116 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal evolution of intraplate strike-slip faulting: the Neogene-Quaternary Kuh-e-Faghan Fault, Central Iran

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    Central Iran provides an ideal region to study the long-term morphotectonic response to the nucleation and propagation of intraplate faulting. In this study, a multidisciplinary approach that integrates structural and stratigraphic field investigations with apatite (U+Th)/He (AHe) thermochronometry is used to reconstruct the spatio-temporal evolution of the Kuh-e-Faghan Fault (KFF) in northeastern Central Iran. The KFF is a narrow, ca. 80 km long, deformation zone that consists of three main broadly left stepping, E-W trending, dextral fault strands that cut through the Mesozoic-Paleozoic substratum and the Neogene-Quaternary sedimentary cover. The AHe thermochronometry results indicate that the intra-fault blocks along the KFF experienced two major episodes of fault-related exhumation at ~18 Ma and ~4 Ma. The ~18 Ma faulting/exhumation episode is chiefly recorded by the structure and depositional architecture of the Neogene deposits along the KFF. A source-to-sink scenario can be reconstructed for this time frame, where topographic growth caused the synchronous erosion/exhumation of the pre-Neogene units and deposition of the eroded material in the surrounding fault-bounded continental depocenters. Successively, the KFF gradually entered a period of relative tectonic quiescence and, probably, of regional subsidence during which a thick pile of fine-grained onlapping sediments were deposited. This may have caused resetting of the He ages of apatite in the pre-Neogene and the basal Neogene successions. The ~4 Ma faulting episode caused the final exhumation of the fault system, resulting in the current fault zone and topography. The two fault-related exhumation episodes fit with the regional early Miocene collision-enhanced uplift/exhumation, and the late Miocene–early Pliocene widespread tectonic reorganization of the Iranian plateau. The reconstructed long term, spatially and temporally punctuated fault system evolution in intraplate Central Iran during Neogene-Quaternary times may reflect states of far-field stress changes at the collisional boundaries

    Insights in the exhumation history of the NWZagros frombedrock and detrital apatite fission-track analysis: evidence for a long-lived orogeny

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    We present the ¢rst ¢ssion-track (FT) thermochronology results for theNWZagrosBelt (SWIran) in order to identify denudation episodes that occurred during the protracted Zagros orogeny. Samples were collected from the two main detrital successions of the NWZagros foreland basin: the Palaeocene^early Eocene Amiran^Kashkan succession and theMiocene Agha Jari and Bakhtyari Formations. In situ bedrock samples were furthermore collected in the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone. Only apatite ¢ssion-track (AFT) data have been successfully obtained, including 26 ages and11track-length distributions. Five families of AFTages have been documented from analyses of in situ bedrock and detrital samples: pre-middle Jurassic at 171 and 225Ma, early^late Cretaceous at 91Ma, Maastrichtian at 66Ma,middle^late Eocene at 38Ma and Oligocene^early Miocene at 22Ma.The most widespread middle^late Eocene cooling phase, around 38Ma, is documented by a predominant grain-age population in Agha Jari sediments and by cooling ages of a granitic boulder sample. AFTages document at least three cooling/denudation periods linked to major geodynamic events related to the Zagros orogeny, during the lateCretaceous oceanic obduction event, during the middle and late Eocene and during the earlyMiocene. Both late Cretaceous and early Miocene orogenic processes produced bending of the Arabian plate and concomitant foreland deposition. Between the two major £exural foreland episodes, the middle^late Eocene phase mostly produced a long-lasting slow- or nondepositional episode in the inner part of the foreland basin, whereas deposition and tectonics migrated to theNE along the Sanandaj-Sirjan domain and its Gaveh Rud fore-arc basin. As evidenced in this study, the Zagros orogeny was long-lived and multiepisodic, implying that the timing of accretion of the di¡erent tectonic domains that form the Zagros Mountains requires cautious interpretation

    Fault & Fracture Development in Foreland Fold and Thrust Belts - Insight from the Lurestan Province, Zagros Mountains, Iran

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    Second Arabian Plate Geology Workshop Abu Dhabi, UAE, 24 - 27 January 2010The Simply Folded Belt of the Zagros Mountains, Iran, represents one of the best examples of foreland fold and thrust belt. A regional fault and fracture analysis of the Cenomanian ¿ Coniacian Ilam and Sarvak formations, exposed in southern Lurestan Province, is presented as a case study for fault and fracture development in folded belts. The area is characterised by the occurrence of gentle to tight anticlines and synclines whose NW-SE axial traces are parallel to the general trend of the belt. Fold style is intimately related to both vertical and lateral facies distribution. The two formations belong to the Bangestan Group and, in this area, they represent the oldest strata exposed in the core of most anticlines outcropping at surface. Distribution, kinematics and timing of faults and fractures have been characterised through extensive fieldwork and interpretation of orthorectified QuickBird imagery and 3-D virtual outcrop models based on LiDAR technology. Data have been collected from 10 anticlines covering an area of approximately 150 x 150 km. Key outcrops for fracture and fault kinematics interpretations are presented. Field observations and interpretation of QuickBird and 3-D photorealistic models suggest a complex fault and fracture geometry and timing relationship. Both fractures and faults record pre-folding to uplift-related deformations. Pre-folding structures are typically represented by small-scale, flat-ramp-flat geometry thrusts, systematic veins and stylolites, which are superimposed on inherited syn-sedimentary normal faults. Folding-related structures generally reactivated pre-existing fracture and fault planes. Strike-slip faulting is typically recorded as the last faulting event and is probably related to late stage of fold tightening. All structures are geometrically and kinematically consistent with the trend of the Arabian passive margin and its subsequent tectonic inversion. Uplift and stress release induced opening and propagation of through-going fractures. Faults and fracture orientations generally change accordingly with local fold trend. Symmetry between fracture and fold orientation, although commonly interpreted as evidence for folding-related fracture development, is here interpreted as evidence of syn- to post-folding local vertical axis passive rotation

    Tertiary sequence of deformation in a thin-skinned/thick-skinned collision belt: The Zagros Folded Belt (Fars, Iran)

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    International audienceWe describe how thin-skinned/thick-skinned deformation in the Zagros Folded Belt interacted in time and space. Homogeneous fold wavelengths (15.8 ± 5.3 km), tectono-sedimentary evidence for simultaneous fold growth in the past 5.5 ± 2.5 Ma, drainage network organization, and homogeneous peak differential stresses (40 ± 15 MPa) together point to buckling as the dominant process responsible for cover folding. Basin analysis reveals that basement inversion occurred ∼20 Ma ago as the Arabia/Eurasian plate convergence reduced and accumulation of Neogene siliciclastics in foreland basin started. By 10 Ma, ongoing contraction occurred by underplating of Arabian crustal units beneath the Iranian plate. This process represents 75% of the total shortening. It is not before 5 Ma that the Zagros foreland was incorporated into the southward propagating basement thrust wedge. Folds rejuvenated by 3–2 Ma because of uplift driven by basement shortening and erosion. Since then, folds grew at 0.3—0.6 mm/yr and forced the rivers to flow axially. A total shortening of 65–78 km (16–19%) is estimated across the Zagros. This corresponds to shortening rates of 6.5–8 km/Ma consistent with current geodetic surveys. We point out that although thin-skinned deformation in the sedimentary cover may be important, basement-involved shortening should not be neglected as it requires far less shortening. Moreover, for such foreland folded belts involving basement shortening, underplating may be an efficient process accommodating a significant part of the plate convergence

    An analytical model to predict the volume of sand during drilling and production

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    © 2016 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Sand production is an undesired phenomenon occurring in unconsolidated formations due to shear failure and hydrodynamic forces. There have been many approaches developed to predict sand production and prevent it by changing drilling or production strategies. However, assumptions involved in these approaches have limited their applications to very specific scenarios. In this paper, an elliptical model based on the borehole shape is presented to predict the volume of sand produced during the drilling and depletion stages of oil and gas reservoirs. A shape factor parameter is introduced to estimate the changes in the geometry of the borehole as a result of shear failure. A carbonate reservoir from the south of Iran with a solid production history is used to show the application of the developed methodology. Deriving mathematical equations for determination of the shape factor based on different failure criteria indicate that the effect of the intermediate principal stress should be taken into account to achieve an accurate result. However, it should be noticed that the methodology presented can only be used when geomechanical parameters are accurately estimated prior to the production stage when using wells and field data

    The Post-Eocene Evolution of the Doruneh Fault Region (Central Iran): The Intraplate Response to the Reorganization of the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Zone

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    The Cenozoic deformation history of Central Iran has been dominantly accommodated by the activation of major intracontinental strike-slip fault zones, developed in the hinterland domain of the Arabia-Eurasia convergent margin. Few quantitative temporal and kinematic constraints are available from these strike-slip deformation zones, hampering a full assessment of the style and timing of intraplate deformation in Iran and the understanding of the possible linkage to the tectonic reorganization of the Zagros collisional zone. This study focuses on the region to the north of the active trace of the sinistral Doruneh Fault. By combing structural and low-temperature apatite fission track (AFT) and (U-Th)/He (AHe) thermochronology investigations, we provide new kinematic and temporal constraints to the deformation history of Central Iran. Our results document a post-Eocene polyphase tectonic evolution dominated by dextral strike-slip tectonics, whose activity is constrained since the early Miocene in response to an early, NW-SE oriented paleo-σ1 direction. A major phase of enhanced cooling/exhumation is constrained at the Miocene/Pliocene boundary, caused by a switch of the maximum paleo-σ1 direction to N-S. When integrated into the regional scenario, these data are framed into a new tectonic reconstruction for the Miocene-Quaternary time lapse, where strike-slip deformation in the intracontinental domain of Central Iran is interpreted as guided by the reorganization of the Zagros collisional zone in the transition from an immature to a mature stage of continental collision

    Tectonic evolution of the Zagros Orogen in the realm of the Neotethys between the Central Iran and Arabian Plates: An ophiolite perspective

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