67 research outputs found

    Estrogen Receptors in Glucose Homeostasis

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    Den förklÀdde konsumenten - en uppsats om manligt konsumtionsbeteende

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    Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att finna faktorer vilka uppmuntrar manlig klĂ€dkonsumtion. Vi genomförde en fallstudie dĂ€r studieobjektet var shoppingintresserade mĂ€n och arenan en herrklĂ€desbutik. En kvalitativ metod applicerades; Ă„tta semi-strukturerade intervjuer med butiksĂ€gare och stamkunder genomfördes, samt nio timmars icke-deltagande observationer i butiksmiljön. För att förstĂ„ mĂ€nnen anvĂ€ndes teorier om genus, beteende och butiksmiljön som pĂ„verkansfaktor. Vi anvĂ€nde oss av en egen modell, med utgĂ„ngspunkt i ”stimulus-respons”-teorin och servicescape, vilken tar hĂ€nsyn till hur miljön framkallar reaktioner vilka influerar beteende. Slutsatserna bestĂ„r i mĂ€nnens vilja att förklĂ€ sitt klĂ€dintresse, genom att framhĂ€va varumĂ€rkesintresse, de sociala aspekterna och den egna identiteten; för att pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt kunna hĂ€nge sig Ă„t shopping. Vidare var service en viktig faktor i mĂ€nnens upplevelse och pĂ„verkade deras grad av nöjdhet

    Large D-Dimer Fluctuation in Normal Pregnancy: A Longitudinal Cohort Study of 4,117 Samples from 714 Healthy Danish Women

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    Introduction. D-dimer levels increase throughout pregnancy, hampering the usefulness of the conventional threshold for dismissing thromboembolism. This study investigates the biological fluctuation of D-dimer in normal pregnancy. Methods. A total of 801 healthy women with expected normal pregnancies were recruited. D-dimer was repeatedly measured during pregnancy, at active labor, and on the first and second postpartum days. Percentiles for each gestational week were calculated. Each individual D-dimer was normalized by transformation into percentiles for the relevant gestational age or delivery group. The range in percentage points during the pregnancy and the delivery was calculated, and reference intervals were calculated for each pregnancy trimester, during vaginal delivery and scheduled and emergency cesarean section, and for the first and second day postpartum. Results. D-dimer increased during pregnancy; the maximal fluctuation was approximately 20 percentile points in approximately half of the women. In one out of ten women, the D-dimer values fluctuated by more than 50 percentile points. Conclusions. Due to the biological variation in D-dimer within each individual woman during normal pregnancy, repeated D-dimer measurements are of no clinical use in the evaluation of thromboembolic events during pregnancy

    Predicting the Effects of Supplemental EPA and DHA on the Omega-3 Index

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    Background: Supplemental long-chain omega-3 (n–3) fatty acids (EPA and DHA) raise erythrocyte EPA + DHA [omega-3 index (O3I)] concentrations, but the magnitude or variability of this effect is unclear. Objective: The purpose of this study was to model the effects of supplemental EPA + DHA on the O3I. Methods: Deidentified data from 1422 individuals from 14 published n–3 intervention trials were included. Variables considered included dose, baseline O3I, sex, age, weight, height, chemical form [ethyl ester (EE) compared with triglyceride (TG)], and duration of treatment. The O3I was measured by the same method in all included studies. Variables were selected by stepwise regression using the Bayesian information criterion. Results: Individuals supplemented with EPA + DHA (n = 846) took a mean ± SD of 1983 ± 1297 mg/d, and the placebo controls (n = 576) took none. The mean duration of supplementation was 13.6 ± 6.0 wk. The O3I increased from 4.9% ± 1.7% to 8.1% ± 2.7% in the supplemented individuals ( P \u3c 0.0001). The final model included dose, baseline O3I, and chemical formulation type (EE or TG), and these explained 62% of the variance in response (P \u3c 0.0001). The model predicted that the final O3I (and 95% CI) for a population like this, with a baseline concentration of 4.9%, given 850 mg/d of EPA + DHA EE would be ∌6.5% (95% CI: 6.3%, 6.7%). Gram for gram, TG-based supplements increased the O3I by about 1 percentage point more than EE products. Conclusions: Of the factors tested, only baseline O3I, dose, and chemical formulation were significant predictors of O3I response to supplementation. The model developed here can be used by researchers to help estimate the O3I response to a given EPA + DHA dose and chemical form

    Inhibition of Gastric Lipase as a Mechanism for Body Weight and Plasma Lipids Reduction in Zucker Rats Fed a Rosemary Extract Rich in Carnosic Acid

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    BACKGROUND: Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) extracts (REs) exhibit hepatoprotective, anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties and are widely used in the food industry. REs are rich in carnosic acid (CA) and carnosol which may be responsible for some of the biological activities of REs. The aim of this study was to investigate whether inhibition of lipase activity in the gut may be a mechanism by which a RE enriched in CA (40%) modulates body weight and lipids levels in a rat model of metabolic disorders and obesity. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: RE was administered for 64 days to lean (fa/+) and obese (fa/fa) female Zucker rats and body weight, food intake, feces weight and blood biochemical parameters were monitored throughout the study. Lipase activity (hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylbutyrate) was measured in the gastrointestinal tract at the end of the study and the contents of CA, carnosol and methyl carnosate were also determined. Sub-chronic administration of RE moderately reduced body weight gain in both lean and obese animals but did not affect food intake. Serum triglycerides, cholesterol and insulin levels were also markedly decreased in the lean animals supplemented with RE. Importantly, lipase activity was significantly inhibited in the stomach of the RE-supplemented animals where the highest content of intact CA and carnosol was detected. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that long-term administration of RE enriched in CA moderates weight gain and improves the plasma lipids profile, primarily in the lean animals. Our data also suggest that these effects may be caused, at least in part, by a significant inhibition of gastric lipase and subsequent reduction in fat absorption

    Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development (BOND)—Iron Review

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    This is the fifth in the series of reviews developed as part of the Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development (BOND) program. The BOND Iron Expert Panel (I-EP) reviewed the extant knowledge regarding iron biology, public health implications, and the relative usefulness of currently available biomarkers of iron status from deficiency to overload. Approaches to assessing intake, including bioavailability, are also covered. The report also covers technical and laboratory considerations for the use of available biomarkers of iron status, and concludes with a description of research priorities along with a brief discussion of new biomarkers with potential for use across the spectrum of activities related to the study of iron in human health. The I-EP concluded that current iron biomarkers are reliable for accurately assessing many aspects of iron nutrition. However, a clear distinction is made between the relative strengths of biomarkers to assess hematological consequences of iron deficiency versus other putative functional outcomes, particularly the relationship between maternal and fetal iron status during pregnancy, birth outcomes, and infant cognitive, motor and emotional development. The I-EP also highlighted the importance of considering the confounding effects of inflammation and infection on the interpretation of iron biomarker results, as well as the impact of life stage. Finally, alternative approaches to the evaluation of the risk for nutritional iron overload at the population level are presented, because the currently designated upper limits for the biomarker generally employed (serum ferritin) may not differentiate between true iron overload and the effects of subclinical inflammation

    Verifiera korrekthet av dekomposition av kontrakt

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    The importance of verification in safety critical systems is well known. However, due to the complexity of verification, the task of formally verifying large safety-critical systems might prove computationally infeasible in many cases. Compositional verification is a technique aimed at enabling verification of large safety-critical systems. One of the ambitions of compositional verification is to verify each component of a system against its specification separately, in such a way that the entire system as a unit is verified implicitly. This is possible if all component specifications imply the system specification. The problem of proving this implication is referred to as proving compositionality. In the context of compositional verification, assume/guarantee-contracts have emerged as the prevailing method for ensuring compositionality. An assume/guarantee-contract is a form of contract which specifically details what behaviour a component assumes (or expects) from a user, and what behaviour that component guarantees based on the assumption. Nyberg, Westman, and Gurov presented a solution to the problem of proving compositionality, in the context of assume/guarantee-contracts. The paper provides theory, such as a natural deduction system, for proving that a decomposed system does indeed satisfy the top level specification. This thesis explores how the pro cess of proving compositionality can be simplified, and formalizes the system developed by Nyberg, Westman, and Gurov in the interactive theorem prover HOL4. The work is presented as two HOL4 theories. The first theory is a complete formalization of the theory developed by Nyberg, Westman, and Gurov. Additionally, the HOL4 theory implicitly proves the correctness of the natural deduction system. The second theory is a formalization of a Gentzenstyle system. The theory implements the resulting system when translating the original natural deduction system to into a Gentzen-style system. While the first theory resulted in a feasible tool for proving compositionality interactively, as well as proving the original theory, it did not perform well when tasking HOL4 with finding proofs automatically. The second theory, the Gentzen-style system, performed much faster with automated reasoners. As an additional contribution, a comparison between the rules for proving compositionality, and the rules for type-checking intersection types in typed lambda calculus, was made. It is shown that structural similarities exist, and that these could possibly be used for faster proof search in compositionality; however, it is reasoned that an isomorphism is not likely to exist.  Det Àr vÀlkÀnt att verifikation av sÀkerhetskritiska system Àr viktigt. Men komplexiteten av verifikation Àr ofta en begrÀnsande faktor, vilket i vissa fall leder till att formell verifikation av stora sÀkerhetskritiska system Àr omöjligt. Kompositionell verifikation Àr en teknik som Àmnar möjliggöra verifikation av stora sÀkerhetskritiska system. En av ambitionerna med kompositonell verifikation Àr att kunna verifiera varje komponent av ett system mot sin individuella specifikation separat, pÄ ett sÄdant sÀtt att systemet som enhet Àr verifierat implicit. Detta Àr möjligt om alla komponent-specifikationer implicerar system-specifikationen. Att bevisa denna implikation Àr ett problem som kallas bevisa kompositionalitet. I kontexten av kompositionell verifikation har assume/guarantee-kontrakt blivit den vedertagna metoden för att sÀkerstÀlla kompositionalitet [1]. Ett assume/guarantee-kontrakt Àr en form av kontrakt som specificerar det beteende en komponent antar frÄn en anvÀndare, och vilket betende komponenten garanterar baserat pÄ antagandet. Nyberg, Westman och Gurov [2] presenterade en lösning till problem bevisa kompositionalitet, i kontexten av assume/guarantee-kontrakt. Rapporten presenterar teori, bl.a. ett system för naturlig deduktion, för att bevisa att ett uppdelat system satisfierar den globala specifikationen. Denna uppsats utforskar hur processen av att bevisa kompositionalitet kan förenklas, och formaliserar system utveckat av Nyberg, Westman och Gurov [2] i den interaktiva teorembevisaren HOL4. Arbetet presenteras som tvÄ HOL4 teorier. Den första teorin Àr en fullstÀndigt formalisering av teorin utvecklad av Nyberg, Westman och Gurov [2]. Denna teori bevisar implicit sundheten av systemet för naturlig deduktion. Den andra teorin formalizerar ett Gentzen-style system. Teorin implementerar det resulterande systemet nÀr det orginala system för naturlig deduktion översÀtts till ett Gentzen-style system. Medan den första teorin resulterade i ett möjligt verktyg för att bevisa kompositionalitet interaktivt, presterade den inte vÀl nÀr ombedd att automatiskt hitta bevis. Den andra teorin, Gentzen-style systemet, presterade betydligt bÀttre med automatiska resonerare. Som ett ytterligare bidrag, gjordes en jÀmförelse mellan reglerna för att bevisa kompositionalitet, och reglerna för att typtesta skÀrningstyper i typad lambda calculus. Strukturella likheter pÄpekas, och att dessa skulle kunna leda till snabbare bevissökning inom kompositionalitet. DÀremot resoneras det ocksÄ att en isomorfism antagligen inte existerar

    Verifiera korrekthet av dekomposition av kontrakt

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    The importance of verification in safety critical systems is well known. However, due to the complexity of verification, the task of formally verifying large safety-critical systems might prove computationally infeasible in many cases. Compositional verification is a technique aimed at enabling verification of large safety-critical systems. One of the ambitions of compositional verification is to verify each component of a system against its specification separately, in such a way that the entire system as a unit is verified implicitly. This is possible if all component specifications imply the system specification. The problem of proving this implication is referred to as proving compositionality. In the context of compositional verification, assume/guarantee-contracts have emerged as the prevailing method for ensuring compositionality. An assume/guarantee-contract is a form of contract which specifically details what behaviour a component assumes (or expects) from a user, and what behaviour that component guarantees based on the assumption. Nyberg, Westman, and Gurov presented a solution to the problem of proving compositionality, in the context of assume/guarantee-contracts. The paper provides theory, such as a natural deduction system, for proving that a decomposed system does indeed satisfy the top level specification. This thesis explores how the pro cess of proving compositionality can be simplified, and formalizes the system developed by Nyberg, Westman, and Gurov in the interactive theorem prover HOL4. The work is presented as two HOL4 theories. The first theory is a complete formalization of the theory developed by Nyberg, Westman, and Gurov. Additionally, the HOL4 theory implicitly proves the correctness of the natural deduction system. The second theory is a formalization of a Gentzenstyle system. The theory implements the resulting system when translating the original natural deduction system to into a Gentzen-style system. While the first theory resulted in a feasible tool for proving compositionality interactively, as well as proving the original theory, it did not perform well when tasking HOL4 with finding proofs automatically. The second theory, the Gentzen-style system, performed much faster with automated reasoners. As an additional contribution, a comparison between the rules for proving compositionality, and the rules for type-checking intersection types in typed lambda calculus, was made. It is shown that structural similarities exist, and that these could possibly be used for faster proof search in compositionality; however, it is reasoned that an isomorphism is not likely to exist.  Det Àr vÀlkÀnt att verifikation av sÀkerhetskritiska system Àr viktigt. Men komplexiteten av verifikation Àr ofta en begrÀnsande faktor, vilket i vissa fall leder till att formell verifikation av stora sÀkerhetskritiska system Àr omöjligt. Kompositionell verifikation Àr en teknik som Àmnar möjliggöra verifikation av stora sÀkerhetskritiska system. En av ambitionerna med kompositonell verifikation Àr att kunna verifiera varje komponent av ett system mot sin individuella specifikation separat, pÄ ett sÄdant sÀtt att systemet som enhet Àr verifierat implicit. Detta Àr möjligt om alla komponent-specifikationer implicerar system-specifikationen. Att bevisa denna implikation Àr ett problem som kallas bevisa kompositionalitet. I kontexten av kompositionell verifikation har assume/guarantee-kontrakt blivit den vedertagna metoden för att sÀkerstÀlla kompositionalitet [1]. Ett assume/guarantee-kontrakt Àr en form av kontrakt som specificerar det beteende en komponent antar frÄn en anvÀndare, och vilket betende komponenten garanterar baserat pÄ antagandet. Nyberg, Westman och Gurov [2] presenterade en lösning till problem bevisa kompositionalitet, i kontexten av assume/guarantee-kontrakt. Rapporten presenterar teori, bl.a. ett system för naturlig deduktion, för att bevisa att ett uppdelat system satisfierar den globala specifikationen. Denna uppsats utforskar hur processen av att bevisa kompositionalitet kan förenklas, och formaliserar system utveckat av Nyberg, Westman och Gurov [2] i den interaktiva teorembevisaren HOL4. Arbetet presenteras som tvÄ HOL4 teorier. Den första teorin Àr en fullstÀndigt formalisering av teorin utvecklad av Nyberg, Westman och Gurov [2]. Denna teori bevisar implicit sundheten av systemet för naturlig deduktion. Den andra teorin formalizerar ett Gentzen-style system. Teorin implementerar det resulterande systemet nÀr det orginala system för naturlig deduktion översÀtts till ett Gentzen-style system. Medan den första teorin resulterade i ett möjligt verktyg för att bevisa kompositionalitet interaktivt, presterade den inte vÀl nÀr ombedd att automatiskt hitta bevis. Den andra teorin, Gentzen-style systemet, presterade betydligt bÀttre med automatiska resonerare. Som ett ytterligare bidrag, gjordes en jÀmförelse mellan reglerna för att bevisa kompositionalitet, och reglerna för att typtesta skÀrningstyper i typad lambda calculus. Strukturella likheter pÄpekas, och att dessa skulle kunna leda till snabbare bevissökning inom kompositionalitet. DÀremot resoneras det ocksÄ att en isomorfism antagligen inte existerar

    Verifiera korrekthet av dekomposition av kontrakt

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    The importance of verification in safety critical systems is well known. However, due to the complexity of verification, the task of formally verifying large safety-critical systems might prove computationally infeasible in many cases. Compositional verification is a technique aimed at enabling verification of large safety-critical systems. One of the ambitions of compositional verification is to verify each component of a system against its specification separately, in such a way that the entire system as a unit is verified implicitly. This is possible if all component specifications imply the system specification. The problem of proving this implication is referred to as proving compositionality. In the context of compositional verification, assume/guarantee-contracts have emerged as the prevailing method for ensuring compositionality. An assume/guarantee-contract is a form of contract which specifically details what behaviour a component assumes (or expects) from a user, and what behaviour that component guarantees based on the assumption. Nyberg, Westman, and Gurov presented a solution to the problem of proving compositionality, in the context of assume/guarantee-contracts. The paper provides theory, such as a natural deduction system, for proving that a decomposed system does indeed satisfy the top level specification. This thesis explores how the pro cess of proving compositionality can be simplified, and formalizes the system developed by Nyberg, Westman, and Gurov in the interactive theorem prover HOL4. The work is presented as two HOL4 theories. The first theory is a complete formalization of the theory developed by Nyberg, Westman, and Gurov. Additionally, the HOL4 theory implicitly proves the correctness of the natural deduction system. The second theory is a formalization of a Gentzenstyle system. The theory implements the resulting system when translating the original natural deduction system to into a Gentzen-style system. While the first theory resulted in a feasible tool for proving compositionality interactively, as well as proving the original theory, it did not perform well when tasking HOL4 with finding proofs automatically. The second theory, the Gentzen-style system, performed much faster with automated reasoners. As an additional contribution, a comparison between the rules for proving compositionality, and the rules for type-checking intersection types in typed lambda calculus, was made. It is shown that structural similarities exist, and that these could possibly be used for faster proof search in compositionality; however, it is reasoned that an isomorphism is not likely to exist.  Det Àr vÀlkÀnt att verifikation av sÀkerhetskritiska system Àr viktigt. Men komplexiteten av verifikation Àr ofta en begrÀnsande faktor, vilket i vissa fall leder till att formell verifikation av stora sÀkerhetskritiska system Àr omöjligt. Kompositionell verifikation Àr en teknik som Àmnar möjliggöra verifikation av stora sÀkerhetskritiska system. En av ambitionerna med kompositonell verifikation Àr att kunna verifiera varje komponent av ett system mot sin individuella specifikation separat, pÄ ett sÄdant sÀtt att systemet som enhet Àr verifierat implicit. Detta Àr möjligt om alla komponent-specifikationer implicerar system-specifikationen. Att bevisa denna implikation Àr ett problem som kallas bevisa kompositionalitet. I kontexten av kompositionell verifikation har assume/guarantee-kontrakt blivit den vedertagna metoden för att sÀkerstÀlla kompositionalitet [1]. Ett assume/guarantee-kontrakt Àr en form av kontrakt som specificerar det beteende en komponent antar frÄn en anvÀndare, och vilket betende komponenten garanterar baserat pÄ antagandet. Nyberg, Westman och Gurov [2] presenterade en lösning till problem bevisa kompositionalitet, i kontexten av assume/guarantee-kontrakt. Rapporten presenterar teori, bl.a. ett system för naturlig deduktion, för att bevisa att ett uppdelat system satisfierar den globala specifikationen. Denna uppsats utforskar hur processen av att bevisa kompositionalitet kan förenklas, och formaliserar system utveckat av Nyberg, Westman och Gurov [2] i den interaktiva teorembevisaren HOL4. Arbetet presenteras som tvÄ HOL4 teorier. Den första teorin Àr en fullstÀndigt formalisering av teorin utvecklad av Nyberg, Westman och Gurov [2]. Denna teori bevisar implicit sundheten av systemet för naturlig deduktion. Den andra teorin formalizerar ett Gentzen-style system. Teorin implementerar det resulterande systemet nÀr det orginala system för naturlig deduktion översÀtts till ett Gentzen-style system. Medan den första teorin resulterade i ett möjligt verktyg för att bevisa kompositionalitet interaktivt, presterade den inte vÀl nÀr ombedd att automatiskt hitta bevis. Den andra teorin, Gentzen-style systemet, presterade betydligt bÀttre med automatiska resonerare. Som ett ytterligare bidrag, gjordes en jÀmförelse mellan reglerna för att bevisa kompositionalitet, och reglerna för att typtesta skÀrningstyper i typad lambda calculus. Strukturella likheter pÄpekas, och att dessa skulle kunna leda till snabbare bevissökning inom kompositionalitet. DÀremot resoneras det ocksÄ att en isomorfism antagligen inte existerar
