922 research outputs found

    British Columbia Vegetation and Climate History with Focus on 6 ka BP

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    British Columbia Holocene vegetation and climate is reconstructed from pollen records. A coastal Pinus contorta paleobiome developed after glacier retreat under cool and probably dry climate. Cool moist forests involving Picea, Abies, Tsuga spp., and Pinus followed until the early Holocene. Pseudotsuga menziesii arrived and spread in the south 10 000-9000 BP, and Picea sitchensis - Tsuga heterophylla forests developed in the north. T. heterophylla increased 7500-7000 BP, and Cupressaceae expanded 5000-4000 BP. Bogs began to develop and expland. Modern vegetation arose 4000-2000 BP. There were early Holocene grass and Artemisia communities at mid-elevations and pine stands at high elevations in southern interior B.C. Forests expanded downslope and lakes formed 8500-7000 BP. Modern forests arose 4500-4000 BP while lower and upper tree lines declined. In northern B.C. non-arboreal communities preceded middle Holocene Picea forests. Abies, Pinus and Picea mariana predominated at various sites after 4000 BP. At 6000 BP Tsuga heterophylla (south) and Picea sitchensis (north) dominated the coast and islands and Quercus garryana and Pseudotsuga on southeast Vancouver Island, but Thuja plicata was infrequent. Southern Interior Plateau vegetation at 6000 BP was more open than today at middle to lower elevations, whereas forests covered the Northern Interior Plateau. Picea forests occurred in northern B.C. Holocene climate phases were: 1) warm dry "xerothermic" ca. 9500-7000 BP, 2) warm moist "mesothermic" ca. 7000-4500 BP, 3) moderate and moist 4500-0 BP, with increasing moisture 8500-6000 BP and cooling (?increased moisture) 4500-3000 BP. B.Cs Hypsithermal had dry and wet stages; 6000 BP occurred in the warm and wet mesothermic stage.Cette reconstitution a été effectuée à partir des données polliniques. Un paléobiome à Pinus contorta s'est établi après le retrait des glaciers sous un climat frais et probablement sec. Des forêts de climat frais et humide à dominance de Picea, Abies, Tsuga spp. et Pinus ont suivi, jusqu'à l'Holocène inférieur. Pseudotsuga menziesii s'est ensuite répandu dans le sud de 10 000 à 9000 BP, tandis que les forêts à Picea sitchensis - Tsuga heterophylla se sont répandues dans le nord. T. heterophylla s'est accru de 7500 à 7000 BP et Cupressaceae s'est répandu de 5000 à 4000 BP. La végétation moderne s'est manifestée de 4000-2000 BP. Dans le sud de la partie intérieure, il y a eu des herbes et des communautés d'Artemisia aux altitudes moyennes et des peuplements de pins en haute altitude au début de l'Holocène. Les forêts modernes se sont formées de 4500 à 4000 BP, tandis que les limites des arbres déclinaient. Au nord, les communautés non arboréennes ont précédé les forêts de pins de l'Holocène moyen. Abies, Pinus et Picea mariana ont prédominé en différents sites après 4000 BP. À 6000 BP, Tsuga heterophylla (au sud) et Pinus sitchensis (au nord) ont dominé sur les côtes et les îles et Quercus garryana ainsi que Pseudotsuga, le sud-est de l'île de Vancouver. La végétation du sud du plateau intérieur à 6000 BP était plus ouverte que maintenant aux altitudes moyennes et basses, tandis que les forêts couvraient le nord du plateau intérieur. Les forêts de Picea occupaient le nord de la Colombie-Britannique. Les phases climatiques à l'Holocène sont les suivantes : 1) une phase chaude et sèche, dite xérothermique, vers 9500-7000 BP, 2) une phase chaude et humide dite mésothermique, vers 7000-4500 BP, 3) une phase tempérée et humide de 4500 à 0 BP, avec une humidité croissante de 8500 à 6000 BP et un refroidissement (et humidité croissante ?) de 4500-3000 BP. À l'hypsithermal, le climat était tantôt sec, tantôt humide.Ein Kùsten-Palâobiom mit Pinus contorta entwickelte sich nach dem Rùckzug des Gletschers wàhrend eines kalten und wohl trockenen Klimas. Darauf folgten kalte feuchte Wàlder mit Picea, Abies, Tsuga spp. und Pinus bis zum frùhen Holozân. Pseudotsuga menziesii breitete sich dann in Sùden von 10 000 bis 9000 v.u.Z. aus, und Picea sitchensis - Tsuga-Wàlder entwickelten sich im Norden. T. heterophylla nahm von 7500-7000 v.u.Z. zu, und Cupressaceae etablierte sich von 5000-4000 v.u.Z. Sùmpfe begannen zu entstehen und sich auszubreiten. Es gab im frùhen Holozân Gras- und Artemisia-Einheiten in mittleren Hôhen und Kiefer-Populationen in groBen Hôhen im sùdlichen lnnern von British Columbia. Moderne Wàlder entstanden zwischen 4500-4000 v.u.Z. wàhrend die untere und obère Baumgrenze zurùckgingen. In Nord-B.C gab es nichtbaumartige Einheinten vor den P/cea-Wâldem des mittleren Holozân. An verschiedenen Plàtzen dominierten Abies, Pinus und Picea mariana nach 4000 v.u.Z. Um 6000 v.u.Z. dominierten an der Kùste und auf den Insein Tsuga heterophylla (im Sùden) und Picea sitchensis (im Norden) und Quercus garryana und Pseudotsuga im Sùdosten der Insel Vancouver, aber Thuja plicata war selten. Die Vegetation im Sùden des inneren Plateaus um 6000 v.u.Z. war offener als heute in mittleren und niedrigen Hôhen, wàhrend Wàlder das nôrdliche innere Plateau bedeckten. P/cea-Wàlder gab es in Nord-B.C. Die Klimaphasen im Holozân waren: 1) eine warme trockene "xerothermische", Phase etwa 9500-7000 v.u.Z., 2) eine warme feuchte "meso-thermische" Phase etwa 7000-4500 v.u.Z., eine gemàBigte und feuchte Phase 4500-0 v.u.Z., mit zunehmender Feuchtigkeit von 8500-6000 v.u.Z. und Abkùhlung (und zunehmender Feuchtigkeit?) 4500-3000 v.u.Z

    Pollen, Plant Macrofossils, and Insects from Fossil Woodrat (Neotoma Cinerea) Middens in British Columbia

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    Bushy-tailed woodrats (Neotoma cinerea) occur commonly in cliffs, rock talus, and caves in the open Pseudotsuga menziesii and Pinus ponderosa forests throughout interior British Columbia. Fossil N. cinerea middens from two sites in central British Columbia were radiocarbon dated and examined for pollen, plant macrofossils and insect remains. The Oregon Jack Creek site contains a midden that is dated 1150 ± 80 (WAT-1764) radiocarbon years ago. Pollen analyses reveal an abundance of Cupressaceae (Juniperus) and Pinus. Shrub and herb pollen types include Artemisia. Fabaceae, Poaceae, and Asteraceae. Juniperus scopulorum leaves, Pseudotsuga menziesii needles, Chenopodiaceae seeds. Rosa thorns and Artemisia leaflets are the main plant macrofossils. The remains of three beetle genera, Cryptophagus, Lathridius, and Enicmus represent insects that probably lived in the midden, eating decaying organic matter or moulds. Click beetle (Limonius) remains were probably brought into the midden from nearby soil or plant material. The Bull Canyon site contains a midden that dates to 700 ± 80 (WAT-1765) years BP. Pollen and plant macrofossil assemblages are similar to those at the Oregon Jack Creek site. Woodrat middens offer a new dimension in reconstructing Holocene paleoenvironments in the arid interior of British Columbia, in much the same way as they do in the southwest United States.Les rats à queue touffue s'observent souvent dans les escarpements, les talus rocheux et les cavernes dans les forêts ouvertes de Pseudotsuga menziesii et de Pinus ponderosa de l'intérieur de la Colombie-Britannique. Des amoncellements de matières fécales fossilisés de N. cinerea recueillis dans deux sites du centre de la Colombie-Britannique ont été datés au radio-carbone et analysés pour leur contenu en pollen, en macrofossiles de végétaux et en restes d'insectes. Le site d'Oregon Jack Creek renferme un amoncellement daté à 1150 ± 80 BP (WAT-1764). Les analyses polliniques ont révélé qu'il y avait abondance de Cupressaceae (Juniperus) et de Pinus. Les grains de pollen d'arbustes et d'herbacées comprennent Artemisia, Fabaceae. Poaceae et Asteraceae. Les principaux macrofossiles de végétaux étaient des feuilles de Juniperis scopulorum, des aiguilles de Pseudotsuga menziesii, des graines de Chenopodiaceae, des épines de Rosa et des folioles o"Artemisia. Les restes de trois genres de coléoptères (Cryptophagus, Lathridius et Enicmus) représentent les insectes qui vivaient probablement dans les amoncellements, se nourrissant de la matière organique en décomposition ou des moisissures. Les restes de Limonius proviennent probablement du sol environnant ou des végétaux. Le site de Bull Canyon renferme un amoncellement qui date de 700 ± 80 BP (WAT-1765). Les assemblages de pollen et de végétaux ressemblent à ceux du site d'Oregon Jack Creek. Les matières fécales du rat à queue touffue offrent de nouvelles possibilités de reconstitution des paléoenvironnements de l'Holocène de la région intérieure aride de la Colombie-Britannique, un peu comme c'est déjà le cas dans le sud des Etats-Unis.Ratten mit buschigem Schwanz (Neotoma cinerea) findet man oft in den Klippen, Schutthalden und Hôhlen in den offenen Pseudotsuga menziesii und Pinus ponderosa Wàldern im ganzen lnnern von British Columbia. Fosile N. cinerea Fâkalien von zwei Plâtzen in Zentral British Columbia wurden mit Radiokarbon datiert und auf Pollen, pflanzliche Makrofossile und lnsektenspuren untersucht. Der Platz Jack Creek in Oregon enthàlt einen Fakalienfund, der auf 1150 ± 80 (WAT-1764) Radiokarbonjahre v.u.Z. datiert wird. Die Pollenanalysen enthullen eine FuIIe von Cupressaceae (Juniperus) und Pinus. Buschund Graspollenarten schliessen Artemisia, Fabaceae, Poaceae und Asteraceae ein. Blatter von Juniperus scopulorum, Nadeln von Pseudotsuga menziesii, Samen von Chenopodiaceae, Dornen von Rosa und Blâttchen von Artemisia sind die hauptsâchlichen Pflanzenmakrofossile. Die Reste von drei Kaferarten, Cryptophagus, Lathridius und Enicmus reprâsentieren Insekten, die môglicherweise in den Fâkalien lebten und verwesendes organisches Material Oder Schimmel assen. Limonius-Reste wurden wahrscheinlich in die Fâkalien von nahegelegenem Erdreich Oder Pflanzenmaterial gebracht. Der Platz Bull Canyon enthàlt Fâkalien, die auf 700 ± 80 (WAT-1765) Jahre v.u.Z. datiert werden. Pollen- und makrofossile Pflanzenansammlungen sind denen des Jack Creek-Platzes von Oregon àhnlich. Fâkalien von Waldratten liefern eine neue Dimension bei der Rekonstruktion der Palàoumwelt im Holozàn im trockenen lnnern von British Columbia, ganz in derselben Weise, wie sie das schon im Sudwesten der Vereinigten Staaten tun

    Alpine Plant Range Extensions for Northern British Columbia, Including Two Species New to the Province

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    Between 2002 and 2011, we collected vascular plants from alpine areas of northern British Columbia (B.C.). We have found one species that has not previously been collected in the province: Phippsia algida. Collections of an additional three species represent significant range extensions of species already known to occur in the province: Aphragmus eschscholtzianus, Papaver alboroseum, and Montia bostockii. Our collections of Delphinium brachycentrum initially appeared to be the first records for the province; however, examination of herbarium specimens at the Royal British Columbia Museum herbarium indicated that this species had been collected prior to our field work but had been misidentified. We indicate the distribution of this species in B.C. for the first time, and we present a corrected distribution map for Tephroseris yukonensis that includes our own collections

    Nest-site competition between bumblebees (Bombidae), social wasps (Vespidae) and cavity-nesting birds in Britain and the Western Palearctic

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    Capsule: There is no evidence of widespread significant nest-site competition in Britain or the Western Palearctic between cavity-nesting birds and bumblebees or social wasps. Aims: To investigate competition between cavity-nesting birds and bumblebees and wasps, particularly the range-expanding Tree Bumblebee, Saxon Wasp and European Hornet in Britain, and review evidence throughout the Western Palearctic. Methods: We compared field data from English and Polish studies of tits and woodpeckers breeding in nest-boxes and/or tree holes to assess nest-site competition with bumblebees and wasps. We reviewed the literature quantifying nest-site competition between birds and these insects in the Western Palearctic. Results: Bumblebees and wasps are capable of usurping small passerines from nests. In England, these insects commandeered a mean annual 4.1% of tit nests initiated in nest-boxes; occurrence of hornets showed a long-term increase, but not other wasps or bumblebees. Across the Western Palearctic, insect occupation of nest-boxes was generally low, and was lower in England than in Poland. No insects were discovered in tree cavities, including those created by woodpeckers (Picidae). Conclusion: Nest-site competition between cavity-nesting birds and bumblebees and wasps appears to be a ‘nest-box phenomenon’, which may occasionally interfere with nest-box studies, but appears negligible in natural nest-sites

    An excess Ra-226 chronology for deep-sea sediments from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia

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    To further explore the efficacy of 226Ra(excess) dating for deep-sea sediments, previously dated varve sediments from Saanich Inlet were investigated. Ages obtained using 226Ra(excess) are comparable to the varve ages in the upper 20-25 m of the sedimentary record, but radiometric ages for those sediments older than c. 4000 yr BP are significant underestimates. This results from major changes in sedimentation within Saanich Inlet around 4000 yr BP linked to rising sea levels, with younger sediments characterised by a higher biogenic contribution resulting from the establishment of an anoxic fjord environment. The older sediments were deposited in a shallow water inlet characterised by variable Ra mass balance and non-radiogenic losses. Therefore, while 226Ra(excess) can produce reliable dates, its application may be limited where the relative significance of authigenic and allogenic input and bottom water anoxia have been variable and where closed-system behaviour is compromised

    Morphology, geographical variation and the subspecies of marsh tit Poecile palustris in Britain and central Europe

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    Capsule: All British Marsh Tits belong to subspecies Poecile palustris dresseri, being smaller than nominate P. p. palustris of central Europe. Aims: Determining the subspecies of Marsh Tit in Britain to test whether ssp. P. p. palustris occurs in northern England and Scotland, by assessing regional variation in size compared with central European birds. Methods: 1147 wing length and 250 tail length measurements from 953 Marsh Tits were compared between eight British locations to test for regional variation. Biometrics were compared between birds from Britain and six locations within the continental European range of ssp. palustris. Results: There was no regional variation in wing or tail lengths among British Marsh Tits, indicating that all resident birds belong to ssp. dresseri. There was no evidence supporting the existence of ssp. palustris in northern England. British birds were significantly smaller than those from continental Europe, with proportionately shorter tails, consistent across all age and sex classes. Conclusion: All British Marsh Tits should be considered as ssp. dresseri, with ssp. palustris being limited to continental Europe. With no evidence of regional variation in size within Britain, reliable sexing methods based on biometrics could be applied in demographic studies throughout the country

    Measurement of associated Z plus charm production in proton-proton collisions at root s=8TeV

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    A study of the associated production of a Z boson and a charm quark jet (Z + c), and a comparison to production with a b quark jet (Z + b), in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV are presented. The analysis uses a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb(-1), collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. The Z boson candidates are identified through their decays into pairs of electrons or muons. Jets originating from heavy flavour quarks are identified using semileptonic decays of c or b flavoured hadrons and hadronic decays of charm hadrons. The measurements are performed in the kinematic region with two leptons with pT(l) > 20 GeV, vertical bar eta(l)vertical bar 25 GeV and vertical bar eta(jet)vertical bar Z + c + X) B(Z -> l(+)l(-)) = 8.8 +/- 0.5 (stat)+/- 0.6 (syst) pb. The ratio of the Z+c and Z+b production cross sections is measured to be sigma(pp -> Z+c+X)/sigma (pp -> Z+b+X) = 2.0 +/- 0.2 (stat)+/- 0.2 (syst). The Z+c production cross section and the cross section ratio are also measured as a function of the transverse momentum of theZ boson and of the heavy flavour jet. The measurements are compared with theoretical predictions.Peer reviewe

    Measurement of differential cross sections in the kinematic angular variable phi* for inclusive Z boson production in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV

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    Measurements of differential cross sections d sigma/d phi* and double-differential cross sections d(2)sigma/ld phi*d/y/ for inclusive Z boson production are presented using the dielectron and dimuon final states. The kinematic observable phi* correlates with the dilepton transverse momentum but has better resolution, and y is the dilepton rapidity. The analysis is based on data collected with the CMS experiment at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb(-1). The normalised cross section (1/sigma) d sigma/d phi*, within the fiducial kinematic region, is measured with a precision of better than 0.5% for phi* <1. The measurements are compared to theoretical predictions and they agree, typically, within few percent.Peer reviewe

    Measurement of the underlying event activity in inclusive Z boson production in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    This paper presents a measurement of the underlying event activity in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13TeV, performed using inclusive Z boson production events collected with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 2.1 fb(-1). The underlying event activity is quantified in terms of the charged particle multiplicity, as well as of the scalar sum of the charged particles' transverse momenta in different topological regions defined with respect to the Z boson direction. The distributions are unfolded to the stable particle level and compared with predictions from various Monte Carlo event generators, as well as with similar CDF and CMS measurements at center-of-mass energies of 1.96 and 7TeV respectively.Peer reviewe