844 research outputs found

    Computing the time-continuous Optimal Mass Transport Problem without Lagrangian techniques

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    This work originates from a heart's images tracking which is to generate an apparent continuous motion, observable through intensity variation from one starting image to an ending one both supposed segmented. Given two images p0 and p1, we calculate an evolution process p(t, \cdot) which transports p0 to p1 by using the optimal extended optical flow. In this paper we propose an algorithm based on a fixed point formulation and a time-space least squares formulation of the mass conservation equation for computing the optimal mass transport problem. The strategy is implemented in a 2D case and numerical results are presented with a first order Lagrange finite element, showing the efficiency of the proposed strategy

    Die Frauenbewegung nach 1968

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    The beautiful post-may for women

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    El Moviment d'Alliberament de les Dones ha representat la continuació més tangible del maig francés del 68. Ha reintegrat, pel seu compte, les concepcions polítiques, les formes d'organització, la varietat d'accions d'este moviment de contestació general de la societat. Però, paradoxalment, és, a través de la ruptura amb l'esquerranisme del qual va sorgir, que el feminisme s'ha posicionat en esta herència. Ruptura fundadora de la «no-mixticidad», però també crítica feminista de l'esquerranisme, de la «divisió sexual del treball militant», del poder de les «avantguardes». Ell ha inventat una nova forma de militar, a partir de si mateix, en el que l'alliberament no és un objectiu llunyà, sinó un procés en curs. En l'ambient favorable del postMaig, el feminisme ha propiciat importants commocions en l'estatus i en les representacions de les dones; després, ell mateix ha perdut el seu impuls en una societat que es paralitzava a l'hora de digerir els canvis.El Movimiento de Liberación de las Mujeres ha representado la continuación más tangible del Mayo francés del 68. Ha reintegrado, por su cuenta, las concepciones políticas, las formas de organización, la variedad de acciones de este movimiento de contestación general de la sociedad. Pero, paradójicamente, es, a través de la ruptura con el izquierdismo del cual surgió, que el feminismo se ha posicionado en esta herencia. Ruptura fundadora de la «no-mixticidad», pero también críticafeminista del izquierdismo, de la «división sexual del trabajo militante», del poder de las «vanguardias». Él ha inventado una nueva forma de militar, a partir de sí mismo, en la que la liberación no es un objetivo lejano, sino un proceso en curso. En el ambiente favorable del pos-Mayo, el feminismo ha propiciado importantes conmociones en el estatus y en las representaciones de las mujeres; después, él mismo ha perdido su impulso en una sociedad que se paralizaba a la hora de digerir los cambios.The Women’s Liberation Movement has represented the most tangible continuation of the French May. By itself, it has reincorporated the political conceptions, forms of organisation and variety of actions of that movement which was a general social response. But, paradoxically, it is, through the rupture with the leftism from which it emerged, that feminism has found its position within this inheritance. The rupture founded «non-mixedness», but also a feminist critique of leftism, of the «sexual division of activist labour» and of the power of avant-gardes. It invented a new form of active involvement, based on oneself, in which liberation is not a far-off objective but rather an ongoing process. In the favourable post-May environment, feminism has led to important upheavals in the status and representations of women; since then, it has lost its impetus in a society which becomes paralysed when it comes to digesting change

    Inter-organisational projects in french innovation clusters: the construction of collaboration

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    Having received considerable attention from central government and local authorities, French innovation clusters (the so-called ‘pôles de compétitivité') are beginning to be studied by academic researchers and evaluated by consultants. The core of their activity consists of collaborative projects, which are characterised by specific management and HR practices located at the junction of different cultures and employment statuses. Almost four years after they were launched, what can we say about the dynamic of these collaborative projects? What is the reality of such collaboration when it involves multiple partnerships bringing together employees from different occupational cultures and HRM systems? The aim of this longitudinal research, which is based on observation of two collaborative projects in one of the most largest clusters in France,is to discuss management and HR issues in such a setting. A literature review highlights the need to open up the ‘black box' of collaboration within projects and encourages examination of both manager's coordination efforts and the actors' motivation to cooperate, as well as the role played by HRM practices. Thus observation of the conduct of the projects over two years reveals that collaboration, far from being a given within these projects, is the product of a process of social construction that might be fostered by better managerial support.innovation cluster ; collaborative project ; coordination ; cooperation ; learning ; competences


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    Cet papier propose une revue de la littérature sur le contrôle des équipes virtuelles. L'augmentation de la performance visée par le passage en organisation virtuelle ne peut se faire que si un système de contrôle adapté est mis en place. Les limites de la recherche réalisée dans ce domaine sont exposées et des voies d'amélioration sont suggérées.équipe virtuelle; contrôle; performance

    Bringing research results to users: the case for a knowledge resource centre

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    Poster presented at Scientific and Technical Information and Rural Development: Highlights of Innovative Practices. 13. IAALD World Congress. Montpellier (France), 26-29 Apr 201

    Equipes, risque et contrôle

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    L'article étudie comment les risques supportés par les entreprises organisées en équipes peuvent être gérés par des systèmes de contrôle adaptés et spécifiques au type d'équipe concerné. Des voies de recherche sont proposées.équipe; contrôle; risque; performance

    A Transport for imaging process

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    This work originates from a heart's images tracking which is to generate an apparent continuous motion, observable through intensity variation from one starting image to an ending one both supposed segmented. Given two images ρ0\rho_0 and ρ1\rho_1, we calculate an evolution process ρ(t,)\rho(t,\cdot) which transports ρ0\rho_0 to ρ1\rho_1 by using the optical flow. In this paper we propose an algorithm based on a fixed point formulation and a space-time least squares formulation of the transport equation for computing a transport problem. Existence results are given for a transport problem with a minimum divergence for a dual norm or a weighted H01H^1_0-semi norm, for the velocity. The proposed transport is compare with the transport introduced by Dacorogna-Moser. The strategy is implemented in a 2D case and numerical results are presented with a first order Lagrange finite element, showing the efficiency of the proposed strategy.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1009.342