- Logothetis DD
- Marano N
- Moore RM
- Nation PN
- Nusbaum BP
- Patterson JE
- Poole AG
- Poole AG
- Preiser G
- Ramsey DT
- Reed KD
- Reif JS
- Seibert PJ
- Sharon G. Hopkins
- Sheldon CC
- Smith R
- Snow J
- Steere AC
- Tissot-Dupont H
- Vanrompay D
- Voss A
- Wright JG
- Wulf M
- Publication venue
- 'American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)'
- Publication date
- Field of study