9 research outputs found

    ”Juna kiitÀÀ kohti itÀÀ ja kaikki odottavat aamua” : Ironinen neuvostonostalgia Rosa Liksomin Hytti nro 6 -romaanissa

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    Tutkielmassani analysoin Rosa Liksomin Finlandia-palkittua romaania Hytti nro 6 ironisen neuvostonostalgian nĂ€kökulmasta. Romaani kertoo suomalaisesta opiskelijatytöstĂ€ ja venĂ€lĂ€isestĂ€ miehestĂ€, jotka sattuman sanelemina matkustavat samassa hytissĂ€ junalla Moskovasta Ulan Batoriin 1980-luvun loppupuolella. Tarkastelen tutkielmassani, millaista ja millaisissa yhteyksissĂ€ Liksomin romaanissa esiintyy nostalgiaa. Samalla pohdin, miten nostalgia ironisoituu ja mitĂ€ seurauksia ironisoitumisella on. LisĂ€ksi analysoin kirjailijalle tyypillisiĂ€, liksomilaisen nostalgian piirteitĂ€, joita on tutkinut myös Kasimir Sandbacka. Tutkielmani perustuu pÀÀasiallisesti Hytti nro 6:n lĂ€hilukuun, jota kontekstualisoin kirjallisuudentutkimuksen nostalgiateorioilla ja ironian tutkimuksella. KeskeisiĂ€ nostalgiasta ja ironiasta kirjoittaneita teoreetikkoja tutkielmani kannalta ovat Svetlana Boym, Karin Johannisson ja Linda Hutcheon. LisĂ€ksi osoitan Malcolm Chasen ja Christopher Shawn asettamien reunaehtojen mukaisesti, ettĂ€ teoksessa ilmenee nostalgiaa. Analyysini mukaan olennaisena nostalgiaa tuottavana kontekstina teoksessa on Neuvostoliiton ja VenĂ€jĂ€n historia, jota matkustajat katsovat maisemallisena nĂ€ytöksenĂ€ junan ikkunasta. Teoksen johtomotiivit ”Kaikki on liikkeessĂ€â€ ja ”Taakse jĂ€Ă€â€ rakentavat nostalgiaa ja toimivat romaanin neuvostonostalgisina tunnussanoina. Maisemien lisĂ€ksi runsas ruokasanasto ja tyypillisten venĂ€lĂ€isten ruoka-aineiden toisteisuus sekĂ€ kulutustavaroiden yksityiskohtainen kuvailu ja nimeĂ€minen toimivat neuvostonostalgiaa tukevina motiiveina. Osoitan tutkielmassani, ettĂ€ ironian keinoina teoksessa kĂ€ytetÀÀn esimerkiksi vĂ€itenegaatiota, liioittelua ja groteskia. Romaanin ironinen neuvostonostalgia ilmenee muun muassa tytön tuntemana koti-ikĂ€vĂ€nĂ€, vierauden tunteena ja unohduksena, mutta myös esimerkiksi miehen ironisena katseena menneisyyteen sekĂ€ molempien toiveina paremmasta tulevasta. Tutkimukseni perusteella voidaan todeta, ettĂ€ liksomilaisessa nostalgiassa ei kielletĂ€ menneisyyden kaipuuta vaan se otetaan ironisen tarkastelun kohteeksi. Hytti nro 6:n nostalgia on sekĂ€ sentimentaalista ja konservatiivista ettĂ€ ironista ja kyseenalaistavaa

    Cost effectiveness of paliperidone palmitate versus risperidone long-acting injectable and olanzapine pamoate for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia in Sweden

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    Objective: To model the cost effectiveness of paliperidone palmitate (paliperidone long-Acting injectable; PLAI), a new once-monthly long-Acting antipsychotic therapy, compared with risperidone long-Acting injectable (RLAI) and olanzapine pamoate (OLAI), in multi-episode patients (two or more relapses) with schizophrenia in Sweden. Methods: A Markov decision analytic model was developed to simulate the history of a cohort of multi-episode patients transitioning through different health states on a monthly basis over a 5-year time horizon from the perspective of the Swedish healthcare system. Therapeutic strategies consisted of starting treatment with RLAI (mean dose 37.5mg every 2 weeks), PLAI (mean dose 75mg equivalent (eq.) every month) or OLAI (150mg every 2 weeks or 300mg every 4 weeks). Probability of relapse, level of adherence, side-effects (extrapyramidal symptoms, tardive dyskinesia, weight gain and diabetes) and treatment discontinuation (switch) were derived from long-term observational data when feasible. Incremental cost-effectiveness outcomes, discounted at 3% annually, included cost per quality-Adjusted life-year (QALY) and cost per relapse avoided (expressed in 2009 Swedish Krona SEK). Results: Relative to RLAI and OLAI, PLAI is economically dominant: more effective (additional QALYs, less relapses) and less costly treatment option over a 5-year time horizon. The results were robust when tested in sensitivity analysis. Limitations: The impact of once-monthly treatment on adherence levels is not yet known, and not all variables that could impact on real-world outcomes and costs were included in this model. Conclusion: PLAI was cost saving from a Swedish payer perspective compared with RLAI and OLAI in the long-term treatment of multi-episode (two or more relapses) schizophrenia patients

    Distinct Aging Effects on Functional Networks in Good and Poor Cognitive Performers

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    Brain network hubs are susceptible to normal aging processes and disruptions of their functional connectivity are detrimental to decline in cognitive functions in older adults. However, it remains unclear how the functional connectivity of network hubs cope with cognitive heterogeneity in an aging population. This study utilized cognitive and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data, cluster analysis, and graph network analysis to examine age-related alterations in the network hubs’ functional connectivity of good and poor cognitive performers. Our results revealed that poor cognitive performers showed age-dependent disruptions in the functional connectivity of the right insula and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), while good cognitive performers showed age-related disruptions in the functional connectivity of the left insula and PCC. Additionally, the left PCC had age-related declines in the functional connectivity with the left medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Most interestingly, good cognitive performers showed age-related declines in the functional connectivity of the left insula and PCC with their right homotopic structures. These results may provide insights of neuronal correlates for understanding individual differences in aging. In particular, our study suggests prominent protection roles of the left insula and PCC and bilateral ACC in good performers

    Preclinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Studies of Memory, Aging, and Cognitive Decline

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    Combining non‐invasive brain stimulation with functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the neural substrates of cognitive aging

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