1,944 research outputs found

    P31 phosphor persistence at photopic mean luminance level.

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    P31 phosphor screens are frequently used for short-term presentation of dot and grating patterns, but experimental data obtained with this technique have been criticized because of possible parasitic effects of phosphor persistence on subjects' visual performance. Recently, this issue provoked a controversial discussion in Vision Research (Groner et al., 1993; Westheimer, 1993, 1994; Irwin, 1994; Di Lollo et al., 1994) which was concerned with persistence effects of P31 screens for dot patterns. Supplementing this discussion, the present work deals with the effects of different types of patterns (dot pattern vs. gratings) and background mean-luminance levels (scotopic vs. phototopic) on phosphor persistence. Physical measurements of P31 persistence occurring with grating patterns of a mean luminance of 20 cd m-2 (i.e. photopic range) were obtained by using an extremely linear photometer with high temporal resolution. Under this photopic condition, the measurements demonstrate a fast decay of residual grating contrast to 1.4% of its original value within 50 ms after pattern offset. This phosphor behavior must be considered when designing an experiment with a P31 screen though it certainly embodies no problems in many applications

    The Good and Bad News of Software Use for Mathematics Proficiency Test Preparation

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    Black and White Cat

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    Implementation of a Medication Near-Miss Reporting System

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    Faculty from a state university nurse anesthesia program requested a system to track medication near-miss events among their students. After a literature review, and in collaboration with faculty stakeholders, an electronic medication near-miss reporting system was developed and activated. A Likert scale evaluation survey was designed and reviewed by experts. This medication near-miss survey was auto-populated for all students who utilized the system. Students were happy with the anonymity, ease of use, and time it took to report the near-miss. Faculty stakeholders were given an open-ended question survey and results indicated faculty were pleased with the data they received. After some revisions, the faculty plan to continue to utilize the system for all errors, not only those meeting a “near-miss” definition. Results from this project will allow changes to be made in the curriculum to better address medication errors. The most impactful finding was the importance of debriefing after a near-miss event. Faculty plan to ensure that students are a part of a debriefing after medication near-miss events and errors, since many students found it beneficial. The reporting system also provided details about the drugs and situations that were most frequently part of the near-miss events

    Field of Flowers

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    Punishment or Policy Change: A Case of Plagiarism in a Dissertation

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    This article examines a case of plagiarism in a dissertation, which was found after the doctoral degree had been awarded. Plagiarism detection is discussed in relation to the methodology, which included manual analysis, Google searches, and originality reports from Turnitin. Questions on the role of the dissertation committee, processes used to complete the dissertation, and consequences of plagiarism are addressed, as well as factors influencing a decision to report the case. Procedures for reporting plagiarism allegations and those the university used to investigate are included. Because this case illustrates that revoking a degree is not necessarily a sanction when plagiarism is proven, the article delves into legal issues surrounding policies for adjudicating allegations of academic misconduct and revoking degrees. Plagiarism prevention strategies are provided to illustrate the joint responsibility of a university, faculty, and students to prevent cases such as this one from ever happening. Universities are prompted to examine and uphold existing academic integrity and plagiarism policies and to develop appropriate policies for dealing with plagiarism if they do not exist

    Venice, CA

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    Vom kommunalen Stabilisierungsfonds zu einem Stabilisierungsfonds der Länder?

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    Die Föderalismuskommission II beschäftigt sich derzeit mit der Neuordnung der Bund-Länder-Finanzbeziehungen. Eine der dort diskutierten Fragestellungen ist die Glättung der Einnahmenentwicklung. Professor Ingolf Deubel stellt hier den rheinland-pfälzischen Stabilisierungsfonds zur Verstetigung der kommunalen Einnahmen vor und regt an, dieses Modell zur Verstetigung der Ländereinnahmen und als zusätzliche Schuldenbremse auf die Länderebene zu übertragen. --

    Reform des Gemeindesteuersystems: ZurĂĽck zur kommunalen Selbstverwaltung

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    Das heutige kommunale Steuersystem weist insgesamt keine ausreichende Ergiebigkeit auf und hat sich aufgrund wiederholter Eingriffe des Gesetzgebers seit vielen Jahren nicht mehr wachstumsproportional entwickelt. Wie sollte das Gemeindesteuersystem reformiert werden? --
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