232 research outputs found

    The Herschel HIFI water line survey in the low-mass proto-stellar outflow L1448

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    As part of the WISH (Water In Star-forming regions with Herschel) key project, we report on the observations of several ortho- and para-H2O lines performed with the HIFI instrument towards two bright shock spots (R4 and B2) along the outflow driven by the L1448 low-mass proto-stellar system, located in the Perseus cloud. These data are used to identify the physical conditions giving rise to the H2O emission and infer any dependence with velocity. These observations provide evidence that the observed water lines probe a warm (T_kin~400-600 K) and very dense (n 10^6 - 10^7 cm^-3) gas, not traced by other molecules, such as low-J CO and SiO, but rather traced by mid-IR H2 emission. In particular, H2O shows strong differences with SiO in the excitation conditions and in the line profiles in the two observed shocked positions, pointing to chemical variations across the various velocity regimes and chemical evolution in the different shock spots. Physical and kinematical differences can be seen at the two shocked positions. At the R4 position, two velocity components with different excitation can be distinguished, with the component at higher velocity (R4-HV) being less extended and less dense than the low velocity component (R4-LV). H2O column densities of about 2 10^13 and 4 10^14 cm^-2 have been derived for the R4-LV and the R4-HV components, respectively. The conditions inferred for the B2 position are similar to those of the R4-HV component, with H2O column density in the range 10^14 - 5 10^14 cm^-2, corresponding to H2O/H2 abundances in the range 0.5 - 1 10^-5. The observed line ratios and the derived physical conditions seem to be more consistent with excitation in a low velocity J-type shock with large compression rather than in a stationary C-shock, although none of these stationary models seems able to reproduce all the characteristics of the observed emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Shock excitation of H2_2 in the James Webb Space Telescope era

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    (Abridged) H2 is the most abundant molecule in the Universe. Thanks to its widely spaced energy levels, it predominantly lights up in warm gas, T > 100 K, such as shocked regions, and it is one of the key targets of JWST observations. These include shocks from protostellar outflows, all the way up to starburst galaxies and AGN. Shock models are able to simulate H2 emission. We aim to explore H2 excitation using such models, and to test over which parameter space distinct signatures are produced in H2 emission. We present simulated H2 emission using the Paris-Durham shock code over an extensive grid of 14,000 plane-parallel stationary shock models, a large subset of which are exposed to an external UV radiation field. The grid samples 6 input parameters: preshock density, shock velocity, transverse magnetic field strength, UV radiation field strength, cosmic-ray-ionization rate, and PAH abundance. Physical quantities, such as temperature, density, and width, have been extracted along with H2 integrated line intensities. The strength of the transverse magnetic field, set by the scaling factor, b, plays a key role in the excitation of H2. At low values of b (<~ 0.3, J-type shocks), H2 excitation is dominated by vibrationally excited lines; at higher values (b >~ 1, C-type shocks), rotational lines dominate the spectrum for shocks with an external radiation field comparable to (or lower than) the solar neighborhood. Shocks with b >= 1 can be spatially resolved with JWST for nearby objects. When the input kinetic energy flux increases, the excitation and integrated intensity of H2 increases similarly. An external UV field mainly serves to increase the excitation, particularly for shocks where the input radiation energy is comparable to the input kinetic energy flux. These results provide an overview of the energetic reprocessing of input kinetic energy flux and the resulting H2 line emission.Comment: Published in A&

    Diagnosing shock temperature with NH3_3 and H2_2O profiles

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    In a previous study of the L1157 B1 shocked cavity, a comparison between NH3_3(10_0-000_0) and H2_2O(110_{\rm 10}--101_{\rm 01}) transitions showed a striking difference in the profiles, with H2_2O emitting at definitely higher velocities. This behaviour was explained as a result of the high-temperature gas-phase chemistry occurring in the postshock gas in the B1 cavity of this outflow. If the differences in behaviour between ammonia and water are indeed a consequence of the high gas temperatures reached during the passage of a shock, then one should find such differences to be ubiquitous among chemically rich outflows. In order to determine whether the difference in profiles observed between NH3_3 and H2_2O is unique to L1157 or a common characteristic of chemically rich outflows, we have performed Herschel-HIFI observations of the NH3_3(10_0-00_0) line at 572.5 GHz in a sample of 8 bright low-mass outflow spots already observed in the H2_2O(110_{\rm 10}--101_{\rm 01}) line within the WISH KP. We detected the ammonia emission at high-velocities at most of the outflows positions. In all cases, the water emission reaches higher velocities than NH3_3, proving that this behaviour is not exclusive of the L1157-B1 position. Comparisons with a gas-grain chemical and shock model confirms, for this larger sample, that the behaviour of ammonia is determined principally by the temperature of the gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Spitzer spectral line mapping of the HH211 outflow

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    Aims: We employ archival Spitzer slit-scan observations of the HH211 outflow in order to investigate its warm gas content, assess the jet mass flux in the form of H2 and probe for the existence of an embedded atomic jet. Methods: Detected molecular and atomic lines are interpreted by means of emission line diagnostics and an existing grid of molecular shock models. The physical properties of the warm gas are compared against other molecular jet tracers and to the results of a similar study towards the L1448-C outflow. Results: We have detected and mapped the v=0-0 S(0) - S(7) H2 lines and fine-structure lines of S, Fe+, and Si+. H2 is detected down to 5" from the source and is characterized by a "cool" T~300K and a "warm" T~1000 K component, with an extinction Av ~ 8 mag. The amount of cool H2 towards the jet agrees with that estimated from CO assuming fully molecular gas. The warm component is well fitted by C-type shocks with a low beam filling factor ~ 0.01-0.04 and a mass-flux similar to the cool H2. The fine-structure line emission arises from dense gas with ionization fraction ~0.5 - 5 x 10e-3, suggestive of dissociative shocks. Line ratios to sulfur indicate that iron and silicon are depleted compared to solar abundances by a factor ~10-50. Conclusions: Spitzer spectral mapping observations reveal for the first time a cool H2_2 component towards the CO jet of HH211 consistent with the CO material being fully molecular and warm at ~ 300 K. The maps also reveal for the first time the existence of an embedded atomic jet in the HH211 outflow that can be traced down to the central source position. Its significant iron and silicon depletion excludes an origin from within the dust sublimation zone around the protostar. The momentum-flux seems insufficient to entrain the CO jet, although current uncertainties on jet speed and shock conditions are too large for a definite conclusion.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The CHESS survey of the L1157-B1 bow-shock: high and low excitation water vapor

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    Molecular outflows powered by young protostars strongly affect the kinematics and chemistry of the natal molecular cloud through strong shocks resulting in substantial modifications of the abundance of several species. As part of the "Chemical Herschel Surveys of Star forming regions" guaranteed time key program, we aim at investigating the physical and chemical conditions of H20 in the brightest shock region B1 of the L1157 molecular outflow. We observed several ortho- and para-H2O transitions using HIFI and PACS instruments on board Herschel, providing a detailed picture of the kinematics and spatial distribution of the gas. We performed a LVG analysis to derive the physical conditions of H2O shocked material, and ultimately obtain its abundance. We detected 13 H2O lines probing a wide range of excitation conditions. PACS maps reveal that H2O traces weak and extended emission associated with the outflow identified also with HIFI in the o-H2O line at 556.9 GHz, and a compact (~10") bright, higher-excitation region. The LVG analysis of H2O lines in the bow-shock show the presence of two gas components with different excitation conditions: a warm (Tkin~200-300 K) and dense (n(H2)~(1-3)x10^6 cm-3) component with an assumed extent of 10" and a compact (~2"-5") and hot, tenuous (Tkin~900-1400 K, n(H2)~10^3-10^4 cm-3) gas component, which is needed to account for the line fluxes of high Eu transitions. The fractional abundance of the warm and hot H2O gas components is estimated to be (0.7-2)x10^{-6} and (1-3)x10^{-4}, respectively. Finally, we identified an additional component in absorption in the HIFI spectra of H2O lines connecting with the ground state level, probably arising from the photodesorption of icy mantles of a water-enriched layer at the edges of the cloud.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 12 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    The W43-MM1 mini-starburst ridge, a test for star formation efficiency models

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    Context: Star formation efficiency (SFE) theories are currently based on statistical distributions of turbulent cloud structures and a simple model of star formation from cores. They remain poorly tested, especially at the highest densities. Aims: We investigate the effects of gas density on the SFE through measurements of the core formation efficiency (CFE). With a total mass of 2×104\sim2\times10^4 M_\odot, the W43-MM1 ridge is one of the most convincing candidate precursor of starburst clusters and thus one of the best place to investigate star formation. Methods: We used high-angular resolution maps obtained at 3 mm and 1 mm within W43-MM1 with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer to reveal a cluster of 11 massive dense cores (MDCs), and, one of the most massive protostellar cores known. An Herschel column density image provided the mass distribution of the cloud gas. We then measured the 'instantaneous' CFE and estimated the SFE and the star formation rate (SFR) within subregions of the W43-MM1 ridge. Results: The high SFE found in the ridge (\sim6% enclosed in \sim8 pc3^3) confirms its ability to form a starburst cluster. There is however a clear lack of dense cores in the northern part of the ridge, which may be currently assembling. The CFE and the SFE are observed to increase with volume gas density while the SFR steeply decreases with the virial parameter, αvir\alpha_{vir}. Statistical models of the SFR may well describe the outskirts of the W43-MM1 ridge but struggle to reproduce its inner part, which corresponds to measurements at low αvir\alpha_{vir}. It may be that ridges do not follow the log-normal density distribution, Larson relations, and stationary conditions forced in the statistical SFR models.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by A&

    Shockingly low water abundances in Herschel / PACS observations of low-mass protostars in Perseus

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    Protostars interact with their surroundings through jets and winds impacting on the envelope and creating shocks, but the nature of these shocks is still poorly understood. Our aim is to survey far-infrared molecular line emission from a uniform and significant sample of deeply-embedded low-mass young stellar objects in order to characterize shocks and the possible role of ultraviolet radiation in the immediate protostellar environment. Herschel/PACS spectral maps of 22 objects in the Perseus molecular cloud were obtained as part of the `William Herschel Line Legacy' survey. Line emission from H2_\mathrm{2}O, CO, and OH is tested against shock models from the literature. Observed line ratios are remarkably similar and do not show variations with source physical parameters. Observations show good agreement with the shock models when line ratios of the same species are compared. Ratios of various H2_\mathrm{2}O lines provide a particularly good diagnostic of pre-shock gas densities, nH105n_\mathrm{H}\sim10^{5} cm3^{-3}, in agreement with typical densities obtained from observations of the post-shock gas. The corresponding shock velocities, obtained from comparison with CO line ratios, are above 20 km\,s1^{-1}. However, the observations consistently show one-to-two orders of magnitude lower H2_\mathrm{2}O-to-CO and H2_\mathrm{2}O-to-OH line ratios than predicted by the existing shock models. The overestimated model H2_\mathrm{2}O fluxes are most likely caused by an overabundance of H2_\mathrm{2}O in the models since the excitation is well-reproduced. Illumination of the shocked material by ultraviolet photons produced either in the star-disk system or, more locally, in the shock, would decrease the H2_\mathrm{2}O abundances and reconcile the models with observations. Detections of hot H2_\mathrm{2}O and strong OH lines support this scenario.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    3 to 12 millimetre studies of dense gas towards the western rim of supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946

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    The young X-ray and gamma-ray-bright supernova remnant RXJ1713.7-3946 (SNR G347.3-0.5) is believed to be associated with molecular cores that lie within regions of the most intense TeV emission. Using the Mopra telescope, four of the densest cores were observed using high-critical density tracers such as CS(J=1-0,J=2-1) and its isotopologue counterparts, NH3(1,1) and (2,2) inversion transitions and N2H+(J=1-0) emission, confirming the presence of dense gas >10^4cm^-3 in the region. The mass estimates for Core C range from 40M_{\odot} (from CS(J=1-0)) to 80M_{\odot} (from NH3 and N2H+), an order of magnitude smaller than published mass estimates from CO(J=1-0) observations. We also modelled the energy-dependent diffusion of cosmic-ray protons accelerated by RXJ1713.7-3946 into Core C, approximating the core with average density and magnetic field values. We find that for considerably suppressed diffusion coefficients (factors \chi=10^{-3} down to 10^{-5} the galactic average), low energy cosmic-rays can be prevented from entering the inner core region. Such an effect could lead to characteristic spectral behaviour in the GeV to TeV gamma-ray and multi-keV X-ray fluxes across the core. These features may be measurable with future gamma-ray and multi-keV telescopes offering arcminute or better angular resolution, and can be a novel way to understand the level of cosmic-ray acceleration in RXJ1713.7-3946 and the transport properties of cosmic-rays in the dense molecular cores.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures and 5 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS 2012 February 1

    Time-dependent simulations of steady C-type shocks

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    Using a time-dependent multifluid, magnetohydrodynamic code, we calculated the structure of steady perpendicular and oblique C-type shocks in dusty plasmas. We included relevant processes to describe mass transfer between the different fluids, radiative cooling by emission lines and grain charging and studied the effect of single-sized and multiple sized grains on the shock structure. Our models are the first of oblique fast-mode molecular shocks in which such a rigorous treatment of the dust grain dynamics has been combined with a self-consistent calculation of the thermal and ionisation structures including appropriate microphysics. At low densities the grains do not play any significant role in the shock dynamics. At high densities, the ionisation fraction is sufficiently low that dust grains are important charge and current carriers and, thus, determine the shock structure. We find that the magnetic field in the shock front has a significant rotation out of the initial upstream plane. This is most pronounced for single-sized grains and small angles of the shock normal with the magnetic field. Our results are similar to previous studies of steady C-type shocks showing that our method is efficient, rigorous and robust. Unlike the method employed in the previous most detailed treatment of dust in steady oblique fast-mode shocks, ours allows a reliable calculation even when chemical or other conditions deviate from local statistical equilibrium. We are also able to model transient phenomena.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA